Wednesday, September 12, 2012
血糖儀廠 華廣 佈局 藥品及處方零售市場 !
中關村博奧生物: 北京20萬兒童免費耳聾基因篩查 !!
有感政策: 70億有感雲
台灣團隊解開SCA22 (22型小腦萎縮症)成因: voltage-gated potassium channel Kv4.3-encoding gene KCND3
FDA孤兒藥資格認定 僅基亞與懷特??? 台灣不止才兩項 !!!!!!!
冷凍胚胎 植入著床率 >30% !!
冷凍卵子卵巢 助癌患保生機 10:49:40 (中央社記者張榮祥台南12日電)26歲未婚王姓女子罹患乳癌,必須開刀及化療,她在治療前做出冷凍卵子及部分卵巢組織的決定,讓自己有生育下一代的可能。王姓女子一直把結婚生子當成人生重要目標,罹癌對她是嚴重打擊,她擔心乳癌治療時間長達數年,療後卵巢功能衰退,受孕率降低,才決定抗癌前,冷凍卵子及部分卵巢組織。成功醫院婦產部醫師周佩宜指出,近年來乳癌有年輕化傾向,年輕女性罹患子宮頸癌、卵巢癌等更時有所聞;雖說罹癌治療後存活率已大幅提升,但療後造成女性卵巢衰竭及生育能力降低,仍是現今醫學無法突破的瓶頸。她說,年輕女性罹癌接受長達數年治療,多數人不願意放棄未來當媽媽的希望及權利,冷凍胚胎、卵子及卵巢組織,是年輕女性保存未來生育能力的選擇。冷凍胚胎是目前冷凍生殖細胞中最有效的冷凍方式,冷凍胚胎解凍後,回復正常活性比例逾95%,植入後著床率可達30%以上,但前提是已婚患者才能施行。未婚女性可選擇冷凍卵子或卵巢組織,等到癌症治療完成或未來組織家庭後,再進行體外受精或卵巢移植。周佩宜表示,根據統計,全球冷凍卵子超過4000個,藉由冷凍卵子出生的嬰兒也有100例以上。全世界也有超過1000名乳癌患者在治療後懷孕,懷孕後流產率及畸胎比率沒有明顯增加。以成醫為例,也有數10例冷凍胚胎、冷凍卵子及卵巢組織。周佩宜說,不只是罹癌女性,甚至事業有成或單身「輕熟女」,也能未雨綢繆冷凍卵子,珍藏一分延續新生的權利。1010912
CA125巢癌篩檢沒用? 是嗎 !!
卵巢癌篩檢沒用 害多於益?!內診最重要 2012年9月12日 22:12 生活中心/綜合報導美國一個癌症專家小組表示,現有的卵巢癌篩檢法,沒有一個可以有效降低死亡率,有時害多於益。國內婦癌專家也贊同的表示,無論是透過抽血還是超音波來檢查卵巢癌,都沒有明顯的效果,不僅傷害受檢婦女,也浪費醫療資源。台北榮總醫師屠乃方今(12)日說,明確診斷卵巢癌,內診還是最重要的方式。美國預防工作小組主席穆易爾表示:「事實上,相當高比例接受卵巢癌篩檢的婦女,得到不實的陽性檢驗結果,可能受到沒有必要的傷害,諸如動重大手術。」美國預防工作小組說,他們不建議沒有出現卵巢癌徵兆,或有突變基因BRCA1或BRCA2,而罹患卵巢癌風險較高的婦女,接受例行性篩檢。台北醫學大學附設醫院婦產部主任劉偉民表示,不管是透過抽血或超音波來檢查卵巢癌,根本就沒有多大效果。婦女作健康檢查大都加作抽血驗「CA125」,也就是「卵巢癌指數」,台北榮總醫師屠乃方說,CA125指數異常不見得就有卵巢癌;反之,CA125指數正常也不見得沒有罹卵巢癌,CA125是種指標,異常後仍需透過診斷,內診是最重要的方式。
Accuracy of CA 125 in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors: a quantitative systematic review. Medeiros LR, Rosa DD, da Rosa MI, Bozzetti MC. Source Postgraduate Program in Epidemiology at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2009 Feb;142(2):99-105. Epub 2008 Nov 7.
Abstract A quantitative systematic review was performed to estimate the accuracy of CA 125 assay in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Studies that evaluated CA 125 levels for the diagnosis of ovarian tumors and compared them with paraffin-embedded sections as the diagnostic standard were included. Seventeen studies were analyzed, which included 2374 women. The pooled sensitivity for the diagnosis of borderline tumors or ovarian cancer was 0.80 (I.C. 95% 0.76-0.82) and the specificity was 0.75 (I.C. 95% 0.73-0.77). The diagnostic odds ratio for ovarian cancer and borderline lesions vs. benign lesions was 21.2 (95% C.I., 12-37). Summary receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed due to heterogeneity in the diagnostic odds ratio. For malignant and borderline ovarian tumors vs. benign lesions the area under the curve was 0.8877. A CA 125 level of >or= 35 U/ml is a useful preoperative test for predicting the benign or malignant nature of pelvic masses. The accuracy of CA 125 in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors is high and very important in helping the surgeon to decide what kind of surgery should be performed.
花粉対策製品に認証マーク 産官学の協議会が発足
サントリーホールディングスや武田薬品工業などが花粉症対策に産官学で協力して取り組む「花粉問題対策事業者協議会」は12日、都内で設立総会を開き、一定の基準を超えた効果を持つ花粉対策製品にお墨付きを与える「認証マーク」の導入を目指すことを決めた。 花粉症は新たな国民病と言われ、各社が健康食品や医薬品、空気清浄器など多くの対策製品を発売しているが、症状の軽減などでの効果を示す統一的な基準はない。各社共通で実験に使う花粉の大きさや種類、認証マークを与える基準などを決め、消費者が製品を選ぶ際の参考にしてもらう。 また10月から会合を毎月開き情報交換するほか、協議会や会員が行う花粉の発生源などについての調査結果を基に花粉飛散を減らすための政策提言も行う。代表理事に選ばれたサントリーの辻村英雄常務執行役員は総会後、「産官学の密接な連携で、1社ではできないより効果的な対策を打ちたい」と述べた。 同協議会の発足時の会員は、ダイキン工業やユニ・チャーム、研究機関の独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所など約10社・団体。
Stem Cell Research...Court Upholds Obama's Embryonic Stem Cell Research Funding
Tuesday, August 14th, 2012 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit upheld a lower court decision throwing out a lawsuit against the funding, which President George W. Bush stopped and Obama resumed soon after taking office. Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Steven H. Aden issued a statement expressing disappointment in the ruling that upheld the use of taxpayer funds for human embryonic stem cell research. "Americans should not be forced to pay for experiments that destroy human life, have produced no real-world treatments, and violate federal law," he said. Aden also said the law's clear intent had been utterly ignored. "Congress designed that law so that Americans don't pay any more precious taxpayer dollars for needless research made irrelevant by adult stem cell and other research. In the current economic climate, it makes even less sense for the Obama administration to use taxpayer money for this illegal and unethical purpose." The lawsuit argued that Obama's executive order violated the 1996 Dickey-Wicker law that prohibits taxpayer financing of scientific research resulting in the destruction of human embryos. The Associated Press quoted Chief Judge David B. Sentelle, part of the three-judge appeals court panel, as saying, "Dickey-Wicker permits federal funding of research projects that utilize already-derived" embryonic stem cells because no "human embryo or embryos are destroyed" in such projects. "Therefore, unless they have established some `extraordinary circumstance,' the law of the case is established and we will not revisit the issue." In August 2010, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth ruled that the executive order likely violated the Dickey-Wicker law. But in April 2011, a federal appeals court ruled Obama can use taxpayers' money to fund embryonic stem cell research. "Embryonic stem cell research relies on the destruction of young human embryos, and that destruction is integral to the research," LifeNews quoted Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council's Senior Fellow for Life Science s, as saying. "There would be no embryonic stem cells available for federal funding without first harming and destroying a young human embryo, an act that is prohibited by the Dickey-Wicker language which is passed annually," Prentice added. "A plain reading of Dickey-Wicker would eliminate all taxpayer funds for embryonic stem cell research. Federal funding of embryonic stem cell research is a tragic waste of lives as well as taxpayer money, since despite the promises made to gain the federal funding, there is not a single example of a successful treatment. Only adult stem cells have successfully treated any patient, now helping thousands of people for dozens of conditions." Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said in a statement that his department will now "continue to move forward, conducting and funding research in this very promising area of science." The ruling, he said, "affirms our commitment to the patients afflicted by diseases that may one day be treatable using the results of this research." Human embryonic stem cell research, with the present state of technology , involves the creation of a human embryonic stem cell line, which requires the destruction of a human embryo, and raises concerns over the rights and status of the embryo as an early-aged human life.
B型肝炎検証で厚労省 原告側と国が昨年、和解基本合意したB型肝炎訴訟で、感染拡大の原因とされた集団予防接種の注射器使い回しについて、厚生労働省が初の全国実態調査に乗り出すことが12日、関係者への取材で分かった。 調査対象は国が予防接種を義務付けた1948年から、使い回しを禁じた88年までの期間。年月が経過していることもあり、一連の訴訟でも各地の使い回しの実態や経緯は十分解明されていなかった。 和解基本合意を受け厚労省はことし5月、被害の検証などを目的に、専門家や被害者らでつくる検討会を設置。検証のためには実態調査が必要と判断し、調査を担当する研究班を設けた。
Cell Therapeutics launches Pixuvri in the European Union
Published on September 11, 2012 at 2:05 AM · Cell Therapeutics, Inc. ("CTI") (NASDAQ and MTA: CTIC), a company focused on translating science into novel cancer therapies, today announced the initiation of the commercial launch of Pixuvri® in the European Union ("E.U.") with entry into Sweden, Denmark and Finland in September, to be followed by Austria and Norway in early October 2012 and Germany, United Kingdom and the Netherlands in November 2012. CTI plans to expand availability to France, Italy and Spain as well as other European countries in 2013. Pixuvri was granted conditional marketing authorization by the European Commission in May 2012 and is the first medicinal product licensed in the E.U. to treat adult patients with multiply relapsed or refractory aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin Lymphoma ("NHL"). In the E.U., there are approximately 37,000 new cases of aggressive B-cell NHL every year."Patients with late-stage aggressive NHL who are not eligible for, or who have not responded to, second line therapy, have very limited treatment options and a bleak outlook, with average survival of less than a year," commented Dr. Ruth Pettengell, Consultant Hemato-Oncologist at St George's Hospital, London and principal investigator of the Phase III EXTEND study. "The evidence for Pixuvri demonstrates improved efficacy over current treatment options, but without the cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines. By addressing this unmet need, Pixuvri is an important new treatment option for physicians treating this group of patients."In the EXTEND (Expanding the reach of anthracyclines with piXanTronE in relapsed or refractory aggressive NHL Disease) study for Pixuvri, when compared with other active single-agenttreatments, more patients on Pixuvri achieved a complete response or unconfirmed complete response, and also survived for longer before their disease progressed. Prior to the approval of Pixuvri there was no standard of care for treating patients who failed front line and second line therapy for aggressive B cell NHL. The EXTEND trial is the only randomized controlled clinical study in this patient population establishing the standard of care for this patient population."We are pleased to be able to offer the first meaningful treatment option for physicians treating those patients with multiply relapsed and refractory aggressive NHL," stated James A. Bianco, M.D., President and CEO of CTI. "CTI looks forward to making this innovative product available to healthcare providers across the European Union."
台微體 獲TEVA 2,000萬元milestone !
Abcam launches unique range of Epitomics' RabMAbs(R)
September 06, 2012 (PRLEAP.COM) Abcam plc is delighted to announce that following the acquisition of Epitomics, Inc. in April this year, it has launched a unique range of Rabbit Monoclonal antibodies (RabMAbs). RabMAbs provide the combined benefits of superior antigen recognition of the rabbit immune system with the specificity and consistency of a monoclonal antibody, bringing you the highest quality antibody possible.The integration of Epitomics' line of high quality RabMAbs on to Abcam's extensive catalogue now enables most European customers to receive next day delivery.The addition of Epitomics' unique RabMAbs to Abcam's product portfolio, combined with Abcam's powerful e-Commerce capability, helps Abcam achieve its vision of becoming the world's leading supplier of life science research tools.The product range is now integrated into Abcam's website and is available through authorized distributors.Commenting on the announcement, Jonathan Milner, Chief Executive Officer, Abcam plc, said:"We live in a golden age of biology where, almost daily, enormous breakthroughs are being made in mankind's understanding of how cells operate in health and disease. These breakthroughs are possible owing to the rapid growth in understanding at a molecular level of the role of proteins within the cellular environment.Abcam's mission is to help scientists and medical researchers in their quest to unravel the huge complexity of protein function by offering the biggest range of the best life science research tools in the world. Epitomics' best-in-class RabMAbs are superb products that will help propel Abcam towards achieving its mission of enabling the research community to discover more."Guo-Liang Yu, CEO and President of Epitomics - an Abcam Company added:"We are very pleased to have successfully completed the acquisition and excited to be joining Abcam, a leading provider of life science research tools. This acquisition will allow us to continue to develop our line of high quality rabbit monoclonal antibodies and introduce even more researchers to our technology, products and services. It has always been our goal to help advance research by providing best-in-class antibodies and this acquisition only helps to enhance this."About Epitomics Epitomics, Inc. is a biotechnology company dedicated to developing breakthrough rabbit monoclonal antibody technology for research and diagnostic applications. The Company's core technology is its unique and proprietary RabMAb® (Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody) technology which produces antibodies with superior binding affinity and bioactivity in a wide variety of biological assays. Epitomics, Inc. was founded in 2001, headquartered in Burlingame, California, and operates a wholly owned subsidiary in Hangzhou, the People's Republic of China.Epitomics, Inc. is now known as Epitomics - an Abcam Company.
神隆台南部分中間體產品移往常熟廠生產 !!!
神隆8月營收月減近4%,下半年估逐季創高 2012/09/10 10:12 精實新聞 2012-09-10 10:11:45 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 原料藥大廠神隆(1789)公告8月營收4.34億元,月減近4%,法人估計,該公司本季營收可望季增30%以上,創下單季新高,下半年營收可望連2季創下高峰,但因毛利率相對較低的新藥委託代工占比從第1季低點回升,下半年毛利率平均將低於上半年,全年營收上看43億元,每股稅後盈餘約1.5元。神隆上半年營收成長6.59%,主要來自歐美乳癌及卵巢癌銷售增加,下半年包括憂鬱症、漸凍人的委託代工用藥營收貢獻也將恢復成長,加上最受關注的減肥新藥Qsymia隨7月正式取得藥證,拉貨動能也逐步增加,法人看好該公司下半年營收成長力道,估計單季營收有機會連2季創高。 而神隆最新公布8月營收4.34億元,雖較7月下滑近4%,但較去年同期大增60%,法人估計,該公司本季營收季增率將超過30%,上看11.8-12億元,第4季營收還將登上全年高峰,續創單季歷史新高,全年營收約43億元,年增8-9%。不過,因毛利率較低的委託代工用藥占比增加,法人預期,神隆第3季毛利率仍將維持第2季的46.5%,較首季高峰的50%以上下滑,下半年平均值將低於上半年,今年全年毛利率預估落在48.5%,稅後盈餘逾9.6億元,以目前股本估算,每股稅後盈餘約1.5元。 而神隆兩岸擴建的新產能也逐步到位,其中常熟1期廠中間體廠已投產,初期將先把台南部分中間體產品移往常熟廠生產,同時該廠也將申請美國FDA查廠,而台南廠新增2條產線可望在年底完工。法人預期,新產能開出多少有助訂單吃緊狀況,2期廠則預計今年底到明年初完工,2014-2015年可望開始貢獻營收,啟動另波新成長。
F-康聯衝!8月營收月增逾5成 搶食中國5000家醫院商機 2012/9/11鉅亨網提供中國醫藥銷售平台F-康聯(4144)公告8業績,在合併東北同澤效應逐步顯現,營收達1.5億元,月增51%,年增26%;累計1至8月營收為10.4億元,年增8%,目前公司積極取併購、策盟和新藥開發3階段發展,擴大營運規模,同時拓展深化2、3線城市,佈局擴大成長超過5000家醫院,全力搶攻十二五醫改商機。 F-康聯表示,8月在旺季效應,新代理GSK抗生素、B肝用藥銀丁以及糠酸莫米松開始銷售,以及新併購黑龍江同澤藥業的貢獻營收,整體來看,下半年的成長動能將優於上半年。未來康聯將全力衝刺2、3線城市創造利基,每年至少有1-2個新產品上市,且覆蓋中國醫院客戶滲透率持續攀高,由目前2千多家醫院擴大成長至5000多家醫院。 F-康聯去年年底與英國葛蘭素史克(GSK)合作,取得一級抗菌藥物「阿莫西林克拉維酸鉀(Augmentin)1.2g針劑-力百汀」在中國的獨家銷售推廣權,搶攻中國10億人民幣(約合台幣50億元)商機,目前已開始正式銷售,3年內短期目標達1億人民幣(約合台幣5億元),搶攻中國大陸全身用抗菌藥物(抗生素)藥品市場的商機。除了葛蘭素史克(GSK)外,今年年底將會有第二家國際級大藥廠合作,據了解,此藥廠規模全球前五大,為一家美國跨國企業,合作代理後挹注新成長動能。 法人報告指出,F-康聯今年舊有產品線維持正向成長,上半年表現超乎預期,隨著下半年併入同澤藥業營獲利及GSK明顯挹注,推估營收為18億元,年增率達2成,稅後淨利將調高至4億元,每股稅後純益超過5元。
Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 08:00 Hrs[IST] A fundamental flaw in the current drug pricing policy in India is the absence ofregulation on high priced patented drugs. After the introduction of product patent regime in 2005, multinational drug companies have been importing large number of patented products for marketing in the domestic market. These drugs are being sold at exorbitant prices as the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority did not try to bring them under price control as yet. Most of the patented drugs are highly expensive on account of excessive profiteering, loading of huge trade commission and promotional costs. The need to have some kind of price control on patented drugs was felt soon after the new patent law was notified and when MNCs started introducing patented drugs in the Indian market. But the matter dragged on for years. An expert panel was set up by the Department of Pharmaceuticals for the purpose six years ago but no decision was arrived at so far. Even the draft proposal for new drug pricing policy brought out by the government last year leaves out the issue of pricing of patented drugs. Now, NPPA has approached the Department of Pharmaceuticals seeking an amendment of DPCO,1995 to bring pricing of all the imported drugs under its scrutiny and price control. How long this process will take is something to be watched.Apart from excessive pricing of patented drugs, MNCs have been also claiming patent rights for products which are not actually new molecules since 2005. These companieshave been filing applications for patenting different forms of the same drugs, like salt, polymorphs, analogues, crystalline and combinations with other drugs. By doing this, they just tried to corner a broader spectrum of protection for commercially significant forms of the same compound. The patent offices in the country have thus granted patents to dozens of products which do not merit patent protection at all. Filing of multiple patent applications for various forms of the same drug is possible within the framework of the amended Patent Act. A study conducted by Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance in 2009 found that at least 86 cases of patents granted for pharmaceutical products were just minor variations of existing molecules. And between 2005 and 2010, about 13,000 patents have been already issued to various chemicals and pharmaceuticals by Indian patent offices. Obtaining a patent implies an exclusive marketing right for the product for 20 years and if MNCs fix any price for such products without considering socio economic reality of the country that needs to be stopped in the public interest. Granting of patent right for a new drug product and charging a high price for it may be justifiable in case of a non essential drug but that cannot be allowed in case of a life saving drug in India.
Sanofi Pasteur登革熱疫苗 three dengue virus types vaccine: 31000人臨床三期 !!!
Sanofi Pasteur's first efficacy results confirm safety profile of dengue vaccine candidate Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 10:00 Hrs[IST] Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines divisionof Sanofi, has announced clinical study results showing the ability of its vaccine candidate to protect against dengue fever caused by three dengue virus types. The results of the world's first efficacy study confirm the excellent safety profile of Sanofi Pasteur's dengue vaccine candidate.A feature of dengue epidemiology is that the relative prevalence of virus types in a given area is evolving with time. Large-scale phase III clinical studies of Sanofi Pasteur's dengue vaccine candidate are underway with 31,000 children and adolescents in 10 countries in Asia and Latin America. These studies will generate important additional data in a broader population and in a variety of epidemiological settings to define the best conditions to set up vaccination programs in order to protect people at risk of dengue.The study was conducted in 4,002 children aged 4 to 11 years, in partnership with the Mahidol University under the patronage of the Thai Ministry of Public Health in Muang district of the Ratchaburi Province. Sanofi Pasteur's dengue vaccine candidate is a live, attenuated vaccine. The vaccination schedule is 3 doses given 6 months apart (at 0, 6 and 12 months).Dr. Scott Halstead, International Vaccine Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea., said, "The complexity of dengue virus infection has hampered vaccine research for decades. This is the first time in 50 years of dengue research that I have seen a vaccine that protected a large group of children fromclinical disease caused by dengue viruses. Best yet, the vaccine met the highest safety expectations. These results should be a source of hope for millions of parents whose children are at risk of severe dengue, a life-threatening disease which often requires hospitalization."The full analysis of vaccine efficacy against each serotype, reflecting real-life conditions (intent to treatanalysis) showed vaccine efficacy to be 61.2 per cent against dengue virus type 1, 81.9 per cent against type 3 and 90 per cent against type 4. One of the dengue virus types (serotype 2) eluded the vaccine. Analyses are ongoing to understand the lack of protection for serotype 2 intheparticular epidemiological context of Thailand."Having worked in the field of dengue research for over four decades, with much of my efforts focused on prevention and control, it is very exciting for me to see a safe vaccine candidate that provides protection against 3 of the four dengue serotypes," said Professor Duane Gubler, Program on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NSU Graduate Medical School, Singapore. "Dengue is a major public healthconcern for over half of the world's population and is a leading cause of hospitalization and deathamong children in endemic countries.Because mosquito control has failed to control this disease, an effective vaccine will be a critical tool that can change the life of millions living in endemic countries. I see this success as the beginning of a new era of effective control."According to Dr. Roberto Tapia Conyer, General Director of the Carlos Slim Health Institute, Former Undersecretary of Health in Mexico, "These dengue vaccine results bring a significant promise in thecontext of the expanding denguedisease burden worldwide and theabsence of specific treatment. Work will continue to study this vaccine and the circulation of dengue viruses globally, but in the meantime, the public health community can now formulate the best possible immunization policies and prepare for implementation of vaccination campaigns in countries heavily affected by dengue."
因華 興櫃28元 健喬將釋股拉高今年EPS (>2)???
健喬 業績衝10年新高【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2012.09.12 03:25 am 健喬信元(4114)旗下小金雞因華生技將於今(12)日召開「登錄興櫃前法說會」,健喬表示,隨著因華登錄興櫃,健喬將出脫老股,11月、12月獲利可望獲得釋股挹注,今年受惠於本業、業外雙引擎,營運將創下10年來新高。健喬昨日股價收29元,上漲0.3元。健喬指出,看好因華長期發展,將考慮少量出脫持股,以活絡因華在資本市場交易狀況。法人表示,因華承銷價暫定每股為28元,而健喬持股成本為每股7元,近期可望承銷600張,每股價差超過20元,因此預估潛在釋股收益至少在1,000萬元,最快第4季認列收益。目前,健喬持有因華約1.34萬張,持股比重近四成,完成登錄後持股比重將降至三成左右。分析師表示,今年健喬受惠於本業、業外挹注,不僅營收將躍進兩成以上再創新高,由於轉投資公司因華的挹注,今年每股稅後純益(EPS )也有機會突破2元,改寫近10年新高。【2012/09/12 經濟日報】