謠言滿天飛 浩鼎聲明揚言提告 發稿:2015/12/04 09:32(中央社記者韓婷婷台北4日電)人怕出名豬怕肥,「股也怕漲」,台灣浩鼎生技近來風光登上生技股股王,隨之而來的謠言也滿天飛,浩鼎特地發出聲明指出,任何非事實指控和謠言將採取強硬法律行動。浩鼎罕見發出聲明表示,「該公司是上櫃公司,所有公司治理、財務、資金流向等全面透明,經得起社會大眾以最嚴格的標準檢視;任何意圖以非事實的指控和謠言傷害該公司信譽者,台灣浩鼎都將採取強硬法律行動,以捍衛公司聲譽和投資人權」。台灣浩鼎指出,自2014年以來,關於台灣浩鼎臨床試驗和內部治理的不實指控,即一再流傳;台灣浩鼎一向認為,事實自會證明一切,故專注於新藥研發,未加理會。近一個月來,生技業在股市表現熱絡,各種不利台灣浩鼎和研發產品的傳言也隨之甚囂塵上,包括國內外網站均已流傳,已涉及公開散播謠言的不法行為。昨天續有匿名函寄給中研院及媒體,指翁院長涉及私下商業行為。台灣浩鼎總經理黃秀美指出,「台灣浩鼎前身為美國Optimer Pharmacitical在台的子公司,美國Optimer即院長翁啟惠和台灣浩鼎董事長張念慈等當年旅美時一手創辦,成功研發有效治療困難性梭菌腹瀉的新型抗生素「鼎腹欣」(DIFICID),亦很快在那斯達克上市,現已先後為Cubist和Merck所購併,是生技界創業成功典範」。該匿名函對翁啟惠與美國Optimer及台灣浩鼎諸多不實的指控,包括翁啟惠在升任中研院院長後,私下接受台灣浩鼎技術股份,而把股權轉移到前執行長、也就是張念慈名下。曾參與美國Optimer經營、研發的台灣浩鼎副董事長許友恭說明指出,事實是,翁啟惠從未接受過台灣浩鼎技術股或任何報酬,且台灣浩鼎技術股亦從未獲核准發行,此一指控根本無由成立。至於黑函指控張念慈涉及提供台灣浩鼎技術股給公職人員,許友恭表示,2012年即曾因此一莫須有指控,造成美國Optimer與台灣浩鼎董座易人,張念慈並曾接受公司內部及美國司法嚴格調查,最後總算還他清白。許友恭強調,這些烏龍指控本不值一哂,但生技產業被視為台灣未來經濟發展命脈,也由於有翁啟惠的長期關注、奉獻,台灣生技業才有今日的初具規模;他誠懇期盼不要為了個人目的,傷害生技界命脈,乃至社會整體利益。1041204
OBI Pharma snubs stock compensation claims By Ted Chen/Staff reporter OBI Pharma Inc (台灣浩鼎) shares yesterday rose 2.29 percent following a two-day slump, after the biotech firm cleared up rumors of irregularities in the provision of stock compensation to interested parties. Shares of OBI Pharma closed at NT$670 in Taipei trading, following declines of 2.51 percent and 6.43 percent in the past two sessions. The company dismissed rumors that it had granted shares to Academia Sinica president Wong Chi-huey (翁啟惠), who later transferred the shares to company chairman Michael Chang (張念慈). Academia Sinica, the nation's leading research academy, works in close collaboration with OBI Pharma. OBI Pharma was founded by Chang and Wong as a wholly owned subsidiary of US-based Optimer Pharmaceuticals Inc in April of 2012. Optimer Pharmaceuticals ousted Chang, who had served as chairman at OBI Pharma, on suspicion that Chang had arranged for a grant of 1.5 million OBI Pharma shares to himself for the benefit of a third party. OBI Pharma said that throughout the company's history, it has never approved share grants for members of its research team, management or interested parties. In addition, the company said that Wong was not involved in Optimer Pharmaceutical's October 2012 decision to sell the remaining stakes of its former subsidiary back to OBI Pharma shareholders and that Chang was later cleared of wrongdoing following probes by US financial regulators. Chang had no control on prices in the selling of shares, which was initiated by Optimer to raise funds, OBI Pharma said, adding that the rumors are aimed at stirring controversy over the ownership of the company's OBI-822 medicine, a promising active immunotherapy for metastatic breast cancer, after its share prices soared, while vowing to take legal action over unfounded rumors. OBI Pharma last month announced that it has inked an agreement to transfer exclusive rights for Merck & Co Inc of the US to develop and commercialize the company's narrow spectrum antibiotic Dificid in Taiwan. Dificid has been approved by Taiwanese authorities to treat closridium difficile-related diarrhea in adults. In related news, TaiGen Biotechnology Co (太景生技) shares yesterday gained 7.71 percent to climb to NT$37 after the company announced that its pneumonia drug Taigexyn is going through phase-three clinical trials and that a new drug application would be submitted to the Chinese Food and Drug Administration next year. The news came after TaiGen said last week it had received approval from the Chinese agency for the phase-two clinical trial of Burixafor, an autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation drug. So far this year, TaiGen shares have dropped 4.27 percent on the Taipei Exchange, outperforming the over-the-counter benchmark index, which has dropped 6.35 percent over the same period.