Thursday, April 30, 2015

搶掉生技龍頭益安! DR.WU達爾膚 醫美 虛實挺進 (聚美、天貓)

 達爾膚登興櫃 稱霸生技股 2015-04-30 14:29:34 聯合晚報 記者嚴雅芳/台北報導 知名醫美保養品牌達爾膚(6523)今日登錄興櫃,在興櫃市場首日股價盤中一舉躍升到273.68元,不僅稱霸興櫃生技股,擠下益安(6499)興櫃生技股王寶座,也是興櫃中僅次於光通訊磊晶廠聯亞(3081)的新科興櫃股后。達爾膚券商認購價為130元,不過興櫃首日即衝破260元,漲幅更逾110%。達爾膚董事長吳奕叡表示,2015年台灣藥粧保養品市場預估86億元5年成長率為3~5% 不過,醫美保養品成長率預估10~15%,是一般藥粧的3倍。主要是在氣候變遷下,膚質敏感的人愈來愈多,加上微整療程盛行,術後敏弱肌膚也大增,對於低敏感、無刺激保養品的使用需求增加,是帶動醫美保養品市場蓬勃發展的關鍵因素。此外,醫美保養品主要消費族群為2945歲的女性,台灣消費習慣以日漸由感性消費轉為理性消費,醫美產品強調嚴格測試、實驗證實,較一般藥粧保養品吸引消費者。吳奕叡表示,看準中國大陸保養品市場快速成長,DR.WU達爾膚也於去年9月正式進軍中國,目前已有聚美、天貓等虛擬銷售通路。公司預估中國護膚保養品市場將有6,500億台幣以上的需求,也積極評估將在中國設立實體門市,隨著新品推出及銷售據點持續拓展,為未來營運動能。根據統計,2013~2018年中國大陸美容及個人保養用品年複合成長率為8%,其中護膚品銷售占比達50%,顯見中國大陸美容護膚品產業具有相當可觀的發展潛力。達爾膚表示,將積極發展多元銷售管道,大舉開拓中國市場。


生技當紅A咖 舉債/負債 苦苦苦?! (賣房子繳稅!)

證所稅發威 生技股東有苦難言20150331 04:10 記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導 證所稅果真「擾民」?除了財政部最近大動作要求投資人「自我舉證」申報102年所得稅外,近年當紅的生技公司,大股東、員工更在繳交證所稅壓力中「含淚賣股」,加上檢調查名嘴陰影,也讓櫃買生技類股昨(30)日成為重災區,類股湧現調節賣壓。由於稅制設計不合理,台微體總經理葉志鴻雖然沒賣股,但去年卻逼得去賣房子繳稅,目前還在負債;不僅如此,浩鼎董事長張念慈沒領薪水、也未曾賣股票,卻因股票有價差,也繳交4千萬元稅金另外像科妍總經理韓台賢等新掛牌生技公司,也都是舉債繳稅的苦主。生技業者指出,由於部份證券所得稅課稅標準,並不是以股票交易所得計算,而是以執行點計算,因此造成雖然沒有賣股票,卻因有利差而須繳稅的不合理情形。舉例來說,台微體剛上興櫃時,有發行員工認股權證,若當時價位每股100元,上櫃後的年限執行時間點時股價漲至400元,由於每股價差達300元,主管機關即以此價差計為所得,課徵最高40%的綜所稅率,每股繳交120元的稅。但以台微體昨日收盤價203元來看,其實持股人是賠本,只要當時沒有處分,未賣出即須繳交高額的稅金。此外,像初次上市櫃(IPO)的員工股票,是以第一天收盤價計算,201312/3安成藥以每股248元上櫃,330元作收,利差是82元,就安成藥昨跌停213元計,大股東、員工沒獲利,也要繳稅。日前風光掛牌上櫃的浩鼎,承銷價310元,員工加計稅率後,每股成本是340元,以浩鼎昨日收盤321元計算,大股東和員工也是虧損。另外,一般散戶部分,因財政部要求民眾在10日內,自行舉證2013年買賣未上市、或興櫃股票超過100張及IPO之前買進的股票,更惹來很大民怨,即使報稅日期要延至四月下旬,也沒人領情。法人表示,檢調上周五大動作搜查電視名嘴炒股,加上美股NBI生技指數今年漲幅已達17%,恐有泡沫疑慮,而證所稅稅制不合理,也將導致股東先落袋為安,短期來看,股東賣股繳稅的現象還會持續。


雷射/超音波刀/電燒手術煙霧!! 含毒氣體?!

手術電燒產生有毒煙霧 恐傷害醫護人員 中廣新聞網 (2015-04-29 12:40) 民進黨立委劉建國、田秋堇等人今天(29號)舉行記者會指出,在手術時經常使用雷射、電燒等儀器,過程中所產生的煙霧,含有有毒氣體和病菌,恐怕對醫護人員造成傷害;衛福部應會同勞動部想辦法解決。勞動部表示,將蒐集相關資料,必要時會採取進一步規範。(陳俊華報導)立委劉建國、田秋堇、陳節如以及「台灣婦產科內視鏡暨創醫學會」理事長葉光芃二十九號舉行記者會,葉光芃表示,在手術過程中,使用雷射、超音波刀、電燒等儀器時,會產生含有有毒氣體的煙霧,目前國外的醫學文獻已經有一些手術煙霧對醫護人員造成傷害的案例,特別是長時間待在手術室中的麻醉師等醫護人員,風險比外科醫師還要大。對此,勞動部職安署簡任技正張國明表示,站在預警的原則,醫療院所應該強化通風換氣設備,並提供更高防護等級的口罩,都是必要的。張國明:『勞動部的勞動及衛生所以及職安署,我們將來也會合作,針對這個議題進一步蒐集相關資料,必要的時候我們可以到現場做一些調查、評估以及研究,最後再根據研究結果,本土性醫護人員暴露狀況我們也會做評估,有需要的話會採取進一步規範。』立委田秋堇認為,這攸關職業傷害,衛福部應會同勞動部想辦法解決,而醫院要把這些手術煙霧排到室外前,也需要先經過處理;立委劉建國則表示,台灣不只戶外空氣品質糟糕,就連手術過程中都有煙霧產生,可能對醫護人員造成傷害,政府不能視若無睹,而醫院的經營者應該擴充設備,以改善空氣品質。

戰略互聯網+睡眠產業 切入大健康 (智慧床墊/枕頭)!!

智能睡眠「夢」太美 羅萊、夢潔緊相隨 北京新浪網 (2015-04-30 01:19)◎每經記者 黃霞 實習記者 黃修眉曾風靡一時的歌曲《追夢人》中有這麼一句話:「讓青春吹動了你的長髮,讓它牽引你的夢」——如今,智能睡眠概念就牽引了A股家紡巨頭的夢。417日,羅萊家紡(002293)宣布與深圳和而泰智能控制股份有限公司(和而泰,002402)簽署戰略合作協議,在睡眠健康監測與諮詢、智能家居等方面進行合作研發;424日(上周五)夢潔家紡(002397)也表示,423日與和而泰簽署戰略合作協議,雙方將共同合作開發整體智能卧室項目;428日,羅萊家紡全資子公司分別與艾瑞諮詢與戈壁集團合作,成立了兩個著眼於「互聯網+」的投資基金。《每日經濟新聞》記者注意到,有分析人士認為,上述舉動表明,家紡智能化的大幕顯然已被拉開,智能卧室正在加速推進中。

上市公司布局智能睡眠 隨著家居生活智能化需求日漸升溫,智能家居互聯網服務與運營無疑成為了一個新熱點。國脈物聯網技術研究中心發布的《20102015中國智能家居產業發展趨勢與投資機會研究報告》預測,2015年智能家居市場的規模將達1240億元,而這一數據在2014年僅約為300億元。長江證券分析師雷玉認為,雖然目前互聯網及智能家居仍存在標準缺失、創新不足等問題,但未來智能家居的趨勢不可阻擋,智能家居領域的布局將推動智能家居技術的成熟及人們家居消費的升級。近日,A股家居巨頭羅萊家紡和夢潔家紡先後發布公告稱,與和而泰簽署了戰略合作協議,將在智能睡眠、智能家居領域展開合作。羅萊家紡428日還公告稱,全資子公司與戈壁創贏簽署了合作協議,成立投資基金,基金認繳出資額5億元,子公司擬認繳5000萬~1億元,公告介紹稱,戈壁創贏作為投資公司在雲計算、智能硬體領域頗有建樹;同日,羅萊家紡子公司與上海艾瑞資產管理公司簽署協議,成立互聯網投資基金,基金認繳出資額為3億元,子公司擬認繳6000萬元。羅萊家紡內部人士向《每日經濟新聞》記者表示,在與和而泰合作后,雙方將通過優勢互補,把握智能家居的發展機遇,結合智能感測、移動互聯、無線通訊等技術,以睡眠健康監測及相關增值服務為入口,在智能家居、大健康、大數據等方向進行戰略布局,實現雙方及消費者互通多贏的局面。有分析人士認為,A股家居企業既與家居電子智能控制器行業龍頭合作,又與對互聯網熟稔的投資公司合作,可謂360度全方位向智能睡眠、智能家居領域進軍。方正證券分析師文仲陽發布研報稱,和而泰先將喜臨門、夢潔家紡、羅萊家紡等產品全都連接到公司雲平台上,此後又與喜臨門、夢潔、羅萊等一線家居廠商合作,從卧室來布局大健康產業,產品涵蓋床墊、枕頭、被子等一系列產品,抓住了睡眠這個痛點。記者注意到,家紡行業一些上市公司早已「春江水暖鴨先知」,喜臨門開發智能床墊,羅萊家紡已推出智能枕頭、智能睡眠監測器等,夢潔家紡也早已開始布局智能床墊。羅萊家紡副總裁、董秘田霖曾向媒體表示:「和而泰在技術儲備、技術創新以及產品研發方面具有優勢,而羅萊家紡在產品聯合研發、銷售渠道方面的優勢也毋庸置疑。我們擁有超過2000家線下門店,在20年的運營中積累的大量用戶數據,目前已初步建成了大數據基礎設施,這些在現今雲計算的大背景下,有望厚積薄發,佔領高地,這也正是羅萊家紡吸引和而泰的原因。」

智能家居引領家紡升級 隨著IT、互聯網技術的成熟,智能家居已從夢想走進現實。業內普遍認為,2015年是智能家居元年,該領域將在今後幾年迎來難得的發展機遇。而卧室作為居民家庭生活不可或缺的部分,在家庭大健康漸成未來發展趨勢的背景下,智能家居向智能家紡布局順應了居民生活消費潮流。申萬宏源分析師王建偉就指出,全面推動智能卧室和智能睡眠系統,由單純的家紡產品延伸至與此相關的助眠、環境監測產品,市場空間不局限於家紡,智能卧室抓住改善睡眠這一市場痛點,產品有望快速打入千萬家庭。華泰證券研究員朱麗麗表示,智能家紡未來可以預期的商業模式是「打造健康睡眠智能產品+服務(互聯網雲平台)閉環」。通過智能感測技術、智能控制技術、移動互聯技術、無線通訊技術、大數據和雲計算技術,形成一整套智能卧室系列的前後台檢測、控制和服務設備,並搭建服務與管理互聯網大數據系統,利用健康睡眠大數據,持續優化,不斷推出新產品並提供增值服務,滿足用戶睡眠深度需求。她進一步解釋道,我國家紡行業市場空間大,僅床上用品市場份額就有3千億元到4千億元之巨,但行業分散、集中度低,「家用品消費升級+互聯網」給了品牌龍頭搶佔份額的機會。同時,家紡行業面臨國外品牌競爭壓力小,格局上更利於本土龍頭品牌壯大。王建偉表示,智能枕頭、智能床墊是智能家居解決方案的產品提供端,而通過對智能產品收集來的數據進行挖掘、後端運營服務延伸是未來智能家紡發展趨勢之一。比如,根據老年人和青少年不同的生理狀況和睡眠習慣,研發出具有針對性的改善睡眠和健康治療產品。如用戶睡眠中的心跳、呼吸、打鼾、體動等數據在傳輸到雲端進行分析后,可以提供給用戶更為精確及時的健康監測報告,而這些數據和報告經過大數據的挖掘整理后,還可以成為非常具有商業價值的信息數據。

保瑞藥 整合 聯邦200藥證(轉證) 加速國際佈局(Eisai/ Boehringer Ingelheim/ Lundbeck)

保瑞藥去年財報 每股0.77 2015 04 30日保瑞藥業今天公布去年度財報,在藥品銷售及藥品製造成長,子公司營收貢獻與合併通路擴展效益之下,致快速成長,稅後純益1,660萬元,年成長327.53%,去年度毛利率44 %,純益率達7.62%EPS為每股0.77元。該公司董事會決議通過103年盈餘分配每股配發現金股利0.5元。去年保瑞藥業在製造、研發、銷售上都有嶄新的突破。除了研發中心的擴編完成之外,主要的台南生產基地已經具有國際標準PICS GMP廠優勢,接下來將配合新藥開發持續擴建,目標打造成一個可以讓美國FDA審查通過的藥廠,並完成保瑞藥業新劑型新藥研發及製造版圖之長、短期成長動能的布局。在研發上,保瑞藥業以特殊之藥物傳輸技術,運用於高技術門檻的新藥開發,目前開發中的新藥包括:BSAT-1301複方止痛新劑型藥品、BSES-1306特殊緩釋劑型等,目標在於搶攻全球一年220億美金以上的止痛藥市場大餅,新劑型藥品已獲得SBIR經濟部小型創業研發計劃補助,預計今年上半年可以通過期末技術審查會,順利取得補助款項。保瑞藥業董事長盛保熙表示,保瑞藥業於去年7月取得經營45年的優質藥廠聯邦化學製藥股份有限公司,聯邦近兩百張藥證已順利轉證,並與現有國際合作夥伴日本衛材(Eisai)、德國百靈佳殷格翰(Boehringer Ingelheim)、丹麥朗德貝克(Lundbeck)等大型專業藥廠深度合作,善用既有15個外銷國優勢,將新產品推展至國際市場,透過經銷原廠藥品業績成長、代工業務成長、合併聯邦營收成長等,讓保瑞藥業的營收得以穩健快速成長。目前保瑞藥業的外銷市場已拓展至東南亞、中東、中南美洲,未來目標將出口至美國、日本、澳洲、歐洲。接下來保瑞藥業的經營重心仍是針對新劑型新藥的開發,而子公司聯邦則是針對特殊學名藥市場,兩者整合,可同時拓展產品線與市場規模,繼續朝向穩健且快速擴展經營規模的目標。

上銀 攜手 中醫大(李信達) 開發 復健訓練機 (適用: 中風/脊椎捐傷/多發性硬化症/肌肉萎縮)

中國醫藥大學物理治療學系李信達教授與上銀科技集團產學合作研發產製的「下肢肌力訓練機」榮獲2015台灣精品金質獎 中國醫藥大學物理治療學系李信達教授與上銀科技集團產學合作研發產製的「下肢肌力訓練機」榮獲2015台灣精品金質獎(中央社訊息服務20150429 13:30:00)中國醫藥大學產學合作研發成果再傳捷報;由物理治療學系李信達教授與上銀科技集團攜手研發產製的「下肢肌力訓練機MRG-P100」,在外貿協會舉辦的精品獎選拔獲得評審青睞,從448家廠商產品中脫穎而出,奪得2015年「台灣精品金質獎」殊榮。「下肢肌力訓練機MRG-P100」係上銀科技集團HIWIN生產製造,已通過醫療器材品質管理系統ISO13485認證、醫療器材優良製造規範(GMP)認證,與歐盟醫療器材CE認證,這項產學合作研發技術《步態復建機及使用方法》發明人為李信達教授及上銀工程師吳文加、林文濱三人,已獲得台灣、中國、美國、日本、德國等五國核准專利認証。中國醫藥大學物理治療學系李信達教授表示,「下肢肌力訓練機MRG-P100」是台灣自行研發製造的智慧醫療復健機器人,不僅操作簡易、符合安全上的要求,還兼顧使用者需求,稱得上是中風、不完全脊椎捐傷、多發性硬化症、肌肉萎縮、神經病變而導致行走障礙病人的福音。研究運動醫學的專家李信達教授說,「下肢肌力訓練機MRG-P100」在臨床使用上,目前已經有超過 2,000 位病人使用過 ,在早期的復健中,可以快速幫助病人恢復體力與基本之運動控制能力,經使用6周後,有超過 85% 病人在平衡感與肌耐力都有明顯進步,增加了研發團隊的信心,期待台灣自行研發的醫療器材,能讓有需要的病患都能得到最佳照護與治療,為人類的幸福帶來貢獻。外貿協會舉辦的2015年台灣精品獎選拔,共有448家廠商產品,經評審決選出10件金質獎,和18件銀質獎。獲得金質獎的「下肢肌力訓練機MRG-P100」高精密醫療設備,在研發、設計、品質和品牌行銷方面獲評審稱許為台灣精品的標竿。中國醫藥大學物理治療學系李信達教授係「心臟復健運動治療與致病分子機轉」的專家,是開啟「肥胖症心臟凋亡分子機轉」系列研究全球第一人,投入原創性的醫學研究發表國際期刊論文(SCI)超過130篇,近年開始致力於復健科技產品研發,由於他對肥胖、心臟復健、運動治療科學的卓越貢獻, 97年獲頒國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎, 99年榮獲第四十八屆十大傑出青年。訊息來源: 中國醫藥大學

7.5億美金~~ 久違了大手筆合作案!! (Novartis & Aduro Biotech, upfront $200 M/ milestones $500 M)

Novartis inks $750 million deal with Aduro Biotech By Steven Ross Johnson| March 30, 2015 Pharmaceutical maker Novartis is broadening its footprint in the cancer drug treatment market. The Swiss company announced plans Monday to enter a multiyear partnership with Berkeley, Calif.-based Aduro Biotech, valued at $750 million, to develop next-generation immunotherapies against the disease. The terms of the agreement will see Novartis pay $200 million upfront to Aduro with an additional $500 million to be paid if development milestones are met. In addition, Novartis has agreed to make a $25 million investment in Aduro for a 2.7% equity share in the firm, with a promise to pay an additional $25 million investment at a later date. The collaboration will focus on the development of treatments designed to activate the Stimulator of Interferon Genes, or STING, receptors, which have been found to generate an effective immune response against infectious organisms."Immunotherapy is one of the exciting frontiers in oncology today," Mark Fishman, president of the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, said in a released statement. "STING agonists have the potential to fully activate the immune system to attack a broader range of tumors." Under the agreement, Aduro will lead commercialization activities and will book sales in the U.S. for any products developed, with Novartis leading commercialization activities internationally. The companies will share profits, if any, in the U.S., Japan and major European countries, with Novartis paying Aduro royalties for any sales in the rest of the world."We are extremely pleased to enter into this relationship with Novartis as their strong commitment and spirit of collaboration was evident early in our conversations," Stephen Isaacs, chairman, president and CEO of Aduro, said in a released statement. In March, Novartis won FDA approval to market its cancer drug Zarxio, making it the first "biosimilar" to be sold in the U.S. The drug was designed as a cheaper alternative to Amgen's biologic medication Neupogen, with experts estimating it could be sold at a discount of up to 35% of Neupogen's current price.


$$$ Aduro's platform technology is our proprietary LADD method of engineering Listeria mononcytogenes bacteria into therapeutic agents that stimulate targeted immune response to specific tumor antigens.LADD technology is designed to enable the safe administration of Listeria by deleting two genes critical to the bacterium's natural virulence – internalin B and act A, which  control infection of hepatocytes and spread of bacterial DNA. The attenuated strain of bacteria is then modified with new genetic material to encode and express specific tumor antigens. The engineered Listeria is designed to be absorbed by the patient's antigen presenting cells, including dendritic cells, which are primary initiators of both the innate and adaptive immune responses. Once absorbed, the LADD-engineered bacterium releases genetic material and antigens into the dendritic cell cytosol. The dendritic cell immediately launches an innate immune response (by releasing cytokines and other signaling proteins) and then processes the tumor antigen genes from the LADD bacterium. These antigens are presented on the dendritic cell surface where they are "read" by CD4 and CD8 T cells, which then initiate an adaptive immune response specific to the target antigen. 

LADD-based therapies have several attractive characteristics:  Listeria is well understood and characterized after more than 50 years as a research tool in immunology The double attenuated methodology has a well-characterized safety profile in multiple clinical trials. Unlike therapeutic virus vectors, LADD-engineered bacteria are not neutralized by antibodies and can be administered repeatedly LADD-based agents have potential therapeutic effect both as a monotherapy and in combination with other conventional and emerging therapies, including GVAX*, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and checkpoint inhibitors. The first LADD therapeutics are engineered to stimulate an immune response to mesothelin, a tumor-associated antigen expressed by multiple tumor types.  The company is currently conducting trials treating mesothelin-expressing tumors in pancreatic cancer and mesothelioma. Additional studies are anticipated in non-small cell lung and ovarian cancers, which also frequently express mesothelin. Aduro is also developing other LADD strains to target other known tumor antigens.

* GVAX is a portfolio of irradiated tumor cell lines that express GM-CSF, a key immune cell recruitment factor, and can stimulate a broad-based, highly potent immune response. In 2013, Aduro acquired rights to the GVAX portfolio.


$$$ 李斯特菌(學名:Listeria monocytogenes,又名單核細胞增生性李斯特菌、李氏菌,是一種兼性厭氧細菌,為李斯特菌症的病原體。它主要以食物為傳染媒介,是最致命的食源性病原體之一,造成二至三成的感染者死亡。李斯特菌在美國每年約引起2500份病例、500人死亡,其中李斯特菌症是導致死亡的主要病因,其致死率甚至高過沙門氏菌及肉毒桿菌。李斯特菌是革蘭氏陽性菌,屬厚壁菌門,取名自約瑟夫·李斯特。它在30°C以下的環境中具能動性,但通常不耐超過37°C的高溫;而除了以鞭毛運動之外,李斯特菌也能透過肌動蛋白絲狀物的爆炸性聚合(簡稱爆聚),藉真核細胞進行活動,即所謂的「彗尾」(comet tails)或「肌動蛋白火箭」(actin rockets)研究顯示,約一成的人類消化系統內滋長有李斯特菌[5]。然而,獸醫才是碰上以李斯特菌為禍首之臨床病例的大宗,而病例中又以反芻動物感染腦膜腦炎的情況最為顯見。李斯特菌具有相當的致病性,能經由婦女的陰部感染腹中胎兒、引發腦膜炎,因此懷孕婦女通常不建議食用未經低溫殺菌的軟質乳酪,如:布利乳酪、卡門培爾乳酪、菲達乳酪、克索布蘭可乳酪等。近期,李斯特菌則在疾病生物科技領域被用作模式生物來解釋相關學說。



$$$ Glutathione activates virulence gene expression of an intracellular pathogen  Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA Michelle L. Reniere, Sonya M. John & Daniel A. Portnoy Graduate Group in Infectious Diseases and Immunity, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA Aaron T. Whiteley Department of Biochemistry, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina 27710, USA Keri L. Hamilton & Richard G. Brennan Aduro BioTech, Inc. Berkeley, California 94710, USA Peter Lauer School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA Daniel A. Portnoy Nature 517, 170–173 (08 January 2015) doi:10.1038/nature14029 Received 25 June 2014 Accepted 03 November 2014 Published online 07 January 2015 

Abstract  Abstract• References• Author information• Extended data figures and tables Intracellular pathogens are responsible for much of the world-wide morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases. To colonize their hosts successfully, pathogens must sense their environment and regulate virulence gene expression appropriately. Accordingly, on entry into mammalian cells, the facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes remodels its transcriptional program by activating the master virulence regulator PrfA. Here we show that bacterial and host-derived glutathione are required to activate PrfA. In this study a genetic selection led to the identification of a bacterial mutant in glutathione synthase that exhibited reduced virulence gene expression and was attenuated 150-fold in mice. Genome sequencing of suppressor mutants that arose spontaneously in vivo revealed a single nucleotide change in prfA that locks the protein in the active conformation (PrfA*) and completely bypassed the requirement for glutathione during infection. Biochemical and genetic studies support a model in which glutathione-dependent PrfA activation is mediated by allosteric binding of glutathione to PrfA. Whereas glutathione and other low-molecular-weight thiols have important roles in redox homeostasis in all forms of life, here we demonstrate that glutathione represents a critical signalling molecule that activates the virulence of an intracellular pathogen.




$$$ Safety and Survival With GVAX Pancreas Prime and Listeria Monocytogenes–Expressing Mesothelin (CRS-207) Boost Vaccines for Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Dung T. Le, Andrea Wang-Gillam, Vincent Picozzi, Tim F. Greten, Todd Crocenzi, Gregory Springett, Michael Morse, Herbert Zeh, Deirdre Cohen, Robert L. Fine, Beth Onners, Jennifer N. Uram, Daniel A. Laheru, Eric R. Lutz, Sara Solt, Aimee Luck Murphy, Justin Skoble, Ed Lemmens, John Grous, Thomas Dubensky Jr, Dirk G. Brockstedt, and Elizabeth M. Jaffee   J Clin Oncol 33.

Purpose  GVAX pancreas, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor–secreting allogeneic pancreatic tumor cells, induces T-cell immunity to cancer antigens, including mesothelin. GVAX is administered with low-dose cyclophosphamide (Cy) to inhibit regulatory T cells. CRS-207, live-attenuated Listeria monocytogenes– expressing mesothelin, induces innate and adaptive immunity. On the basis of preclinical synergy, we tested prime/boost vaccination with GVAX and CRS-207 in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Patients and Methods Previously treated patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma were randomly assigned at a ratio of 2:1 to two doses of Cy/GVAX followed by four doses of CRS-207 (arm A) or six doses of Cy/GVAX (arm B) every 3 weeks. Stable patients were offered additional courses. The primary end point was overall survival (OS) between arms. Secondary end points were safety and clinical response.

Results  A total of 90 patients were treated (arm A, n  61; arm B, n  29); 97% had received prior chemotherapy; 51% had received  two regimens for metastatic disease. Mean number of doses ( standard deviation) administered in arms A and B were 5.5  4.5 and 3.7  2.2, respectively. The most frequent grade 3 to 4 related toxicities were transient fevers, lymphopenia, elevated liver enzymes, and fatigue. OS was 6.1 months in arm A versus 3.9 months in arm B (hazard ratio [HR], 0.59; P  .02). In a prespecified per-protocol analysis of patients who received at least three doses (two doses of Cy/GVAX plus one of CRS-207 or three of Cy/GVAX), OS was 9.7 versus 4.6 months (arm A v B; HR, 0.53; P  .02). Enhanced mesothelin-specific CD8 T-cell responses were associated with longer OS, regardless of treatment arm. Conclusion Heterologous prime/boost with Cy/GVAX and CRS-207 extended survival for patients with pancreatic cancer, with minimal toxicity.  

There is increasing evidence that immunotherapy can be effective in patients with solid tumors. Sipuleucel-T (Provenge; Dendreon, Seattle, WA) is the first US Food and Drug Administration– approved immunotherapeutic for prostate cancer.1 Ipilimumab (Yervoy; Bristol-Myers Squibb, New York, NY), an antagonist antibody to cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4, is approved for melanoma.2 Promising results in multiple tumor types have been observed with an agent that inhibits the anti–programmed death-1 (PD-1) receptor.3 Evidence also is emerging for activity of immunotherapy in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA).4-6 GVAX and CRS-207 are cancer vaccines that have been evaluated in PDA. GVAX is composed of two irradiated, granulocyte-macrophage colonystimulating factor (GM-CSF) –secreting allogeneic PDA cell lines administered 24 hours after treatment with low-dose cyclophosphamide (Cy) to inhibit regulatory T cells.7 GVAX induces T cells against a broad array of PDA antigens, and mesothelin-specific T-cell responses have been shown to correlate with survival.5,8 Mesothelin is a tumor-associated antigen overexpressed in most PDAs. In a prior study, patients with previously treated advanced PDA who received Cy/GVAX had better induction of mesothelin-specific CD8

 T cells than those treated with GVAX alone. Median survival was 4.3 and 2.3 months, respectively.7 CRS- 207 is recombinant live-attenuated, double-deleted Listeria monocytogenes (LADDLm), engineered to secrete mesothelin into the cytosol of infected antigen presentation cells, which subsequently gets processed and presented in the context of major histocompatibility complex molecules.9,10 In PDA mouse models, a heterologous prime/boost using GVAX and LADD Lm–expressing mesothelin demonstrated synergistic activity in both antigen-specific T-cell induction and antitumor activity (Appendix Fig A1, online only). In the CRS-207 phase I study, patients with PDA who received GVAX before entering the study lived a median of 17 months, compared with 5 months for those who did not receive prior GVAX.10 Following up on these observations, a phase II randomized, multicenter study was conducted comparing Cy/GVAX followed by CRS-207 with Cy/ GVAX alone in patients with metastatic PDA. 


$$$ Killed but metabolically active microbes: a new vaccine paradigm for eliciting effector T-cell responses and protective immunity Nature Medicine 11, 853 - 860 (2005)   D G Brockstedt1,5, K S Bahjat1,5, M A Giedlin1,5, W Liu1, M Leong1, W Luckett1, Y Gao1, P Schnupf2, D Kapadia1, G Castro1, J Y H Lim1, A Sampson-Johannes1, A A Herskovits2, A Stassinopoulos1, H G Archie Bouwer2, J E Hearst1, D A Portnoy2,4, D N Cook1 & T W Dubensky Jr.1 


Abstract   We developed a new class of vaccines, based on killed but metabolically active (KBMA) bacteria, that simultaneously takes advantage of the potency of live vaccines and the safety of killed vaccines. We removed genes required for nucleotide excision repair (uvrAB), rendering microbial-based vaccines exquisitely sensitive to photochemical inactivation with psoralen and long-wavelength ultraviolet light. Colony formation of the nucleotide excision repair mutants was blocked by infrequent, randomly distributed psoralen crosslinks, but the bacterial population was able to express its genes, synthesize and secrete proteins. Using the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes as a model platform, recombinant psoralen-inactivated Lm ΔuvrAB vaccines induced potent CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses and protected mice against virus challenge in an infectious disease model and provided therapeutic benefit in a mouse cancer model. Microbial KBMA vaccines used either as a recombinant vaccine platform or as a modified form of the pathogen itself may have broad use for the treatment of infectious disease and cancer.   


$$$ Selective Targeting of Antitumor Immune Responses with Engineered Live-Attenuated Listeria monocytogenes  Cancer Res 2006; 66: (2). January 15, 2006  Kiyoshi Yoshimura,1,3 Ajay Jain,1,2 Heather E. Allen,4 Lindsay S. Laird,1 Christina Y. Chia,1 Sowmya Ravi,1 Dirk G. Brockstedt,4 Martin A. Giedlin,4 Keith S. Bahjat,4 Meredith L. Leong,4 Jill E. Slansky,5 David N. Cook,4 Thomas W. Dubensky,4 Drew M. Pardoll,1 and Richard D. Schulick1,2 1 Immunology and Hematopoiesis Division, Department of Medical Oncology, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center; 2 Department of Surgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland; 3 Department of Surgery II, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Yamaguchi, Japan; 4 Cerus Corp., Concord, California; and 5 Department of Immunology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado


Abstract  Improved immunization and ex vivo T-cell culture strategies can generate larger numbers and more potent tumor-specific effector cells than previously possible. Nonetheless, the capacity of these cells to eliminate established tumors is limited by their ability to efficiently enter tumor-bearing organs and mediate their effector function. In the current study, we show that the administration of an engineered organ-homing microbe selectively targets tumor-specific immune responses to metastases within that organ. Specifically, an attenuated Listeria monocytogenes strain, which preferentially infects the liver following systemic administration, dramatically enhances the activity of a cancer vaccine against liver metastases but not metastases in the lung. This enhanced activity results from both local recruitment of innate immune effectors as well as concentration and increased activation of vaccine-induced antitumor T cells within the liver. These findings show a general approach to focus systemic cancer immunotherapies to specific organs bearing tumor metastases by taking advantage of differential tropisms and the proinflammatory nature of microbes. (Cancer Res 2006; 66(2): 1096-104)

Introduction There are three requirements for a therapeutically effective immune response against systemic cancer. First, a sufficient number of tumor-specific lymphocytes must be generated within the host. Second, these lymphocytes must traffic to sites of metastases. Third, the lymphocytes at the tumor site must execute the appropriate effector functions to destroy the cancer cells. Although significant numbers of circulating T cells capable of recognizing cancer antigens can be generated with various vaccination strategies or adoptive transfer of tumor-specific lymphocytes grown ex vivo, this typically does not result in tumor regression, particularly in the setting of bulky disease. Failure of these cells to efficiently home to sites of tumor metastases is becoming appreciated as an important limitation in this setting. In this report, we explore a novel strategy to enhance the homing and activity of tumor-specific T cells into tumor deposits by administering a microbe that selectively targets an organ affected by metastases. We chose hepatic metastases for this proofof-concept because the liver is one of the most important and often the sole site of metastatic cancer. This is particularly true for gastrointestinal cancers. For example, the majority of patients with advanced colorectal cancer will have metastatic disease limited only to the liver during some period of their illness, and one third of patients dying of colorectal cancer have metastatic disease limited to the liver on autopsy. Less than 20% of these patients with isolated hepatic metastases will have disease resectable for potential cure. Of the patients who undergo complete resection, 30% to 40% of these patients will survive 5 years and half will be with evidence of disease. As a means of regulating the inflammatory milieu of the liver, we have used engineered attenuated strains of Listeria monocytogenes, a bacterium that preferentially infects the liver. When administered by any of several routes, L. monocytogenes will initially be found in many organs but concentrates into the liver where they infect the hepatocytes and Kupffer cells and less so into the spleen. This process results in a transient hepatitis associated with the induction of multiple proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. We reasoned that this proinflammatory milieu could enhance the trafficking and activity of T cells within the liver. Using a model of hepatic metastases of colorectal cancer, we show that administration of L. monocytogenes significantly enhances the antitumor activity of a cancer vaccine. This enhanced activity is not observed for metastases in the lung. The immunologic mechanisms for this liver-specific effect result from both increased intrahepatic innate immunity and enhanced activity of tumor-specific T cells.   


韩Interpark魔装镜app PK 訊連 (玩美行動)

韩媒:韩时尚APP"魔装镜"在中国大获成功 2015-04-29 20:04:39 来源:参考消息网 我要评论参考消息网429日报道韩媒称,韩国最大购物网站Interpark29日消息称,Interpark上月底推出的应用软件"fituin"(中国名称"魔装镜")在中国获得极高人气,面市仅一个月在中国的下载次数就突破10万次。韩联社429日报道,软件推出仅一周就被中国应用商店"360"选为人气应用,在百度应用商店也同样被选为女性必备软件。利用"魔装镜"用户可以随心所欲地拍照和裁剪,并试穿和搭配自己喜欢的服饰,还能打造属于自己的时尚杂志。Interpark方面表示,有的用户因为不太把握自己穿上后的效果会如何,因此不太愿意光看网站提供的商品图片而购买服饰,有的用户不太喜欢逛街购物,还有一些用户想尝试多种款式,因此魔装镜深受这些用户的喜爱。这反映出在急速发展的中国移动购物市场,韩国时装和美容产品对中国用户极具吸引力。

交大 創業團隊: 晉弘科技(醫療影像診斷) 宏腦科技 (腦波雲端大資料比對)

交通大學全面邁向頂尖 培育創業超新星為國內產業創新找到突破口 大成報-20150429 下午19:20 【大成報記者羅蔚舟/新竹報導】交大向來勇為開路先峰,對於創業推動不遺餘力,校園創業風氣盛行,交大校友對於產業之貢獻,可說是國內科技創業之濫觴!交大本學年度榮獲教育部「創新創業中心示範學校」,以及榮獲歐洲UBI全球Top25育成中心肯定、亞洲AABI 2014最佳育成中心,整體彰顯出交大創業的強大能力與熱情、積極的能量;交大期望不負領頭羊的角色,激勵具創業精神的青年們對創業的投入,再掀起新一波新世代科技創業風潮。交大特打造約300坪「Startup Lab校園創業實驗基地」,整合校內外相關創業資源,作為校園潛力創業家養成基地,除挹注創業優質空間、協助落實創業構想,及客製化創業輔導服務,促進校園研究成果商業化發展之外,集結交大思源基金會熱心校友籌募「交大校園創業種子基金」,為校園創業團隊填補草創期資金缺口,並進一步結合校友會Angel Club,提供創業各階段所需資金!交大孕育扶植的創業團隊中,強調「友善台灣。萬众一心」的交大校園創業團隊「众社會企業」,是由台清交師生結合身心障礙者創業團隊組合,致力於運用資訊傳播科技促進資訊之平權近用,以「通用設計」原則,身障朋友作為極端測試者,將身體不便化為專業,成為「愛的特派員」,實地規畫友善的服務設計、體感設計、空間設計,實現從9個月大的嬰兒車到99歲阿公阿嬤友善的需求。「众社會企業」榮獲2014 銀享全球論壇銀浪高齡創新提案賽冠軍、經濟部婦女創業菁英賽社會企業組冠軍、經濟部APP創意大募集台灣區優選100、經濟部中企處創業育成先鋒獎優良廠商、工研院台灣雲谷雲豹創新育成社企團隊、經濟部工業局黃金企鵝年度APP第三名、中華電信軟體開發暨供應商大賞優勝獎、韓國科技創新創業大賽台灣社會企業代表、經濟部IDEASSHOW大賽社會企業大獎等。至於交大孕育扶植的亮點創業團隊「喬睿資訊」,是以交大為首的跨校、跨領域學生創業團隊,致力於開發服務業相關資訊整合平台,協助店家提供迅速、便捷與安全的資訊整合媒介,不僅提供消費者到店購物服務,同時媒合商家與消費者即時的動態類別資訊與未來消費與銷售計畫評估。交大亮點創業團隊「Agrotech 亞國科技」榮獲2014美國麻省理工學院國際基因工程競賽iGEM世界第三、最佳環境計畫獎、最佳基礎元件獎;該創業團隊由學生團隊自行研發,以全新生物科技技術製作「創新胜肽技術捕蟲裝置」,產品全新理念為:「以蟲抓蟲」,顛覆市面上所有的捕蟲裝置,更為環保、成本更具競爭力。本團隊曾在201411月初,參加由美國麻省理工學院主辦的國際基因工程競賽iGEM,並榮獲世界第三、最佳環境計畫獎以及最佳基礎元件獎等大獎,獲得世界級的認可與支持。交大亮點創業團隊「宏腦科技」由交大電機學院與資訊學院所組成校園創業團隊,以監測腦波信號了解人腦行為,透過雲端科技進行大資料搜尋比對轉譯成身心狀態數據,開發穿戴式腦波信號處理系統,發展工業界、醫療及民間應用的解決方案,如:物體標識、目視追蹤、麻醉與昏迷程度監控、偏頭痛與癲癇發作預測、減緩焦慮等等的應用層面。至於亮點創業團隊「Flex-Wave 飛立威光能(股)公司」則是引領光能源更有效的被利用,達到『彈性捕光 無限可能』的願景。利用自主開發之可撓式波導光伏技術(Flexible Waveguiding Photovoltaics),致力於開發更貼近生活的創新光能應用。利用具有無毒、防水、防塵、生物相容性及環境友善等特性的軟性波導材料,整合太陽能電池並使其具有可撓曲、可塑形、可透光及塗彩的獨特優點;另外,此平板集光器更大幅降低了高成本的太陽能電池用量同時減低模組成本,藉此讓綠色能源拓展出更多可能的新應用領域。榮獲科技部創新創業激勵計畫得獎團隊。交大亮點創業團隊「GreenCAT」的創業團隊來自交大資訊學院車載組實驗室的碩博士學生,致力於手持設備或是智慧連網車平台的即時交通流系統開發,可以提供更精準的行車最佳路徑分析建議,進一步營造綠色行車環境。103/9/13 榮獲103 年第二梯國科會創新創業激勵計畫第一階段初選通過,並入選複審評選階段。103/10/30 榮獲「矽谷科技創業培訓計畫」103 年第二梯次赴美海外培訓團隊之初選入圍團隊。交大校園創業團隊「晉弘科技」是由交大頂尖的光學研發團隊領軍,致力高技術門檻醫療光機電模組的研發生產,提供醫療影像診斷系統的全方位解決方案,並提供客戶整合性的客製服務,開啟數位影像醫療的新時代。自進駐交大矽導竹科培育區後,由於靠近竹科,享有地利之便,很快就著手設立了GMP工廠。並由交大提供各種經營培訓課程及相關輔導行政資源,給了創業團隊最大的協助。榮獲Venture Star【創投之心】最佳人氣獎、最佳種子獎、台灣生醫暨生農產業選秀大賽-潛力新秀獎、經濟部優質新創中小企業優質獎、經濟部新創事業獎科技利基產業組銀質獎、經濟部中小企業處-育成加速器菁英企業獎、AABI火炬企業國際化獎、經濟部亮點企業獎。


UK Anti-Doping warning: New supplement ingredient 1, 3-dimethylbutylamine (DMBA) 27/04/2015 UKAD Science and MedicineUKAD Science and Medicine UK Anti-Doping cautions athletes and players in the UK to be aware of the prohibited substance 1, 3-dimethylbutylamine (DMBA) following its identification in a number of supplement products. A recent study by Cohen and colleagues (2015) identified the presence of the stimulant in a range of supplements that are marketed to increase weight loss, enhance brain function, or to be used as a pre-workout supplement. DMBA has a similar chemical structure to the prohibited and potentially dangerous stimulant methylhexaneamine and appears to be a replacement for methylhexaneamine in supplement formulations. A previous warning was issued in 2012.Supplement manufacturers have been found to label products containing DMBA using one or more of the following names: AMP citrate, 1,3-dimethylbutylamine citrate, 4-amino-2-pentanamine, pentergy, 4-amino-2-methylpentane citrate, 4-AMP, 2-amino-4-methylpentane, and 4-methyl-2-pentanamine.Athletes should avoid all products that contain this substance as its use could be detrimental to health and lead to an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) following an In-Competition test. The safety of DMBA is also unknown since the stimulant has never been studied in humans. All athletes are advised to be vigilant in using any supplement. No guarantee can be given that any particular supplement is free from prohibited substances. 1,3-Dimethylbutylamine (DMBA) is a stimulant that is a structural analog of methylhexanamine (DMAA) in which a butyl group replaces the amyl group. making it methylhexbutylanamine. It has been identified as an unapproved ingredient in some over-the-counter dietary supplements,[2][3] in which it is used in an apparent attempt to avoid laws prohibiting the use of DMAA. There are no known safety studies on DMBA and its health effects are entirely unknown.

FDA Under section 413 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 350b), a dietary supplement that contains a new dietary ingredient (i.e., a dietary ingredient not marketed in the United States before October 15, 1994) shall be deemed adulterated under section 402(f) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 342(f)) unless it meets one of two requirements:

1. The dietary supplement contains only dietary ingredients that have been present in the food supply as an article used for food in a form in which the food has not been chemically altered; or

2. There is a history of use or other evidence of safety establishing that the dietary ingredient when used under the conditions recommended or suggested in the labeling of the dietary supplement will reasonably be expected to be safe and, at least 75 days before being introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce, the manufacturer or distributor of the dietary ingredient or dietary supplement provides FDA with information, including any citation to published articles, which is the basis on which the manufacturer or distributor has concluded that a dietary supplement containing such dietary ingredient will reasonably be expected to be safe.

商發院: 日本藥妝通路價值

藥妝通路 在日本高齡化社會的價值 20150430 04:10 張子方 商業發展研究院經營模式創新研究所研究員 日本是國人經常造訪的國家,而分布於該國街頭巷尾的藥妝店又是旅客們最常「貢獻」的所在。事實上,當我們被其五光十色的陳設與推陳出新的商品所吸引時,可能不會注意到此一在日本舉足輕重的零售業種,正悄悄發生重大的變化。2013年日本約有17,563家藥妝店,總年營業額高達697億日圓(約1.5兆元台幣。日本Chain Drug Store協會2014年調查)。店鋪數量僅次於便利超商的藥妝店不僅深受外國觀光客所青睞,其專業服務更滿足了本國民眾對於健康美麗的基本需求。但即便如此,藥妝店仍然必須於電子商務與便利商店的夾擊中奮力求生,在成長趨緩的壓力下(近三年的複合成長率僅約2.2%),不斷地調整經營策略,例如調升食品比重以刺激顧客的回流率等(201324.6%的食品銷售比重達到史上最高)。但這也導致與超市、超商之間的定位策略逐漸重疊,市場競爭日趨激烈。然而在人口高齡化嚴重的國家中,藥妝店仍具有不可取代的地位,甚至在未來可能扮演更具積極性的角色。日本65歲以上的人口比重在2013年已正式突破1/4,國民醫療費用節節攀升。為了避免進一步惡化,安倍政府上台後便在其「日本再興戰略」中提出了「善用OTC藥品」與「自我健康管理 Self-Medication)」兩大國民健康策略。藥妝店密布於日本全國,又因為處方箋或銷售OTC藥品等業務需要,大多配置有藥師、藥品登錄販賣者甚至營養管理士等專業人員,加上近年已逐漸發展成藥品、健康食品、長照輔具與耗材、食品雜貨匯集的多元性通路,這些特點都使得日本藥妝店非常適合以「Health Station」的定位,提供逐漸增加的銀髮族群之生活支援服務。日本經產省旗下的研究委員會指出,未來藥妝通路可望在以下三大層面發揮重要的價值:


其二,成為專業據點,協助消費者進行自我健康管理。透過「產業競爭力強化法」的解禁,日本藥妝通路得以開始協助消費者進行「Health Life Compass」等自我健康管理服務。例如過去民眾只能在被授權之醫療院所進行血液檢驗,但現在全國已經有261家藥妝店(截至2014年底)可以協助驗血並告知檢查結果,其結果受到法律的保障。有藥劑師或營養士駐店的店鋪也可以進一步針對結果接受民眾的諮詢。在「灰色領域(Gray Zone)解消制度」的措施下,這些原本過去無法提供的服務,現在都成為藥妝通路的可能商機。

其三,成為聯繫介面,扮演消費者與地區醫療/長照機構間的橋樑。因應日益嚴重的高齡化,日本政府積極推動將醫療、長照、預防、居家、生活支援等連為一體的「地域包括照護體系」(英文譯為 Community Care System),希望可以協助高齡者能在習慣的居住地區與習慣的生活方式下安心地走完人生最後階段。而建構這樣的服務網路,可以與醫療機構、長照服務企業、生活支援服務業者相互串連的「整合力」,以及因應各地區環境特性的「調整力」則是成功的關鍵。因此藥妝通路被認為可能是未來所有的健康相關服務的聯繫介面,而被日本政府視為一顆活棋而高度期待。

台鹽 通路拓點中 (名佳美/寶雅/美華泰/屈臣氏/康是美)

台鹽拓展通路 營運衝 2015-04-30 04:08:40 經濟日報 記者吳秉鍇/台南報導 台鹽新任董事長楊秋興今年要讓該公司獲利更上層樓。 記者吳秉鍇/攝影 分享台鹽(1737)董事長楊秋興昨(29)日表示,台鹽準備以增加生技直營店家數、加碼布局美妝及藥妝店通路,以及卡位大陸市場等多管齊下,刺激營運成長。 台鹽去年每股純益站上1元,締造近六年來獲利新高,希望今年獲利能更上層樓。楊秋興出任台鹽董事長已滿一個月,最近勾勒搶市新藍圖;他表示,該公司旗下綠迷雅品牌本月舉辦新美白保養產品發表會,並邀請藝人安心亞代言,上市以來獲得市場熱烈回應。針對今年生技部門營運,首先將加速擴張直營店據點,已敲定進駐高雄義大世界,後續還會在北、中、南尋找合適地點展店,年底前家數要由現有的11家增至15家;其次,加盟店目前為103家,也會繼續提高店數規模。值得一提的是,在海外市場方面,準備首度進軍澳門,在酒店的商場設立加盟店,正與加盟主接洽中,預計本季開張;至於大陸部分,未來打算在各地以經銷方式開疆闢土。銷售通路加碼布局也是今年重頭戲,正與美妝店業者名佳美、寶雅及美華泰,以及藥妝店業者屈臣氏、康是美商談合作,上架牙膏等清潔產品。

寶齡 成立腎臟行銷業務團隊 拚營收(Nephoxil拿百磷)

寶齡腎病新藥 獲衛福部藥證 2015-04-30 〔記者陳永吉/台北報導〕寶齡富錦昨天宣布,公司研發腎病新藥「Nephoxil拿百磷」正式領獲衛福部食品藥物管理署(TFDA)核發的藥品許可證,估計新藥可於今年第三季在台灣上市。 寶齡表示,國內洗腎病患約有7萬人,其中89成有高血磷症,目前市場已有外商藥廠的產品,寶齡在未申請到健保核價前,將先以自費市場為主,不過公司內部已經建立腎臟專科行銷業務團隊,藥品通路將鎖定各大醫學中心、地區醫院、診所、藥局等,並建置完整的病人支持計畫與藥物通報系統,讓患者有其他選擇。

大學眼科(林丕容)台灣第一上市品牌 布局上海 (瑞東醫院/太學眼科中心)

台「大學眼科」集團 進軍上海 2015-04-30 02:57:20 聯合報 胡明揚/上海報導看好中國大陸經濟起飛,國民所得增加,對眼科視力的醫療服務品質需求也不斷提高。近日台灣規模最大的眼科連鎖集團-大學眼科集團(大陸即將註冊為太學眼科集團)與台資上海瑞東醫院與策略聯盟成立「太學眼科中心」,雙方進行技術交流合作,將全新引進「全族群覆蓋、全生命週期」的服務新觀念。這標誌著上海市民可以就近享受家門口的「台灣最頂端眼科」醫療服務了。上海瑞東醫院符振中院長表示,大學眼科集團是台灣眼科醫療行業的領導者,是第一家股票上市的最大眼科連鎖集團,也是兩岸第一家獲得JCI國際醫療認證的專業眼科集團。大學眼科以國際級的醫療水準受到國內外眼科界的肯定,曾多次在重要國際眼科會議上發表科研學術報告,獲獎無數。該集團亦曾以「高品質眼科鐳射視力矯正中心」及「無刀老花近視鐳射」通過SNQ台灣頂端的品質標章認證,並獲取台灣地區最高榮譽的生技醫療品質獎,大學眼科集團的醫療技術實質走在時代前延,此次與瑞東醫院的強強聯手,可望造福廣大上海民眾。大學眼科集團林丕容總院長表示,「太學眼科中心」的成立,不但帶來台灣高品質的醫療服務品質,更斥鉅資引進全新設備,全面提升醫療技術,實質具體內容,例如,引進上海第一台AMARIS 750S準分子鐳射加上鷹視飛秒鐳射FS200支援高端屈光鐳射手術,近視、遠視、散光、老花均能輕鬆解決,亦有國內首批先發的VERION數位導航系統及無刀飛秒鐳射LenSx,使白內障手術從此不用動刀!將手術變得更安全、更精準、更舒適,也帶來更好的視覺品質。除此之外,不管是可控制小朋友近視度數的角膜塑形鏡,還是幫助年輕人擺脫煩人眼鏡的近視鐳射,或是讓中年人擺脫老花困擾重享年輕便利生活的老花鐳射和抗老花晶體置換術以及老年人的白內障手術,太學眼科中心都可為上海乃至長三角地區的廣大群眾提供「全人全眼」(Total Solutions)視力健康服務。

和鑫生技NanoRay X光模組異物偵測3.3公尺/秒

和鑫生技穿透式X 偵測迅速 20150430 04:10 台北訊 隨著高齡化的時代來臨,生活保健與疾病治療產品日受重視,生技產業蓬勃發展,對於產品的品質與要求也與日俱增。和鑫生技是台灣唯一的X光管製造商,擁有穿透式X光專利技術,對於各生技產業的製程與技術都不一樣的情況下,能依客戶需求,量身打造最合適的解決方案。和鑫生技NTX-3080 X光藥品檢測系統擁有劃時代的創新技術,內含:1、領先業界穿透式NanoRay X光模組。2DT X-ScanDexla X光影像顯示器。穿透式NanoRay X光模組最大特點具有超過135度的發光角度,能大幅地縮短物距,縮小系統體積,有效節省空間;提高發光效能,僅需傳統X光系統1/4的用電量,綠色節能效果極佳;配合產線自動化,以極高的靈敏度來偵測產品中缺陷(藥錠缺粒、破裂、破損)或異物(金屬碎屑、玻璃、石頭、塑膠碎片…等),最小能檢測出超過50um以上的異物。對於一般CCD檢測機台無法檢測的範圍,例如:有色包裝內的填裝物或破裂、藥罐粉末中所夾雜的異物和金屬包裝內的缺陷,無論其形狀及大小為何,或位於包裝產品的何處,甚至玻璃瓶中的玻璃碎片、鋁箔包裝或金屬薄膜式包裝中的金屬異物,皆能清楚偵測,且檢測速度最快可達每秒3.3公尺,能快速檢測各種零售包裝中產品缺陷或異物(典型的包裝,例如:塑膠泡殼、鋁箔包裝、塑膠容器、紙盒、鋁箔小袋、藥粉紙袋、玻璃瓶等)。

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