Friday, May 17, 2013

北京: 併購與私募 2013投資臺灣論壇

楊正秋建構「兩岸投融資平台」 今富族網記者黃秀雄/報導2013-05-15 2013投資臺灣論壇」不僅受到大陸重視,台灣企業界更反應熱烈。目前報名參加的國內企業已達26家,加上台灣併購與私募股權協會律師、會計師、證券商等會員10家,合計將組90多人的代表團盛大出席。台灣併購與私募股權協會秘書長楊正秋接受專訪指出,這次活動得到很大的迴響,台灣企業走出去,尋找全球資金、市場的合作夥伴,這個方向是對的,也是協會成立的宗旨,就是全力推動建立「兩岸投資、融資平台」。 首屆「2013投資臺灣論壇」,即將於520日在北京盛大舉行,會中除了將進行兩岸企業投資項目交流的對接活動之外,也將發表《投資臺灣-大陸企業赴台投資指南》簡體版新書。主辦單位是中國企業投資協會、台灣併購與私募股權協會,指導單位為大陸國務院臺灣事務辦公室,活動地點在北京市海澱區友誼賓館。 楊正秋指出,ECFA之後,兩岸合作機會與項目越來越多。425在台灣召開的「中國股權投資台灣論壇」,是引進大陸投資方,以了解台灣市場;現在則是帶台商過去。目前台灣的中小企業募資不易,創投的投資力道也減弱,國際大型PE基金來台受到限制,那不如台灣企業主動前往海外尋找合適伙伴。她舉例, 北京京泰集團與耐斯集團愛之味公司的合作,就是件成功的案例,這也是第一家大陸國企來台合作案,結果非常成功。楊正秋表示,在多次兩岸同業互動及推展雙向投資過程中,發現來自於大陸官方及民間企業人士強烈表達,希望能更了解台灣投資環境細節的需求。且鑑於後ECFA時期,陸資將持續湧入台灣,然而兩岸產業卻因資訊的不對稱,以及缺乏專業媒介平台的資源連結,無法達到相輔相成之效。因此,協會積極籌辦兩岸論壇活動,就是要促成兩岸企業合作。 2013投資臺灣論壇」對接產業類別將著重於「十二五計畫」重要產業,包括:食品、消費、物流、生醫、製藥、文創、科技、能源、地產開發等項目。台灣企業參與的有:愛之味、大成長城、幾分甜烘焙坊、益航、美吾髮集團、臺灣微脂體、瑞基海洋生技、百丹特生醫、理律法律事務所、福邦證券、樂陞、真明麗集團等。 會中除了主辦單位中國企業投資協會秘書長宋曉鶴致詞歡迎之外,也邀請到兩岸貴賓多人代表致辭,包括:中國社會科學院原常務副院長王洛林、大陸國務院臺灣事務辦公室經濟局局長徐莽;台灣方面則是前經濟部長尹啟銘、前金管會主委陳樹。同時,臺灣併購與私募股權協會理事長黃齊元專題演講「陸資赴台現況與未來趨勢」,寶華綜合經濟研究院副董事長葉明峯則講述「臺灣經濟與產業發展策略」。




磁性導航標靶藥物 抗癌延壽達2.7 2013-05-16 中國時報 李宗祐/台北報導  對抗癌細胞有最新武器!長庚大學研究團隊接受國科會補助,利用超高磁性粒子結合現有抗癌藥,研發出磁性導航標靶藥物。經老鼠試驗顯示,不但可有效抑制,甚至完全殺光膀胱癌、前列腺癌和腦腫瘤細胞,提高存活率,並延長接受老鼠治療壽命最高達2.7倍以上。多數癌症經由手術切除腫瘤後,都會再透過化學治療抑制或清除殘餘癌細胞,長庚大學化工暨材料工程系教授華沐怡強調,這項研究最主要為解決癌症臨床治療目前最頭痛的抗藥性問題。「我們把化療藥物接種在超高磁性粒子上面後,癌細胞就不認得它,抗藥性就跟著不見了!」現有抗癌標靶藥物都是利用分子藥物攜帶抗體,透過靜脈注射跟著血液循環,與癌細胞表面抗體結合後,進而殺死癌細胞。但華沐怡指出,血流速度很快,分子藥物流經腫瘤部位時,經常來不及跟抗原結合、就被沖走,造成治療效果不佳。最新研發完成的新型磁性導航標靶藥物因帶有磁性,經靜脈注射通過腫瘤部位時,就會被聚焦在腫瘤部位的人工磁場產生的「致命吸引力」,吸入癌細胞裡面,再釋放出化療藥物,精準地殺死癌細胞,卻不會傷害到周邊的正常細胞。研究成果已提出台灣和美國專利申請,若能進一步研發完成把磁場聚焦在腫瘤部位的導航機台,取代動物試驗使用的磁鐵,就可申請進行人體臨床試驗。研究團隊目前已分別利用超高磁性粒子結合小紅莓、紫杉醇和泛艾黴素等不同抗癌藥,針對膀胱癌、前列腺癌和腦腫瘤進行老鼠試驗。結果顯示,具有抗藥性的膀胱癌老鼠,接受28天治療後,腫瘤完全消失且存活率100%,存活時間也從49天延長到70天以上;前列腺癌老鼠存活時間則從35天拉長到72天以上;腦腫瘤鼠存活時間更從17天延長到63天以上。

永日、生泰幫 神隆 代工API

Q1獲利增減各半,神隆/生泰毛利率靚 精實新聞 2013-05-16 09:28:02 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 原料藥廠首季財報憂喜互見;神隆(1789)、中化生(1726)及生泰(1777)獲利優於去年同期,其中,神隆與生泰因產品組合及製程優化,毛利率都創下近年高點,且單季獲利也創下歷年同期新高及單季歷史次高。相較之下,永日(4102)及台耀(4746)因產品重新定位及生產端調整,首季都由盈轉虧。 原料藥一向是生醫族群獲利相對穩定者,且台廠間也各有專精及強項,不僅較少有直接搶單競爭,且還形成一定程度的代工結盟,如神隆在新廠的產能還未能正式投產前,就尋求永日、生泰等廠商代工,而神隆在癌症/中樞神經領域、中化生的免疫製劑及旭富的癲癇及憂鬱症用原料藥,在全球主要大藥廠都占有主導性的供應地位,為台灣賺進不少外匯。 首季六家原料藥廠表現不一,較有亮眼的廠商包括龍頭神隆及黑馬的生泰。其中,神隆除毛利率較佳的抗癌領域,營收佔比重回六成以上外,透過製程優化,非抗癌的原料藥毛利率也同步拉高,帶動首季毛利率一舉衝上55%的歷史新高,首季稅後盈餘3.5億元,創歷年同期最佳,也是僅次於去年第四季的歷史次高成績,每股稅後盈餘0.54元,年增率41%。黑馬的生泰,以往在原料藥族群多屬穩健獲利,較少被外界關注,不過該公司對溶劑回收有專精技術,在近年石油高漲下,透過溶劑回收等製程優化,控穩毛利率,首季毛利率拉高至33.61%,較去年同期跳增超過6個百分點,單季稅後盈餘2,610.5萬元,年增52%,也是僅次於民國99年第二季的歷史次高成績,單季每股稅後盈餘1.05元,排名原料藥亞軍。 中化生因應IFRS會計新制,美國子公司營收認列時點調整較大,但首季營收尚維持個位數成長,加上匯兌評價收益,單季稅後盈餘年增9.4%,每股稅後盈餘0.54元。 而常年都是原料藥獲利王的旭富,因癲癇用藥出貨下滑,加上2月以前交日的訂單受日圓大貶、毛利率重傷,幸而3月已見明顯改善,首季稅後盈餘較去年同期小減6%,每股稅後盈餘1.09元。 表現較弱的永日及台耀,其中,永日因既有銷美產品線價格競爭未減,公司還在尋求新的產品定位,首季轉虧。而以往是獲利優等生的台耀,則因還在進行廢水處理,影響營收表現,首季毛利率也轉為負數,導致單季每股大虧2元以上,是上市以來最差成績,不過內部已積極進行改善工程,第二季後可望逐步見到功效,下半年單季仍有機會力拼轉盈。


承業、合一、智擎、台微體 進入MSCI指數!

MSCI调整 台股4档生技股入列 【大纪元516报导】(中央社记者罗秀文台北16日电)"MSCI明晟"今天凌晨公布MSCI成分股半年度调整,全球标准指数台股新增世界1档个股;全球中小型股指数方面,台股则有4档生技股入列,分别是承业医、合一、智擎、台微体。"MSCI明晟"(原摩根士丹利资本国际)今天公布MSCI指数权重、成分股半年度调整,在成分股方面,全球标准指数台股新增世界1档个股。剔除F-亚德、群益证、元太、长兴、旺宏、东联、立锜、胜华8档。 全球中小型股指数方面,台股共新增20档、剔除27档。新增名单包括F-亚德、群益证、承业医、中宇、元太、长兴、骏马R1F-美食、桂盟、旺宏、三商美邦、合一、东联、智擎、劲永、致伸、立锜、台微体、胜华、传奇。 剔除名单包括应华、明基材、晟铭、华映、万泰银、艾笛森、英格尔、富乔、钜祥、橘子、凌巨、成霖、一诠、华亚科、系微、良维、聚积、强茂、升贸、大亚、大毅、台纸、泰谷、世界、华宏、伟盟、楠梓电共27档。 MSCI权重及成分股调整14次,分别在每年2月、5月、8月及11月;其中,5月及11月为半年度调整,2月、8月为季度调整。这次调整将于台股531收盘后正式生效。



咖啡因上癮 May 15, 2013 我們人類每天要喝掉165百萬杯茶和7千萬杯咖啡。這應該沒問題,是吧?每天早晨一定要靠咖啡喚醒精神,沒有喝上一杯就像身體的鬧鐘妹有響一般,如果這是妳每天的寫照,那麼妳或許已經是咖啡因俱樂部的一員。妳再仔細想想,除了咖啡之外,一天或許還喝下了茶、可樂……,這些咖啡因對妳的身體究竟有多少影響呢?我們的21世紀仰賴速成的特大雙份脫脂拿鐵咖啡來運作,早晨的一杯香醇咖啡被許多上班族視為最大享受與喚醒精神的來源,「再忙也要喝杯咖啡」就像是關鍵句植入我們的生活中。但是,人們飲用咖啡因並非現代才有的現象,據說茶早在五千年前就被發現了,並且且在西元9世紀非洲人就開始喝咖啡,顯然這是牧羊人發現他的羊吃了咖啡果變得興奮,決定自己嚐嚐果實之後的結果。話說回來,我們喝了幾百年的咖啡與含咖啡因的飲品(如茶、可樂、可可……等)之後,該是質疑的時候了:如果它能影響羊,又對人體有什麼影響呢? 近年來,有越來越多醫生提出對於咖啡因的警告,像是希望每人一天喝不超過2杯咖啡與濃茶,並且飲用時間是在下午3點前為佳;或者是不要喝太多含咖啡因的飲品,會影響鈣質吸收……等健康建議。含有咖啡因的食物林林總總,像是咖啡、可可、茶……等,我們也不用一概將它們視為毒物。就像是咖啡有提神的功效,再加上香醇的滋味,許多人無法抵抗它的魅力,雖然醫學研究也指出,咖啡中不僅含有咖啡因,還富含蛋白質、脂肪、單寧酸、生物鹼、鉀、膳食纖維等各種營養成分,其中富含的多酚類物質對肝臟有保護作用。 但是,喝下太多咖啡因也有可能會讓妳的身體感覺更累,這是為什麼呢?最近,醫學報導指出因為亞洲人的基因關係,有2成的機率因為肝臟對於「咖啡因」的代謝不佳,反而讓妳的覺得更累。而另外一方面,當妳過度使用咖啡因提神,忽視了身體發出的需要休息的訊息,或者是讓生理時鐘大亂,這些過度使用的現象,身體當然會覺得更加疲憊。 看到這裡,妳或許有點疑惑,「咖啡因」之於妳的身體究竟是好是壞呢?無數的問號在心裡盤旋不去,每個人的身體,對於咖啡因的吸收與代謝也不盡相同,觀察自己喝下「咖啡因」的生理反應,才能維護健康。而「咖啡因」屬於食物的成分之一,我們要先了解它,才能明白它對身體的影響。

嗜喝咖啡惡習 下次有人宣稱自己「歐買尬,我對咖啡上癮了」,就端出這個事實:咖啡因或許會造成習慣,但沒有成癮性。營養學醫師Vicki Edgson解釋,「習慣是心理上,而成癮是生理因素。」但這也可能是個強大的習慣,因為身體效應可能很強烈。咖啡因刺激神經系統,改變腦中化學物質與其餘身體的互動方式。短期效果可能包括心跳加快、血壓升高與突然精力旺盛。從健怡可樂迷到一生慣喝伯爵茶的老婆婆,大多數咖啡因粉絲和妳分享戒不掉的原因,都會提到那種顯而易見的精力與專注力提升。營養學家與保健作者Ian Marber說,「當葡萄糖指數低落,人體的自然反應就是釋放儲存的葡萄糖當作燃料。但如果身體變得依賴咖啡因,就會期待它,而非自身的儲備來刺激精力。偶爾善用它,有益無害,但是吸收太多就造成需要,結果讓我們渴望它。」長期而言,持續攝取可能表示妳的薪水越來越多流向街角的咖啡店(叮咚~)──當妳慣喝之後,大腦可是會發出需求不斷的訊號,而妳只好靠加大的量與多喝幾杯來達到相同的提神效果。

關於新陳代謝 人人代謝咖啡因的速率不盡相同,但大致法則是女性的代謝速度比男性快,因為她們的肝臟運作效率較高(根據Routledge出版的《The World of CaffeineThe Science and Culture of the World's Most Popular Drug》,快了25%);但是根據最近的研究資料也指出,有2成的亞洲人對於咖啡因的代謝較差,這些都是來自於天生的基因差異。咖啡因的效用「半衰期」(就是指讓消化量的半數耗損的時間)通常是24小時。要如何觀察出身體對於咖啡因的代謝速率呢?妳對咖啡因的反應是妳身體代謝有多快的指標。如果妳隔幾小時後,仍然感受到咖啡因的效果,或許妳每天不該喝超過一杯。而另外,荷爾蒙對於妳對咖啡因的反應有明顯的衝擊:服避孕藥的女性感覺到效果較久,在排卵與生理期開始之間的女性會在體內殘留咖啡因較久。 專注力提升我們都很熟悉一大杯濃濃的茶,所帶來的專注力突然提升。咖啡因一旦進入腦中,就會抵達腦皮質──控制記憶、注意力、思想與語言的──然後阻撓「減速」的感知器,導致妳感覺比較清醒。咖啡因也會(暫時)促進妳的新陳代謝,加快體內的脂肪氧化。Marber解釋,「在做運動或重大會議前,使用咖啡因或許有幫助。它能讓妳專注,讓妳精神抖擻。但是過量就會導致過度的腎上腺(能量)反應,本來的專注感會轉變成焦慮或不安。」

一夜好眠 大腦會靈敏地操縱我們的化學物質指數,讓我們在必要時能感覺到活力充沛或疲倦。過度消費咖啡因可能幹擾這個功能。當我們準備就寢,腦子會釋出腺甘(Adenosine,一種控制能量移轉的化合物),限制腎上腺素分泌。咖啡因的刺激效果會阻撓腺甘,所以身體可能三更半夜突然腎上腺素旺盛,擾亂睡眠。「依賴咖啡因會讓腎上腺隨時準備分泌腎上腺素,」Marber說,「可能經常導致半夜4點鐘心跳加速醒來,再也無法入睡。」如果妳的睡眠習慣就是如此,試著從每天下午開始減少咖啡因攝取量。

新的研究發現 某些咖啡因來源,像巧克力、咖啡與茶,會提供妳抗氧化劑,中和掉有害的自由基(體內會攻擊健康細胞並可能導致早衰與癌症等疾病的分子)。之前,Jorge Rafael Leon-CarmonaAnnia Galano等學者發現,咖啡因中的抗氧化劑特別擅長抵抗老人癡呆症與心臟病。他們刊登在醫學期刊的報告《咖啡因是否擅長挽救氧化的自由基》告訴我們,咖啡因的防護性來自一種名叫自由基加合物的分子形成,認為咖啡是在一般人飲食中這些健康抗氧化劑的豐富來源之一。 多少才是過量?根據Marber表示,消費足夠的咖啡因得到好處與遭受副作用只有一線之隔,包括心跳加速與頭痛。「有個最適攝取量,可以讓妳得到短期效益又沒有長期的害處,基本原則是每天100毫克,看妳自己的容忍度決定。可能是每天兩次,每次一杯咖啡的量。」但是Marber並不認為有必要完全戒斷咖啡因,「明智運用,咖啡因,可以用來提升精力並提供抗氧化劑。我建議搭配正餐或零食攝取。有食物就能讓效果比較緩和。」

戒斷方法 如果妳是咖啡因的重度使用者,自己突然減少咖啡因攝取大概1224小時後,可能導致頭痛、疲勞與焦躁等戒斷症狀。這是很典型的咖啡因上癮症後群,只要撐過約兩天的時間,不適的症狀應該就會消失。但是如果妳發現一下戒斷咖啡因的癮頭有點困難,或許可利用漸進式的方法,試著減量或換成咖啡因較少的飲料,直到妳可以完全適應。咖啡因對身體的影響有好有壞,它能夠帶給妳提神作用,卻也能擾亂妳的生理時鐘。觀察一下自己的身體,咖啡因對妳的影響,作用時間有多久?喝下去的反應,除了提神外,是否有其他副作用?當妳明白自己身體所能承受的限度,不過度倚賴咖啡因的效用,搭被食物一起下腹,或許就能有效擷取「咖啡因」的好處,又能避免傷身。

懷孕 在前三個月,咖啡因的半衰期會延長到56個小時,意思是效果會延長。英國萊斯特與裡茲大學的研究,都認為過量消費咖啡因會導致胎兒體重不足。 骨質疏鬆根據研究顯示,咖啡因對於鈣質的吸收有一定影響,若是骨質疏鬆患者,不建議攝取過多咖啡因。巧克力50的黑巧克力棒,含有大約50毫克咖啡因。牛奶巧克力的含量則大約是一半。 (圖見BOX夾)不同飲料中的咖啡因含量1杯即溶咖啡 100mg1杯濾泡咖啡140mg 1杯茶 75mg50黑巧克力 50mg1罐可樂40mg


蘇怡寧: 乳癌基因檢測不建議

台灣乳癌患者 5%與基因突變有關【聯合晚報╱記者黃玉芳/台北報導】 2013.05.15 02:43 pm

醫師:不建議基因檢測 好萊塢知名女星安潔莉娜裘莉檢出BRCA1基因突變,為預防乳癌毅然切除雙峰。國內醫師說,亞洲人對乳癌基因的關聯性不強,不建議做基因檢測。但國內乳癌好發年齡較國外年輕10歲,建議有乳癌家族史民眾,提前從30歲起,定期做乳房篩檢、一般婦女也建議40歲開始要定期檢查。裘莉是因為媽媽卵巢癌過世,加上自己做基因檢測發現BRCA1基因突變,罹乳癌機率高達87%,決定切除兩側乳房,並完成重建手術。林口長庚醫院副院長鄭明輝說,美國乳癌的發生率是台灣的兩倍,統計美國有三分之一、單側已有乳癌的婦女,會進行對側的預防性切除。另外有人因為家族病史,恐懼癌症可能發生,因此預先手術。由於乳癌主要生長於乳腺,切除乳房後可以大幅降低罹癌機率。

預防性切乳、重建 須自費 預防性切除房,可立即進行重建,不像罹癌婦女需等化療等治療結束三個月後才能進行。鄭明輝說,現在利用果凍矽膠重現雙峰,國內單側約10萬元左右,預防性切除乳房和重建,都必須自費。但鄭明輝說,國內有少數患者因為上網搜尋國外資料,或已有單側乳癌,擔心對側轉移或罹癌,會要求進行基因檢測,但乳癌相關基因在白人表現較強,亞洲人相關性不高,因此他並不建議特別進行基因檢測。禾馨婦產科執行長蘇怡寧也說,國內乳癌患者約只有5%跟基因突變有關,因此不建議婦女做基因檢測但若自己已罹患乳癌、或家中女性親戚兩人以上得到乳癌,才建議基因檢測,目前檢測約3萬元左右。由於國內婦女罹患乳癌的年齡約比國外年輕10歲,鄭明輝建議,與其做基因檢測不如及早進行乳房超音波、乳房攝影篩檢。目前衛生署給付4569歲婦女、4044歲二等親曾罹患乳癌婦女,每兩年一次免費乳房X光攝影。他建議一般婦女可於40歲開始篩檢、有家族史民眾則提前於30歲開始,每年一次檢查。【2013/05/15 聯合晚報】


王文洋歐洲獲獎: 基因保養品geneOnyx

王文洋跨足生技 奪創新獎【聯合報╱記者黃郁文/倫敦報導】 2013.05.16 03:14 am宏仁集團總裁王文洋獲頒首屆「歐洲區個人化藥妝產品創新大獎」。宏仁集團總裁王文洋跨足生技業,將基因檢測的醫療技術導入保養品,他所創立的「geneOnyx」品牌化妝品,十四日獲頒今年首屆「歐洲區個人化藥妝產品創新大獎」,在華人生技界寫下新的一頁。 王文洋說,「愛美是人的天性」,不只是女人,注重保養的男人也愈來愈多,但是每一個人的基因組成不同,膚質、膚況也不一樣,「geneOnyx」將基因檢測與保養品結合,打造專屬客戶個人的藥妝品,以發揮最大的效果。王文洋表示,由於他的家族成員,包括他自己,天生都有皮膚過敏的問題,讓他開始研究如何將基因檢測的醫療技術導入保養品。2006年,王文洋在母校英國倫敦帝國理工學院成立「王文洋生技啟發研究中心」,與一家雲端計算科技公司開始7年的科技合作,不斷嘗試將基因與藥妝品結合。2011年,雙方合資成立「geneOnyx公司」,董事長、總經理與大多數員工都是英國人,王文洋擔任科技顧問。王文洋說,10月分將在英國倫敦開設首家「geneOnyx」旗艦店,明年進軍亞洲市場,以香港做為「亞洲第一站」,台灣可能是第二站,進駐地點考慮選在台北一O一。「歐洲區個人化藥妝產品創新大獎」由弗若斯特沙利文公司頒發,該公司是國際知名的市場研究及出版機構,全球共1800名分析師,對於300多個行業領域、25萬家公司進行追蹤、分析及預測。【2013/05/16 聯合報】


 今富族網記者陳伃安/報導2013-05-16 今年送件已經掛牌上櫃的公司共有元月的F-合富(4745)、誠品生活(2926),4月掛牌的共有3家分別為泰茂(2230)、正凌(8147)、信驊(5274),5月則只有磐儀(3594)一家。不過5月中旬開始申請上櫃熱度再度攀升,其中生技業更是摩拳擦掌,預估6月起就會出現另一波申請上櫃潮, 根據櫃買中心統計資料,今年以來到目前為止,申請上櫃的公司包含14日送件的銳捷(5256)共有5家,其中包含3月送件的大江生醫(8436)、立凱電能科技(5227),4月送件的世德工業(2066)、驊陞(6272)。至於已送件正在等候審議的個股則有科妍生技(1786)、F-敦泰、亞太電信(3682);而已通過審議的準上市櫃公司則有鈺緯(4153)、笙科電子(5272)、尚凡資訊、湯石照明(4972)、聿新生技(4161)等。

泉盛FB811 PK Rituxan !!

泉盛抗體藥 將臨床試驗【經濟日報╱黃文奇 2013.05.16 03:14 am 中天生技轉投資新藥公司泉盛昨(15)日宣布,公司抗體新藥「FB811」將於明年底前申請美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)人體臨床試驗(IND),並將與國際大廠談授權事宜,法人預估,該藥物技轉金額具備創新高潛力。泉盛昨天舉行法說會,針對旗下五大藥物,包括三個新藥、兩個蛋白質相似藥簡介其研發進度;泉盛生技與中央研究院合作開發的抗體新藥FB811,價值可和全球藥業巨擘羅氏(ROCHE)旗下的「Rituxan」(莫須瘤)相抗衡。中天解釋,FB811是全球第一個「醣體均相化抗體」技術所研發的新藥,可提升藥物毒殺癌細胞能力,或治療類風濕性關節炎效果,甚至優化其效率達到市面現有藥物的百倍。中天董事長林衛理指出,抗體藥物當前全球大藥廠的研發重點項目,目前已知的上市藥物中,單一藥品的年銷售額甚至近百億美元,是生技產業中最新、最具爆發性的領域之一。【2013/05/16 經濟日報】@



和鑫: 可攜式X光燈

生醫光電展6/18起正式登場 今富族網記者黃秀雄/報導2013-05-15 由光電協進會(PIDA)主辦的台北國際光電周,規劃首屆生醫光電及遠距醫療專區,將在618起正式登場,現場將展示生醫光電感測、醫學影像、醫用雷射、生醫照明、遠距醫療等產品,緊接著在19日更將舉辦「2013國際生醫光電論壇」。 本屆參展廠商與單位,包括有工研院、巨晰光纖、明基三豐、和鑫生技、迪伸電子、健昇科技、福華電子、擎曄、明達醫學、美國NeuroSky、陽泰電子、萬智、台灣抗衰老再生醫學會等。展出產品包羅萬象,如福華電子將在會場展示光能活妍機、和鑫生技展示可攜帶型穿透式X光燈,以及擎曄3D功能性醫療影像新平台等等。


取消醫學中心上限 圖利特定醫院?!

才取消醫學中心上限 衛署又喊卡2013-5-13 〔記者邱宜君/台北報導〕台灣需要多少醫學中心才夠?恐怕不是多多益善這麼簡單。衛生署上週三以一紙公文悄悄取消醫學中心家數上限,隔天在立法院馬上被質疑是圖利特定醫院、衝擊健保、破壞分級醫療,衛生署只得踩煞車,昨日宣布暫緩實施。

外界猜測 署長疑私心護航 衛生署上週三公布修正「醫院評鑑及教學醫院評鑑作業程序」,擬把「每兩百萬人口一家醫學中心」的規定拿掉,卻引發外界與立委質疑。衛生署醫事處長許銘能解釋,目前有二十二家健保特約醫學中心(包括分院),還有醫院雖已達到醫學中心標準,卻因名額限制,在總分些微差距下飲恨,才會希望能修正此規定,沒想到立委提案要求再提精算報告,考量今年評鑑的報名即將截止,為避免造成醫院困擾,因此只能暫緩。事實上,由於衛生署長邱文達曾任台北醫學大學附設醫院行政副院長、署立雙和醫院院長,從他上任那天起,外界就猜測這兩家區域醫院可望「升格」為醫學中心,知情人士也透露,邱文達早就告知醫院「可以準備了」。去年亞東醫院差點跌出醫學中心名單,後來驚險通過,粉碎了其他醫院進攻上榜的美夢。

督保盟批「比貪污還可怕」 民間監督健保聯盟發言人滕西華批評,署長想捧特定醫院是「司馬昭之心,眾人皆知」,但這種粗糙政策只會加深醫療資源分配懸殊、加劇醫療人力五大皆空,徒增健保支出上百億。她痛批,邱文達這種錯誤政策是「搶國家的錢」、「比貪污還可怕」。「台灣的醫學中心已經太多!」衛生署前署長楊志良也直言,醫學中心都開在都會區,再擴張下去,只會讓偏鄉永遠請不到醫護人員。醫改會研究發展組長朱顯光更質疑,目前醫學中心大多以門診輕症為主,衛生署不導正此歪風,就算設立再多醫學中心,對提升整體醫療品質也沒有幫助,民眾不用給予太多期待。

衛署︰署長無法影響評鑑 記者昨日嘗試聯繫衛生署長邱文達,但截稿前尚未能取得其回應說法。衛生署公關室回應指出,經健保局試算,一家區域醫院升為醫學中心,平均一年從健保多拿六千萬,目前僅三到五家區域醫院有資格和意願申請,不可能增加上百億,署長也無法影響評鑑結果,所有醫院都必須依照一致標準提出申請,不可能圖利特定醫院。

台灣醫學中心 將無上限 ?!

取消醫學中心? 衛署:再決議 20130514 衛生署計畫取消醫學中心上限家數,民間監督健保聯盟表示,此舉恐造成醫學中心暴增,健保掏空逾百億元,偏鄉將更缺醫。(大紀元資料庫) 【記者施芝吟/綜合報導】衛生署計畫取消醫學中心上限家數,不再是現行的19家,民間監督健保聯盟13日召開記者會表示,此舉恐造成醫學中心暴增,健保面臨政策性掏空逾百億元,偏鄉將更缺醫。衛生署醫事處長許銘能表示,日前公告取消醫學中心家數上限管制,但因立委認為應再次決議,並要求在3個月內提出配套措施,因此會邀集各界學者專家及醫院代表討論,再研擬修定醫院評鑑規定。行政院衛生署8日公告修改醫院評鑑及教學醫院評鑑作業程序,指出凡通過醫院評鑑醫學中心合格標準醫院,就應評定為醫學中心,民間健保監督聯盟擔憂這恐導致醫院搶「升格」,會讓醫學中心暴增。民間監督健保聯盟發言人滕西華說,現行健保特約的醫學中心有22家,早就超過醫療網每200萬人口1家醫學中心規定的19家上限,而據傳有意成為醫學中心的7家醫院仍集中於台北區、高屏區及南區等醫療過剩區域,根本不在目前沒有醫學中心的14個縣市之列,更惡化醫療發展失衡。前衛生署長楊志良也表示,目前台灣醫學中心已太多,取消上限會讓偏遠地區醫療更困難,醫學中心聚集於都會區也會讓偏遠地區醫護人力更吃緊。一旦取消醫學中心上限,健保衝擊最大,據督保盟估算,若新增7家醫學中心、4,400床位,在民眾就醫行為沒有改變下,健保光「住院」部分,一年政策性掏空就會增加近132億支出。醫事處回應表示,每家區域醫院升級為醫學中心後,平均每年健保申報增加約6千萬元,但因醫院須要相對增加醫護人力,並必須負擔支援偏鄉離島醫療任務,對民眾就醫品質及提升偏鄉離島醫療有極大助益。升級在於服務品質及教學研究能力的提升,並不以增加病床數為條件,絕非如督保盟團體所言將增加病床4,400床,健保費用更不可能因此增加132億,這樣的推算毫無根據,非常離譜。◇

TFDA 丁烯二酸濃度…仍在安全範圍之下!!

塑化劑翻版?「順丁烯二酸」毒澱粉吃多恐怕要洗腎20130514 16:53 塑化劑翻版?!衛生署抽查發現,有不肖業者在澱粉中違法添加工業用黏著劑「順丁烯二酸」,製成粉圓、黑輪、粄條等產品,長期食用可能造成洗腎風險!目前全台已回收封存25頓毒澱粉產品,食藥局也考慮援引塑化劑條款,開罰600萬元;另外,民眾若發現粉圓冰過還是一樣Q,可能就要特別小心了。順丁烯二酸主要用於樹脂、黏膠等,也不在我國核准使用的食用化製澱粉名單內,不肖業者卻將其加進澱粉中,若不是為了成本考量,很可能就是希望藉此創造加倍Q彈口感,營造商機。衛生署食品藥物管理局追查發現,日正食品的波霸粉圓、蓮發食品的九份芋圓地瓜圓、美濃粄條、天祐食品的關東煮黑輪、長勝食品的冷凍正宗黑輪,含有超量的順丁烯二酸。 經追查上游後,相關單位在台南、新北市的協奇澱粉廠、怡和澱粉公司發現有問題的化製澱粉和地瓜粉,並依《食品衛生管理法》,對2家公司,開罰3萬至15萬元罰款。但外界認為,順丁烯二酸會對人體造成傷害,應比照塑化劑重罰。食藥局長康照洲表示,若衛生局進一步調查認為牽涉層面廣,最高仍可罰600萬元。董氏基金會食品營養組主任許惠玉指出,粉圓製作後容易腐壞,因此曾有不肖業者違法添加防腐劑,粉圓若加入毒澱粉,從外觀不易判斷,但若冰進冰箱後,仍然一樣Q彈,那消費者就務必要提高警覺。食品藥物管理局新聞稿指出,根據科學文獻資料顯示,順丁烯二酸的急毒性低,對於人類不具有生殖發育、基因等毒性,且亦無致癌性;歐盟評估資料,成人每公斤體重每天可耐受量為0.5 mg(毫克),若以60公斤的成人計算,則可忍受劑量為每日30 mg。以本次檢驗出的產品為例,假設產品中含順丁烯二酸濃度400 mg/kg (ppm),每日食用30公克產品估計,每日所攝入順丁烯二酸量約12 mg,此與60公斤的成人可忍受30 mg之劑量相比,仍在安全範圍之下。對於食藥局說法,林口長庚醫院臨床毒物科主任林杰樑認為,毒粄條、毒粉圓等都是國人常吃的食物,一碗150g就超量,衛生署應深入調查,不能輕描淡寫,除了調查超商等知名店家外,也應追查傳統市場、小吃攤。


泉盛 (Fountain Biopharma )..調整抗體醣化 超級Rituxan

泉盛生技旗下FB811 最快年底申請美IND 搶食近8000億商機 2013515 20:16【鉅亨網記者張旭宏 台北】 泉盛生技董事長林衛理表示,與中研院合作開發的抗體新藥FB811為全球第一個醣體均相化抗體新藥,預計最快年底送件美國申請IND人體臨床。中天生技(4128-TW)集團旗下泉盛生技(4154-TW)(15)日舉行法說會,泉盛生技董事長林衛理表示,與中研院合作開發的抗體新藥FB811為全球第一個醣體均相化抗體新藥,預計最快年底送件美國申請IND人體臨床,將與國際藥廠羅氏分食全球超過260億美元(約合台幣7800億元)的抗過敏新藥市場。 林衛理指出,與市場銷售額高達73億美元的Rituxan抗體藥物相較,可提升100倍抗體依賴性細胞毒性(ADCC)活性,提升5倍「補體依賴型」細胞毒殺(CDC)活性,這項醣體均相化技術,對全球抗體產業發展將產生革命性創新影響,FB811利用醣均化的技術能讓醣體混合物,轉化成最佳療效的單一醣體,該技術不僅可使用在所有上市的抗體藥物上,以提升活性,且也更能符合法規。FB811預計今年至明年申請進入美國FDAIND(人體臨床) Rituxan醣體均相化新藥是由全球醣蛋白化學研究權威中央研究院翁啟惠院長與團隊發明的「化學酵素-醣重組」,與泉盛生技的「抗體功效驗證」技術平台合作研發而成。 醣體均相化抗體的平台技術已由中研院提出專利保護,除了Rituxan由中研院與泉盛共有智財權利外,其他抗體醣體均相化發展權利已由醣基生醫取得授權。 目前被核准用於淋巴癌和類風濕關節炎治療的 Rituxan (原廠羅氏製藥,台灣品名為「莫須瘤」)2012年排名全球藥物銷售額第五名,市場銷售額高達73億美元。林衛理指出,FB811在生物活性上,相較於目前被核准用於淋巴癌和類風濕關節炎治療的 Rituxan,可大幅提升毒殺癌細胞的抗體依賴性細胞毒性活性,顯示FB811具有更好療效,降低使用劑量,提升藥物安全,造福更多需要治療的患者,預計最快年底送件美國申請IND 醣體均相化技術平台適用於多數抗體藥物之活性提升,除可應用於目前已核准銷售的多種抗體新藥,並可用於研發中的抗體藥物,革命性改變全球抗體藥物發展模式。現階段包括許多國際大藥廠皆已投入大量資源於抗體藥物的醣體修飾研發,但因醣體均相化技術門檻太高,目前全球尚無發展出任何新藥進入臨床,潛在商機巨大。 林衛理強調,公司的技術平台是將抗體藥物藉由減醣加醣技術,修飾成僅具有最適療效的單一醣組合分子,革命性改變現階段抗體藥物皆為醣體「混合物」的概念,朝向「單一成分」化合物的方向發展。就如同目前全球主流的小分子化學藥物,也是由起始的「混合物」,發展成現階段全球各國政府均共同規範遵循,具有品質、療效與安全性一致性的「單一成分」化合物一樣。

Antibody drugs are generally produced using Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) production; however, due to selection of cell clones and change in manufacturing processes that lead to differences in post-translational modifications, each antibody product currently used in the market is in fact contains more than 30 different glycoforms. Scientific studies have confirmed that not all glycoforms are efficacious, some could even cause allergenic effects, and thus elimination of the glycoforms that have no or poor effect or are immunogenic would improve product efficacy and safety. This would also lower drug dose and cost and benefit more patients.  For these purposes, Fountain Biopharma and Academia Sinica jointly have jointly developed a technology platform that enables re-glycosylation at Fc-Asn297 site to make antibody drugs with homogenous glycoforms. The new technology, subverting the traditional way of making antibody drugs of mixed carbohydrates, allows workup of a new antibody that has a single, identical glycoform.  Currently the homogenous Rituximab glycovariants (for B-cell lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis) are under global patent application. Upon success in development of such glyco-homo antibodies, it is expected to fundamentally change the current models of making antibody drugs, regulate the standards of process development and manufacturing, and to speed up the process of developing new generation of antibody medicines.




南光Q1小賺;Q2毛利率可望止跌回升 精實新聞 2013-05-13 11:52:31 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 癌症藥品貢獻降,加上現增費用認列,製藥廠南光(1752)首季毛利率跌破三成,首季淨利172萬元,年減91%,每股稅後盈餘0.03元。該公司表示,首季員工認購現增費用化的影響數約500萬元,5月起客戶癌症藥品查驗登記的訂單可望恢復出貨,營運預期將自首季低點回升,不過因癌症藥廠查廠進度落後預期,預期營運要至下半年癌症藥品的挹注才將重回成長。南光首季淨利172萬元,每股稅後盈餘0.03元,其中除毛利率跌破三成外,整體營業費用也年增690萬元。南光指出,因發行現增的員工認股部分,按照新的會計公報全數將費用化,其中直接產線員工影響銷貨成本,其他非直接員工則影響費用,總括而言對淨利的影響數約500萬元。 除了現增費用外,配合客戶排程及查廠進度,南光首季毛利率高於平均的癌症藥品也未出貨,也衝擊毛利率表現。南光分析,目前該公司在日本有四張癌症藥證及其他周邊癌症產品,接觸中的潛在客戶至少有23家學名藥大廠,不過,因癌症藥廠查廠進度落後預期,目前僅有配合客戶查驗登記的小批次量可以出貨,5月起已有小量交貨,但預估官方查廠要延至第二季底、第三季初,以此看來,第三季癌症藥品的出貨量才會有較大動能。 除癌症藥品外,南光這幾年耕耘的外銷市場中,中國急救及降腦壓用藥正在各省招標中,日本客戶除癌症用藥外,還有抗過敏、玻尿酸及降腦壓用藥,這些本季看來營業額貢獻都有機會比首季成長,今年上半年累計營收目標仍要優於去年同期。 法人則估計,隨現增影響降低,南光第二季毛利率可望止跌回升,但因新廠查廠進度落後,今年營收成長率恐落於近三年平均。

FDA罰 $500 million印度Ranbaxy藥廠 !!

印度藥廠賣假藥 美國罰5億美元時間:2013/5/14 新聞引據: 中央社 美國當局13日宣布,印度學名藥製造商蘭貝克賽(Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd)坦承在美國銷售假藥後,處以5億美元罰金。蘭貝克賽的美國子公司Ranbaxy USA7項重罪認罪,其在2005年至2006年間將印度製造的數種假學名藥在美國流通。美國司法部聲明說,蘭貝克賽同意支付15,000萬美元的刑事罰款,及35,000萬美元來解決民事訴訟。聲明表示,這是與學名藥製造商迄今最大的藥品安全訴訟。蘭貝克賽離職主管泰克(Dinesh Thakur)因向當局檢舉,將從罰金中獲得約4,860萬美元。蘭貝克賽進口大批偽藥至美國,包括治療面皰藥物Sotret、抗癲癇藥物gabapentin以及抗生素ciprofloxacin。蘭貝克賽也坦承,在20062007年向美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)就好幾種其他藥品的穩定測試做出不實聲明。日本第13(Daiichi Sankyo)藥廠2008年收購蘭貝克賽。

Generic Drug Maker Pleads Guilty in Federal Case  By KATIE THOMAS Published: May 13, 2013 The generic drug maker Ranbaxy pleaded guilty on Monday to federal drug safety violations and will pay $500 million in fines to resolve claims that it sold subpar drugs and made false statements to the Food and Drug Administration about its manufacturing practices at two factories in India, the company and federal prosecutors announced Monday. The settlement is the largest in history involving a generic manufacturer and drug safety, the Justice Department said. Ranbaxy has been operating under a consent decree with the Food and Drug Administration since last year after federal officials identified a host of manufacturing lapses at plants in India and one in the United States, and concluded that the company, which is a subsidiary of the Japanese pharmaceutical company Daiichi Sankyo, submitted false data to the F.D.A. Ranbaxy has not exported drugs from the two Indian factories, known as Paonta Sahib and Dewas, to the United States since 2008. As part of the settlement on Monday, Ranbaxy pleaded guilty to three felony counts of violating the federal drug safety law and four of making false statements to the F.D.A. The company acknowledged that it failed to conduct proper safety and quality tests of several drugs manufactured at the Indian plants, including generic versions of many common medicines, like gabapentin, which treats epilepsy and nerve pain, and the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. In the case of gabapentin — of special note because of the high stakes involved in treating patients with epilepsy — the company admitted that between June and August in 2007, it knew that certain batches had tested positive for "unknown impurities" and had unreliable shelf lives. But Ranbaxy waited until October of that year to alert the F.D.A. and announce a recall, which ultimately involved more than 73 million pills. Ranbaxy workers were also lax in ensuring that certain batches of drugs remained effective throughout their estimated shelf life, and prosecutors said the company tested some products weeks or months after it told the F.D.A. that it had done so. A Ranbaxy spokesman said the issues with gabapentin, also known as Neurontin, outlined in the plea agreement had no bearing on the safety or effectiveness of the drugs, and the F.D.A. said it did not receive any reports of patients being harmed by the drugs made at the plants in question. In a statement Monday, Ranbaxy noted that the settlement involved conduct that occurred several years ago and said it had already set aside $500 million in anticipation of the penalties. The company is paying $150 million in a criminal fine and forfeiture, with the remainder going to settle civil claims brought by the federal government and all 50 states. A former Ranbaxy executive who alerted the federal government to the problems will receive close to $49 million in compensation for his role as a whistle-blower. "Today's announcement marks the resolution of this past issue," Arun Sawhney, the chief executive of Ranbaxy, said in the statement. "We are pleased to continue bringing safe, effective and quality medicines to market for the benefit of consumers in the U.S. and other parts of the world." Ranbaxy's troubles have not been limited to the lapses outlined in the federal settlement. Last November, the company halted production of generic Lipitor while it investigated why glass particles turned up in pills distributed to the public. The problem was traced to a cracked glass lining in a tank at another plant in India and Ranbaxy resumed production in February. "I think what comes out of this suit is that Ranbaxy has really deep problems with quality control, and this case was essentially the canary in the coal mine," said Patrick Burns, a spokesman for Taxpayers Against Fraud, a whistle-blower advocacy group. Others say the company's problems highlight how little oversight federal drug safety officials have of overseas plants. Studies that have shown the F.D.A. inspects foreign generic manufacturing plants about once every seven to 13 years, compared with once every two years for domestic manufacturers. A law passed last year will eventually require the F.D.A. to apply the same standards when inspecting all manufacturing plants, regardless of location. But some worry that federal budget cuts are slowing the adoption of that law. "They just happened to stumble across the Ranbaxy problem at those two plants in India," said Joe Graedon, a pharmacologist who runs a consumer Web site, the People's Pharmacy, which has raised questions about the safety of generic drugs. "Ranbaxy was the biggest and one of the best in India. What about all the smaller ones? What does that say about them?" Those who defend the generic-drug industry point out that the overwhelming majority of generic products are as safe and effective as their brand-name counterparts. And brand-name companies have encountered their share of quality problems: Johnson & Johnson is operating under a consent decree because of problems at manufacturing plants, and in 2010, the drug maker GlaxoSmithKline paid $750 million in criminal and civil fines to resolve a federal whistle-blower suit that highlighted problems at a factory in Puerto Rico. Mr. Burns said the recent cases — and the large rewards earned by whistle-blowers — show that there is a renewed focus on drug quality. "The point is, the government is willing to pay money in order to catch these people and that's a very strong message," he said. "Hopefully it's also a strong message for companies that they have got to clean up their act."


香港GSK抗生素 借重大昌華嘉布局診所

大昌華嘉與葛蘭素史克在香港展開合作 2013/05/13 11:07 專注於亞洲地區的市場拓展服務公司大昌華嘉與全球首屈一指的、以科研為本的製藥公司葛蘭素史克(GSK)攜手合作,以支援該藥廠透過香港的醫療和貿易渠道銷售抗生素。香港2013513 /美通社/ -- 作為銳意拓展亞洲醫療保健業務的領先合作夥伴,大昌華嘉醫藥保健部宣佈,已成功與葛蘭素史克簽訂協議,就其抗生素產品在私家診所和貿易渠道提供合約銷售服務。大昌華嘉醫藥保健部在香港擁有業界最龐大的銷售團隊,為客戶提供銷售及推廣服務,現與葛蘭素史克展開合作。葛蘭素史克(香港)有限公司副總裁兼總經理 Sally Storey 表示:「我們期望兩家公司建立成功的合作夥伴關係,為病人提供優質藥物。」大昌華嘉香港醫藥保健部副總裁 Richard Holloway 表示:「我們十分高興能夠為葛蘭素史克提供市場拓展服務,以我們多方面的營商實力為他們作出支援。外判產品組合的銷售及分銷服務可讓葛蘭素史克專注其核心業務,同時將成本降至最低。外判業務已成為全球趨勢,對於在價值鏈上需要專業支援的製藥商而言,我們擔當重要角色。」新的合作關係將進一步鞏固大昌華嘉在香港市場的地位,並陸續為集團的整體收益及盈利能力帶來貢獻。


擎翊生技 茶面膜

元培科大茶系列面膜商品開發技術技轉擎翊生技公司 中央社 (2013-05-14 16:29)(中央社訊息服務20130514 16:28:33)元培科技大學校長林志城今(14)日下午與擎翊生技有限公司執行長郭雨蒼共同簽訂茶系列面膜商品開發技術技轉,郭執行長即將技轉金60萬元支票交與林校長,以表示雙方技轉完成。同時17日教育部在元培科技大學光瀚樓5樓光宇藝術中心舉辦的101學年度「生醫科技人才培育暨技術媒合會」,雙方仍會進行此項儀式。林校長(茶葉萃取技術、茶葉面膜技術)、資管系助理教授何天華 (商品化技術、電子商務行銷)技轉給擎翊生技股份有限公司,主要該公司積極進行。林校長開發的茶系列面膜主要利用兒茶素可以美白的特性,加上多種生物基底胺基酸的作用,將茶葉的營養利用模技術深入到臉部的皮膚之內,因此配合上東方人喝茶的良好習慣,將可有助於愛美的人士保養使用。另外資管系何天華助理教授也在這次的技轉中,提出了利用電子商務的獨特行銷技術,來協助該公司未來能將一系列的茶葉面膜,成功打入中國大陸市場的方法;這個利用搖動手機擴散社群的購物模式,也將是全球年輕一代未來的一種主流購物趨勢。擎翊生技公司成立五年多以來,目前年營業已超過6千萬元,該公司郭執行長對於本校擁有許多且有用的實務技術,均抱持非常大的興趣與合作信心,在支持政府推動的產學合作的理念之下,因此表示未來將會有更多的合作空間,相信必能達到產業界與學術界都能雙贏的局面。郭執行長等今天下午即到元培科技大學,同時將技轉金60萬元支票一併帶來,即是決定要將此技術開發商品,因此林校長茶葉面膜技術開發出來,即有多家公司有興趣。



翁啟惠 兩岸醫藥合作沒有明顯進度!!!

翁啟惠:兩岸應設計醫藥合作機制 2013-05-15 02:39 工商時報 【記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導】 兩岸醫藥合作開新局,在太景的治療社區型肺炎的奈諾沙星將取得第一張「準藥證」下,中研院院長翁啟惠表示,兩岸醫藥合作應設計一套可以往下走的機制,讓雙方都有依規,聯手搶進國際市場。翁啟惠表示,兩岸醫藥合作協議簽署已經3年,執行上卻一直有落差,沒有明顯進度,眼見各國政府都將生醫產業列為振興經濟和重心扶持的產業,兩岸的優勢互補應該要更落實,才能創造雙贏契機。翁啟惠認為,3年前的第6次江陳會,兩岸已簽署衛生合作協議,並以ICHGHTF為合作架構,由於這兩個架構也是國際認定的標準,雙方應回到這個架構機制下,設計一套可以往下走的機制。例如:近期媒體報導大陸可望開放醫療投資,醫院投資的省市將從目前的5個放寬到20個,那麼將從醫院著手,先提共同標準相互認證醫學中心,取得共識,這樣就可逐步認證雙方的臨床試驗。另外,華人共同疾病的開發也是可以合作的選項。基於華人基因的相似,且兩岸在臨床研究和新藥開發已累積不錯的數據資料,像台灣在肝癌和肺癌的研究上,全球聞名;而糖尿病、頭頸癌、口腔癌等疾病基因也與其它人種不同,這都是可以建立合作的機制。翁啟惠認為,台灣生醫產業能量很活潑,但欠缺的是研發鏈的串聯整合,在臨床前及初期臨床試驗較弱,也缺乏關鍵技術、量產規模及國際市場布局,不過,我們生醫產業彈性佳、農業生技、臨床醫學和華人特有疾病研究上較有優勢,與大陸有互補優勢。



用自由經濟示範區 解決醫療人員不足?!

管中閔:自由經濟示範區可鼓勵護理人員回流【經濟日報╱記者林安妮/即時報導】 2013.05.14 01:06 pm 經建會主委管中閔表示,鑒於自貿港區已有現成的法制、營運模式及區位基礎,為爭取時效並掌握台灣發展的利基,因此自由經濟示範區第一階段是選擇以現有的自貿港區做為起點,未來在特別法通過後,第二階段的示範區將有更大的發揮空間,政府也將投入資源充實基礎建設,以吸引更多產業投入。經建會今天發出新聞稿指出,管中閔與政務委員楊秋興等人昨天南下高雄與地方政府座談自由經濟示範區。針對國內目前護士荒的問題,管中閔認為,發展國際醫療將有助於吸引退出市場的護理人員回流,提高護理人員的合理待遇,反有助解決醫療人員不足的問題。為廣泛聽取各地業者及地方政府意見,經建會將於515521分別於台北及台中再各辦一場座談會,邀請民間企業代表及地方政府共同參與討論,以使示範區的規劃確實符合區域產業發展需求,創造在地就業機會。【2013/05/14 經濟日報】


無痕刮痧 商標駁回!!

「無痕刮痧」療法 申請商標敗訴【聯合報╱記者楊竣傑/板橋報導】 2013.05.13 03:08 am 民俗治療師陳塗墻研發「無痕刮痧法」,在刮痧時不會留下疤痕,大力推廣還出書,他女兒用「無痕刮痧」四字向智財局註冊商標被駁回,再向智財法院提行政訴訟。法官審理後認為「無痕刮痧」只是民俗療法,不具識別性,判陳敗訴,全案可上訴。智財局主張「無痕刮痧」只是沒有設計過的中文商標,代表刮痧後不會傷到皮膚表皮,留疤痕,沒有識別性,主張駁回。【2013/05/13 聯合報】

鯰魚哲學 : 南京與蘇州 明基醫院

蘇州明基醫院對外營業引入台灣服務模式 2013-05-12 19:31:512009427,時任海峽兩岸關係協會會長陳雲林,陪同時任台灣海峽交流基金會董事長江丙坤走訪南京明基醫院。 陳恆光/整理 "今天來做個血脂檢查,這環境挺好的。聽說也可以用蘇州市區醫保,我打算明天帶卡過來看看老毛病,要各方面都好的話我以後就在這邊看病了。"512,家住蘇州明基醫院附近的劉秀芬正排著隊等候驗血。 根據大陸媒體中新社報導,12日,經過約半年的試運營,蘇州最大的合資醫院——蘇州明基醫院正式對外營業。全面引進台灣醫療服務模式,導入"全人醫療"的服務理念,推行"主診醫師責任制"、"門診護士跟診制"、"藥師用藥指導"等服務舉措,使患者感受到人性化、個性化的就醫過程。 據明基醫院執行長陳貽善介紹,試運營之初每日門診量僅有5060人次,且台商占一半以上。20133月開通蘇州市區醫保後,每日平均門診量已上升到250人左右,其中大陸居民約七成。但相較於建院已有5年的南京明基醫院每日2000人次的門診量而言,僅試運營約半年時間的蘇州明基醫院還處於磨合期。 "我們醫院一般門診收費等同三級公立醫院,隨著時間的推移,我們醫師隊伍的水準也將提高,加之優良服務品質,相信能夠贏得更多當地居民的信任。"陳貽善說。 台資進入大陸醫療市場已逾十年,被業內稱為衝破大陸公立醫院壟斷的"鯰魚"。這期間,諸多台資越過海峽,走進大陸醫療市場,但"鯰魚"們依然在探路前行。明基友達集團于2002年進入醫療產業,先後在南京與蘇州兩地設立了明基醫院。 "我們希望非公立醫院能與公立醫院站在同一起跑線上,透過台資醫院管理與服務理念的引入,加快大陸公立醫院醫療改革,讓大陸民眾感受到整體醫療服務的提升。"明基友達集團董事長李焜耀說。 蘇州現有台籍人口30萬,並且外資企業雲集。針對這一特點,該院還開設了台商門診、VIP診療中心、高端健康檢查等特需醫療專案,以滿足在蘇州乃至整個長三角地區的台商與外籍人士的就醫需求。 蘇州明基醫院由台灣明基友達集團與蘇州高新區合資建立,按國家三級綜合性醫院標準建設,一期設有內、外、婦產、兒、急診等臨床科室,規劃床位1500張,擁有近百名來自台灣、大陸及海外的醫療專家團隊。【中央網路報】

重視 精神障礙人 口腔照護

身障者口腔照護 牙醫界盼有「正規部隊」 中央廣播電台/江昭倫-20130509 上午11:33 台灣的智能與精神障礙人口約有20萬人,口腔照護成為一大問題。牙醫學界表示,政府的「身心障礙者口腔健康5年計劃」確實有一定的成效,但仍有不足之處。牙醫界希望下一個5年計劃能在教育、健保與評鑑制度上提供更多支援,培養「正規部隊」,以落實對身心障礙者的口腔健康照護。立法院社會福利及衛生環境委員會9日邀請衛生署、內政部、教育部、健保局等相關單位,針對自2008年起推動的「身心障礙者口腔健康五年計劃執行情形與特殊需求者口腔照護政策後續規劃」進行專案報告,並邀請牙醫界代表出席提供建言。國民黨立委蔡錦隆指出,國內身心障礙者人數眾多,但5年來相關培訓醫師僅353人,人力嚴重缺乏;加上健保加成誘因不足、身心障礙者就醫交通等問題,使得身心障礙者口腔健康照護工作無法真正落實。民進黨立委陳節如則要求健保局將早期療育納入健保給付,重視遲緩兒童的口腔保健。台灣身心障礙者口腔醫學會理事長黃純德指出,在政府與牙醫界共同努力下,這幾年台灣身心障礙者的牙科醫療預防保健服務品質提升不少,但未來仍需要教育系統、醫院與健保醫療網提供更多支援,培養足夠的醫療保健人力,才能照顧更多身心障礙者的口腔健康。黃純德說:『(原音)在教育面,在大學學程裡面把身心障礙者牙科真正納入必修,國家考試一定要考到;在醫療面的話,就是在醫院要有一個身心障礙者牙科獨立的一個設科;在預防保健的面呢,就是需要有一個口腔衛生專業的人員出來,這樣的話,才等於有一個正規部隊啦。』對於各界的建議,衛生署表示會納入下一階段5年計劃參考。健保局也同意評估是否增加對於身心障礙者提供牙科醫療服務的健保加成點數。


降低醣化血色素 降低洗腎率 !!

糖尿病照護方案 可降併發症2013/5/15作者:陳玲芳 【記者陳玲芳台北報導】根據健保局統計,糖尿病患者參加「以病人為中心」的照護方案,透過定期追蹤,有六成六病人醣化血色素獲得改善,有效降低併發症與洗腎率。糖尿病為成人中極盛行慢性疾病之一,血糖若控制不好,會引起視網膜、血管、神經及腎臟相關併發症,嚴重者可能有失明、心臟病、截肢、洗腎或甚至死亡。一○一年因糖尿病而就醫民眾高達九十六萬人,健保局為使糖尿病患者得到良好照護,在支付制度中特別設計「以病人為中心」的糖尿病照護方案,參加照護方案患者已達三十二點五萬人。健保局表示,糖尿病人參加「以病人為中心」的照護方案,透過定期追蹤,醣化血色素檢驗值有百分之六十六獲得改善,且控制不良的人數比例,從近三成逐年下降至一成二左右,低密度脂蛋白膽固醇控制良好的人數,也從近六成六逐年上升至八成四,洗腎發生率也較未參加者低百分之四點三三。健保局呼籲糖尿病人,可選擇至有參加「以病人為中心」照護方案的院所就醫。該局網站已公布有糖尿病方案品質獎勵措施得獎醫師院所名單,供病患參考。


Taiwanese scientists develop fast virus genome sequencing method

 2013/05/07 20:02:59Taipei, May 7 (CNA) Taiwanese researchers said Tuesday they have developed a new technique that significantly reduces the time and money required for genetic sequencing of viruses, which is expected to speed up the process and cut the cost of developing vaccines and anti-viral drugs. The technique is applicable in the fields of genome research, preventive medicine, and the development of personalized medicine, in which medical treatment is customized on the basis of the individual's genetic code, said researchers at the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Hsinchu.The new technique allows genome sequencing of a virus in just one hour instead of one day and reduces the cost from US$5,000 to about US$500, said G. Steven Huang, one of the scientists, who is a professor at NCTU's Department of Materials Science and Engineering.The research, conducted by Huang and Chen Yu-shiun, a professor at NCTU's Department of Biology Science and Technology, will be published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology in May.Huang said current techniques require the use of florescence and other external aides to enable the reading of polymerase synthesis. The new technique requires no external aides and reduces the error rate to nearly zero, he added. Huang said he has applied for patenting of the sequencing technique and is awaiting approval. The new technique is expected to replace the current method as a more affordable, accurate and faster approach, according to Huang.



Taiwanese company working on novel brain surgery material

 2013/04/16 16:38:14Photo courtesy of the Industrial Technology Research Institute Taipei, April 16 (CNA) A Taiwanese biomedical company said Monday that it is working on a technology that it hopes will make doctors' jobs easier when they perform brain surgery.Liao Chun-jen, CEO of Taiwan Biomaterial Company, said his company is developing a new substitute for dura, the outermost of three fibrous membranes sheathing the brain and lining the inner surface of the skull.The dura is often damaged when the skull is opened, and surgeons use dura substitutes to repair the damage.Liao said his company has obtained two patents from the Industrial Technology Research Institute in a technology transfer."In the initial stage, we'll target developing the technology and then enter clinical trials in two to three years," he said at the opening of his company's new facility in the Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park in northern Taiwan.The company, which has paid-in capital of NT$35 million (US$1.7 million), has a staff of five.Two kinds of dura substitutes are already commercially available on the market, said Taiwan Biomaterial COO Chen Ping-chuan, but they have disadvantages.One, made of a non-degradable polymer, has to be sutured to surrounding dura, "which is very technique-sensitive, time-consuming and labor-intensive for the clinical surgeon," Chen told CNA.The other, composed of a biodegradable collagen with a porous structure, is directly applied on the top of the brain without sutures.But according to Chen, "there are issues such as displacement and CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) leakage in actual clinical applications."The foamy dura substitute technology developed by Liao and his team is a mixture of neutral collagen gel and liquid gas, the COO said.The foamy structure is created by the rapid expansion inside the collagen gel after it is released from its high pressure container, forming a dura substitute with high porosity."This technology (will) not only overcome the displacement issue," Chen said, but will also be more reliable because of its simplicity and more user-friendly in terms of reducing risks and raising the success rate of surgery.



Pharma giant Novartis working on H7N9 vaccine

POSTED: 25 Apr 2013 11:52 PM GENEVA - Swiss pharmaceuticals giant Novartis is researching a vaccine for the H7N9 strain of bird flu, its chief executive said on Thursday, amid fears that the disease could mutate into a form that spreads among people. In an interview with the Swiss daily Tagesanzeiger, Joe Jimenez said that Novartis had already analysed the virus' genetic codes, which have been published by Chinese authorities. Jimenez said that Novartis "would today be in a position to develop a vaccine for initial clinical trials within six to eight weeks"."The need is theoretical for now," he added.Since the discovery of the first cases several weeks ago in China, a total of 108 people have been confirmed as being infected with the H7N9 virus, of whom 22 have died, marking the first time the strain has claimed human lives.Officials from the World Health Organisation have underlined that the strain is therefore one of the deadliest of the many forms of flu carried by birds and posing various degrees of risk to humans.On Wednesday, Taiwan recorded the first case outside China, in a man who had recently returned from working there.There have been no recorded cases to human-to-human transmission, but the spectre of a form of the virus being able to jump between people has placed global health officials on alert.

Taiwan, Israel urged to work together in medical device sector

 CNA May 1, 2013, 12:04 am TWNTAIPEI--Taiwan and Israel should step up cooperation in developing medical devices as both sides enjoy advanced technology and well-trained professionals, experts said yesterday at a seminar aimed at promoting such cooperation. Taiwan and Israel both have a medical device market worth over US$800 million, with their global market shares ranked at 27 and 26, respectively, said Chang Hsin-yi, a researcher at Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute.The similar market scopes between the two countries have made it easier to forge a partnership, Chang explained at a seminar in Taipei held to encourage industry insiders to attend the 2nd Medical Devices & Health Information Technology Conference & Exhibition from June 10-13 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Both sides could establish more frequent information exchanges in medical services and medical equipment developments, added Chen Tzen wen, a seminar speaker and superintendent of Taipei Medical University Hospital."I'd suggest that Taiwan and Israel cooperate more on clinical trials because they help identify the patients' needs and accelerate innovative developments," said Chen.Moris Topaz, another seminar speaker and head of the Plastic Surgery Unit at the Haifa-based Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, said he hopes to interact more with Taiwanese talents to explore the forefront of medical developments. Currently taking charge of a specialty medical project in wound-healing — ranging from wounds caused by accidents to diabetes — Topaz said both sides could work toward developing surgical and rehabilitation programs in related fields. Israel has advanced medical device technologies and is one of the world's major exporters of medical devices, according to the Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, which organized the seminar.


Willemsen: 台灣GSK 6年花10億與台灣學研合作

NRPB Director Yang Pan-chyr (second left) and Glaxo Taiwan General Manager Thomas Willemsen display the memorandum May 7 in Taipei City. (CNA) Publication Date05/07/2013 Source Taiwan Today ByMeg Chang Taiwan's National Research Program for Biopharmaceuticals inked a memorandum of understanding on clinical vaccination trials with U.K.-based GlaxoSmithKline PLC May 7, further boosting local capabilities in this key biotech research area.Signed by NRPB Director Yang Pan-chyr and Glaxo Taiwan General Manager Thomas Willemsen in Taipei City, the pact calls for both organizations to collaborate on trialing vaccinations for diseases such as influenza type A and B, as well as tuberculosis and recurring lung cancer. Yang said the landmark agreement is Taiwan's largest clinical trial collaboration to date, and will focus on preventing some of the most common diseases around the world while benefiting millions of patients."We hope this memorandum will further cement our partnership with Glaxo and expect it to be the start of more joint projects with pharmaceutical firms worldwide," he said. "It should also help establish Taiwan as a front-runner in clinical trial research." According to Willemsen, Taiwan has always been an important Glaxo research partner in the Asia-Pacific region, with more than 20 experiments taking place in the country representing 13 percent of the firm's projects worldwide."Taiwan possesses distinctive advantages in clinical trial research, including the ability to fast-track results, high reliability of data, and a plethora of medical professionals with international experience," Willemsen said.Glaxo has spent over NT$1 billion (US$33.89 million) on joint R&D activities with local medical institutions since 2007, and remains committed to partnering with Taiwan going forward, he said. "We hope GSK can play a key role in helping Taiwan become a biotech research hub in Asia."With an annual budget of NT$2.5 billion, the NRPB aims to promote objective-oriented research for new pharmaceuticals and medical devices, as well as bridging the gap between academia and industry. It is supported by the Atomic Energy Council, Department of Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs and National Science Council.As part of government efforts to develop Taiwan's biomedical sector, the Council for Economic Planning and Development approved a proposal May 6 to build a hospital in northern Taiwan's Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park.The NT$5.5 billion facility has a planned capacity of 728 beds and will be operated by National Taiwan University Hospital under the auspices of the Department of Health.Construction of the hospital will begin next year, the CEPD said, adding that the first patients are expected to be admitted in 2018. (JSM)


Canada not planning H7N9 bird flu vaccine studies; will watch US results

 BY HELEN BRANSWELL, THE CANADIAN PRESS MAY 10, 2013Nurses collect patients' blood samples at a specialized fever clinic inside the Ditan Hospital, where a Chinese girl is being treated for the H7N9 strain of bird flu, in Beijing Sunday, April 14, 2013.(AP Photo/Andy Wong) TORONTO - Canada currently has no plans to ask its pandemic flu vaccine manufacturers to make trial batches of vaccine to protect against the new H7N9 bird flu, senior officials of the Public Health Agency of Canada have revealed.While the U.S. government has said it will ask several of flu vaccine manufacturers to start growing up batches of serum against the new virus this summer, Canada will watch, wait and learn from the work the U.S. does, the officials said in an interview with The Canadian Press."What we need to do in the international research-scientific community, the public health community is to complement each other. If the U.S. is doing something, we don't need to do it necessarily," explained Dr. Frank Plummer, head of the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg.Dr. John Spika, director general of the public health agency's center for immunization and respiratory infectious diseases, said doing this early work is more crucial for the United States, which will have to make a decision about whether to use an adjuvant with H7N9 vaccine, if the virus causes a pandemic. An adjuvant is a product that boosts the immune response to a vaccine, typically allowing a smaller dose to have a protective effect.The U.S. has not used adjuvants with flu vaccine before, but Canada used adjuvanted vaccine during the 2009 pandemic. And when the federal government signed new pandemic vaccine contracts in 2011, it stipulated it wants adjuvanted vaccine the next time it needs pandemic vaccine."So this step of doing some early clinical trials looking at immunogenicity is really going to be critical for the U.S. go-forward process. Whereas here in Canada, we've already made a decision on what kind of vaccine we're going to use. It's going to be an adjuvanted one," Spika said.Canada's main flu vaccine producer, GlaxoSmithKline, has a proprietary adjuvant, a product called ASO3. Sanofi Pasteur, which is Canada's secondary provider, does not currently have a licensed adjuvant that can be used with its flu vaccine.The new flu virus, which hit the world's radar at the beginning of April, has already caused 131 infections in China and Taiwan — which has reported a single case — and 33 of the infected people have died. H7 flu viruses have not circulated widely in people before and it's believed virtually everyone would be vulnerable to this new bird flu, if it fully adapts to person-to-person spread.The emergence of the virus is causing sleepless nights in pandemic preparedness circles. While it provokes severe disease in people, it causes no discernible illness in birds at this point. So finding where the virus is and how people are getting infected has been an enormous challenge. As well, the virus has some mutations that suggest it is partially adapted to infecting human respiratory tracts; experts say it appears to infect people more easily than other known bird flu viruses.Making matters worse is that fact that if the virus triggers a pandemic and vaccine is needed, there are multiple reasons to believe that producing an effective H7N9 vaccine could be hugely difficult. Those problems were spelled out in a prospective article the Journal of the American Medical Association published online late Thursday.The article, by researchers from the Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, outlined the long lead time for making flu vaccines, the modest protection offered by current seasonal vaccines and the limited but alarming data on vaccines against H7 viruses.Over the past few years the U.S. government has financed several small clinical trials testing vaccines for other H7 viruses, viruses like the H7N7 that infected around 90 people in the Netherlands in 2003 and the H7N3 that infected two people in British Columbia in 2004.The results have been dismal. Flu vaccine experts say H7 viruses appear to be the least immunogenic (immune-response inducing) of the bird flu viruses. In fact, in studies using killed virus vaccine — the type of vaccine used in seasonal flu shots — massive doses of serum failed to produce a protective response in most people.Seasonal flu shots contain 15 micrograms of antigen for each strain they protect against. In the H7 vaccine studies, 12 times that much vaccine (given in two shots) did not raise antibody levels to the degree that is considered protective."The bottom line is that it didn't do very much," flu vaccine expert Dr. John Treanor, chief of infectious diseases at the University of Rochester (N.Y.) Medical Center, said of the previous H7 vaccine trials. "In fact only a handful of people even had a measurable (immune) response."If even 90 micrograms of vaccine are needed to protect a person against the H7N9 virus, "global annual manufacturing capacity will be approximately 757 million doses," said the JAMA paper, the lead author of which is Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota centre."This is less than 15 per cent of the global need and much of it will not be available until six or more months after manufacturing begins," Osterholm and his colleagues wrote. "Adjuvants may augment vaccine capacity, but development of an adequate global vaccine supply will remain an unprecedented challenge."The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services does a risk assessment whenever a new flu virus emerges; the deliberations involve deciding on whether a trial lots of a vaccine should be made and tested.In this case, the decision has been made to go ahead with H7N9 vaccine clinical trials. The U.S. government has set aside $25 million for the development of vaccine seed strains and small vaccine batches for clinical studies, Gretchen Michaels, director of communications for the office of the assistant secretary for preparedness and response, said in an email. The current plan is that the manufacturers — who are currently still making next winter's seasonal flu vaccine — will start making the H7N9 vaccine in early summer.In Canada, no such work is currently envisaged.And the company which has the lion's share of Canada's pandemic flu vaccine contract, GlaxoSmithKline, said Thursday it has not yet taken possession of a seed strain for H7N9 vaccine. Janet Grdovich, communications manager for GSK Canada, said at this point she cannot say whether the GSK plant at Ste-Foy, Que., will started working with the H7N9 vaccine seed strain."GSK is taking routine preparedness measures and will respond appropriately to the situation, depending on how or if it develops further," she said.Spika acknowledged that the available evidence suggests that an H7N9 vaccine might be poorly immunogenic in people and that figuring out what a protective dose would be — even with an adjuvant — will take study. "And we're going to be able to get that information from the U.S. trials," he said.Spika and Plummer did not, however, rule out the possibility that Canada might do some work on H7N9 vaccines in the future."If it's scientifically required, we will do it," Plummer said."We're obviously monitoring the situation," Spika added. "It may well be, if this strain continues to emerge, and based on the results coming out of the United States, that we may want to move in that direction. But not at this point."Note to readers: This is a corrected story. An earlier version gave the wrong first name for Dr. John Treanor. NRPB, Glaxo ink clinical trial research pact


浙江華海藥業攜手Oncobiologics 開發生技學名藥(Humira, Rituxan, Avastin and Herceptin)

China Biotech In Review: Sagent Buys Out China JV Partner For $25 Million May 12 2013, 03:54Sagent Pharmaceuticals (NSDQ: SGNT), a Chicago-area maker of generic injectible drugs, will acquire its partner's 50% interest in a China JV for $25 million (see story). Chengdu Kanghong Pharmaceuticals owned the other half of the JV, which was established in 2006 to build an FDA/GMP compliant manufacturing facility. Sagent apparently expects to use the China facility to manufacture products that supply the China and US markets. ScinoPharm Taiwan (TSE: 1789) and Coland Holdings (TSE: 4144) formed an alliance to bring generic oncology drugs to mainland China. The alliance has selected several of ScinoPharm's APIs for development as injectible treatments. A third party will develop and manufacture the products, which will be co-marketed by Coland and ScinoPharm. Although Coland is listed in Taiwan and headquartered in Hong Kong, its operations, including a sales force, are in China. Zhejiang Huahai Pharma (SHA: 600521) joined with Oncobiologics, a New Jersey biologics startup, to form a partnership that will develop, manufacture and promote biosimilars. Huahai will have exclusive rights to make and market four Oncobiologics-developed biosimilars in China. The two companies will also sign a co-development and commercialization agreement to bring the four products -- generic versions of Humira, Rituxan, Avastin and Herceptin -- to 30 developed countries. Hutchison Chi-Med [AIM: HCM] expects to license global rights to fruqintinib, one of its novel small-cell cancer drugs, before year-end, according to CEO Christian Hogg. The company has been in due diligence discussions with potential partners, he added. Because the drug is a promising treatment for solid tumors, Chi-Med will conduct simultaneous clinical trials against several types of cancer, and the company wants a partner to help shoulder the financial burden.Zhejiang Beta Pharma and Amgen (NSDQ: AMGN) will form a joint venture to commercialize Amgen's Vectibix® (panitumumab) in China (see story). Vectibix is a treatment for colorectal cancer. In addition to being experienced with targeted therapies, Zhejiang Beta also has a well-established China oncology sales network. The JV will be 51% owned by Zhejiang Beta, with Amgen holding the remainder.




BioTek Responds To Growing AP Market Needs With New Taiwan Office May 13, 2013 BioTek Instruments, Inc., continues their expansion in the Asia Pacific region with the opening of BioTek Taiwan, located in the Neihu District of Taipei. Mr. Jack Lu (Lu Wen-Chung), previously with Tseng Hsiang Life Science, was named General Manager of BioTek Taiwan at its inception in mid-April. The new office will focus on supporting current and potential customers, and increasing BioTek's brand presence in Taiwan."Taiwan's biotechnology and scientific sectors are expanding; supported by the government's focus and investment," noted Dominic Herring, BioTek's Business Development Manager. "Our direct office in Taiwan will allow us to provide local, strong and immediate applications and service support to our expanding customer base, in a market that continues to demonstrate high quality scientific research."

About BioTek Instruments, Inc. BioTek Instruments, Inc., headquartered in Winooski, VT, USA, is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and sale of microplate instrumentation and software. These technologies are used to aid life science research, facilitate drug discovery, provide rapid and cost-effective analysis, and enable sensitive, accurate quantification of molecules across diverse applications. BioTek espouses a "Think Possible" approach that sets the tone for fresh ideas, unsurpassed customer service and original innovations. As such, they are often honored for local accomplishments and technological innovations, including Best Places to Work in Vermont, North American New Product Innovation Award for Workflow Solutions in Life Sciences and Drug Discovery Product of the Year – Scientists' Choice Award.SOURCE: BioTek Instruments, Inc.


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