Tuesday, August 7, 2012
FDA批准ZALTRAP® (ziv-aflibercept) 治疗转移性CRC !!
智擎 看上標靶放射治療 (clinical application searching…)
雲南白藥…中國的Johnson & Johnson: 快速應變市場導向!!!!
健亞中日雙軌佈局: 代工日商原廠抗生素/ 中國石藥集團
國家型計畫統包 都是自己人 …..?
要 “產業人” 如何透露戰略需求? 難 !
施振榮…人才是由企業訓練的 !!!!!
將科技轉為經濟人才 張忠謀歎:嚴重不足【聯合晚報╱記者林進修/台北報導】 2012.08.07 02:45 pm 第一次科學技術發展諮議今天進行第二天討論,來自海內外的諮議委員鎖定人才議題。宏碁集團創辦人施振榮認為,台灣並沒有人才問題,只有人才培育問題,只要提供舞台給剛出校園的年輕人,他們都會大展長才,成為優秀人才。施振榮直言,很多人說台灣人才不足,「那是不對的!」他強調台灣有那麼多的年輕人,都是很好的人才,但關鍵在於有沒有適當的機會一展長才,而這個舞台不妨由企業提供。施振榮解釋,每個人一生中待在企業的時間,遠超過在學校的時間,因此多數人才是由企業訓練,而不是大學訓練出來的,因此企業必須承擔更多責任,把年輕人從人才訓練成優秀人才。他認為,國內是舞台及創造價值的環境不足,才讓優秀人才被中國大陸給吸引過去。施振榮也提醒有意培養人才的企業,一定要容許他們做錯事或失敗的胸襟,唯有不斷摸索及學習,從錯誤或失敗中學取經驗,才能成為有力的優秀人才。台積電董事長張忠謀也認為台灣不缺一般科技人才,至於能將科技轉為經濟的人才,則嚴重不足,使得台灣科技在面臨轉型時出現問題。張忠謀說,台成清交等台灣頂尖大學培養的學生,就算只是大學部畢業的學士,也都有很好的能力,可以完成長官交給他們的工作,但光靠這些基層的科技人才仍不足。他比較在意的是,有擔當及勇於任事的中層管理人才,及可以找出新方向的高階管理人才,台灣相對不足。【2012/08/07 聯合晚報】
WoundSmart(R) - The Professional Wound Care Documentation Tool
- BringsNew York, NY (PRWEB) August 07, 2012WoundSmart® brings a complete documentation program to the wound care professional's iPhone and iPad . A market study was performed to estimate the treatment costs and the costs of hospitals stays for patients who developed ulcers during hospitalization. These costs were estimated to be as much as $6 billion a year. In elderly populations and in those who are institutionalized, wounds whether, pressure related, diabetic, surgical are one of the most costly and challenging diseases to treat.These wounds add an estimated burden of over $1 billion of expenditures and an additional 2.2 million Medicare hospital days to the United States healthcare system. It has been shown that the cost of treatment is runs into the tens of thousands per wound, depending on the stage, etiology of the wound as well as time to intervention. Woundsmart® is not a watered down photography program, but a fully functional documentation suite that can create in minutes at the patients bedside, in the field or the office, a completely documented wound encounter. A wound professional can now keep a patients demographic, significant wound history, wound specific lab tests, cultures and radiographic literally at their fingertips savings both time and money for an already over taxed healthcare system. This translates ultimately into better care and preferred outcomes for the patient. Harnessing the simplicity of the native iPhone interface anyone can now fully document a wound , which allows for better care, decreased liability and increased interdisciplinary communication, using WoundSmart® ability to send either an individual patient encounter or the complete wound history to colleagues, consultants as well incorporating it into office based Electronic Medical Records. In addition to WoundSmart® documentation capability it also incorporates a reference section with important wound care information, and classifications to help standardize communication and continuity of care within this multidisciplanary health issue. The ability to document a wound and follow its progress and communicate between a patients team of caregivers is paramount in the battle against wounds and has until now been an elusive and challenging goal. The iOS and WoundSmart® closes that gap. Created by Dr. Alec Hochstein the "iPodiatrist" in consultation with noted woundcare specialists, radiologists and iOS interface experts WoundSmart® was developed for all those involved in the battle against wounds, Nurses, Plastic, General, Vascular, Orthopedic, Podiatric Surgeons, Resident physicians, and Physician Assistants. WoundSmart® allows the documentation of a wound on a daily weekly , or monthly basis, while maintaining the complete story of a wound safely and securely on your iPhone. The user can maintain record of the wounds progress from size, depth as well as all wound and peri-wound characteristics, grade, drainage, wound procedures, interventions, signs of infection, laboratory values, radiographic findings, in addition to pictorial documentation. The WoundSmart® interface will literally save the wound professional hours of documentation a week while increasing quality of documentation, which will both afford professionals more time to care for their patients while increasing the satisfaction of those patients. If you are going to take care of wounds you need to be smart….WoundSmart® WoundSmart® is not only a financially smart alternative for the Wound care professionals that brings a documentation program that would otherwise cost hundreds of dollars to gain the same if not less level of documentation…but more importantly it is the smart choice that will save time, and not cost and arm or leg…..rather it will save them. See it in action here
陸美如: 無國界醫師願望 !!
拚上台大醫 她想當第二連加恩 2012/08/07 【聯合報╱記者鄭惠仁/台南報導】台南市私立聖功女中原住民畢業生陸美如原始總分502.2分,加分後677.97分,上台大醫學系。 台南一中應屆畢業生王振宇為拚台大醫學系,放棄國際生物奧林匹亞科學競賽國手資格,全力拚指考,如願錄取台大醫。私立聖功女中陸美如為原住民,她以全國原住民最高分數成功錄取台大醫學系。 「考完學測後我才決定要讀醫學系!」王振宇表示,自小對生物很有興趣,上高中後就讀科學班,高二時獲得全國生物能力競賽一等獎,及國際生物奧林匹亞科學競賽國手選拔第5名,高三再度參與選拔獲得國手第1名,師長看好他若參加國際賽,奪金牌的希望相當濃厚,但他選擇拚指考。「生物和醫學都是我的興趣,但醫學的面向更廣。」王振宇表示,因學測前沒有充分準備,只考73級分,學測後加緊努力,但以平常心來準備課業,考出541.8分,原先認為544分才會上,沒想到上台大醫,希望未來能從事醫學研究。排灣族的陸美如,上了高中還沒想過要讀醫學系,高三看了無國界醫師連加恩的故事,心裡起了漣漪。她說想歸想,但還沒有那麼堅決,「因為要服務群眾不是只有當醫師,各行各業都可。」學測考了72級分,連申請醫學系的資格都沒有。但她利用4個月時間努力準備,雖然最拿手的數學沒考好,仍考了502.2分,加分後為679.9分,為原住民學生最高分,並順利錄取台大醫學系。「未來我希望能到偏鄉地區服務!」陸美如表示,以無國界醫師連加恩為榜樣,希望到窮鄉僻壤服務弱勢的民眾。
Online Reputation Management for Doctors !!
Plastic Surgeon Publishes Article on Importance of Online Reputation Management for Doctors In the July 2012 issue of "Aesthetic Surgery Journal," board-certified plastic surgeon in Atlanta, Dr. Joseph G. Bauer, and attorney in Atlanta, Richard M. Escoffery, Esq, discuss the options and challenges in monitoring a physician's or a medical practice's online reputation. the internet is not regulated. Anyone can say anything, and it sometimes gets to be difficult for patients to know which reviews can be trusted. Atlanta GA (PRWEB) August 07, 2012In the July 2012 issue of "Aesthetic Surgery Journal," board-certified plastic surgeon in Atlanta, Dr. Joseph G. Bauer, and attorney in Atlanta, Richard M. Escoffery, Esq, discuss the available methods to monitoring a physician's or a medical practice's online reputation. In a related 2011 study by Pew Internet and American Life Project stated that 8 out of 10 internet users looked online for health information. The people participating in the study used the internet primarily for email, then for using a search engine, and third for looking for health information. The Pew study found that of internet users, 44% look online for information about a doctor or health professional. This is a huge percentage of patients researching their doctors and seeing how involved the doctor is in the online health community and seeing what the community thinks of the doctor. Comments Dr. Bauer, "When the reviews seen online are real, based on accurate events, the reviews websites can have tremendous value to patients searching for a qualified plastic surgeon; but the internet is not regulated. Anyone can say anything, and it sometimes gets to be difficult for patients to know which reviews can be trusted." Dr. Bauer continues, "Most websites don't make a reviewer prove that they were really a patient before they can post a review. Most don't have any process to make sure the reviews posted are reflective of a real experience." An example of how impactful this is to plastic surgeons, can be seen in another study showing that 41% of breast augmentation patients begin their research by searching on Google. These searchers are looking for information about the breast augmentation procedure and about the options for breast implants. These patients are also looking for information on plastic surgeon of choice. This includes the doctor's website, the doctor or practice social media participation, as well as numerous review sites. Understanding these as influences on potential patients decision-making, it is a vital component to the health of a practice to monitor and manage the physician's reputation online. This includes assessing a physician's current reputation, proactively building a reputation, and defending against defamatory posts or comments when they are created. Assessing the current state of a physician's reputation is the first step. By searching the physician's name and the practice name in Google search engine, it is immediately seen what patients are writing about their experiences and what potential patients are reading about the practice. Review sites are a priority for researching the current state of a practitioner's online image. These are sites such as CitySearch, Insider Pages, RateMDs, Vitals and Real Self. All of these and others are strong, authoritative directories, and often show up on page one of Google searches, so it is strongly recommended that a practitioner regularly monitor their profiles on these sites for reviews by actual patients and for reviews that appear to match the practices' impression of the patients' satisfaction. One strategy of proactively building a reputation is making sure the first page of Google results for the physicians' name and the practice name is trustworthy information. The results on the first page of Google should be the practice website, Facebook, blog, and any other web property that the practice owns and controls. Also, a strong staff with training can help avert possible defamatory reviews online by making sure that patients are satisfied and problems or concerns are addressed quickly. Defending negative reviews that are published is the third focus of strategy. Not every comment or post needs addressing, but for those that seem to be extreme, a process is established in addressing these posts and taking action to have them removed or neutralized.
About The Swan Center:The Swan Center for Plastic Surgery is a leader in the aesthetic industry specializing in surgery of the breast, body and face. The Swan Center for Plastic Surgery's on site operating facility, Alpharetta Aesthetic Center is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The Joint Commission is an independent, not-for-profit organization; and is the nation's oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care, focusing on patient safety and quality of care. The Atlanta plastic surgeons at The Swan Center are board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, among a multitude of further professional accomplishments.
Swan Center for Plastic Surgery4165 Old Milton Parkway, Suite 200 EastAlpharetta, GA 30005http://www.swancenteratlanta.com(770) 667-0904
通策医疗: 加強口腔医院戰略
通策医疗:口腔医疗作为支撑 辅助生殖前景较好 来源: 广发证券研发中心发布时间: 2012年08月06日 14:42 作者: 贺菊颖
专注长三角、昆明等经济较为发达地区 公司明确未来口腔医院发展方向,将经济发达地区作为重点深耕领域。未来短期杭口及宁口仍是公司主要收入及利润增长点,长期看昆明作为国家公立医院改革试点城市之一,消费水平较高,未来有望成为新增长点。杭口共有六个院区,其中平海路,庆春路,大学路院区基数较大,牙床基本稳定,城西分院作为高端牙科会所,增速较快,未来公司将在杭州建立一个中心医院,牙床数量将进一步提升。宁口目前有47张牙椅,下半年搬入新场地后,将达到150多张牙椅,为原先的3倍,上半年宁口在场地受限的条件下,仍具有60%以上的增长,未来场地限制得到缓解后,增速有望进一步提升。
正畸、种植、美容及洗牙等成为增速来源 公司目前收入增长,从项目上看,正畸、种植、美容、美白等项目成为口腔医院提升收入的主要业务项目,基础口腔医疗每年的增速预计在10%左右,正畸、种植因其毛利率较高而成为收入主要来源。国内错颌畸形的发病率在50%左右,去年公司正畸手术量约为4000多例,种植牙5000颗,未来仍有较大空间,这些具有高毛利的业务收入将成为支撑杭口增长的主要来源。
辅助生殖年底将确认合同,预计明年启动 公司在年底将确认与昆明妇幼保健院的合作,正式进入辅助生殖领域。辅助生殖作为公司开辟的第二大领域,具有毛利率高,市场大,供不应求的优势。
盈利预测及投资评级 预计公司2012-2014年EPS为0.58元,0.79元,1.07元,同比增长32%,37%,36%,对应市盈率为38倍,28倍和21倍,维持买入评级。风险提示今年租赁成本及人工成本较高,毛利率下降;宁口收入增长低于预期。
SP's Opportunities, Challenges for Functional Ingredients
Focus of USP's Upcoming Symposium to Include Global Opportunities, Challenges for Functional Ingredients in Foods and Dietary Supplements Standards Needed for Novel Ingredients Utilized in Increasing Number of Products Grounding health claims in sound science needs to be a priority as functional ingredients increase in popularity. Rockville, Md (PRWEB) August 07, 2012As consumers increasingly seek out foods and dietary supplements with perceived health benefits—and manufacturers respond with new products utilizing novel, so-called "functional" ingredients—an upcoming symposium organized by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) will explore developing public standards to help ensure the authenticity of these promising ingredients and bring consistency to the marketplace. Addressing the theme of Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements—Global Opportunities and Challenges, the USP Science & Standards Symposium will be held September 18-20, 2012, in Boston, Mass. The USP symposium will review the current scientific and regulatory landscape governing functional foods and dietary supplements; explore the overlap of functional ingredients in foods and dietary ingredients in supplements, and the implication for standards-setting organizations; and ascertain the need for functional standards, particularly when function and identity become intertwined. USP publishes the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC), the USP Dietary Supplements Compendium, and United States Pharmacopeia–National Formulary (USP–NF)—compendia of standards designating the identity, quality and purity of food ingredients, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals.
Keynote speakers for the symposium include:
•Dr. Paul M. Coates, director of the Office of Dietary Supplements at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Coates directs scientific research for dietary supplements at NIH and serves as an advisor to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on issues relating to dietary supplements.
•Ms. Deborah A. Duchon, nutritional anthropologist. Ms. Duchon is recent co-director of nutrition education for the New Americas Project, Department of Anthropology and Geography, Georgia State University, a historical culinary consultant and blogger.
The symposium will fall into two tracks: one dedicated to food ingredients and the other to dietary supplements, with overlapping sessions. The food ingredients track will include sessions on regulatory perspectives on functional foods, functional assays and identity, chemical and functional definitions, and emerging ingredients. The dietary supplements track will include sessions on structure/function claims, identity testing and evidence-based reviews of dietary ingredients. "Products that claim to provide health, nutritional and other benefits make up a dynamic and rapidly growing segment of the food, beverage and dietary supplement industries," said Praveen Tyle, Ph.D., executive vice president and chief science officer at USP. "Despite the fact that new product offerings are being introduced at a nearly constant pace, many key issues remain unresolved. Chief among these are the critical chemical, physical and functional characteristics of food and dietary supplement ingredients and how to measure them, as well as the degree to which function, or health claims, is tied to the identity of these ingredients. USP's upcoming symposium will seek a level of agreement on the science related to these ingredients, and explore how public standards can be developed by USP as a resource for industry, regulators and consumers. Grounding health claims in sound science needs to be a priority as functional ingredients increase in popularity." Speakers from regulatory agencies including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, FDA and NIH, Health Canada, the European Food Safety Authority and Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; associations such as the American Oil Chemists' Society and Institute of Food Technologists; major food and dietary supplement manufacturers; academic institutions from around the world; and more will present at the workshop. The symposium will be of interest to experts in the areas of research and development, formulation, manufacturing, compliance, regulatory affairs, validation, quality assurance/quality control and marketing. Early-bird registration is available through August 17, 2012 at a rate of $850 for industry and $550 for association/government/academia. Group discounts and discounts for those who attend both the symposium and the September 18 USP Workshop on Food Ingredient Functionality and Its Correlation with Pharmaceutical Excipient Performance in Boston are also available. More information may be found at http://uspgo.to/boston-s3-2012. Videos about the symposium may be viewed by clicking here.
USP – Advancing Public Health Since 1820The United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is a scientific, nonprofit, standards-setting organization that advances public health through public standards and related programs that help ensure the quality, safety, and benefit of medicines and foods. USP's standards are relied upon and used worldwide. For more information about USP visit http://www.usp.org.
2012-08-07 (綜合報道)(星島日報報道)政府早前推兩幅私院用地招標,但截標前多個集團指條件太「辣」放棄投標,包括令業界噤若寒蟬的套餐式收費。當日一口氣入標競投黃竹坑和大埔兩私院用地的富斯醫療集團,接受本報專訪表示套餐式收費毫無難度,集團其他地區醫院有五成醫療服務都可提供套餐式收費,有信心集團提供的收費制度,可吸引病人分流到私院,而營運的私院會定位於人口老化的醫療服務。印度富斯集團醫院發展項目統籌陳億仕接受本報專訪表示,構思中每所醫院可提供約四百病,最少七成病服務港人。競投兩幅公開招標的私院用地,其中大埔用地更只有富斯一家集團公開表態投標。陳億仕表示,公司對兩幅用地都有興趣,是否二擇其一「不便透露」。「見到香港人口老化,見到未來十年對醫療服務的需求不斷上升,病供應會十分緊張。」陳億仕表示香港私院接近飽和,使用率約有百分之八十五,期望新落成的私院會針對人口老化,主力發展癌症、骨科、心臟疾病和慢性疾病等醫療項目。「香港人購買醫療保險的Coverage(覆蓋率)過去十年不斷上升,即使自願醫保未能成功上馬,也會有愈來愈多市民可承擔私院服務,不過現時私家醫院收費透明度低,大部分市民仍然留在公院。」他認為如要病人分流到私家醫院,除了開設新私院外,私院也要提供更多套餐式收費,讓病人入院時知道出院收費,而富斯有意把價錢定於中產可承擔。富斯醫療集團於亞太區十個國家營運七十五所醫院,兩年購入香港連鎖式醫療集團卓健醫療,陳億仕指富斯其他地區的醫院,已有五成服務提供套餐式收費,高於政府招標文件中要求的三成。而本地卓健醫療的門診醫院,把病人帶到私院做手術,也會提供套餐式收費。套餐式收費即在病人入院時,已可告知治療疾病所需要的總費用,讓病人可有預算。陳億仕指,部分手術的價錢浮動性比較低,例如盲腸炎手術或者割膽手術,就比較容易使用套餐式收費,而醫院也會購買保險,分攤部分成本「超支」病人風險。至於剩下五成非套餐醫療服務,醫生也可根據臨經驗,告訴病人治療所需要的大概費用,差異少於百分之五。不過如病人使用深切治療部,費用較高,較難預測。富斯有意把私院結合集團旗下的卓健醫療門診服務,陳指雖說現時香港公私營醫療失衡,但門診方面很多市民仍然選擇私人醫生,只不過住院時就轉到公立醫院,其後覆診也選擇公立醫院專科門診,令公立醫院累積愈來愈多病人,私營變成只做簡單門診服務。他期望將來私院和基層門診服務可以合作,例如把卓健門診病人轉介到私院做手術,或私院中需要物理治療的病人轉介到卓健物理治療中心覆診,減輕對公營服務的依賴。
2012年07月31日08:13东莞时报本报讯 "力争用5年时间,使松山湖高新区成功申报国家创新型科技园区;再用5年时间,将该园区建设成为具有较大影响力的国家创新型科技园区。到2016年,松山湖全区营业收入超过3500亿元,年营业收入过百亿元的企业达到5家。"这是市政府最近出台的《关于把松山湖高新区建设成为国家创新型科技园区的若干意见》(以下简称《意见》)提出的目标。与此同时,松山湖还提出,台湾高科技园的研发用地面积将从原来的30%提升到70%;为支持人才培养,未来5年,松山湖计划再牵手10~15个大学院校共建研究院,将松山湖打造成东莞的"大学城"。
重大创新资源将向松山湖集中 按照市政府新的规划,松山湖高新区将在全球范围内绘制创新地图,引导全市重大创新资源如新建大型高新技术项目、重要工程中心和重点实验室、大型科研机构、风险投资和贷款担保机构、科技中介机构向高新区集中。在发展目标上,松山湖力争用5年左右的时间,成功申报国家创新型科技园区。到2016年,全区营业收入超过3500亿元,年营业收入过百亿元的企业达到5家,专利申请量达到1万件,创新创业载体面积超过300万平方米。
上调研发土地比重引进大学院校共建研究院 松山湖方面表示,为提高土地利用率、提高园区科研承载能力,松山湖高新区台湾产业园将研发用地面积所占比例由原来的30%调整为70%,提高对高水平研发项目的承载能力。据介绍,台湾高科技园将加快与远雄集团、中兴集团等台湾大企业合作,尽快将台湾高科技园建设成为两岸"同步升级、协同创新"新型产业合作模式示范区以及两岸"软硬产业"合作对接的示范区。近期将加快规划建设占地面积100亩的一期研发总部聚集区。除了提高土地利用率,松山湖在已牵手的大学及合作院校基础上,计划未来5年内再牵手10~15个大学院校共建研究院。据介绍,松山湖将协助华南理工大学协同创新研究院和北京大学(东莞)光电研究院尽快开展筹建工作,积极与复旦大学、同济大学、上海 大学、武汉大学等国内高校洽谈合作共建研究院。此外,作为前不久刚开园的中以国际科技合作产业园,目前松山湖管委会正积极开展东莞与以色列在水处理环保产业、新能源、生物医药、电动汽车、高端生产制造等领域的合作与交流,计划争取年内引进30家以色列企业进驻。
医药生物行业周报:医药投资提速,关注医疗资源分配调整带来的投资线索 2012年08月06日15:25银河证券本周行业主要观点--医药投资提速,关注医疗资源分配调整带来的投资线索:2012 年1-6 月医药投资累计同比增长40.6%, 较1-5 月提高2.5 个百分点;我们判断目前的投资需求更多的是企业利用新版GMP 认证的机遇,顺道进行生产线改、扩建建设以一次性满足未来若干年企业的生产需求和新版GMP 的认证要求。国家降低医保目录内的抗肿瘤、血液制品药物、免疫抑制药品,使得此类药品能够为更多的患者使用;同时释放出来的医疗资源如果用于购买中低价药品,可以有效缓解医药费用不足的矛盾。建议投资组合:在发改委尚未公布最终的降价稿,高价药降价的预期持续存在的前提下,我们建议关注生物板块。生物药(包括疫苗)在临床使用相对较少,即便价格高昂也不会对医疗费用造成负担。医药投资数据提示我们提高对新版GMP 改造利好的标的关注度如东富龙。疾病谱的改变以及新产能的投放投资思路,我们建议继续关注华仁药业。上周行情回顾:上周医药生物板块涨幅-3.26%(其中:化学原料药-2.84%;化学制剂-3.69%;中药-3.68%;生物制品-3.31%; 医药商业-2.44%;医疗器械-0.48%;医疗服务-0.68%),沪深300 涨幅-2.06%,上证综指涨幅-1.84%;医药生物板块继续落后于大盘表现。个股看,尚荣医疗、佐力药业、科华生物等涨幅居前;紫鑫药业、金花股份、国农科技、京新药业等跌幅较大。上周重点新闻、公告解读:上周的新闻主要集中于药品降价和未来医疗资源将向慢性病倾斜,提高大病保障方面。我国新医改2009 年开始实施以来,已经初步完成了基本医疗保险的广覆盖问题,但因病致贫大病保障方面还比较欠缺。未来国家将逐步实现将重要癌症(如妇女的两癌、肺癌、儿童的白血病)、糖尿病、重型精神疾病等"大病慢病"纳入大病保障范畴。