Wednesday, December 16, 2015

蔡英文:政府不能造成 ”血汗藥價” !

蔡英文:學名藥價應訂下限 2015-12-16 03:49 經濟日報 記者何孟奎/台北報導 分享民進黨總統候選人蔡英文昨(15)日表示,政府要求本土藥廠提升製藥品質,也應保障藥廠有合理利潤,不能對藥價不聞不問,造成「血汗藥價」的現象。未來執政後,希望針對學名藥訂出藥價下限,避免學名藥價格像無限落體一直往下掉。 蔡英文昨天參加台灣製藥公會、中華民國製藥發展協會,以及中華民國學名藥協會等三大製藥公會舉辦的「台灣製藥界聯合茶會」。台灣製藥公會理事長陳威仁表示,國產製藥需要政策引導和公平對待,200多家廠商提供就業人口數十萬,供給健保75%的用藥,但只拿23%的錢,本土製藥廠商應該得到公平對待,例如進口藥只要書面查核,國產藥卻要實地和機動查廠;國產製藥出口,當地國要實地查廠,並不公平。蔡英文說,發展學名藥也是生技產業重要的一環,政府要負起更多責任,不只檢討藥品相關法規,也要輔導廠商落實相關規範。蔡英文指出,她的生技製藥產業政策有四大重點,第一是藥品政策應以藥品品質為管理核心,國內施行PICS認證制度後,政府應與製藥公會合作,輔導中小型藥廠通過認證,保障國人用藥品質。至於學名藥的藥價政策涉及對外談判,會納入整體藥價考量,具體目標是讓藥廠有合理利潤,健保藥價會和健保財務、藥廠合理利潤與涉外談判一起做。第二是厚植國內製藥產業實力。未來政府不會獨厚新藥研發,會同時投入資源發展學名藥,並加強產學合作,培育製藥人才。第三是政府負起更多責任,檢討藥品相關法規,主動輔導廠商落實相關規範。第四是國內外製藥廠同等查廠,政府會協助食藥署寬列國外查廠經費,並落實國內外PICS查核。

明基醫 布局占比 (4:4:1:1): 手術房設備/ 耗材/ 差異化超音波/ 數位牙科

明基醫今日掛牌 股價翻倍 2015/12/16 10:08 明基友達集團旗下主攻醫材設備的明基醫(4116今日以48元掛牌上櫃,開盤大漲到119,股價翻兩倍多,早盤最高來到132元,漲幅達175%。董事長陳其宏表示,公司具備集團品牌及資通訊技術的雄厚資源,未來將全力衝刺海外布局,力拚明年營運高速成長。明基醫資本額3.8億元,集團持股68.6%2014年合併營收約為10.15億元,稅後淨利為7811萬,EPS 2.06元,較2012年、2013年的0.78元與1.13元明顯成長。未來營運業別上,預期手術房設備、醫用耗材、差異化超音波設備與數位牙科服務,營收占比分別為40%40%10%10%,如此一來對公司整體營運較為健康。由於高齡化趨勢與新興國家在手術房設備上的需求強勁,明基醫在手術室設備產品營運上也逐年成長。尤其2014年全球醫用耗材的市場規模約為527億美金,占醫療資源15.4%支出,不受景氣影響逐年成長3%-5%,因此公司非常看好整體醫療市場的商機。 前往udn tv 粉絲團

搶進醫美飆車 永信(李玲津)布局玻尿酸!

永信跨足美容醫學領域 推非侵入式玻尿酸保養品151215日鉅亨網 永信藥品(3705-TW)跨足美容醫學領域,今天推出非侵入式科技保養品鑽石級玻尿酸「婕凡希晶彩逆齡系列」,永信副董事長李玲津也親自分享體驗,指出由於產品是小分子成分,加上透過醫美團隊幫忙導入,效果令人滿意,有絕對的信心將成果獻給大家。李玲津表示,肌膚的玻尿酸隨著年紀增長而老化消失,漸漸留下歲月的痕跡,如何讓肌膚保持水嫩Q彈,保養品就應該要選擇具有保濕鎖水,且能促進玻尿酸及膠原蛋白新生的產品,這也是永信的玻尿酸產品與別家的不同之點,除了能啟動纖維母細胞的複製再造,也讓纖維母細胞順利產生膠原蛋白及玻尿酸,並持續長大。李玲津表示,這次發表鑽石級玻尿酸產品,除了希望能躍進國際舞台外,更希望能嘉惠女性,讓每個人皮膚既健康又美麗,充滿自信光采。『新聞來源/鉅亨網』

永信 醫美玻尿酸(婕凡希晶彩) 啟動纖維母細胞複製!!!

永信發表非侵入性美容醫學保養品 2015-12-15 16:36 中央社 台北15日電永信藥品跨足非侵入性美容醫學科技保養品,首度發表鑽石級玻尿酸「婕凡希晶彩逆齡系列」產品。永信藥品今天在多位美容醫學界專家的參與見證中發表最新產品,以生產藥品的嚴謹態度推出全新醫美紓緩修護及晶彩逆齡系列,集結團隊生技博士、藥學博士、皮膚科專科醫師,與產官學研醫等機構合作開發。發表會上,在永信藥品服務超過40年,年近70歲的副董事長李玲津親自分享體驗,她說自己用了將近一年,由於是小分子成份,加上最近有醫美團隊幫忙導入,效果令人滿意,不止凍齡還能逆齡,有絕對的信心將成果獻給大家。她說,永信的玻尿酸與別家不同點在於,除了補充膨脹外,能啟動纖維母細胞的複製再造,讓纖維母細胞順利產生膠原蛋白及玻尿酸,並持續長大強壯。她強調,永信藥品秉持著守護家人的健康為初衷生產藥品,1952年至今,超過一甲子的堅持;永信做藥是給家人吃的理念而成為國際藥廠,這次發表鑽石級玻尿酸產品希望以國人之光躍進國際舞台,嘉惠女性,每個人皮膚既健康又美麗,充滿自信光采。

蔡英文借力(陳建仁) 成就台灣(亞太生技醫藥產業中心)

兆元產業築夢 生技指數重返200 2015-12-15 14:21 中央社 台北15日電民進黨總統及副總統參選人蔡英文、陳建仁擘劃生技產業藍圖,並承諾明年2月就修生技法規,激勵生技產業兆元築夢行情再起,上櫃生技類股大漲逾4%,指數重返200點。總統參選人端生技政策牛肉,推動生技類股今天再度起航,截至下午1時為止,生技類股指數勁揚9.3點,漲幅4.8%,指數來到203.06點。領頭羊浩鼎大漲逾7%,截至1時止,股價來到730元今天最高點,兄弟檔中裕漲幅也超過5%,股價最高來到274.5元。另外,包括東洋及永昕、醣聯及大江醫都亮燈漲停,股價分別來到116.5元、49.95元、57.3元及116.5元。蔡英文昨天出席2016生物經濟產業國際策略峰會發表演說時表示,邀請陳建仁擔任副手,其中一個原因就是希望借助他的力量,推動台灣生技產業的發展。「台灣有發展生醫產業的優勢,就欠一個可靠的政府」。蔡英文表示,台灣生醫人才素質很整齊,研發設施的質量都不錯,也有相對健全的醫療體系,如果以東亞社會的健康需求和疾病型態做為切入點,我們的生技產業是很有發展性的。但台灣以中小企業為主的結構,市場、資金、法令都有不同的問題,她提出六項施推動生技產業,希望能強化人才並打造更有利的資本市場,讓台灣生技產業能接軌國際,串連在地企業,貫穿北中南,打造亞太生技醫藥產業中心,立足全球生醫產業鏈。陳建仁表示,若民進黨能夠國會過半,將於21日起,積極修改生技醫藥相關產業法規。

細胞培養液開發 日本Wako和光純藥 攜手DCB !

生技中心攜日本製藥廠 搶攻蛋白質藥物商機 記者許雅綿/台北報導 台日生技製藥產業合作出現歷史性的重大突破!日本化學製藥大廠和光純藥工業株式會社(Wako)與財團法人生物技術開發中心(DCB)近期正式簽署合作合約,要攜手開發全新配方的細胞培養液,以在全球藥廠主導的生物製劑產業中,搶佔一席之地。生技中心執行長甘良生博士指出,雙方合力開發細胞培養液,充分利用了和光純藥在化學原物料製造的專門知識和能力,配合生技中心選擇及改善細胞培養液的經驗。而日本和光純藥於製造化學原物料的專門知識與產能首屈一指,可望藉由雙方的合作,未來加速和光純藥主導研發的細胞培養液,進入生物製劑的原物料供應市場,創造台灣及日本在全球生物製藥產業上合作的新商機。根據生技中心ITIS統計資料顯示, 2014年全球生物藥品市場產值已達約1,807億美元,預估到2017年可望一舉超過2,500億美元,目前全球生物藥品市場主要仍以美國為大宗,至2014年為止,美國占全球生物藥品市場的產值約48.5%,其次為歐洲五個國家(德、英、法、義、西),約占整體產值的21.9%,日本則占9.2% 甘良生表示,此次雙方合力開發細胞培養液,充分利用了和光純藥在化學原物料製造的專門知識和能力,配合生技中心選擇及改善細胞培養液的經驗,而日本在生物製劑市場的開發,相對於歐美起步較晚,但近年來日本在生物製劑研發及製造上積極的投資,未來有相當大的機會,利於台日雙方產業的互惠合作。

醫材中台合資策略 因應 "中國製造2025" 政策!!

醫材廠突圍 搶十三五商機 2015-11-23 02:21:08 經濟日報 記者高行/台北報導抓住大陸國產浪潮 聯合骨科與對岸龍頭組合資公司 加入紅色供應鏈 合富、華廣接連出招大陸敲定「十三五」規畫,力推「中國製造2025」,擬打破高階醫材遭國外進口產品壟斷現狀,以本土製造進行「進口替代」。面對新一波紅色供應鏈崛起,聯合骨科、合富醫療、華廣等國內廠商出招突圍,卡位對岸醫材年均成長20%的潛力商機。近期大陸半導體業動作頻頻,積極向聯發科等國內產業巨頭招親,而醫材業也受到不小壓力,特別是以大陸內需為主要市場的業者指出,大陸官方啟動「中國製造2025」計畫,戰略定調明年起逐步提高本土產品自製率,至2025年國產品占有率需達70%,先期作法將國產品納入公營醫院優先採購清單,對進口品採取技術性阻擋。為因應新一波紅潮席捲,主攻高階人工關節的聯合骨科採取「搶先加入紅色供應鏈」策略,本月初公司董事會通過和對岸醫材龍頭山東新華集團共組合資公司,明年年初新公司正式運作,初期代理聯合骨科在台灣製造的品牌產品,預計2018年在當地設廠,以「國產品」的姿態在陸銷售。聯合骨科董事長林延生表示,過去受限庫存與應收帳款管理,拓展對岸市場較保守,但成立合資公司後獲得更多進攻籌碼,特別是在陸設廠,更有利擴大內銷市占。面對大陸醫材國產國造浪潮,主攻檢驗試劑和高階醫材代理的合富,也啟動「引進國外高階醫材在陸製造」計畫,目前正在上海總部周邊積極尋覓設廠土地,爭取國際大型醫材廠合作製造組裝,有利後續搶進大型醫療院所市場。合富董事長王瓊芝指出,根據以往經驗,高階醫材取得大陸官方銷售核准曠日廢時,往往導致市場商機延誤;不過,若順應大陸「國產化」趨勢,預期可取得銷售許可時程大幅縮減,有利擴大產品線布局。血糖儀和試片廠華廣第3季以私募方式引進對岸通化東寶藥業為策略投資人,預計明年第1季資金到位,通化東寶股權占比17.8%,全權代理華廣產品在陸銷售。

陸內需起飛 金可精華受惠大陸經濟成長走緩,但受銀髮浪潮席捲及官方加速醫改推波,醫材產業逆勢高飛,機構指出,對岸醫材市場規模去年衝至人民幣2,556億元(約新台幣1.3兆元),未來五年年均成長上看20%,特別是近期出爐的「十三五」計畫將「健康中國」上升至國家戰略,包括金可、精華、聯合、合富等搭上大陸醫療內需市場起飛列車,將高度受惠。大陸人均所得持續提升,隱形眼鏡滲透率由大型城市向城鎮擴散,預計每年市場成長14%。法人指出,金可目前在陸市占雄踞第一,超越博士倫等國際龍頭,特別是金可被官方視為「民族品牌」,後續將持續受惠大陸醫材國產化的政策紅利。精華上半年大幅受惠對岸新增大型通路客戶訂單加持,大陸營收占比自原先4%倍增至8%,第3季該客戶拉貨力道停滯,但不排除年底前追單,重啟大陸代工成長力道。聯合骨科今年搶攻美國和歐洲市場有成,大陸則是首度拿下北京三甲醫院訂單,明年與對岸成立合資公司正式啟動,將藉合資夥伴山東新華集團雄厚實力,進一步擴展大型醫療院所通路,預期將展現突破性成長。合富近期獲得大陸衛計委支持,旗下乾眼症檢測及治療儀器搶進對岸26家大型醫療院所,在各區域布局完成後治療效益擴散,預期明年將掀起拉貨潮,未來成長態勢明確。

(OvaScience) JAPAN AUGMENT preceptorship program自體粒線體移植 強化卵子 治療不孕症

讓卵年輕化治不孕 日首度批准臨床研究 時間:2015-12-13 20:11 新聞引據:中央社 日本產科婦人科學會12日宣布,批准大阪1家治療不孕症診所實施讓患者卵子「年輕化」的新型臨床治療。雖然海外已有這種案例,但在日本還是首度批准進行臨床研究。這家申請進行臨床研究的大阪市診所,將以腹腔鏡手術取出不孕症患者卵巢組織的一部分,然後抽出粒線體(mitochondria)這種製造細胞所需能源的細胞器,讓卵子「年輕化」之後,再注入患者本人的卵子,並注入精子一同進行體外受精,以增加受孕機率。日本產科婦人科學會的倫理委員會12日召開理事會,批准這項臨床研究。醫學報告顯示,這種治療不孕症的臨床研究在加拿大、土耳其等海外國家已有200例,成功生產的超過20。日本產科婦人科學會的倫理委員會表示,這種不孕症的治療效果還未充分受到檢視,屬於初期的研究及實驗階段,不能否認,還存在著未解的問題。該倫理委員會還表示,因為是自體移植,沒有道德倫理上的疑慮,牴觸法律或國家政策方針的可能性也低。但其他的醫療機關如果也想進行臨床研究,仍需個別向學會申請批准。

IVF JAPAN Begins Preceptorship Program with AUGMENT Treatment -December 14, 2015 07:30 AM Eastern Standard Time  WALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--OvaScienceSM (NASDAQ:OVAS), a global fertility company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of new treatment options, today announced the AUGMENTSM fertility treatment is being offered in Japan through a preceptorship program at IVF JAPAN, one of the most prestigious fertility clinic systems in Japan. The initiation of the preceptorship program, in which patients will receive the AUGMENT treatment, follows approval from the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (JSOG)."The introduction of the AUGMENT treatment in Japan represents an important milestone for patients," said Michelle Dipp, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of OvaScience. "We look forward to working to expand the availability of the AUGMENT treatment to women who experience poor egg health and are in need of new fertility treatment options." Under the leadership of Professor Yoshiharu Morimoto, M.D., Ph.D., IVF JAPAN conducts a combined 10,000 in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles annually at its three clinics. Professor Morimoto is the President of the Pacific Society of Reproductive Medicine, the Past President of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction, the President of the Japan Society of Assisted Reproduction and the President of the Japan Society of Reproductive Psychology. Japan is the world's largest IVF market, accounting for more than 326,000 IVF cycles annually.1 IVF JAPAN is the first clinic network to offer the AUGMENT treatment in the region. The treatment is being offered through a preceptorship program, designed for the clinic to obtain patient experience and training before offering the treatment more broadly."Bringing forward innovative technologies on behalf of our patients is part of our mission at IVF JAPAN," said Professor Morimoto, Chief Executive Officer of IVF JAPAN. "We are encouraged by the patient experiences with the AUGMENT treatment published to date, and look forward to seeing how it may improve the chance of success for women who are experiencing poor egg and embryo quality in our clinic." The AUGMENT treatment is not available in the United States.

First Baby Born with OvaScience's AUGMENT Fertility Treatment- Innovative Fertility Treatment Developed to Improve Egg Health, a Major Factor in IVF Success -CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—May 7, 2015—OvaScienceSM (NASDAQ: OVAS), a global fertility company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of new treatment options, announced today that one of the first patients who received the AUGMENTSM treatment gave birth to a healthy baby boy in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. "Before my husband and I learned about the AUGMENT treatment, we struggled with infertility due to my egg quality and felt somewhat discouraged," said the mother. "Now we are optimistic that our experience will show couples, especially those who suffer from poor egg health, that they have a new option to have their own biological child." Egg health is a key factor in female fertility. While many factors contribute to egg health, having adequate levels of energy-producing mitochondria inside of the egg is essential for healthy fertilization and embryo development. The AUGMENT treatment is designed to improve the health of a woman's existing eggs, and enhance the IVF procedure. The AUGMENT treatment uses the energy-producing mitochondria from a woman's own egg precursor (EggPCSM) cells – immature egg cells found in the protective lining of her ovaries – to supplement the existing mitochondria in her eggs. The AUGMENT treatment is not available in the United States."You expect to see compromised egg health as women age, but many younger women also have poor egg health for various reasons. I was surprised to discover that the mother's eggs and embryo quality were so poor, despite her 34 years of age," said Marjorie E. Dixon, M.D.C.M., F.R.C.S.(C), Medical Director at First Steps Fertility, Assistant Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Toronto, and the patient's reproductive endocrinologist. "Based on my assessment of significantly diminished embryo quality in a failed IVF cycle and several other factors contributing to her infertility, she had few options. When I learned about the AUGMENT treatment, I was excited to offer this couple a new opportunity to have their own biological child.""We were the first clinic to offer the AUGMENT treatment in Canada, and I have seen firsthand the positive impact it has on pregnancy rates, particularly in women with poor prognoses," said Robert F. Casper, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C), Senior Investigator, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, and Medical Director of TCART Fertility Partners, where this AUGMENT treatment procedure took place. "The success of IVF depends on many factors; however, most fertility experts agree that egg and embryo quality are key prognostic indicators. The AUGMENT treatment was developed to address egg and embryo quality, and we are pleased to continue providing the AUGMENT treatment to women who are seeking new options." One in six couples worldwide has trouble getting pregnant naturally. IVF is the standard infertility treatment; however, it often fails. Many physicians believe that poor egg health accounts for the majority of female-related infertility."Our mission at OvaScience is to bring new fertility treatment options to women with the goal of helping them build their families," said Michelle Dipp, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of OvaScience. "We look forward to bringing the AUGMENT treatment to more women around the world as well as future treatment options from our egg precursor cell technology."

About the AUGMENTSM Treatment The AUGMENT treatment is the first fertility treatment available to patients based on OvaScience's proprietary egg precursor (EggPCSM) cell technology. The AUGMENT treatment is designed to improve the health of a woman's existing eggs, and enhance the IVF procedure. The AUGMENT treatment uses energy-producing mitochondria from a woman's own EggPC cells, which are immature egg cells found in the protective lining of the ovaries, to supplement the existing mitochondria in her eggs. This treatment is designed to improve egg health by increasing the eggs' energy levels for embryo development. Egg health is a key factor in IVF success. The AUGMENT treatment is available in select international IVF clinics, and initial positive clinical experiences of pregnancies with the treatment have been reported. The AUGMENT treatment is not available in the United States. For more information, please visit

About OvaScience  OvaScience (NASDAQ: OVAS) is a global fertility company dedicated to improving treatment options for women around the world. OvaScience is discovering, developing and commercializing new fertility treatments because we believe women deserve more options. Each OvaScience treatment is based on the Company's proprietary technology platform that leverages the breakthrough discovery of egg precursor (EggPCSM) cells – immature egg cells found inside the protective ovarian lining. The AUGMENTSM treatment, a fertility option specifically designed to improve egg health, is available in certain IVF clinics in select international regions outside of the United States. OvaScience is developing the OvaPrimeSM treatment, which could increase a woman's egg reserve, and the OvaTureSM treatment, a potential next-generation IVF treatment that could help a woman produce healthy, young, fertilizable eggs without hormone injections. For more information, please visit and connect with us on Twitter and Facebook. Source: OvaScience

OvaScience Investors Theresa McNeely, 617-299-7356  EVP, Chief Communications Officer  or Media  Cara Mayfield, 617-714-9638  Director, Corporate Communications

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