研究細胞自噬 日本學者大隅良典獲醫學獎 撰文: 陳奕謙 羅恩賜 發佈日期: 2016-10-03細胞有一個機制,稱之為自噬(Autoph
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
日本 大隅良典 奪 諾貝爾醫學獎723萬港幣 (Autophagy/自噬作用)
幹細胞胞外體(stem cell-derived exosomes) 促 乳腺上皮細胞 重獲幹細胞特性
幹細胞突破 國衛院成功重建動物乳腺 國衛院細胞及系統醫學研究所助研究員李華容與博士後研究員林孟杰
Stem Cells. 2016 Aug 10. doi: 10.1002/stem.2476. PGE2 /EP4 Signaling Controls the Transfer of the Mammary Stem Cell State by Lipid Rafts in Extracellular Vesicles. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2 )-initiated signaling contributes to stem cell homeostasis and regeneration. However, it is unclear how PGE2 signaling controls cell stemness. This study identifies a previously unknown mechanism by which PGE2 /prostaglandin E receptor 4 (EP4 ) signaling regulates multiple signaling pathways (e.g., PI3K/Akt signaling, TGFβ signaling, Wnt signaling, EGFR signaling) which maintain the basal mammary stem cell phenotype. A shift of basal mammary epithelial stem cells (MaSCs) from a mesenchymal/stem cell state to a non-basal-MaSC state occurs in response to prostaglandin E receptor 4 (EP4 ) antagonism. EP4 antagonists elicit release of signaling components, by controlling their trafficking into extracellular vesicles/exosomes in a lipid raft/caveolae-dependent manner. Consequently, EP4 antagonism indirectly inactivates, through induced extracellular vesicle/exosome release, pathways required for mammary epithelial stem cell homeostasis, e.g. canonical/noncanonical Wnt, TGFβ and PI3K/Akt pathways. EP4 antagonism causes signaling receptors and signaling components to shift from non-lipid raft fractions to lipid raft fractions, and to then be released in EP4 antagonist-induced extracellular vesicles/exosomes, resulting in the loss of the stem cell state by mammary epithelial stem cells. In contrast, luminal mammary epithelial cells can acquire basal stem cell properties following ingestion of EP4 antagonist-induced stem cell extracellular vesicles/exosomes, and can then form mammary glands. These findings demonstrate that PGE2 /EP4 signaling controls homeostasis of mammary epithelial stem cells through regulating extracellular vesicle/exosome release. Reprogramming of mammary epithelial cells can result from EP4 -mediated stem cell property transfer by extracellular vesicles/exosomes containing caveolae-associated proteins, between mammary basal and luminal epithelial cells. Stem Cells 2016.
創源發言人/協理 (錢芸霞) 辭職
創源生技:公告本公司發言人異動 鉅亨網新聞中心※來源:台灣證券交易所09/30第二條第8款1
匯特: 純屬媒體臆測!! Vitargus(匯顧明) 澳洲臨床實驗 & 美國ABVC擬併購
匯特:澄清媒體報導 鉅亨網新聞中心※來源:台灣證券交易所09/30第三十四條第2
佰研代理發言人陳慶美 退/ 邱繼德 接
佰研:公告本公司代理發言人異動 鉅亨網新聞中心※來源:台灣證券交易所09/29 第二條第8款 1.人員變動別(請輸入發言人、代理發言人、
安成 拿下1270萬美元!! Megace ES 延後上市損失 (美國Par Pharmaceutical判賠)
安成藥專利爭訟 獲賠4億元 2016-09-30 05:35 經濟日報 記者黃文奇/台北報導 安成藥(4180)昨(29)日宣布,與美國藥廠Par爭訟的M
2016/09/29證交所重大訊息公告 (4180)安成藥美國馬里蘭州地院判決Par 應賠償本公司美金一千二百七十萬元。 1.事實發生日:105/09/28 2.公司名稱:安成國際藥業股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例:不適用。 5.發生緣由:美國Par Pharmaceutical, Inc於2014年以專利爭議為由申請暫時禁制令 (preliminary injunction ),造成本公司Megace ES學名藥延後上市, 今日美國馬里蘭州地院判決Par 應賠償本公司美金一千二百七十萬元。 6.因應措施:無。 7.其他應敘明事項:Par 仍可對此判決提出上訴。
TT面膜 (李昆霖/波特嫚生技) 2014年 英國美容奧斯卡 銀獎
TT面膜 社群行銷...從法國紅回台灣 2016-10-04 03:47:08 經濟日報 朱永光 愛美是人的天性,無論全球經濟好壞,美妝市場一直未曾衰退、
產品認證 打入歐洲市場「TT面膜」是2004年由李昆霖的岳父所創立的,
創造話題 養成粉絲大軍 例如馬雅預言世界末日,李昆霖告訴粉絲登上諾亞方舟前要先囤貨;
楊莉教授: 中藥千里光之品種毒性遠低於歐洲 (Pyrrolizidine生物鹼)
肺癌ALK標靶藥物 健保二線用藥給付
肺癌化療做先鋒 接續ALK標靶藥健保能補助 NOWnews 2016/09/26肺癌因早期無明顯症狀,