Sunday, September 4, 2011
上海最乾淨、高級的醫院: 台獨資上海禾新醫院
台灣護士落跑! 護士荒….
未來美國護士年薪6萬美金 台灣護士錢少事多累到趴 今日新聞網2011年9月4日美國最近有份研究指出,隨著「戰後嬰兒潮」世代年滿65歲,美國亟需大量銀髮族照護人員,因此護士可能成為未來10年最熱門高薪工作,預估平均年薪高達6萬4千多美金(約195萬台幣)。相反地,據《聯合晚報》報導,台灣護理人員的工作環境並不理想,使得4成持有證照的護士「落跑」。國內22萬有證照護士中,目前僅有13萬多人仍在執業。中華民國護理師護士公會全聯會秘書長呂月榮指出,這是因為國內護理人員薪資水平不高:一般新進護理師月薪約3萬多元,比藥師和營養師都低。不僅薪資水平差強人意,護士的工作繁瑣沉重,也壓得他們喘不過氣來。以白天班護理人員來說,一個人要照顧8至11人;輪值晚班或大夜班時,一人則要負責多達10到20名病人,跟國外護士平均照顧4到5人的情況成天壤之別。無法忍受錢少、事多的工作環境,台灣許多持有證照的護士因而「落跑」。據《聯合晚報》報導,今年全聯會向醫院進行問卷調查,結果發現國內醫院出現嚴重護士荒,平均有6%至10%的缺額,而且越來越難招募到人手。呂月榮認為,唯有調高待遇,才能吸引更多有證照護士投入護理工作。她指出,由於護理人員為數眾多,大部分的醫院擔心調高護士薪資將大幅增加經濟負擔,因此不願意調薪。無論如何,台灣早已步入老年化社會,因此政府和各醫院必須趕緊改善護士人力短缺的問題。
新流感疫苗vs 嗜睡症
牙醫衛生師立法 難!
櫃買中心審議通過健亞生技上櫃案 (自立電子報2011/09/02)櫃檯買賣中心9/2召開上櫃審議委員會,審議通過健亞生技(4130)申請上櫃案。健亞生技申請時資本額8.49億元,董事長梁榮江,推薦證券商元富證券、元大證券及群益金鼎證券。該公司99年度營收為3.02億元,稅前純益為3999萬元,每股稅後純益為0.43元。
長庚將設失智症日照中心2011-09-03 中國時報 桃園縣有近八成五失智症患者因未及時治療,造成家庭經濟負擔。縣府衛生局與長庚醫院舉辦一系列失智症活動,二日由縣長吳志揚與林口長庚醫院院長王正儀等人共同開鑼,象徵活動起跑。王正儀並宣布,長庚明年將成立桃縣首家失智症日間照顧中心,提供民眾更完整的醫療照護。縣長吳志揚表示,失智症患者可能帶給家庭的極大負擔,希望民眾都能透過一系列的活動,認識並學會如何關懷照顧家中老人,以期早日發現、早期診斷。 失智症月系列活動包括每周播放一場的電影欣賞《被遺忘的時光》、八日的家屬照顧訓練班、十七日舉辦的「健康不老王國歷險記」嘉年華會、廿二日失智症照護專案人員研討會、廿八日的心靈咖啡坊等,歡迎民眾參與。
許友恭: 醫藥開發 首重智財與法規!!
新興市場新藥開發利基大2011-09-05 工商時報 在國際大藥廠對新藥開發充滿疑慮並放慢開發速度下,台灣微脂體董事長洪基隆認為,新興市場醫藥消費爆發力強勁,預計在2015年即可和歐美地區形成三足鼎立的情勢,加上經濟成長動能轉強,台灣藥廠還是有很大的發展利基,研究特殊華人疾病或開發新劑型藥依舊可創造奇蹟。 就現況來看,歐、美、日本等先進國家持續發生的財務赤字,導致醫改政策偏向發展學名藥政策,在新藥審核趨向嚴格,且開發過程風險和金額都提高下,目前國際大藥廠開發新藥速度已呈現緩慢現象。 Vivo(維梧)創投合夥人孔繁建認為,新藥開發逐漸聚焦,對生技產業的發展是好跡象,但是因新藥開發風險高,成本大,意向與有效執行間的距離,並沒有可依據「成功模式」而一蹴可幾的! 最近包括葛藍素等幾個藥廠的高階主管,就認為新藥研發的鉅額研發預算、嚴謹的預算審查過程,到終端市場的接受度,其成效往往是差強人意,因此,大廠對於持續開發新藥的意願也備受關注。 洪基隆認為,過去全球醫藥消費的市場比重,美國以約40%居冠,其次是歐洲約35%,日本則以約20%排行第三。 但隨著新興國家經濟力起飛,用藥量持續成長,包括中國、蘇俄、印度等17個國家的其在醫藥消費的需求上,到2015年將與歐、美相當,成為三足鼎立的局面,在政策和基本面的激勵下,新藥開發會有不錯的空間,而採取專精的策略的小藥廠是有機會脫穎而出的。 洪基隆不諱言在新藥體檢愈來愈嚴格下,確實有不少國際大藥廠出現裹足不前的動作,但像諾華等積極型的藥廠依舊投入研發。 洪基隆說,諾華的CEO說過,基於對基因的研究,即使是十分稀少的疾病,也應投入治療該疾病的新藥。諾華就曾經研究過一個每年只有幾百個病人的疾病,由於人數很少,僅找了幾十個人,就非常完整的了解此基因,也透過此基因的研究,更延伸至其它領域。 雖然投入新藥,若順利成功,將大舉提升其在國際市場的地位,對國家的形象也有加成作用,但美國Optimer和台灣浩鼎生技研發長許友恭則提醒,投入新藥研發需要留意法規和申請智財權保護的時間。 被認為是抗生素專家,並已經成功開發出治療偽腸性腸炎Fidaxomicin新藥上市的許友恭認為,Neurocrine藥廠曾經開發一個安眠藥,並已完成三期臨床,結果由於有一個病人有夢遊現象,就終止了此藥上市的命運。 另外,有一個治療感染的抗生素ketolide, 原本已經在歐美上市了,卻因發現對肝臟有副作用,後來也下架。因此,許友恭認為,開發新藥要慎選題目,了解後市的經濟效益和預計開發時間和市場面的狀況,才不會白作工。
Pros and cons of introducing plant patent rights
Eczema – 10 tips for children with eczema
By Professor Hywel Williams, Nottingham University, 1st September 2011
1. Treat skin inflammation with topical corticosteroids Many people think that topical corticosteroids cause damage to the skin, and therefore avoid using them altogether, or use them in tiny inadequate quantities. Whilst it is true that these anti-inflammatory creams can thin the skin if the wrong one (eg very strong) is used in the wrong place (eg centre of the face) for too long (eg 1 year continuously), they are very safe when used properly. It is very difficult to control skin inflammation (redness and itching and flaking) with just moisturisers alone.
2. Learn more about your topical corticosteroids Learn more about the different strengths of topical corticosteroid preparations from your doctor – stronger ones may be needed for the body and limbs, and weaker ones for the face. Scalp preparations are also available. Use a cream/ointment that works for you. Use it for a few days at a time rather than whenever you feel like it, so that the eczema under the skin is also treated. Always build in a break period of a few days rather than use them continuously. That way, it is very unlikely that you will develop any side effects.
3. Moisturise regularly Keeping your skin moist with a good moisturises is important, especially in between a flare up. Regular use of a moisturiser (emollient) helps to prevent flares and protect the skin from cracking. Take time to look after your skin daily even when it does not look red.
4. Find a moisturiser that you like Many moisturisers and emollients are now available through the NHS or over the counter. Try a few until you find one or two that you like. Sometimes a thinner cream is nicer for the face, whereas a thicker one is better for the body and during winter. Find one that is fragrance free. Recent research has shown that aqueous cream may irritate the skin. The best time to moisturise your skin is just after you have got out of the bath or shower.
5. Avoid soaps and bubble bath Soaps and detergents can take away too much protective oil from your skin. Instead, use soap substitutes such as cream moisturisers or thicker emollients mixed with water. Recent research has shown that water softeners do not help eczema, so there is no need to shell out for one unless you want one for protecting your water appliances.
6. Protect your skin Wearing gloves for washing up or for outdoor gardening or working on the car is important to protect your hands from repeated damage. Used oversized rubber gloves with cotton liners for wet work if rubber ones make your skin more itchy and sweaty. Cotton gloves are usually fine in the garden.
7. After swimming Swimming is good for you, but the combination of water and chlorine can irritate and dry out your skin. Put plenty of moisturiser on your skin before you go swimming and again after you have dried off after the shower. Put the moisturiser on at the pool rather than wait to get home, but which time your skin has dried out again.
8. Come to terms with the condition Get used to the idea that there is no single "allergic" cause. Eczema is a combination of inherited factors combined with various things in the environment that can bring out eczema. Sometimes these things are allergic, such as dust, pollen and certain foods, and a lot of the time, they are non-allergic such as irritation from soap, wool clothing and changes in weather.
9. Watch out for skin infections Sometimes, the skin of people with eczema becomes infected. The skin may become sore, red and oozy and may develop pus spots. If this happens, you may need antibiotics from your doctor. Sometimes, the cold sore virus can spread rapidly on eczematous skin – see your doctor urgently if you think a cold sore has spread on your eczema.
10. Don't put up with terrible eczema Plenty of good advice is available from your local doctor or skin specialist. Lots of additional treatments are available for people whose eczema that does not seem to respond to usual first line treatment.
Understanding contact dermatitis and eczema
NetWellness August 31, 2011, Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by contact with a certain substance. The substance, which can range from poison ivy to fragrance, prompts an allergic reaction of the skin. This skin inflammation can vary from redness to widespread rashes with open sores. Eczema (often used synonymously with the term dermatitis) can also result from an inherited dry, cracked skin with allergies to foods or pollen (atopic dermatitis) or from leg swelling (stasis dermatitis).
Understanding contact dermatitis Atopic dermatitis almost always starts during childhood, but contact dermatitis can first appear at any age. Patients are often diagnosed with atopic eczema during adulthood; however, this is most likely contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis is curable, which is good news for many undiagnosed patients who continue to use potentially harmful steroids, in both cream and pill form, to treat their "eczema." Contact dermatitis is triggered by substances that cause an allergic reaction in certain people. Examples include:
‧Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. ‧Preservatives in personal care products (in industrial environments, preservatives are referred to as biocides). ‧Fragrances. ‧Adhesives. ‧Chemicals used in the workplace. ‧Dyes and finishes in fabrics/clothing.
Allergens cause a contact allergy when they touch the skin, and this reaction is almost always delayed. Immediate reactions can occur such as to latex, but skin takes several days after contact before a rash develops in response to most allergens. Respiratory allergies, in contrast, are much more immediate. For example, a person with a common allergy to pollen who is running through a grassy field would notice their nose running within minutes. On the other hand, if that person in the field had an allergy to the poison ivy, the rash may not be visible for three to seven days. In fact, this single brief contact with poison ivy can cause a rash that lasts for a month. This makes it difficult for patients to diagnose the source of their contact dermatitis or eczema. It's understandable to presume that a persistent rash, such as one that lasts for a month, is caused by something you come in contact with frequently. However, given the delayed reaction associated with contact dermatitis, the source could have been a substance that briefly or infrequently touched the skin. A contact dermatitis specialist has the tools to accurately determine the particular allergen.
Breakthrough testing, breakthrough results Patch testing is the gold standard for diagnosing a contact allergy. In this test, a dermatologist applies patches that each contains a specific type of allergen. The patient wears the patches for 48 hours and returns to the office near day three and day seven of the test. This is because the reaction taking place between the skin and allergen is delayed, meaning it will take the skin time to show visible signs of an allergy. When the dermatologist notices redness at the test site, they have identified a substance to which the person is allergic. Physicians belonging to the American Contact Dermatitis Society even have access to unique software that allows the information gathered in the patch test to be translated into a tool for daily life. The software determines what substances the patient should avoid based on his or her allergy and what substances would make good alternatives. Even more useful, the substances to avoid and the substances to use are listed by category and brand name. In addition to useful software, contact dermatitis specialists use a patch test process that tests 75 to 100 allergens in most people. They can also add tests for other allergens based on the occupation of the patient. By avoiding the allergen causing the contact dermatitis, the patient can actually be cured of the condition.
The danger of steroids and contact dermatitis Often, contact dermatitis is diagnosed in patients as atopic eczema. In order to treat the symptoms, some doctors may prescribe corticosteroid skin creams or steroid pills (for example, Prednisone) for the patient. But this does not provide a cure and may present dangerous side effects for the person such as: glaucoma and cataracts when corticosteroid ointments or creams are used near the eyes for extended periods of time; thinning skin; weight gain; bones that break more easily; worsening of contact dermatitis or eczema. The best way to ensure you are getting the latest and safest treatment for your eczema or contact dermatitis is to see a contact dermatitis specialist. Information on finding a specialist near you can be found through the American Contact Dermatitis Society.Team makes lung cancer breakthrough
A medical research team funded by the National Science Council (NSC) said it has discovered how to predict the effectiveness of targeted lung cancer therapies. The discovery would help doctors decide if they should to switch to alternative treatment methods for the 20 to 30 percent of patients for whom targeted therapy is currently ineffective, the team said.Lung cancer now ranks as the No. 1 cancer-related killer in Taiwan, accounting for about one-fifth of all fatal cancer cases.Yu Sung-liang (俞松良), an -assistant professor of the School of Medical Technology at National Taiwan University (NTU), said that about 50 percent of lung cancers are caused by mutations in the expression or activity of epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR).Employing targeted therapy as a first-line treatment to cure EGFR mutation in lung cancer patients has proven effective, said Yu, but some patients still respond poorly to the treatment, or even develop a resistance to the drugs and need alternative therapies.The medical team — made up of researchers from the Institute of Statistical Science at Academia Sinica, the Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology at NTU and the Development of Comprehensive Cancer Center at Taichung Veterans General Hospital — has identified a set of gene copy number imprints that can predict lung cancer recurrence and its survivability rate.The team compared the genes from 138 lung adenocarcinoma (a common type of lung cancer) patients, and discovered a difference in gene copy numbers between mutated EGFR and non-mutated EGFR. Yu said they found significant differences on the seventh pair of chromosomes and identified a further six genes on the chromosome that could effectively predict whether EGFR mutation lung cancer patients would respond well to targeted therapy.However, the advance prediction formula — which was calculated from observations of how much the mutation rate can be converted to a treatment response rate — needs to be backed up by further evidence from more cases in the actual trial period, said Li Ker-Chau (李克昭), director of Institute of Statistical Science at Academia Sinica.Currently, the 20 percent to 30 percent of patients who respond poorly to targeted therapy face delays in being switched to alternative treatments, but the new findings can assist doctors in better predicting the effectiveness of targeted therapy, saving valuable time, Yu said.The findings were published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology last month, and the team is now in the process of applying for patents in Taiwan, the US and other countries.The team added that the new findings would go into a three-year clinical trial period in the hopes of compiling data from 300 to 500 cases, starting in May next year. If the method proves to be effective during the trial period and it gets certified, the treatment will be available to the public in about four to five years, the team said.