戴隱形眼鏡游泳午睡 感染急性結膜炎機率增十倍 2012-06-07 新聞速報 中廣新聞/林麗玉 每年四到六月,是過敏性結膜炎的好發季節,台北市立聯合醫院眼科醫師提醒,造成眼睛過敏的原因,除了食物過敏,還有花粉、灰塵、黴菌等,另外現在也是急性結膜炎的好發時間,眼科醫師提醒,現在許多年輕人,喜歡戴著隱形眼鏡游泳、或是戴著隱形眼鏡睡午覺,都可能增加急性結膜炎感染率十倍以上。一名林小弟弟與家人去賞花,因為花粉在空中飄散,林小弟弟開始覺得眼睛發癢,一直用手揉著雙眼,而林小弟弟的爸爸也有過敏體質,每到春夏眼睛就變成紅眼族,台北市立聯合醫院和平婦幼院區眼科醫師謝靜茹說,每年春夏季節,四到六月就是過敏性結膜炎及急性結膜炎的好發季節,春夏門診量增加,而不同於過敏性結膜炎,急性結膜炎多是多種濾過性病毒或細菌引起,提醒許多隱形眼鏡族,如果常常戴著隱形眼鏡再戴蛙鏡游泳,或是戴著隱形眼鏡睡午覺,都可以增加十倍的感染機率。眼科醫師表示,急性結膜炎一般都有三到七天的潛伏期,如果沒有及時治療,可能導致嚴重的眼瞼水腫、結膜下出血、形成偽膜等嚴重的併發症。預防方式是避免接觸病人的眼睛分泌物,而過敏性結膜炎的預防,則是要遠離過敏原,提醒如果結膜炎眼睛奇癢難耐,可以眼睛冰敷、或用生理食鹽水沖洗,減輕不適症狀,避免揉眼睛加重症狀。
Saturday, June 9, 2012
一次付清住15年!!! 龍巖銀髮住宅 .....
濟生EPS 8年新高!
2012-06-07 【時報記者何美如台北報導】濟生藥廠(4111)受惠輸液產品及注射針劑健保給付調整,加上佳醫的洗腎液(粉)代工訂單挹注,今年以來營運大幅好轉,第一季每股盈餘為0.46元,幾乎要追上去年全年的0.49元,第二季營運維持高檔,營收可望刷新首季的新高記錄,每股盈餘有機會挑戰0.5元。全年營收成長挑戰3成,每股盈餘上看1.8元,有機會改寫近8年新高。 99年底,濟生通過PIC/S GMP認證。100年第七次健保藥價調整中,其輸液產品及注射針劑健保給付價都獲得調高,12月1日正式生效,帶動產品毛利率向上。此外,去年8月濟生與佳醫(4104)簽訂洗腎液(粉)代工合約,去年底開始出貨,動能延續至今年,大幅提升營運業績及市佔率。配合大陸醫改及洗腎人口增加,濟生前進大陸,已於上海市金山區投資設立洗腎液(粉)廠,鎖定華東地區市場,未來營運成長值得期待。 在健保價調整及產能提升下,濟生毛利率攀高,首季毛利率攀至31.68%,遠優於去年全年的26.39%,也帶動每股盈餘衝高到0.46元,幾乎追上去年全年的0.49元。濟生第二季營運看俏,4月營收為7588萬元,創下歷次高記錄,5月維持高檔達7477萬、年增37.31%,法人預估,第二季營收估達2.2-2.3億元,略優於首季,每股盈餘有機會挑戰0.5元。全年營收估達8.6-8.8億元,較去年成長超過3成,每股盈餘上看1.8元,有機會改寫近8年新高。
暐世血糖儀與測試片 年成長50%出貨持續看好
2012/06/07 ■翁永全■暐世生技 (VISGENEER)去年第四季開始獲利,全年損益平衡,今年血糖儀與血糖測試片出貨持續看好,可望有亮麗的營收表現。目前證券承銷商已進行輔導,規劃明年上半年公開發行。暐世股本2.02億元,與同業比較顯得輕盈,今年試片出貨目標1億片,血糖測試儀40萬台以上,成長率達50%以上。中國及南美血糖機市場加溫帶動下,營收有機會朝3億元叩關,第一季EPS 0.3元,全年EPS 1.5元應可達成目標。暐世90%以上營收來自血糖儀及測試片,其他為保養品代工及生技原料玉米黃素。血糖測試業競爭激烈,暐世每年以50%成長,主要是其高精確血糖測試片受到市場肯定,堅持經營自有品牌eB系列血糖測試系統,自有品牌策略炯異於多數同業以代工為主。代工的營業額大但毛利較低,並有潛在的轉單風險,經營自有品牌一開始辛苦,卻漸入佳境。據了解,暐世eB品牌在某些新興國家,市佔及消費者認同度甚至高於國際大廠,十分難得。暐世的產品開發策略也一如市場行銷,穩紮穩打,不講求花俏。部份業者推出一機多功能產品,實用性其實有限,反而增加成本。暐世針對市場需求開發出低吸血量 (0.5微升;0.5μl)、低秒數(5秒)的血糖測試片,應用於eB系列產品: eBsugar、eBcarryon(All-in-One; 一體整合型)、eBchek (具語音系統)、eBcare及eBwell(具檢測值平均功能)。暐世100%轉投資暐正公司,營業項目為菌種發酵及癌症基因的研發應用。現有四株新菌種,其中一株為可製造天然玉米黃素的菌種,已申請歐美兩岸專利,並在國際菌種寄存中心做專利寄存。去年暐正完成玉米黃素之化學結構式確認、功能性生化反應(抗氧化、抗紫外線、抗癌細胞之增殖活性)以及初步之動物餵食實驗,並獲准進駐竹北生醫園區,將增加發酵相關設備,產生商業價值。暐世董事長戴鏗碩博士表示,玉米黃素是構成人眼視網膜黃斑部中央區域的主要色素,人體無法製造,需自外界補充(例如食物攝取)。未來開發成保健食品,可改善因缺乏玉米黃素所導致的退化性黃斑症等症狀。其抗高能量光線功能,亦可被開發成皮膚保養品,應用於皮膚防護,未來不排除利用玉米黃素的抗癌細胞之增殖活性,發展治療用藥,市場前景佳。暐正未來除繼續開發其餘3株新菌種,並會將技轉自暐世的基因專利,開發針對癌症的基因檢測、單株抗體、抗體檢測及生技(抗體)製藥。暐正紮實的生技技術背景,將是暐世繼血糖檢測營運高峰後,未來營運的最大爆發點。
Head-to-head study in RA shows that abatacept has comparable efficacy to adalimumab
June 7, 2012 in Arthritis & Rheumatism Data from one of the few head-to-head trials in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) presented today at EULAR 2012, the Annual Congress of the European League Against Rheumatism, demonstrates that at one year, 64.8% of patients receiving abatacept (Orencia) and 63.4% of patients receiving adalimumab (Humira) achieved ACR20. The Phase IIIb AMPLE study (Abatacept Versus Adalimumab Comparison in Biologic-Naive RA Subjects with Background Methotrexate) was carried out in 646 biologic-naïve patients with active RA and inadequate response to methotrexate. At four weeks, 42.5% of patients in the abatacept group achieved ACR20 response versus 47.6% in the adalimumab group. This remained comparable until the end of year one. At 12 months, ACR50* response was similar between the two groups (46.2% in the abatacept group and 46% in the adalimumab group). ACR70 response was 29.2% versus 26.2% in the abatacept group and adalimumab groups respectively. These data show the similar time course of response. Inhibition of radiographic progression was also similar in both arms. "There have been very few head-to-head trials in rheumatoid arthritis and, to date, there have been no randomised, controlled studies directly comparing the safety and efficacy of different biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) using the combination of a biologic medication and methotrexate which is the most commonly prescribed treatment approach in moderate to severe RA," said Dr. Michael Schiff, University of Colorado, USA and lead author of the study. "This study is a great leap forward for us and our patients as it shows there is another treatment option that is as effective and as safe as adalimumab." The AMPLE study is a randomised, investigator-blinded study of 24 months, with a 12 month efficacy primary endpoint. Patients were stratified by disease activity and randomised to either 125mg subcutaneous abatacept (without an IV load) weekly or 40mg subcutaneous adalimumab bi-weekly, in combination with a stable dose of methotrexate. The primary endpoint of the trial was non-inferiority by ACR20 response at 12 months with a non-inferiority margin of 12%. There was a similar rate of adverse events, serious adverse events, serious infections and malignancies in both groups. More patients in the abatacept arm experienced autoimmune adverse events (3.1% versus 1.2%), but none were considered to be serious. There were also fewer discontinuations due to adverse events (2.5% versus 6.1%) and serious infections (0 versus 5 discontinuations) in the abatacept arm. Injection site reactions also occurred in fewer abatacept patients (3.8% versus 9.1%, 95% confidence interval: -5.37 (-9.13, -1.62) p=0.006). Abatacept (Orencia), which is produced by Bristol-Myers Squibb, is a first-in-class biologic which works to reduce co-stimulation of T-cells, which in turn reduces activation of other cells in the RA inflammatory process, thereby blocking the pain, inflammation and joint progression pathways in RA. Adalimumab (Humira) is produced by Abbott and is a biologic TNF-blocker, or anti-TNF. Adalimumab works by binding to TNF-alpha receptors, thereby blocking the pain, inflammation and joint progression pathways in RA. More information: Abstract Number: OP0022 Provided by European League Against Rheumatism
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation increases survival in systemic sclerosis patients
June 7, 2012 in Arthritis & Rheumatism Initial results from an international, investigator-initiated, open label phase III trial were presented at EULAR 2012, the Annual Congress of the European League Against Rheumatism. Data indicate that haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) results in better long term survival than conventional treatment for patients with poor prognosis early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis. The ASTIS (Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation International Scleroderma) trial enrolled more than 150 patients between 2001 and 2009, and randomised patients to the HSCT arm or to intravenous pulse cyclophosphamide treatment. As of May 1, 2012, significantly more deaths have occurred in the conventional treatment group. Half of the deaths in the HSCT group occurred early and were deemed treatment-related according to an independent data monitoring committee. In the conventional treatment group in contrast, none of the deaths were deemed to be treatment-related; but more deaths occurred later and most were related to progressive disease. "Systemic sclerosis is a debilitating disease that can lead to heart, lung or kidney failure and premature death, especially in patients who have the diffuse cutaneous form of the condition, where skin thickening is more generalised and involvement of vital organs more common. The ASTIS study shows that such patients may benefit from early intensive immunosuppressive treatment," said Professor Jaap van Laar from Newcastle University, Professor Dominique Farge, Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris (Sponsor in France, Paris 7 University) and Professor Alan Tyndall from Basel University, on behalf of their colleagues from the EBMT EULAR Scleroderma Study Group. "These initial results are very encouraging and will help identify patients who benefit from stem cell transplantation." The ASTIS trial was a unique collaborative project of 27 multidisciplinary teams from 10 countries conducted under the auspices of two leading organisations in the respective fields, the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT; www.ebmt.org) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR;www.eular.org). The primary endpoint of the trial was event-free survival, defined as survival until death or development of major organ failure. Systemic sclerosis is a rare but severe autoimmune systemic connective tissue disease*. Increased fibroblast activity results in abnormal growth of connective tissue which causes vascular damage and fibrosis of the skin, gastrointestinal (GI) tract and other internal organs**. Characteristics of systemic sclerosis include vasomotor disturbances; fibrosis; subsequent atrophy of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and internal organs and immunologic disturbances*. Systemic sclerosis is estimated to occur in 2.3-10 people per one million*. Diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis cases make up 30% of all systemic sclerosis cases and involve the upper arms, thighs and trunk**. Lung fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension are important causes of mortality in these patients and there is no curative treatment available so far*. More information: Abstract Number: LB0002
2-1-1 could be effective tool in fighting cancer disparities
June 7, 2012 By Jessica Martin in Cancer (Medical Xpress) -- The 2-1-1 phone information and referral system could be a key partner in efforts to reduce cancer disparities affecting low-income and racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S., finds a new study by Jason Purnell, PhD, assistant professor of public health at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. 2-1-1, a nationally designated three-digit telephone exchange like 9-1-1, is an information and referral system that serves millions of Americans living in poverty. Callers speak to an information and referral specialist who identifies their needs and provides referrals to local resources. United Way and other agencies sponsor 2-1-1 systems throughout the country. "After surveying over 1,400 2-1-1 callers from four states, we found that nearly 70 percent of callers needed at least one cancer control service such as smoking cessation information, and nearly 40 percent needed at least two services," Purnell says.Jason Purnell, PhD, assistant professor of public health at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis, talks about his new study on the cancer control and prevention needs of 2-1-1 callers. "The 2-1-1 phone information and referral system could be a key partner in efforts to reduce cancer disparities affecting low-income and racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S.," he says. "Compared with state and national rates, 2-1-1 callers in Missouri, North Carolina, Texas and Washington had greater need for cancer screening and prevention. Callers were also much more likely to be uninsured, a factor consistently associated with underutilization of cancer control services. Clearly, 2-1-1systems are reaching Americans with significant unmet health needs." Purnell found that callers are willing to answer questions about their health and to receive referrals for needed preventive health services. "Callers were particularly receptive to referrals for mammography, adult HPV vaccination and Pap testing, with approximately 60-72 percent of callers who needed these services accepting a referral," he says. "No fewer than a third of those in need accepted referrals overall, suggesting potential for effective intervention in a number of areas for cancer prevention and control." Purnell says this study, published in the current issue of the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, illuminates the reach of 2-1-1. "We estimated that we could reach millions of people who are in need of cancer control and prevention services each year by using 2-1-1, and that's an incredible public health impact," Purnell says. "There are very few systems that could match that reach and impact." Purnell notes that traditional marketing about cancer prevention and control tends to be not as effective with low-income populations. "The nice thing about 2-1-1 is that the underserved populations are already using the system for help with basic needs and services," he says. "You could use this system to deliver health messages in a more targeted and potentially more efficient way. "One of the ways 2-1-1 can be used is by simply asking people what their cancer control and prevention needs are, but also by proactively offering cancer prevention referrals for smoking cessation referrals and mammography and colonoscopy referrals," Purnell says. More information: To view the study, "Cancer Control Needs of 2-1-1 Callers in Missouri, North Carolina, Texas, and Washington," and a complete list of study co-authors, visit: http://muse.jhu.ed … purnell.html Provided by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
WHO: Urgent action needed to prevent the spread of untreatable gonorrhoea
6 JUNE 2012 | GENEVA - Millions of people with gonorrhoea may be at risk of running out of treatment options unless urgent action is taken, according WHO. Already several countries, including Australia, France, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom are reporting cases of resistance to cephalosporin antibiotics – the last treatment option against gonorrhoea. Every year an estimated 106 million people are infected with gonorrhea, which is transmitted sexually.
Dwindling treatment options"Gonorrhoea is becoming a major public health challenge, due to the high incidence of infections accompanied by dwindling treatment options," says Dr Manjula Lusti-Narasimhan, from the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at WHO. "The available data only shows the tip of the iceberg. Without adequate surveillance we won't know the extent of resistance to gonorrhoea and without research into new antimicrobial agents, there could soon be no effective treatment for patients."
Correct use of antibiotics neededIn new guidance issued today, WHO is calling for greater vigilance on the correct use of antibiotics and more research into alternative treatment regimens for gonococcal infections. WHO's Global Action Plan to control the spread and impact of antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoea also calls for increased monitoring and reporting of resistant strains as well as better prevention, diagnosis and control of gonococcal infections.
Health implications are importantGonorrhoea makes up one quarter of the four major curable sexually-transmitted infections1. Since the development of antibiotics, the pathogen has developed resistance to many of the common antibiotics used as treatment, including penicillin, tetracyclines and quinolones."We are very concerned about recent reports of treatment failure from the last effective treatment option – the class of cephalosporin antibiotics – as there are no new therapeutic drugs in development," says Dr Lusti-Narasimhan. "If gonococcal infections become untreatable, the health implications are significant."
Antimicrobial resistanceAntimicrobial resistance is caused by the unrestricted access to antimicrobials, overuse and poor quality of antibiotics, as well as natural genetic mutations within disease organisms. In addition, gonorrhoea strains tend to retain genetic resistance to previous antibiotics even after their use has been discontinued. The extent of this resistance worldwide is not known due to lack of reliable data for gonorrhoea in many countries and insufficient research.GonorrhoeaUntreated gonococcal infection can cause health problems in men, women and newborn babies including:infection of the urethra, cervix and rectum; infertility in both men and women; a significantly increased risk of HIV infection and transmission; ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, stillbirths and premature deliveries; and severe eye infections occur in 30-50% of babies born to women with untreated gonorrhoea, which can lead to blindness. Gonorrhoea can be prevented through safer sexual intercourse. Early detection and prompt treatment, including of sexual partners, is essential to control sexually transmitted infections.
2012年05月28日 厂长经理日报一系列国际化项目饱蘸高科技笔墨,彰显出亚宝人的大手笔、大气魄,成为亚宝药业引领科技创新的时代元素,标志着亚宝正式进军国际医药高端市场,并将开拓出更加广阔的发展空间。 春暖花开时节的晋南,到处生机盎然,活力四射。我们在拥有中国驰名商标"亚宝"的亚宝药业,看到该公司一系列的国际化项目正在如火如荼的建设之中: 投资3亿多元建成的位于亚宝风陵渡工业园的缓控释制剂生产线去年已通过了新版GMP认证,成为山西省首家通过新版GMP认证的企业,目前也正在紧锣密鼓地准备国际认证。 投资3亿多元按照欧美标准建设的6条原料药生产线和一条药用塑料瓶生产线在亚宝风陵渡工业园已经建成,目前正在进行净化和设备安装。 还有投资2亿多元建成的位于北京亦庄开发区的亚宝北京生物制药公司,也已于去年6月上旬在全国首批通过新版GMP认证,走在了全国此番认证的前列,目前正在准备国际认证。 这些国际化项目饱蘸高科技笔墨,彰显出亚宝人的大手笔、大气魄,成为亚宝药业引领科技创新的时代元素,标志着亚宝正式进军国际医药高端市场,并将开拓出更加广阔的发展空间。
一 整洁静谧,绿草如茵。 在亚宝风陵渡工业园的一片开阔地带,矗立起一座庞大的银灰色楼宇,巍峨,典雅。这是目前国内先进的制剂生产线缓控释制剂生产线。 进到楼内,让人备感肃静。一切都是那样静穆,那样井然,那样气派。自动化制粒线,全自动胶囊充填机,全自动压片机,还有大型总混机、全自动包装机、胶囊检重机、铝塑包装线、瓶装线等等。这些设备异常精密,皆从英、德、美等国进口,价格动辄几百万、上千万,居目前国内国际最先进水平;巨大的物流车间实现了全自动化,具有2000多吨的储能,轻轻一点鼠标即可完成对巨型仓储的全面系统管理;质量控制系统(QC),应用了国际先进的液相色谱仪、红外分光光度计、原子吸收气相室、高压灭菌锅和超低温冰箱等,达到了目前最先进的检验水平,为质量控制提供了有力保障。 这些国际化项目,出类拔萃,气度不凡,充分显示出其科学性、前瞻性,大大优于我们的传统生产。这些国际化项目不惟设备设施先进精良,而且对人和软件的要求更严,生产管理非常精益和规范,使生产过程得到有效控制,产品质量得到切实保障。亚宝药业从2007年即开始全面实施这些国际化项目,部分项目已经开始投产,而且,一经投产,便显现出他的不同寻常的优越性,成为了企业的示范和标杆,也成为了企业培养优秀管理人才的"黄埔军校"。
二 关于走国际化之路的意义,亚宝药业董事长任武贤高屋建瓴,一语中的:"我们做出巨大投入来实施国际化项目,就是为了助推国内药物制剂的发展,使中国制剂药物阔步走向国际市场。对企业而言,通过走国际化之路,将极大地提升我们的整体发展水平,更好地拓展市场空间,使我们更具竞争能力。" 多年来,我国原料药不断走向国际市场,但制剂却少之又少。我们没有深度开发,因此获利微薄,尤其是附加值流失更甚。因而,走出国门,走向世界,就是为了斩获更大更好的综合效益,就是为了获得更好更快的发展,就是为了真正树立起我们民族医药的卓越品牌。 虽然全球药物市场瞬息万变,但高质量、高科技、高效益和低能耗、低排放仍是其主题。亚宝建设的缓控释制剂生产线,就很好地体现了这一主题的内涵。比如,生产管理系统,分为物流、制造、包装和技术支持四大块,且各自相对独立,从而使其专业性更强,产品质量更有保证,过程控制更为严格;质量保证系统(QA),应用了国际最先进的仪器设备,制定了更为精细的工作流程,确保检验准确无误。这样的条件、环境与管理,大大优于国内传统的生产管理现状。 有关资料显示,目前全世界的化学药物研创已陷入瓶颈,研发周期愈来愈长,成本愈来愈高,且化学药临床试验结果具有不确定性。然而,分子靶向、个性化药物、抗体药物、免疫预防等众多生物医药都不断地显示出更有效、更安全、更快捷、更具可预测性的独特优势,被誉为国家战略性新兴产业。因此,亚宝投资2亿多元在北京建设了生物药生产线,目前也正在太原建设生物药研发中心。这些足以证明他们在生物药领域已经迈出了坚实的脚步,将踏出亚宝药业走向世界的通衢大道。
三 走国际化之路,剑指欧美市场,力挺高端产品,需要战略眼光,需要卓越胆识,需要付出百倍的努力。当谈及如何走好国际化之路时,睿智干练的任武贤董事长胸有成竹,信心百倍。他说:"一方面,我们要通过制剂研发,使产品在欧美注册,从而为产品打进欧美开辟便捷之道。另一方面,我们可以同欧美进行合作研发,并在欧美注册,以实现我们挺进欧美的愿景。再一方面,我们可以接受国外公司的委托加工业务,从而提高我们的产能和效益,并为走向国际市场开启更为宽广的道路,逐步实现研发、生产、销售一体化,使我们的国际化之路走得更灵活、更便捷、更有力。 虽然国际化之路是一条曲折而充满希冀的崭新途径,要投入资金,投入精力,投入智慧,投入情感,但是,国内市场绝不能因此而忽略。他们将在走好国际化之路的同时,对企业加紧技术改造,使企业因此而得到修炼,从管理、设备、流程等各个方面向国际化靠拢,并得以全面提升,更多更好地拓展市场空间,持续占领行业制高点。 去年末,"亚宝院士工作站"在省城太原正式挂牌成立。而2010年秋,"亚宝博士后科研工作站"已在北京挂牌成立。早在2009年,亚宝便在北京组建了国家级企业技术中心,成立 了"亚宝药物研究院",建立了由100余名专业研发人才组成的科研开发团队。同时,亚宝还与40多家实力雄厚的科研院所建立了紧密的产学研协作关系,共同开展科研开发。而且,他们还出台了诸多拴心留人的政策和措施,激励科研人员创新创造,多出成果,实现科研开发的预期目标。 目前,亚宝研发的用于预防和治疗鼻咽癌等的生物药已浮出水面,将填补国际国内空白;用于治疗哮喘等的缓控释剂型新药也已获得发明专利,即将拿到生产批件;有五个中药品种的有效成分提纯度达到了90%以上,居国内领先水平,为中药走向国际市场奠定了坚实的基础。 国际化项目是一个新的高度,是一个新的考验,亚宝人能够坚定地面对,勇敢地登攀。因为,要实现产品的优化升级,要实现转型跨越目标,那么,走国际化之路,便是他们的必由之路,是他们正确的战略抉择。 亚宝人顺势而为,乘势而上,敢于谋求高远,敢于开创新局。他们将在新的征程上,借助国际化项目的平台,用科技创新的巨笔,不断书写着一个又一个奇迹。
制药龙头自建渠道 海正拓展药品零售市场
2012年06月06日 中国网近日,国内特色原料药龙头企业海正药业在杭州同时开出6家"云开亚美"连锁店,全面进军药品零售市场。与其他药品连锁品牌所不同的是,云开亚美采用了连锁店、网络电子商务与DTC数据库三大模式结合的方式,更注重对慢性特殊疾病患者的关怀服务,重点推广伊宁曼奥利司他片OTC减肥药等产品。据介绍,海正药业今年预计在北京、上海、广州、武汉等一线城市,开设20家云开亚美高端零售药店。 海正药业通过几年来转型升级,加大对国内临床药品市场的创新研发和投入,有上百个产品相继投放市场,极大地提高了国内临床相关领域的疗效水准,深受医学界好评。特别是今年2月18日,与全球最大的制药企业美国辉瑞公司在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市签署了合资框架协议,通过全面战略合作,该公司将推出更多药品,为消费者的健康提供优质服务。"伊宁曼"牌奥利司他片作为减肥领域的优质产品,是海正药业首次出击药店零售市场的OTC类药品,标志着海正药业在深度拓展品牌药品市场,成就大众健康梦想的道路上,跨出又一个坚实的脚步。 据调查显示,近15年来中国成年人中的肥胖症患者每年平均增长1.2%,增幅超过美国、英国和澳大利亚,国内减肥市场有着强大的需求。目前,奥利司他是美国FDA批准的6个减肥药中得到认可并唯一保留的非处方减肥药。去年,作为全球最大奥利司他生产商海正药业正式面向国内市场推出伊宁曼(奥利司他片),制药巨头逐鹿减肥药市场,引起业界关注。目前,伊宁曼(奥利司他片)是国内市场上唯一经过美国FDA批准、我国食品药品监督管理局批准以及欧盟EMA批准上市的减肥药。 近年来,海正药业一直以研发健康产品为支撑点,把对消费者的健康负责作为企业首要的社会责任,为此,海正计划在最近几年开出3000余家药品零售终端门店,为老百姓吃上放心药提供服务平台。近日,为贯彻国家食品药品监督管理局加强奥利司他片非处方药销售使用说明书通知,海正指定云开药房为伊宁曼零售药店,确保药品进货渠道正品同时,增加了终端产品说明指导服务。来源浙江在线)
【本報芝加哥訊】 June 05, 2012 法國羅塞洛魚膠原蛋白呵護肌膚,遠離乾燥、粗糙、暗啞、毛孔粗大、細紋、鬆弛及黑斑等問題,格林藥業為其美國及加拿大的獨家總經銷商。 全球銷售額高達97億歐元的百強企業法國羅塞洛集團Rousselot,與致力於生產、研發、銷售天然植物藥的現代化高科技企業美國格林藥業連袂合作,將由美國格林藥業集團成為法國羅塞洛Peptan TM品牌膠原蛋白在美國及加拿大的獨家總經銷商。格林藥業以高品質的製劑工藝及專利技術打造膠原蛋白的經典。 法國羅塞洛集團是歐洲100強企業,具有120多年明膠及膠原蛋白生產、應用和開發的歷史,並建立了世界上第一個膠原蛋白研發中心,是世界上公認的明膠和膠原蛋白生產與應用的領導者。它不斷取得多項突破性的研究成果,蜚聲國際。連續七年成為歐洲市場銷售冠軍。於2004年、2007年及2009年三次榮獲美容食品大獎,成為全球唯一獲得三次大獎的品牌。格林藥業生產銷售的法國羅塞洛魚膠原蛋白,來自大西洋深海鮭魚皮,是僅有2000道爾頓的三小分子,皮膚直接吸收。經臨床測試顯示,服用後皮膚持水能力增加,皮膚柔軟性增加,皺紋減少。成骨細胞數量增加,刺激大量骨膠原的產生。達到全天呵護肌膚、保濕嫩白,超強鎖水;纖體瘦身,使乳房挺拔、豐滿、有彈性,去贅肉、減肚腩;緊致肌膚,補充缺失的膠原蛋白,消除皺紋,恢復滑嫩;除黑眼圈、淡化黑斑,讓妳再現青春。法國羅塞洛集團鄭重聲明,中國市場上銷售的真品率極低。查證羅塞洛膠原蛋白產品真偽可登錄網站www.rousselot.com 點擊 Peptan Collagen Peptides,進入 Peptan For Consumer, 再點擊Where to buy Peptan,進入North America,再選美國或加拿大,可或致電法國羅塞洛總部核實,電話31-499-364-859。諮詢訂購歡迎致電格林藥業24小時電話熱線1-516-821-0873 或1800-508-6932(講中文請按2),或訪問格林藥業網站www.greenpharmus.com 。
发布时间:2012/6/7 9:05:00 来源:药品资讯网信息中心 5月31日,辉瑞加拿大公司(Pfizer Canada)宣布,克唑蒂尼(Xalkori,通用名:crizotinib)获加拿大卫生部批准用于治疗间变性淋巴瘤激酶(ALK)基因阳性型晚期或转移性非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)。Xalkori通过靶向抑制酪氨酸激酶受体而发挥作用,用药前须经ALK检测确认为ALK阳性型晚期或转移性NSCLC。Pfizer加拿大公司肿瘤业务部总经理Richard Fajzel表示,"个体化医疗是医生从以一应十到根据疾病的遗传构成而进行选择性治疗的转变。"ALK基因通常处于休眠状态,但在ALK阳性NSCLC中,由于与其他基因(主要是EML4基因)发生融合而导致细胞恶化发展为恶性肿瘤。
2012年06月06日 16:43來源:文匯報全球角膜盲患者達2000萬人,中國也有不少人深受該疾病的困擾。如今,一種使用幹細胞技術的革命性新型醫學試驗為角膜盲患者帶來了康復希望。這種開創性的眼病治療方案由蘇格蘭科學家和臨床醫師提出,並已進入臨床試驗階段。這項幹細胞移植研究使用來自遺體捐獻者的幹細胞進行培養,然後將它們移植到患者的角膜(眼睛前面的透明部分)表面。在將幹細胞移植之前,醫生先要去除角膜的疤痕和損傷部分。該研究的創新在於它使用了新的方法培養用於移植的幹細胞,也就是說,該研究使用的是捐獻角膜的幹細胞,而非來自患者自身的角膜幹細胞。捐獻的角膜仍然可用於移植,其部分幹細胞則被分離和培養,用於新的手術。作為此項幹細胞移植研究的一部分,蘇格蘭有兩位患者接受了治療。來自愛丁堡的Sylvia Paton是蘇格蘭首位參與該研究的患者。她於今年二月接受了長達三小時的手術,希望該手術能夠改變她和她同樣患有該病的孩子及後代的生活。實施該手術的英國國家衛生服務部(National Health Service,簡稱NHS)洛錫安區眼科顧問醫生Ashish Agrawal博士說:"Sylvia接受移植手術後已經過去了14個星期,我很高興向大家報告,她的恢復狀況良好。她的角膜現在是透明的,我希望它之後繼續保持透明。不過,這只是複雜的視覺康復過程的第一步和重要的一步,她還需要接受進一步的手術治療來恢復視力。該研究將顯著加強我們對這些複雜角膜問題的理解,並向我們提供進一步幫助眼疾患者的大好機會。"在接下來的幾個月裏,被移植的幹細胞應該能夠阻止或修復這兩位患者的眼部病變並幫助他們恢復視力。雖然判斷這項新研究何時能夠通過臨床驗證和手術的最終費用還為時過早,但該項研究具有能改變全球範圍內角膜病患者生活的巨大潛力。這項研究的首席研究員、英國國家衛生服務部洛錫安區眼科顧問醫生Bal Dhillon教授表示:"幹細胞治療能夠為世界上生活在黑暗中的許多人帶來光明。"蘇格蘭政府積極支援幹細胞研究活動。因此,蘇格蘭有許多發展幹細胞技術的公司和許多領先的學術團體。中國可通過與蘇格蘭公司和大學的合作,充分利用蘇格蘭在幹細胞和生命科學領域的優勢。愛丁堡大學已經與北京大學幹細胞研究中心簽訂了關於幹細胞研究的合作協議。
幹細胞的潛力角膜上皮幹細胞移植是首批新一代再生療法中的一種,這些療法具有在未來幾十年給醫學帶來改變的潛力。這項奠基性的角膜盲研究由英國幹細胞基金會(UK Stem Cell Foundation)和蘇格蘭工商委員會(Scottish Enterprise)與英國的首席科學家辦公室(Chief Scientist Office)聯合資助。捐獻者幹細胞由蘇格蘭國立輸血服務中心(Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service,簡稱SNBTS)培養,相關試驗由該中心與英國國家衛生服務部的洛錫安區(Lothian)、大格拉斯哥區(Greater Glasgow)和克萊德河(Clyde)區衛生局一起進行。聯合資助這項工作的英國幹細胞基金會已建立了一個新的蘇格蘭幹細胞基金會,專門支援蘇格蘭的研究人員使用幹細胞技術為該病尋找對策和新療法。作為生命科學領域的領先者,蘇格蘭在幹細胞技術領域具有重大貢獻。五月,蘇格蘭再生醫學中心(SCRM)在愛丁堡生物科學基地(Edinburgh BioQuarter)開業。這個由公共和私人投資6億英鎊的地標性基地入駐了先進的教學醫院和專門的生物醫學研究與開發中心。蘇格蘭再生醫學中心採用了遵循良好製造規範的幹細胞生產設施。
发布时间:2012/6/7 11:15:00 来源:药品资讯网信息中心 瑞典卡罗琳医学院5日说,他们的研究人员开发出了一种新方法,可以较简便地测定病原体细胞或癌细胞的DNA合成状况。这一方法也可用来检测新药物对耐药性病菌和癌症的有效性,有助于新药物的筛选。由卡罗琳医学院研究人员托兰德和斯德哥尔摩大学教授朔贝里员共同进行的这一研究,其机理是检测核糖核苷酸还原酶(RNR)。这种酶是DNA合成和细胞增殖过程中所必需的,可以作为抗菌药物和抗癌药物的"标靶"。但因为目前技术还难以处理这种酶,目前市场上还很少有成功的药物。瑞典研究人员设计了一种变异的聚合酶链式反应,结合高通量筛选技术,使得核糖核苷酸还原酶的变化可以测定。这意味着可以很方便地测定病原体细胞或癌细胞的增殖状况,也可以用来筛选、检测以核糖核苷酸还原酶为标靶的药物。研究人员在新一期美国《国家科学院学报》上报告说,借助这种方法,他们已从1300多种物质里筛选出了两种物质,能通过抑制核糖核苷酸还原酶来杀死抗药性较强的绿脓杆菌。他们认为,这一新方法将大幅降低研发核糖核苷酸酶抑制剂的难度,有助于开发新型抗癌药物。
Tactio Medical Advisory Board !!
Tactio Deepens Its Healthcare Roots by Creating a Tactio Medical Advisory Board and Renaming itself as "Tactio Health Group" BusinessWire · Jun. 6, 2012 Jun. 6, 2012 8:00 AM ETTactio Health Group announces the launch of the Tactio Medical Advisory Board. The Tactio Medical Advisory Board includes certified physicians and health professionals from various specialties and countries, all sharing the drive and passion to blend their medical knowledge & healthcare experience with Tactio's mobile software & system's proficiency to make millions of people live a more active, enjoyable and healthy lifestyle.Tactio Medical Advisory Board members will provide their expertise to Tactio engineers on medical methods and formulas as well as guidance on health issues and specific conditions, best healthcare practices, mobile healthcare trends and emerging healthcare technologies.The Tactio Medical Advisory Board members are Dr. Alfons Pomp, MD (Weight-loss/Metabolic Surgery, New York – Cornell), Dr. Hughes Jeanmart, MD, FRCSC (Robotic Cardiac Surgery, Montreal – MHI), Dr. Rémi Rabasa-Lhoret, MD, PhD (Endocrinologist/Diabetes, Montreal - IRCM), Dr. Eric Sicard, MD (Family Medicine, Montreal – Algorithme Pharma) & Dr. Rebecca Thompson (Biomedical Immunology – Ohio, Toledo University Medical Center).Today nearly 2,500,000 health-conscious people from around the globe use Tactio's TactioHealth home wellness-system daily. A fast growing amount also use TactioReady eHealth wellness devices (WiFi scales, blood pressure & activity trackers from manufacturers such as A&D Medical, Fitbit, iHealth, Wahoo Fitness and Withings) to benefit from self tracking & quantifying yet eliminating the burden of data entry. TactioHealth provides Health Risks Assessment such as Cardio-Vascular, Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. TactioHealth has been rated the #1 Health App in more then 7 countries and can be downloaded on iPhones or iPads from the iTunes AppStore."I am extremely honored to have such top, world class healthcare professionals join Tactio's mission to help people electronically manage their health & wellness from their iPhones and iPads" said Michel Nadeau, P.Eng., President, CEO & Founder of Tactio Health Group."Keeping fit and staying healthy is your best option to prevent cardiovascular disease. TactioHealth is a great way to remind and to help you stay on track toward your target. If every time you open your iPhone, the app looks at you, it rings a bell inside you. Tracking and handling your health is a good way to avoid meeting me!" added Dr. Hughes Jeanmart, MD. FRCSC, from the Montreal Heart Institute."Mobile health and wellness applications which allow an individual to easily monitor their own health are the beginning of a new and exciting era of medicine. As a healthcare professional, preventative medicine is an integral part of patient wellness. TactioHealth enables individuals to take control of monitoring themselves and family by putting easy to understand information in palm of their hand," noted Dr. Rebecca Thompson, PhD., from the Toledo University Medical Center.
About Tactio Health Group Tactio Health Group is a world leader in mobile health systems with millions using its flagship TactioHealth Wellness System enjoying the personal and family benefits of being led to live a more active, healthier lifestyle. Tactio designs and builds multi-touch, cloud computing mobile software applications and systems that bring Internet market dynamics to the health and wellness industry, by providing world-class mobile solutions that instead of reactively tracking diseases, rather bring people the software they need to self track daily, weekly and monthly, to feel better and stay healthy longer. Visit www.tactiosoft.com for more information.
2012年06月07日 11:04:25 來源: 新華網雲南頻道 新華網雲南頻道6月7日電(記者 關桂峰 許緣)夏日的昆明陽光明媚、鮮花盛開,在美麗的滇池邊,在身後西山"睡美人"身姿的映襯下,一對對新人笑盈盈地拍著婚紗照。在昆明,滇池國家旅遊度假區就是當地人親近自然、享受生活的好去處,新婚男女喜歡在這裏留影,老人們常常去海埂公園晨練,周末一家人還會去爬爬西山、吃"農家樂"。一位居住在度假區的周女士說,遊覽雲南民族村感受少數民族風情,漫步在草海大壩領略"五百裏滇池奔來眼底"的壯闊,在袁曉岑藝術園欣賞藝術精品,在海埂訓練基地踢球鍛煉身體……生活在滇池國家旅遊度假區,如同生活在風景如畫的公園,心情十分舒暢。6日,"旅遊度假區可持續發展論壇"上,昆明市滇池國家旅遊度假區管委會主任羅建賓說,如今,旅遊產品從單一觀光正逐步轉向休閒度假,人們對休閒度假旅遊的需求逐漸增長。昆明滇池度假區將主打民族風情和高原康體休閒,著力打造碧水秀色、休閒運動、民族風情、度假滇池等形象。今後將引進一批生態休閒、湖濱度假、溫泉度假、山林度假等項目,同時堅持生態保護,加快對滇池的治理。度假區得天獨厚的氣候和康體休閒度假設施也吸引了眾多國內外遊客。一位來自北京的張先生說,原本從北京來昆明飛機晚點了2小時,心情不好,誰知下了飛機來到滇池國家旅遊度假區,滿眼綠樹紅花,心情就頓時"由陰轉晴"。入住的酒店也有很好的休閒放松設施,體訓基地條件很好,還能鍛煉身體,真是好的放松去處。