基因缺陷? 不抽菸亞裔女易患肺癌 2016-01-07 02:47 世界日報 編譯宋凌蘭/綜合5日電研究結果證實,不抽菸亞裔女性罹患肺癌的風險,可能與某些獨特的遺傳基因特點有關,和抽菸者的肺癌不同。一群國際科學家發現,三個基因區導致從不抽菸的亞裔女性易患肺癌。研究證實,不抽菸者罹患肺癌的風險,特別是亞裔女性,可能與遺傳基因特點有關,和抽菸者的肺癌不同。雖然像二手菸或室內炒菜油煙等環境因素,可能是從未抽菸的亞裔女性得肺癌的原因,但只能解釋少數的病例。為了更佳瞭解從未抽菸的亞裔女性得肺癌,國家癌症研究所(NCI)與其他國家的研究員合作,對從未抽菸女性進行大規模的「全基因組關聯分析」(GWAS),比較病患和非病患的基因組DNA標記。研究還納入環境因素的數據,包括接觸二手菸,這項2012年的研究刊登在「自然遺傳」期刊。研究員發現,基因組三個地方的變化,與從不抽菸的亞裔女性得肺癌有關,其中兩個地方位於6號染色體,另一個地方位於10號染色體。10號染色體的發現特別重要,因為在其他白人或亞裔肺癌的GWAS研究中,並未出現。研究作者羅茲曼(Nathaniel Rothman)說,該研究證據顯示共同基因變化,導致亞裔女患肺癌風險升高。這些變化也可能提高二手菸等環境因素造成肺癌的風險。
Genome-wide association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci in never-smoking women in Asia, Nature Genetics 44, 1330–1335 (2012) To identify common genetic variants that contribute to lung cancer susceptibility, we conducted a multistage genome-wide association study of lung cancer in Asian women who never smoked. We scanned 5,510 never-smoking female lung cancer cases and 4,544 controls drawn from 14 studies from mainland China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. We genotyped the most promising variants (associated at P < 5 × 10−6) in an additional 1,099 cases and 2,913 controls. We identified three new susceptibility loci at 10q25.2 (rs7086803, P = 3.54 × 10−18), 6q22.2 (rs9387478, P = 4.14 × 10−10) and 6p21.32 (rs2395185, P = 9.51 × 10−9). We also confirmed associations reported for loci at 5p15.33 and 3q28 and a recently reported finding at 17q24.3. We observed no evidence of association for lung cancer at 15q25 in never-smoking women in Asia, providing strong evidence that this locus is not associated with lung cancer independent of smoking.