Monday, October 22, 2012

全球級生產: WuXi AppTec展現抗體藥物 實力 !!!

WuXi AppTec Hosts Global Monoclonal Antibody Summit, Opens First cGMP Biologics Facility in China PR Newswire SHANGHAI, Oct. 19, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- WuXi AppTec hosted an inaugural Global Monoclonal Antibody Summit in conjunction with the startup of its cGMP biologics manufacturing facility in the city of Wuxi on October 10-12, 2012. Attending the event were executives from global pharmaceutical and biotech companies, scientists and researchers in biologics and officials from the Chinese central and local governments.
First cGMP Biologics Facility in China WuXi AppTec has invested substantially in building its capabilities and capacity in biologics in the past few years. The current startup of its biologics manufacturing facility in Wuxi, the first in China to meet GMP standards of the United States, the European Union and China, marked another milestone for the company. This facility also is the first one globally to utilize 100% disposable equipment for biologics drug substance manufacturing. "The establishment of this cGMP biologics facility has greatly improved WuXi's services in biologics manufacturing and further showcases our commitment to global clients," said Dr. Ge Li, Chairman and CEO of WuXi AppTec at the opening ceremony. "WuXi is determined to provide world-class services for anyone conducting research in biologics discovery, development and manufacturing including multinational and Chinese pharmaceutical and biotech companies." The company recently announced three deals in biologics: a collaboration with Open Monoclonal Technology to use OmniRat™, the first fully human monoclonal antibody platform based on transgenic rats, to develop novel human antibodies for global clients; a contract with TaiMed Biologics to produce the HIV compound ibalizumab for global phase II and III clinical trials; and a joint venture agreement with MedImmune, the global biologics arm of AstraZeneca, to develop MEDI5117, an IL-6 inhibitor for rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disorders in China. Dr. Martin Mackay, President of R&D at AstraZeneca, attended the opening ceremony and stressed that the joint venture with WuXi will help both companies bring benefit to patients. "No single company has all the solutions to the healthcare challenges of today. That's why collaborations such as our joint venture with WuXi AppTec are so important. Our mutual ambition is to greatly increase the number of people who ultimately benefit from our medicines."
Global Monoclonal Antibody Summit A broad spectrum of topics relating to therapeutic antibodies was discussed at the Global Monoclonal Antibody Summit. Dr. David Ho, AIDS research pioneer, the key inventor of HIV cocktail treatment, described the anti-CD4 antibody ibalizumab in the treatment and prevention of HIV infection. The summit also included discussions of such new technologies as bi-specific antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates. A panel on The Future of the Chinese Mab Industry discussed the opportunities and challenges facing Chinese biopharmaceutical companies in the rapidly growing mab segment, which is strongly supported and funded by both governments and private industry.
About WuXi PharmaTech WuXi PharmaTech is a leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device R&D outsourcing company, with operations in China and the United States. As an innovation-driven and customer-focused company, WuXi PharmaTech provides a broad and integrated portfolio of laboratory and manufacturing services throughout the drug and medical device R&D process. WuXi PharmaTech's services are designed to assist its global partners in shortening the timeline and lowering the cost of drug and medical device R&D. WuXi PharmaTech's operating subsidiaries are known as WuXi AppTec. For more information, please visit or contact:
Aaron Shi (for the media) Tel: +86-21-5046-4362 Email: Ronald Aldridge (for investors) Tel: +1-201-585-2048 Email: SOURCE WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc.

三星 抗體相似藥SAIT101滑鐵盧 能走得下去嗎?

歐美改規則!三星生物相似藥測試喊卡,進度恐落後 2012/10/18 10:54 精實新聞 2012-10-18 10:54:26 記者 郭妍希 報導 致力開發生技、製藥產品以尋找新興成長動能的三星電子(Samsung Electronics)最近對生物相似性藥品(biosimilar)的研究似乎面臨了挑戰。韓國時報(Korea Times)17日報導,三星一位不願具名的主管表示,該公司已暫停生物相似性藥品「SAIT101」的臨床測試作業。三星原本希望透過SAIT101對抗癌症「霍杰金氏病(Hodgkin`s disease)」。 三星內部人士表示,SAIT101自去(2011)3月起就在該公司位於全球各地的實驗室中進行臨床測試,但後來卻因為一些內部因素而暫停了測試作業。三星原本在16個國家測試這款藥物,當中包括台灣、南韓、英國、西班牙、捷克、加拿大、巴西與南非。根據報導,三星似乎是因為歐洲、美國更改了藥品安全標準而被迫重新進行測試。美國最近剛宣布了最新的生物醫藥品(biopharmaceuticals)研究指導原則。 上述三星主管表示,該公司正在與美國食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)洽談,將重新設定SAIT101的臨床測試條件。他說,三星原本計畫加快歐洲認證的腳步,因此這個狀況肯定會使進度落後。 三星計畫在2020年底前對生物相似性藥品領域投入超過20億美元,該公司相信這部分的營運最終將能媲美目前的手機、消費性電子產品、半導體與面板業務。 三星生物(Samsung Biologics Co.)、美國生技製藥公司Biogen Idec Inc.2011125發布聯合新聞稿宣布,雙方將攜手投資3億美元成立合資企業,將開發、製造並行銷生產生物相似性藥品。三星在合資企業扮演主導角色,而Biogen Idec則將貢獻該公司在蛋白質工程(protein engineering)以及生物製劑製造(biologics manufacturing)方面的專長。Samsung Biologics是三星在2011年創立的企業,主要從事生物醫藥品的製造業務。 三星集團(Samsung Group)曾在2011225宣布,將與美國製藥商昆泰(Quintiles Transnational Corp.)成立生技醫藥合資企業,以便尋找新的成長動能。其中,三星集團將持有90%合資企業股權,當中40%股權是三星電子(Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd)所有,其餘10%股權則歸昆泰。這個合資企業是三星集團跨入生技醫藥領域的第一步。三星計畫在相關領域擴充業務,並在2016年開始生產生物醫藥品。
Samsung halts clinical tests for biosimilar 10-17-2012 17:48 By Kim Yoo-chulSamsung Electronics' aspirations to find a new growth engine in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals appear to have hit a speed bump. Company officials admit that it has halted clinical tests for SAIT101, a material it hoped would create more effective drugs to fight Hodgkin's disease.``We have been conducting clinical tests for SAIT101 in our labs in different locations around the word since March last year. However, the testing has stopped due to some internal reasons,'' said one Samsung source, asking not be identified. The company had been testing the potential drug material with scientists in 16 countries, including Britain, Spain, Czech Republic, Canada, Brazil, South Africa and Taiwan aside of Korea. It appears that Samsung is being forced to redo the tests from scratch due to changes in safety requirements in Europe and the United States. The U.S. in particular has recently announced new guidelines for the research of biopharmaceuticals, or medical drugs produced using biotechnology. The Samsung source, who is close to the projects, said that the company is in talks with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to reset the conditions for the SAIT101 clinical tests. ``We had vowed to get quicker approval in Europe, so this will definitely put us behind our original schedule. There was also a need to better prepare for testing in the U.S. which is even a larger market. We will eventually be fine,'' he said. Samsung plans to invest more than $2 billion by 2020 in the area of biotechnology and advanced pharmaceuticals, a market it calls as ``bio-similar,'' which it believes will eventually grow to complement its main cash cows of mobile phones, consumer electronics, semiconductors and flat screens. Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee has been vocal about the company carving a position in biopharmaceuticals, which he believes would be a good fit for Samsung's traditional business model based on manufacturing prowess and brute strength. The global market for biopharmaceuticals is seen currently at around $30 billion and expected to maintain annual growth rate of over 50 percent during 2010-15 period. The market will be propelled by upcoming patent expiries of leading biologics and a financial crisis coupled with increasing health care costs that has required systems in almost all developed countries to look for low-cost alternatives, Samsung officials said.


 2012.10.20 06:45田辺三菱製薬は19日、後発医薬品(ジェネリック)事業で資本提携していた長生堂製薬(徳島市)との提携関係を解消する、と発表した。新製品の開発などをめぐり、互いに期待した効果が得られなかったためとしている。田辺三菱は長生堂の発行済み株式51%の全保有株を長生堂の播磨久明社長個人に譲渡する。譲渡額は明らかにしていない。田辺三菱は提携解消により、後発医薬品事業の新たな戦略構築を急ぐとしている。田辺三菱は2008年4月、後発医薬品を販売する子会社「田辺製薬販売」(大阪市)を設立、翌月に長生堂の株式を取得。後発医薬品の開発・製造を手がける長生堂との資本提携により、品ぞろえの充実などを図った。田辺製薬販売が厚生労働省から製造販売の承認を受けて所有する成分は、提携当時の14から139に増加した。ただ、中長期的な視点で新製品開発を推し進めたい田辺三菱と、短期的な利益創出を目指す長生堂の間に方針のずれが生じたという。

iPS & iPad !!

山中伸弥为什么要"感谢国家20121022 09:47 来源:凤凰网评论今年诺贝尔医学生物学奖得主,京都大学的山中伸弥教授在获奖后的记者招待会上的讲话中有一句是"感谢国家"。这句话引起了不少中国人的注意,因为在2010年,国家体育总局官员曾批评冬奥会冠军周扬在获得冠军之后只顾感谢父母,忘了感谢国家而引起过一场规模不小的争论,怎么这回日本的大学教授倒主动地感谢起国家起来了,好像有点怪怪的不好理解。山中伸弥教授的原话是:"原来我是一个没有名气的研究者,如果没有国家的支援就不可能获奖,这个奖是授予日本国家的"。这并不是东方人所特有的谦虚,山中教授说明了一个事实,这句话实际上说明了他这次获得诺贝尔奖的理由以及在获奖后面更多的事情。有记者在记者招待会上问山中教授,当诺贝尔基金会来电话通知他获奖的时候他在干什么?山中教授说:"我想诺贝尔奖和我没关系,当时正好发现家里的洗衣机声音不对,正想修一下,正好来了电话",这个回答使得整个会场轻松了起来。山中教授素来挺喜欢开玩笑,比如他这次获奖的iPSinduced pluripotent stem cell诱导多功能干细胞)中的"i"用小写表示是因为在这种细胞制造成功的2006年正好苹果公司的iPod大流行,山中教授半开玩笑地模仿苹果公司把i这个字母弄成了小写,希望沾点苹果公司的光,让iPS细胞也流行起来。所以不少人的第一反应就是"教授又在开玩笑了"。但这次山中教授可能没有开玩笑,他接着是这么说的:"我在美国有不少共同开展研究的朋友,大家都认为这是一个配得上诺贝尔奖的东西,但是现在还没有到获奖的时候",iPS细胞被制造出来到获奖就只花了五年,这在诺贝尔奖上几乎是绝无仅有的。比如给电子工业带来了革命性变化的三极管都是在论文发表之后八年才获奖,而且在获奖的当时已经投入实用了,而现在iPS细胞还根本就没有投入实用,至于前些天报道的"哈佛大学的日本人访问学者在波士顿医院已经使用了iPS细胞来救治心脏衰竭病人"已经被证明为当事人森口尚史在吹牛撒谎,其实根本就没有那么回事。。2005年韩国曾经发生过一起很有名的论文造假事件,当时首尔大学的教授黄禹锡被揭发于人的ES细胞(胚性干细胞)捏造事件有关以及违反伦理规定等罪名从而后来在2009年被首尔地方法院判处两年有期徒刑。这起学术造假事件的原因其实并不光是黄禹锡本人的人品问题,也不光是只有金大中前总统得过诺贝尔和平奖的韩国人对于诺贝尔自然科学奖的热切期盼给黄禹锡教授所施加的压力,实际上这是韩国本身在迫切期望改变立国之本而把压力全部施加到了一个学者身上所造成的怪胎。日本韩国还有中国这三个东亚国家,现在都在标榜着"制造业立国",经常还要比较一下谁的制造业水平更高一些,实际上这三个国家都知道单纯制造业的局限。比如日本每年就要使用大量的硬通货从美国或者德国进口抗癌药物,韩国和日本都期望着能在生物化学方面也能走进世界前列,而当时的ES细胞和现在的iPS细胞恰恰就能够做到这一点,这种细胞能够应用在再生治疗,难病的病因究明以及新药开发这三个方面,说谁掌握了这个技术,谁就掌握了生物化学和医药技术的将来都可能不太过分。日本在生化科研方面的条件和基础并不好,山中教授在刚从美国返回日本在大阪市立大学做研究工作的时候,因为研究条件的巨大落差都几乎患上了忧郁症,但2003年一个偶然的机会使得他得到了日本科学技术振兴会五亿日元(按照当时的汇率大约六百万美元)的资助,使他在2006年终于第一个做出了iPS细胞。在山中教授成功地制造出了iPS细胞之后,日本政府又使他能够从奈良先端科学技术大学院大学转到研究条件更好,更有名气,而且诺贝尔奖得主辈出的京都大学,还在2007年决定在5年内给予70亿日元的财政支援,这次山中教授获奖后,日本文部省又决定给予山中教授的团队300亿日元(大约3.8亿美元)的财政援助,日本政府在资助科研方面素以小气而著称,这次的手笔是不常见的。不仅如此,文部省还主动向京都大学以及山中教授的研究团队提供法律顾问,指导并帮助他们将与iPS细胞开发有关的技术在美国德国这些制药大国全部注册了专利。这是因为日本指望山中教授的研究能将日本带上一条走往生物化学和医疗技术大国的道路,日本没打算无偿地向别人提供这个在现在看起来应用前景无法估量的发明。正因为有了日本政府的这些支援才使得iPS细胞在这短短的几年内在开发方面也进行的异常迅速,媒体的炒作也是这次iPS细胞能获奖的一个很重要的因素。

杏輝 卵巢癌第一學名藥1億市場: 液剋鉑停 (iv)

杏輝佈局學名藥搶先機 骨鬆/卵巢癌告捷 2012/10/22 11:01 精實新聞 2012-10-22 11:01:18 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 製藥廠杏輝(1734)宣布,取得國內首張雙磷酸鹽加維生素D3用於治療骨質疏鬆症的學名藥證,預計年底前藥品正式上市,明年初取得健保核價。業界估計,原廠藥默沙東的福善美保骨錠在台年銷售上看4億元,在競爭者有限下,商機可期。杏輝指出,原廠用於治療骨質疏鬆症的杏節挺錠,是國內首張雙磷酸鹽加維生素D3的學名藥證。據了解,該藥品的專利原廠為默沙東的福善美保骨錠,原廠產品有分為添加D3或無添加D3者,因跨入具有一定難度,雖該藥專利早已到期,但前者目前僅有杏輝取得學名藥證,且研發耗時超過五年,算是利基學名藥。根據業界估計,停經婦女每年約有3%骨質流失,在台灣步入高齡化社會下,相關用藥需求大增,原福善美保骨錠在台年銷售上看4億元,在杏輝正式跨入學名藥領域下,商機可期。杏輝表示,在取得藥證後,三個月內將取得健保核價,預計年底藥品正式上市,明年初就會走健保給付途徑進入各級醫療院所。事實上,這是杏輝近半個月來二度傳出取得新藥證的佳音。本月初該公司也獲治療卵巢癌「液剋鉑停靜脈注射液」藥品執照,也是國內第一家取得學名藥證者,國內市場上看1億元。法人也估計,杏輝前三季稅後盈餘近1億元,以目前股本估算,每股稅後盈餘0.67元,換算第三季稅後盈餘超過4千萬元,創逾六年單季高峰。

杏輝 骨鬆第一學名藥4億市場: 雙磷酸鹽+Vit D3

杏輝Q3獲利,有望創近6年新高 2012-10-23 【時報-台北電】杏輝藥品(1734)佳音頻傳,除法人推估其第3季稅後盈餘有機會超過4千萬元,改寫六年來單季新高外,最近還陸續取得國內首張骨質疏鬆、卵巢癌學名藥藥證,搶攻合計5億元商機,再加上,治療乳癌的口服錠劑也將外銷日本,營運爆發力將逐漸顯現。由於後市營運動能強勁,杏輝昨日逆勢走揚,上漲幅2.37%,以32.35元收盤。杏輝表示,用於治療骨質疏鬆症的杏節挺錠,是雙磷酸鹽加維生素D3的學名藥,預計年底前上市,明年初可望取得健保核價。該藥專利原廠為默沙東的福善美保骨錠,目前在台灣的銷售額約4億元。據了解,停經婦女每年約有3%骨質流失,隨著高齡化社會來臨,相關用藥需求大增,不過,而默沙東的骨鬆症藥,由於是雙磷酸鹽加維生素D3,不容易製造,因此,即使專利已到期,但一直沒有學名藥廠成功研發,而杏輝也是花了5年時間才取得藥證,因此,在未來應無較大的學名藥競爭下,也讓杏輝的杏節挺錠,將有不錯的商機。杏輝近日才取得治療卵巢癌「液剋鉑停靜脈注射液」的藥品執照,也是國內首家拿到學名藥證者,國內市場上看1億元,預計明年可貢獻營收。今年營運表現出色的杏輝,法人預估其前3季稅後盈餘近1億元,每股稅後盈餘0.67元。該公司目前除了與日本大東結盟投入癌藥研發,雙方將搶灘5項癌藥合計逾13億美元市場,並聯手進軍日本、東南亞和中國等地外,轉投資杏輝天力,由於是安麗「管花肉蓯蓉」的全球獨家原料供應商,隨著安麗採購量的成長,也讓杏輝天力明年將有不錯的轉機。另外,杏輝轉投資的杏國,獲得經濟部生技新藥公司核准,並取得德國大廠Medigene治療菜花的植物新藥軟膏台灣區製造與銷售權,目前正申請台灣藥證,最快明年第1季開始銷售。(新聞來源:工商時報─記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導)

楊育民/ 張有德 缺席 2012科技會報 生技BTC會議 !!!

【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2012.10.23 03:44 am 2012年生技產業策略會議(BTC)」今(23)日召開,以往的常客、羅氏藥廠全球技術營運總裁楊育民今年確定缺席,科技會報表示,楊育民原本為該會議諮議委員會的委員,但因今年第1季總統大選前爆發宇昌案,楊育民已請辭該職。科技會報說,本次會議由科技會報副召集人張善政主持,與會人員包括國內外諮議委員,及相關部會首長等產官學研各界代表等120人。國內目前的BTC委員,除了張善政為當然委員,其餘委員還包括中央研究院長翁啟惠、台大經濟系教授陳添枝、台大醫學院長楊泮池、台大醫院副院長張上淳及健亞生技總經理陳正等。國外BTC委員方面,出席者包括前美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)醫材、輻射中心主任林秋雄,及生技整合育成中心(SI2C)首席顧問蘇懷仁和維梧創投(Vivo Ventures)創辦人孔繁建等。而The Vertical Group創投合夥人張有德,因故將不克準時於會議間出席。【2012/10/23 經濟日報】

張有德/ 林榮錦/ 上智創投 開曼成立益安醫材(Aeon International)!!

張有德結盟東洋、永豐餘雙強,搶醫材商機 2012-10-22 【時報-各報要聞】擺脫TMF(台灣生技創投)基金募集失利陰影,國際知名生技專家張有德回來了,此次他結合東洋(4105)、永豐餘(1907)集團重起爐灶。三方合資1千萬美元在開曼群島成立益安(Aeon International)醫材,進軍全球近3千億美元市場,鎖定心導管術後止血裝置相關醫材。 據了解,益安營運模式以育成新醫材技術和承接設計開發模式創造營運利基,目前已接獲中國某醫材公司設計開發案,將由益安子公司Aeon AsiaPac規劃開發動脈瘤栓塞技術所需的相關醫療器材,而Aeon AsiaPac將可望享有技術入股或授權金,該動脈瘤栓塞技術是要以進軍中國市場為主,也讓益安第一個開發的產品即備受兩岸關注。張有德當初募集TMF基金時,因法規及稅務上種種限制,國內生醫公司和科技企業大老打退堂鼓,因此,益安第一階段的募集即摒除政府資金,由永豐餘集團旗下的上智創投、東洋集團旗下的玉晟創投和林榮錦、張有德三方合資在開曼群島成立,旗下設立3家分公司,除了台灣分公司由林榮錦擔任董事長外,母公司及其他兩家分公司都由張有德主導。東洋集團副董事長曾天賜表示,新藥開發時間太長,投資風險高,但醫材相對成功率較高,東洋集團除專注專業定位並投入新藥開發外,目前也由玉晟創投開始布建醫材領域。工研院的報告指出,根據Espicom Business Intelligence統計,2010年全球醫療器材市場規模達2,456億美元,20062010年醫療器材市場之年複合成長率5.3%,推估2013年規模可達2,841億美元。就醫療器材產業息息相關之醫療健康照護支出而言,2010年全球每人平均在醫療健康照護的支出約10,834美元,平均約佔各國GDP10%左右,已開發國家如美國,更佔約16.2%,且呈現穩定成長的態勢。此外,益安投資鎖定張有德專長的心導管領域。據WHO統計,全球每年約1,730萬人死於心血管相關疾病,佔全部死因3分之1,除藥物控制外,心血管相關手術也是治療的方法,在美國光是心臟等相關手術,即超過250萬例,醫院收費的商機高達2,140億美元,這讓益安的發展前景相當樂觀。 (新聞來源:工商時報─記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導)
永豐餘投資生技 帶動造紙股翻紅 中央社(2012-10-22 13:11)(中央社記者韋樞台北20121022電)報載永豐餘(1907)投資在海外成立的益安醫材,準備進軍心導管術後止血裝置相關醫材。永豐餘盤中股價受激勵小漲,帶動造紙股率先翻紅。台股大盤今天因歐美股下跌,跌破7400點大關,報載造紙股中轉型為控股的永豐餘與其他股東合資1千萬美元在開曼群島成立益安醫材公司,準備進軍心導管術後止血裝置相關醫材。生技股近來走紅,永豐餘再投資益安,激勵永豐餘股價在平盤上游走,盤中成交量擴大至近1500張,股價微漲0.1元,漲幅約0.8%。造紙股其他個股士紙(1903)在平盤上,股價盤中49.5元,漲幅0.41%,成交量不及百張;工紙大廠正隆(1904)僅在11.7元平盤上下震盪,成交量400餘張。

台灣醫療服務 中國18家推廣平臺

台灣面向大陸推廣醫療旅遊 20121022 06:05:14 新華社台北10月22日電(記者明金維 何自力)2012年大陸游客到台灣健康檢查經驗分享會22日在台北世界貿易中心舉行。台灣對外貿易發展協會服務業推廣中心、相關醫院和醫療服務業者借此宣傳台灣醫療服務,希望未來吸引更多大陸游客到台灣開展以"健康"和"美麗"為主題的醫療之旅。當天,來自北京、重慶、杭州、廣東、吉林、貴州和雲南等地的17名大陸醫療旅遊團成員參加了經驗分享會。來自重慶的吳小姐對記者說,台灣和大陸的醫療機構在硬件水準上相差不大,但台灣的醫療機構更注重提高服務水準和用戶體驗,對她很有吸引力。 組織此次活動的廣州錫安醫療健康管理中心由台灣對外貿易發展協會和台灣16家醫學中心聯合成立。錫安從2010年開始首次組織大陸客戶到台灣開展醫療之旅,目前一共組織了三個團錫安台灣區總經理蕭義焜說,近年來到台灣旅遊的大陸游客越來越多,錫安希望組織更多大陸高端客戶到台灣體驗醫療服務。錫安還將努力推動兩岸醫療服務交流,繼2011年舉辦首屆"穗臺醫療論壇"後,第二屆論壇將在今年12月初舉行。台灣敏盛醫院執行長陳保仁說,"山不在高,有仙則靈",台灣的醫療機構面向大陸游客,主要注重提供親切、精緻的醫療服務。所提供的健康檢查不追求"超貴、超全面",但會做到"恰如其分"近年來,台灣大力推動醫療服務產業發展,並在上海、北京、廣州、洛杉磯、溫哥華等城市一共設立了18家醫療服務推廣平臺。據台灣對外貿易發展協會統計,截至第三季度,今年共有6萬名外來遊客來臺使用醫療服務,已超過年初預設目標,其中使用健康檢查、美容服務的人數約佔三成。(完)

生技政策&業績 缺一不可 !!

生技櫃買業績發表將開演,4檔搶亮紅燈 2012-10-22 11:07 時報資訊 【時報記者郭鴻慧台北報導】 OTC週三舉辦下半年度首場的櫃買市場業績發表會,由生技產業的上櫃公司打頭陣。生技族群今日雖隨台股腳步壓低整理,但跌幅相對較小,F-馬光(4139)、紅電醫(1799)、基因(6130)及晶宇(4131)等都鎖在漲停板,表現十分出色。 生技類股近期在行政院、立法院連袂宣布33項生技政策調整,且台灣在領先韓、日成為第43PIC/S會員國等利多因素帶動下,表現十分強勢。年底前生技類將掀起掛牌熱潮,抱括承業(4164)鐿鈦(4163)1、台灣醣聯(4168)F-合富(4745)等一家接著一家上櫃掛牌,到時能不能再創一波新的比價效應,值得觀察。據櫃買中心規劃,24日依序將由大陸內地最大的隱型眼鏡業者F-金可(8406)、以肝癌新藥PI-88入選「兩岸醫藥品合作專案」的基亞(3176),及台灣拋棄式醫療用品領導廠商-太醫(4126)登場簡報,每家公司將對財務及未來前景說明看法。

益生菌活性胜肽 國家發明獎

中化生醫科技公司技轉國家發明獎 大成報-20121022 下午20:19 【記者林瑞明/台北報導】根據國民健康局調查,國內20歲以上民眾平均約4人就有1人罹患高血壓,而隨著血壓的升高,發生嚴重心血管疾病(包括心肌梗塞(myocardial infarction)、心臟衰竭(heart failure)、中風(stroke)及腎臟疾病(Kidney disease)等)的危險性也愈高。看準全球高齡化趨勢與三高族群(three hyper population)之廣大需求,中興大學、大葉大學與中化生醫科技股份有限公司共組產學團隊,歷經5年時間,成功開發「新穎抗高血壓肽」成份,已獲准美國、歐洲、台灣和中國的專利。今年更獲得經濟部智慧財產局最高榮譽「國家發明創作獎」殊榮。對於長期深耕健康產業的中化生醫科技公司而言,是一大肯定。10/22中化生醫科技公司舉辦「新穎抗高血壓肽」產品發表,邀請台灣大學名譽教授,同時被譽為台灣發酵乳研究(fermented milk study)之父的林慶文(Lin, Chin-Wen)老師蒞臨指導。前馬偕醫院家醫科醫師、大有診所院長童惟新醫師則講述最新預防保健觀念。中興大學研發長陳全木與大葉大學研發長陳小玲教授更大方分享「新穎抗高血壓肽」研發過程。

中化生醫科技與大葉、中興大學團隊共同投入克弗爾系列保健食品開發 陳小玲教授表示:「新穎抗高血壓肽」的開發關鍵在於結合特殊發酵菌種「克弗爾粒(Kefir grain)」與團隊開發的專利產程,缺一不可。克弗爾是一種酒精發酵乳(alcoholic fermented milk),源自北高加索山,相傳具有神奇的醫療保健功效,在舊蘇聯時代就被醫療院所廣泛應用於替代醫療。跟目前市售的發酵乳(fermented milk)完全不同,不僅含有乳酸菌(Lactobacillus),還有酵母菌(Yeast),菌相(Microflora)非常複雜。目前台灣市場並沒有真正利用克弗爾粒發酵的保健食品上市。陳教授早在乳酸菌製品尚未在台灣風行之時,即跟隨林慶文教授學習,啟發了克弗爾的研究思路;今日,與中化生醫科技公司共同投入克弗爾系列商品開發,「新穎抗高血壓肽」研究成果受到各界肯定,二十年的師徒研究傳承接力,也為台灣杏壇增添佳話。曾榮獲中華民國十大傑出青年、總統農業創新獎、史上最年輕東元獎得主的中興大學研發長陳全木教授也表示:乳來源生物活性肽(bioactive peptides from milk)深具商業應用潛力,而「新穎抗高血壓肽」功效經活體動物實驗(in vivo)驗證(experimental verification),跟一般無法在活體驗證的乳胜肽成份完全不同,天然、安全、無副作用,能夠真正嘉惠民眾健康。中化生醫科技公司李宗勇總經理表示:「這項獨步市場的保健產品,動員中化與中興、大葉大學三方研發團隊,歷經5年、耗資四千萬,完全以生技製藥的規格(biopharmaceutical specifications)打造,展現公司深耕保健食品市場的決心,從基礎原料到研發、製程都是MIT,未來更將推出一系列克弗爾保健食品。目前,「新穎抗高血壓肽」技轉商品已完成功效驗證研究,正準備申請健康食品認證,有信心成為台灣製造、行銷國際的保健食品,造福全人類健康。此外,今年也是中化製藥的60週年,所以這個技術轉移的保健食品也將會成為指標性的商品。」


國家發明創作獎食品 網路通路鋪貨

中化生醫 新藥搶鋪貨【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2012.10.23 04:11 am 中化(1701)集團子公司中化生醫昨(22)日發表保健領域新產品「新穎抗高血壓月太」,目前已率先在網路通路鋪貨,並已申請健康食品認證,年內可望進軍一般保健通路。中化為台灣老牌學名藥廠,旗下子公司包括中化合成、中化裕民、蘇州中化、中化生醫等;其中,中化生醫主要產品為家庭保健用品與居家照顧服務事業。中化昨日股價以20.55元平盤做收,該公司今年上半年稅後純益約2.03億元,每股稅後純益為0.69億元。據悉,中化生醫新產品「新穎抗高血壓月太」,是與中興大學、大葉大學所共同研發,該系列保健產品稱之為「克弗爾」,目前已獲准美國、歐洲、台灣和中國的專利。中化生醫表示,該系列產品技術今年獲得經濟部智慧財產局最高榮譽「國家發明創作獎」,由於克弗爾是一種酒精發酵乳,源自北高加索山,相傳具有醫療保健功效,過去在舊蘇聯時代就被醫療院所廣泛應用於替代醫療。【2012/10/23 經濟日報】


ROC sets new course for biotech development

Taiwan biotech sector is set for a significant shot in the arm under stage two of the ROC government's industrywide promotion plan. (CNA) Publication Date10/18/2012 Source Taiwan Today ByMeg Chang Cultivating homegrown talent and developing medical care services are central planks in the second phase of the ROC government plan to promote Taiwan's biotechnology sector, Minister without Portfolio Chang Shan-cheng said Oct. 17."The plan for biotechnology development, which commenced in 2009, laid a solid foundation for the local sector," Chang said. "From 2013, the second stage will focus on enhancing Taiwan's talent pool and promoting exports of medical care services."Under the plan, the government will fund an NT$300 million (US$10.26 million) three-year talent training program as a way of sharpening the sector's human resource assets."Taiwan produces 400 graduates with doctoral degrees in biotech-related disciplines every year, four times the average number of openings on offer in the private sector," the minister said, adding that the mismatch bodes ill for industry development.The minister said the government will subsidize local academic and state-funded organizations to create 100 post-doctoral positions in public-private research projects per year. "Such hands-on experience will greatly facilitate the movement of these experts into the private sector."Taiwan has already made tremendous headway in the development of medical devices and pharmaceuticals, Chang said. "Medical care services are a promising field that Taiwan can realistically train its sights on," he said.The government will work with the private sector to identify the kinds of services suitable for export, including turn-key solutions incorporating medical care and information communications technology. It will also encourage the establishment of biotech venture capital firms with funds of between NT$500 million and NT$1 billion."What we plan is the creation of two or three examples of successful investment before setting up mega-funds that require public contribution," Chang said. (JSM) 

Biotech Ph.D. holders not the only ones who need help: lawmakers

 2012/10/22 22:26:02 Taipei, Oct. 22 (CNA) Lawmakers urged the government Monday to stop favoring holders of doctorate degrees in biotechnology and extend job programs to Ph.D.s in other fields to address the lack of opportunities for highly educated talent in Taiwan.The issue was highlighted after the Executive Yuan approved a program earlier this month to provide 100 jobs to people with Ph.D.s in biotechnology.Under the three-year program, the participants will receive a year of job training that combines theoretical and practical learning at universities or nonprofit organizations and be paid up to NT$1 million (US$34,157) a year before entering the job market.Chiang Nai-shin of the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) party warned that the surplus of talent in the biotech sector is just a tip of the iceberg as only 6 percent of Taiwan's doctorate holders got their degree in biotechnology.The majority hold Ph.D.s in engineering, education, and medicine, and a comprehensive approach should be applied to help all educated jobseekers and ease their difficulties in finding work, he said.KMT lawmaker Lu Yu-ling expressed concern over the level of income offered under the program after a similar project launched for university graduates a few years ago, which only provided a monthly salary of NT$22,000, may have pulled down the average salary for new job entrants.Minister of Education Chiang Wei-ling responded that a number of programs helping highly educated people find jobs and that the suggested pay level was decided by different government agencies.The United Daily News reported Monday that in the biotechnology sector alone, Taiwan currently produces around 400 doctorate degree holders a year, but the private sector creates only 140 jobs per year for them.Wang Li-yun, an associate professor in National Taiwan Normal University's Department of Education, told the paper that developing the biotech industry is costly and the market in Taiwan is relatively limited, meaning that many Ph.D. graduates who don't have work experience end up as salespeople for pharmaceutical companies.The program targeting people holding Ph.D.s in biotechnology has also drawn mixed views among top managers in the high-tech sector, the report said.Chang Yung-sheng, founder of Hi-Q Marine Biotech International Ltd. said he welcomed the new measure and the government's effort to cultivate talent.But other companies hoped the government will extend the training program to over two years as developing a new drug normally takes between 5-10 years, it said. (By Chen Chih-chung and Maia Huang)



TNI BioTech and Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceuticals Announce Venture Partnership for the Development of New Drug for Cancer Therapies

 Marketwire NEW YORK, NY -- (Marketwire) -- 10/18/12 -- TNI BioTech, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: TNIB) and Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a leading Chinese pharmaceutical company, today announced an agreement to co-develop new cancer drugs based on TNI BioTech's patents involving Methionine Enkephalin which when approved will be marketed in China under the brand name IRT-101 and IRT-102. Under the Supervision of Dr. Ronald Herberman, Chief Medical Officer, and Professor Fengping Shan, Chief Science Officer, TNI BioTech, Inc. will maintain oversight responsibility for pre-clinical and clinical trials in China complying with both FDA and SFDA standards. The companies believe this joint development will fast track the drugs for the Chinese pharmaceutical markets. Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has committed a minimum of 10 million yuan, approximately $1,600,000 dollars, for pre-clinical work. The pre-clinical trials, designed to assess safety, tolerability and antitumor activity of Methionine Enkephalin, are required in China as Methionine Enkephalin is a new drug. Once the companies complete pre-clinical studies, TNI BioTech, Inc. will apply for clinical trials with SFDA. Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.will provide the funding for clinical trials in China to have Methionine Enkephalin approved as a new drug for the treatment of cancer. Methionine Enkephalin's potential in fighting cancer was identified in completed Phase I and early phase II trials in the United States. During Phase I and Phase II trials, Methionine Enkephalin exhibited encouraging antitumor efficacy and a favorable toxicity profile. "This alliance with TNI BioTech validates Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s business model of co-developing novel compounds as therapies for Chinese markets in conjunction with a U.S. biotech company," said Mr. Ye Jige, President of Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. "The initiation of the pre-clinical trials for IRT-101 and IRT-102 in China is a significant achievement for the development of Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and it represents both an important development milestone for this promising cancer drug and illustrates the benefits of Chinese and Western biopharmaceutical companies working together to efficiently carry out drug development. This important step will expedite the clinical development process of IRT-101 and IRT-102 in China." Noreen Griffin, CEO of TNI BioTech, at the signing ceremony in Qianjiang China said,"This agreement illustrates TNI BioTech's ability to draw upon its patents to build alliances that help biopharmaceutical companies navigate the approval process of new therapies and further illustrates our strategy to maximize the potential of biopharmaceutical development and innovation for the benefit of patients and our shareholders."

About Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Hubei Qianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a Chinese public company established in the 1970s trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The company owns high-tech production and manufacturing and distribution facilities, and a strong research and development department. The Company has passed the GMP certification and can produce 120 different products, including 15 kinds of preparations, such as eye drops, freeze dried injections, tablets, capsules, and cephalosporin powders for injections. The Company has two series of products -- proprietary ophthalmic drugs and anti-infection drugs. The "jing" brand eye drops rank first in market share. The Company manufactures a brand of Acyclovir, clindamycin and other anti-virus products that have received national major new product certification. The "jing" and "gantai" trademarks have become famous brands in China that assure both quality and consumer satisfaction.

About TNI BioTech, Inc. TNI BioTech, Inc. is a biotech company combating fatal diseases through the activation and mobilization of the body's immune system using our patented immunotherapy. Our products and immunotherapy technologies are designed to harness the power of the immune system to improve the treatment of cancer, infections such as HIV/AIDS, chronic inflammatory diseases, and autoimmune diseases. Our proprietary technology, therapies and patents, will be used to treat a wide range of cancers. Our most advanced clinical programs involve immunotherapy that works by isolating a patient's lymphocytes and then incubating them together with Methionine Enkephalin (MENK) in an enriching external incubation system. After incubation the patient's lymphocytes are re-infused back into the patient where they combat and destroy tumor cells. However, even though Management considers any condition that results in altered-immune response a target for investigation, the Company will most likely pursue additional investigations for MENK as a valuable candidate in the treatment of the following: Autoimmune states such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis; As an adjunct to antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases; In cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatments or surgery; Patients with AIDS, in combination with retroviral drug therapy; and In wound healing or herpes viral infections. SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This press release includes various "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which represent the Company's expectations or beliefs concerning future events. Statements containing expressions such as "believes," "anticipates," "intends," or "expects," used in the Company's press releases and in Disclosure Statements and Reports filed with the Over The Counter Markets through the OTC Disclosure and News Service are intended to identify forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Although the Company believes its expectations are based upon reasonable assumptions within the bounds of its knowledge of its business and operations, there can be no assurances that actual results will not differ materially from expected results. The Company cautions that these and similar statements included in this report are further qualified by important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date thereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release any revisions to such forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.



日本东京大学研究员iPS细胞研究造假遭解雇 来源: 新华网日本东京大学19日宣布,对谎称实施了世界首例iPS细胞临床应用的东大医学部附属医院特任研究员森口尚史予以惩戒解雇的处分。近日闹得沸沸扬扬的日本科学界造假风波暂时告一段落。日本京都大学教授山中伸弥和一名英国科学家分享了今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,这也是日本人时隔25年第二次获得该奖项。有意思的是,山中伸弥的"风头"近日大有被森口尚史盖过之势,他谎称自己在美国成功实施了6例由iPS细胞培养而成的心肌细胞的临床移植手术,并成功骗过了日本《读卖新闻》和共同社等主流媒体。然而,造假很快被揭穿,森口尚史的表述被美国马萨诸塞州综合医院和哈佛大学一口否定。《自然》杂志和其他媒体以及专家学者也对此报道提出质疑。森口尚史在穷追猛打之下不得不承认,只在去年6月做过1例移植手术。但他却无法提供相关证据。森口尚史本人落得身败名裂,误报消息的日本媒体也因此灰头土脸。东京大学指出,森口尚史的行为"严重伤害了东京大学的名誉和信用"。森口尚史1964年出生,1989年进入东京医科齿科大学保健卫生学科,1995年获得硕士学位,2007年获得东京大学博士学位。2010年,他担任东京大学医学部附属医院的客座研究员,今年9月被聘为特任研究员,研究方向是冷冻保存脏器和细胞的相关研究,但是他没有取得过医师资格。(记者 蓝建中)


Russia Establishes Clinical Trial Hub Cost and speed play big roles in the country’s increased presence in the market.

 Alex PhilippidisInsight & Intelligence™ : Oct 19, 2012More than two years after Vladimir Putin promised to transform his nation into a biotech heavyweight by 2020, Russia is achieving a measure of success by one important barometer, namely a steadily growing volume of clinical trial activity.That was supposed to be the effect of a 2010 law that requires companies looking to market their drugs in Russia to conduct at least some of their clinical trials there. That measure ("On Circulation of Medicines"), however, has drawn criticism from the industry group Association of Clinical Trial Organizations (ACTO) for slowing down clinical trial activity through what it calls overly strict requirements for patient insurance, investigators, and redundant accreditation requirements for conductors of trials. The law is under review by Russia's health commissioner, Veronika Skvortsova, appointed to the post in May.Instead, executives familiar with the market say the uptick in clinical trials reflects more a combination of lower costs, lower regulatory hurdles, and increased public and private investment in drug companies that carry out development work in Russia.On October 10, U.S.-based Cleveland BioLabs and Incuron, a joint venture that is 75.8% owned by the publicly traded company, announced the dosing of the first patient in a Phase I study of the oral formulation of CBL0137 in subjects with advanced solid tumors that resist standard-of-care treatment. The trial is being conducted at five leading oncology centers across the Russian Federation. Incuron is also conducting Phase I trials for the orally administered small cancer drug CBL0102, which is being developed for orphan indications in developing markets.The percentage of Incuron not owned by Cleveland BioLabs is held by the $120 million Russian closed mutual venture fund Bioprocess Capital Ventures, which focuses investment on what it deems innovative pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and fine chemistry projects across the Russian Federation."You need to define when you start—and my definition is, you start with formal preclinical. And in the United States, if you start with this and you're pretty lucky, you're talking about 10 years, maybe more to develop a drug. In Russia, it looks like you can ramp it up in five," Michael Fonstein, Ph.D., president of Cleveland BioLabs, told GEN.

Ease of Recruiting  One reason for the shorter timeframe, according to Dr. Fonstein, is quicker clinical trials resulting from the ease of recruiting patients beyond Phase I, the tendency of patients once enrolled to stay on the trials, and the design of trials, which can require smaller Phase III trials of products shown to be effective earlier in clinical practice."If, after clinical practice, you already know the optimal conditions for your drug, and clinical practice is supposed to tell you this, then basically you can do a Phase III trial on a very small number of patients, if you can show strong effect," Dr. Fonstein said. "What we're trying to do is to go to a full drug development cycle in Russia, not just do a fast Phase I trial and license it to somebody and forget, but go from science to clinical practice, and we believe it can be done substantially faster, and substantially cheaper than in the United States."How much cheaper? Less than $100 million, compared with the oft-quoted estimate of $1 billion or more in the U.S., for getting drugs into clinical practice under Russian auspices.According to ACTO, the average period to issue approval to conduct a clinical trial during the first half of 2012 was 118 days —12 days better than a year earlier, but still about two months longer than the period set by law of 41 business days or 57 calendar days.In the first half of this year, according to the quarterly Clinical Trials in Russia "Orange Paper" issued by Synergy Research Group (SynRG), Russia's Ministry of Health approved 477 new clinical trials, compared with 571 in all of last year and 492 in 2010.During the second quarter, according to SynRG, 257 trials were approved, a 44% jump from 178 in Q2 2011. Nearly half the trials approved in Q2 2012 (107 or 42%) were bioequivalence trials, while almost as many (102 or 40%) were multinational multicenter clinical trials; the remainder (48 or 19%) were local clinical trials.

Speed, Quality, and Cost Anna Ravdel, SynRG's director of business development, told GEN that Russia enjoys three strengths as a clinical trials venue: speed, quality, and cost.Patients flock to trials, she said, in order to gain access to the best physicians and medication as well as due to shortcomings of the state healthcare system ranging from limited government reimbursement for medication to the fact the insurance and governmental medical systems do not cover all patients and diseases.The quality of clinical data is high enough to withstand FDA and EMA inspections, with both agencies approving drugs using data collected from Russian sites—13 EMA approvals and an FDA approval during Q2 alone. While Russian drug companies accounted for a plurality of approved clinical trials during the second quarter (115), five global biopharma giants—Roche, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, and Teva —were approved for a combined 31 studies totaling 3,916 patients, according to SynRG."We recommend to our clients to include Russia early into their clinical trial program if they have plans in the future to register the drug in Russia, because otherwise, without any patients from Russia, the registrators in the Ministry of Health may require the sponsor to conduct another study in Russia, even though the entire program has been completed," Leon Dzivinsky, senior vp and general counsel for ClinStar, a provider of clinical development services in Russia and Eastern Europe, told GEN.Dzivinsky, whose company is involved at any point in 40 to 50 clinical studies, said Russian clinical trials enjoy faster patient recruitment timeframes—in one instance, saving 17 months or $15 million for one Phase III trial of an advanced breast cancer drug. ClinStar needed just 24 months to recruit 318 patients in Russia, Estonia, Ukraine, and Belarus, vs. 41 months for 542 patients in 18 other nations (none being the U.S).Patients recruited for clinical studies in Russia don't turn over as often as elsewhere: "Whatever the doctor tells the patient, they tend to follow. They treat the doctor as a top authority. And if they start with a particular doctor in an indication, they tend to stick with that doctor throughout the term of their treatment," Dzivinsky said.

 "Circulation" Draws Fire Since the early 1990s, clinical trial activity has grown most years and especially since 2005, dipping only in 2010 following the clinical trial law called "On Circulation of Medicines." It transferred authority within the government to the Ministry of Health; set new rules qualifying sites and investigators; and added requirements for sponsors, such as providing life and health insurance for each patient. ACTO argues the law shrunk the market for active investigators by 25%−35% and favors a two-year trial experience minimum, plus a shift to liability insurance for entities organizing and conducting clinical trials.A pair of initiatives announced in recent months aims to keep clinical trial activity humming in Russia. Last month, Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund, founded with participation from the Russian government's Russian Venture Company (RVC) fund of venture funds, approved an undisclosed investment in privately held Osteros Biomedica. Osteros is preparing a proof-of-concept clinical trial program to test the safety and efficacy of its first drug candidate, MBC-11, against multiple myeloma.And in March, Russia's $10 billion state-owned Rusnano technology fund said it would join the U.S. venture capital firm Domain Associates in investing $760 million into U.S. pharmaceutical, diagnostics, and medical device companies, plus creating a manufacturing plant and increasing drug development in Russia.One challenge Russia must overcome in coming years is growing competition for drug trials outside the U.S. or Europe, especially from Russia's fellow-BRIC nations (Brazil, India, and, especially, China), which like Korea have sought to position themselves as lower-cost clinical venues. In addition, Russia's regulators will have to continue progress toward faster decisions on clinical trials, especially now that FDA has signaled through PDUFA V that it will step up the pace of its reviews of trial data and drug applications.




Trial and Error: India can attract 5-10% of the global market for drug trials

Shobha John, TNN | Oct 22, 2012, 09.05AM IST It's an industry waiting to be tapped. But lack of regulation in clinical trials in India is giving it a bad name and making it lose ground to China, Malaysia and Singapore. Often, data of various trials is difficult to find and in some cases, doesn't even exist. So much so that last week the Supreme Court asked the Centre and states to furnish details of clinical trial deaths and the compensation paid to families of victims. This was after a parliamentary committee report said that 2,374 people had died during such trials between January 1, 2007 and June 30, 2012, and that families of only 37 victims had been paid a small compensation. The clinical research market, incidentally, is worth $1.5 billion in India. By 2015, according to Mckinsey and Company, it's expected to be about $20 billion, with a demand for 50,000 professionals. Assocham estimates that India can attract 5-10% of global clinical trials in the next five years.



三福化工(4755) 更正公告本公司101年臨時股東會董監改選名單發言時間 101/10/2217:52:43發言人 巫信弘 發言人職稱 董事長 發言人電話 02-2542-6789 主旨 : 更正公告本公司101年臨時股東會董監改選名單符合條款第6款事實發生日101/10/22說明 1.發生變動日期:101/10/222.舊任者姓名及簡歷:董事:巫信弘三福化工()公司董事長董事:張純明三福環球()公司董事長董事:張益宗珍綠品()公司董事長董事:王耀銘國際日東科技()公司總經理董事:傅阿喜中華方大(香港)有限公司顧問監察人: 張雅萍巴西方大()公司 董事長監察人: 游勝福明光半導體()公司獨立董事監察人: 黃明富允盛投資顧問()公司董事長3.新任者姓名及簡歷:董事:巫信弘三福化工()公司董事長董事:三福環球股份有限公司代表人張純明三福環球()公司董事長董事:張益宗珍綠品()公司董事長董事:王耀銘國際日東科技()公司總經理董事:蘇天寶國際日東科技()公司董事董事:梁國源美國杜克大學經濟學博士元大寶華綜合經濟研究院院長獨立董事:黃育徵賓夕法尼亞大學化學學士新鼎系統股份有限公司 董事獨立董事:李鍾熙美國伊利諾理工學院博士財團法人生物技術開發中心董事長監察人: Pilot Keymark SDN.BHD. 代表人張三福環球()公司經理監察人: 游勝福明光半導體()公司獨立董事監察人: 黃明富允盛投資顧問()公司董事長4.異動原因:配合本公司公開發行後,選任獨立董事之規定及未來營運發展需要,擬提前於10110 22日股東臨時會時全面改選。5.新任董事選任時持股數:董事:巫信弘 3,421,750股董事:三福環球股份有限公司 22,116,689股董事:張益宗 255,341股董事:王耀銘 300,000股董事:蘇天寶 50,000 董事:梁國源 0 獨立董事:黃育徵 0 獨立董事:李鍾熙 0 監察人: Pilot Keymark SDN.BHD. 19,929,000股監察人: 游勝福 0股監察人: 黃明富 06.原任期(例xx/xx/xxxx/xx/xx:099/03/23~102/03/227.新任生效日期:101/10/228.同任期董事變動比率:不適用9.其他應敘明事項:無以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責.




Taiwanese-made blood pressure supplement launched

 By Lee Yu-hsin and Jake Chung/Staff reporter, with Staff writerA new health supplement to tackle high blood pressure that was jointly developed by National Chung Hsing University, Da Yeh University and researchers from the pharmaceutical industry was introduced yesterday at a product launch. According to the Da Yeh University research team's director, Chen Hsiao-ling (陳小玲), statistics from the Department of Health (DOH) indicate that one out of four people over the age of 20 has high blood pressure. If left uncontrolled, high blood pressure could lead to serious cardiovascular diseases, Chen said. Chen said that research teams from the two universities cooperated with teams from China Chemical and Pharmaceutical Co and the company's affiliate, Chunghwa Biomedical Technology Co, in a five-year-long research venture to produce a new peptide from kefir grains. Kefir grains are a mix of bacteria and yeasts in a matrix of proteins, lipids and sugars traditionally added to goat or cow milk to make the milk drink kefir. Peptides are short polymers of amino acid monomers linked by chemical reactions between carboxyl-amino groups of two molecules. The purified anti-hypertensive peptide developed and extracted from kefir grains by the team provide a substance that helps lower blood pressure, National Chung Hsing University research team director Chen Chuan-mu (陳全木) said. According to the Ministry of Education's Web page, Chen also said that the peptide was very versatile and could be used extensively in other pharmaceutical products. If legally permitted, the peptide could be combined with the research team's patented mammary gland-specific expression platform to raise cows and goats that have the peptide inherently in their systems, allowing more people to ingest the peptide through cow's or goat's milk, Chen said. As more than 70 percent of health products in the nation are reliant on foreign imports, Chen said if the peptide is successfully manufactured, Taiwan would own the intellectual property rights to a product that can be locally made and enable Taiwan to break into the international health product market. The invention was awarded a silver medal this year by the Ministry of Economic Affairs' intellectual property office and has been granted patents in the US, some European countries, Taiwan and China.



大台南觀光聯盟推動醫美觀光行程【聯合報╱記者修瑞瑩/即時報導】 2012.10.22 10:20 pm 大台南觀光聯盟今天發表台南醫美觀光行程,目前擔任聯盟理事長、同時也是台南市醫師公會理事長王正坤,也是皮膚科醫師,他表示,台南除了美食與古蹟吸引人,高品質與便宜的醫療也是一大賣點,希望能爭取更多觀光客到台南邊玩邊美容。【2012/10/22 聯合報】


幹細胞諾貝爾醫學獎 亞洲國家熱!!!

泰幹細胞研究 資金計畫兩缺【中央社╱曼谷22日專電】 2012.10.22 06:25 pm 諾貝爾醫學獎今年頒給研究幹細胞的英日學者,泰國也開始注意到泰國幹細胞研究的進展,但缺乏資金與國家計畫藍圖。泰國「民族報」(The Nation)今天報導,英國古爾登和日本山中伸彌獲得諾貝爾獎激勵全球再生科學家,包括泰國的幹細胞研究者。但報導指出,回顧泰國研究環境,泰國科學家感嘆,當地的技術環境缺乏方向與資金支持。泰國今年來至少有3家醫院宣布在幹細胞研究上有一定的進展。朱拉隆功大學(ChulalongkornUniversity)今年初宣布朱大是泰國第一家生產人類胚胎幹細胞的機構,建立泰國第一個幹細胞銀行。警察總醫院(Police General Hospital)也研發成人幹細胞治療關節炎病人,醫院現在正針對6045歲到60歲關節炎病人進行臨床試驗,預估明年完成。馬奚杜大學(Mahidol University)的詩麗拉醫院(Siriraj Hospital)研究團隊上週也宣布發現從人類羊膜液抽取純幹細胞的方法,可逐步治療各種嚴重病症,例如關節炎。報導指出,多數機構只能靠自有資金建立實驗室進行研究,政府僅提供部分資金。警察總醫院主任容傑(Jongjet Aojanepong)表示,政府從未關注支持科學研究,他們必須自行籌資進行幹細胞研究。容傑表示,幹細胞將是未來重要的治療方法,「我們需要一個正式的論壇一起看到未來」。報導指出,泰國幹細胞研究雖然興盛,但卻沒有一個中央機構系統性地管理研究預算,並規劃幹細胞研究方向。負責監督全泰研究的泰國國家研究委員會(National Research Council of Thailand)秘書長蘇提彭(Soottiporn Chittrmittrapap)表示,泰國今年底前會規劃出幹細胞研究藍圖,邀請專家提供意見。有專家建議,應該讓教育機構領導構思,訂出國家目標、策略、方向與財務支持。【2012/10/22 中央社】




India to give free generic drugs to hundreds of millions Tue, Oct 23, 2012 -India has put in place a US$5.4 billion (NT$157.6 billion) policy to provide free medicine to its people. From city hospitals to tiny rural clinics, India's public doctors will soon be able to prescribe free generic drugs to all comers, vastly expanding access to medicine in a country where public spending on health was just US$4.50 per person last year. Under the plan, doctors will be limited to a generics-only drug list and face punishment for prescribing branded medicines, a major disadvantage for pharmaceutical giants in one of the world's fastest-growing drug markets. "Without a doubt, it is a considerable blow to an already beleaguered industry, " said KPMG partner Chris Stirling. But the initiative would overhaul a system where healthcare is often a luxury, despite 40 percent of the people living below the poverty line, or US$1.25 a day or less. Within five years, up to half of India's 1.2 billion people are likely to take advantage of the scheme, the government says. Others are likely to continue visiting private hospitals and clinics, where the scheme will not operate. (Reuters) 印度已實施一項價值高達五十四億美元(新台幣一千五百七十六億元)的政策,以提供免費藥物給人民。 從城市醫院到鄉村小診所,印度公立醫院醫師不久將可以開免費的學名藥給所有求診者,在健康支出去年每人僅四點五美元的國家,這項措施大幅擴展藥物的取得。 在此計畫下,醫師用藥將限定在名單上的學名藥,開專利藥將面臨處罰。在這個全球藥物市場成長最快速的地區,此舉將讓藥廠巨擘蒙受重大損失。 安侯建業聯合會計師事務所合夥人史特林說:「無疑地,這對已受困的產業是重大打擊。」 不過這項創舉將大幅改革(印度醫療)制度,在該制度中,健康照護通常十分昂貴,儘管百分之四十的人民生活在貧窮線以下,或者每日生活費一點二五美元或更少。 五年內,印度十二億人口中高達半數人民可能受惠於這項計畫,政府指出。其他人可能繼續到民營醫院與診所就醫,該項計畫將不在這些醫療院所運作。 (路透/翻譯:魏國金)




錫安醫療(祈安醫療控股): 中國醫療轉介&月子中心

貿協推廣海外醫療平台 3季逾6萬海外人士來台使用醫療服務 2012/10/22鉅亨網提供外貿協會建置海外醫療服務平台成效逐步顯現,貿協今天表示,透過台灣於海外醫療服務平台-廣州錫安醫療健康管理中心的安排,10月份共邀請16位陸客來台健檢,團員來自北京、杭州、廣東、吉林、貴州、雲南等地,多數是第一次來台;目前外貿協會已於上海、北京、廣州、洛杉磯、溫哥華、澳洲、柬埔寨等目標市場設置18家國際醫療轉介平台,截至今年第3季,已有逾6萬人海外人士來台使用我醫療服務,其中健檢、醫美項目約占3成、約逾18000人。 外貿協會服務業推廣中心主任張正芬指出,多數來台使用健檢、醫美服務的人士皆透過海外平台轉介,平台效益已漸顯現,我國設置的海外醫療平台,包括醫療中心、政府駐外單位及旅遊業者,遍布全球,提供醫療轉介及簡易諮詢服務,除擴大醫療服務輸出,更宣傳台灣服務業形象。張正芬補充,陸客之前會藉觀光、商務會議來台,順道使用醫美健檢服務,在我國政府開放醫療簽證後,來台使用健檢與醫美二項醫療服務的陸客人數明顯增加。台灣健檢設備先進新穎、醫護人員親切,與大陸醫院的氣氛明顯不同,故受陸客青睞。錫安總經理蕭義焜表示,團員已安排在敏盛醫院進行健檢,該院是台灣首家通過國際醫院評鑑認證(JCI),更於2008 年榮獲新制評鑒特優醫院,提供客製化服務及頂級健檢套餐。錫安醫療健康管理中心是我國首次建置的海外醫療轉介平台,於中國大陸耕耘多年,今年624成立祈安醫療科技國際控股集團,並在廣州舉辦啟動上市活動。 該中心規劃在未來兩年於南京、杭州、成都、福州等地開辦分支機構,另外,也將聘請婦產科專科醫師,在廣州市開辦坐月子中心,主打中國大陸頂級客源,訂於明(2013)年初開幕。另外,錫安致力建立兩岸醫事交流平台,繼去(2011)年首次辦理「穗台醫療論壇」,第二屆「穗台醫療論壇」將於今年1225日於廣州市舉行,屆時廣州市台辦、外貿協會、廣州市衛生局、廣州市醫學會及兩岸醫療機構副院長級代表均會出席此會。


2012 BTC會議…醫療服務產業化 !!

施振榮揪團 醫學中心攻陸【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2012.10.23 03:44 am智融集團董事長施振榮。行政院科技會報將於今(23)日召開「2012年生技產業策略會議(BTC)」,「醫療管理服務輸出(海外)」將是明年政策的新主軸;經由智融集團董事長施振榮促成,由生策會集合10餘家醫學中心成立「醫療服務產業化、國際化促進委員會」,搶攻國際醫療管理商機。 行政院科技會報今天起一連3天舉行生技產業策略會議,首度將「醫療管理服務輸出」納入會議主軸,這個會議每年邀集海內外生醫專家與會,會議共識向來成為行政院隔年的生醫政策,「生技起飛鑽石行動方案」就是由這個會議所催生。科技會報表示,今年生技產業策略會議探討的主軸「醫療管理服務輸出」,將於24日進行討論,施振榮即是討論人之一,會後則由民間組成「醫療管理服務輸出平台」,媒合台灣醫院管理進軍國際市場。生策會表示,BTC會議閉幕後,將參考議討論出的結論,邀集台大、榮總、馬偕、陽明、秀傳、嘉基、童綜合等大型醫院,在11月成立「醫療服務產業化國際化促進委員會」,委員會成員除了施振榮外,還將邀集醫務管理協會、時代基金會及各大醫院負責人或院長,共同擔任委員會委員。智融集團說明,施振榮看好「醫療管理服務」,他認為,台灣醫療管理優於亞洲甚至世界各國,未來希望結合雲端、電子(e)化管理系統,做到「整廠輸出」,目標則鎖定大陸市場。據悉,目前智融集團透過旗下智融美洲及智融創新等創投,已開始投資醫療管理公司,未來結合國內醫療院所,研討進一步投資的可能性。智融指出,透過台灣醫療管理優勢,結合數位醫療(雲端)管理系統,台灣可成立醫管服務公司,針對技術、設備輸出,並協助境外醫院改善醫療流程,並提供管理的授權與訓練,不僅可將技術核心留在台灣,也可打造軟、硬體產業鏈。智融集團表示,施振榮對科技事業、旗下創投事業並不直接干涉,但對「醫療管理」投資布局卻是「親力親為」,顯示其重視程度。 2012/10/23 經濟日報】



行政院..本土新藥 健保馬上買單!!!!!!?????

懷特中天新藥 申請健保核價【經濟日報╱記者黃文奇/台北報導】 2012.10.20 05:06 am 懷特生技及中天生技昨(19)日表示,行政院已允諾國內新藥上市後、立即納入健保,最快10月底前兩公司會針對已上市的「血寶注射劑」及「化療漾」向衛生署申請健保核價,目標在今年底前取得健保給付資格,搶在二代健保上路前。行政院及立法院9月中旬曾針對生策會提出的33項生技政策建議給予承諾,其中第1項要立即執行的重點,就是「在地新藥納入健保優惠核價」,為了鼓勵本土新藥不斷產出,只要在台研發、且符合生技新藥產業發展條例的新藥公司,一旦產品獲准上市,就由健保局提供較高額的健保給付。到目前為止,國內符合相關規定的僅有懷特的「血寶注射劑」及中天的「化療漾」,兩項產品都是由植物萃取,目前都已上市,但過去限於健保核價標準不明確,因此遲未向健保局提出申請。懷特表示,已針對「血寶注射劑」進行相關作業,近日將向健保局送件申請。據悉,懷特血寶注射劑,是我國第1個獲食品藥物管理局核准上市的植物新藥,其適應症為「癌因性疲憊症」,已開始供應全國醫學中心及各大醫院使用;法人說,目前每月貢獻懷特營收約500萬元,第4季起成長動能將放大。健保局說,懷特的血寶注射劑,因為符合國際新藥審查法規,在訂定出國內在地新藥核價標準後,可望率先通過。此外,中天生技今年初受衛生署中醫藥委員會審查通過的中成藥「化療漾」,也在第一波台灣研發在地新藥名單中;中天說,已準備好相關申請文件,希望10月底前遞件申請。【2012/10/20 經濟日報】

中關村生醫: 通州園&大興生物醫藥產業基地

中關村後五園區 文創、科技、生醫發熱【聯合晚報╱大陸特派員王玉燕/北京報導】 2012.10.19 03:36 pm 德勝園於2002524開園,經過多年發展,被評為北京市重要的文化創意產業集聚區,首都四大金融後台服務區之一。德勝園在北京西城區北部,是西城區發展科技產業與文化創意產業的重要載體,分為德外地區與西外地區兩部分;德勝園以研發設計、金融後台服務、文化創意和高端交易為主要產業業態,全力推進產業優化升級;以特色街區、主題樓宇為主要空間形態,重點推進空間佈局調整和城市形態提升,促進產業發展和空間改造的相互支撐,持續推進體制機制創新,加快公共服務平臺建設,塑造提升區域品牌形象,打造產業高端發展、空間高效利用、生態環境優美、品牌形象知名、管理服務一流的「首都高端創新型產業集聚區」。雍和園被北京市政府認定為「北京市文化創意產業集聚區」,被大陸國家版權局認定為「國家版權貿易基地」,以文化為內涵、科技為手段,重點發展文化創意產業,形成智慧財產權、數位內容、文化旅遊休閒、中醫藥科技與文化四大產業群集。雍和園的智慧財產權產業,以版權交易、文化產權交易為核心,以文化金融、版權資源、綜合服務等為輔助,努力打造北京市乃至大陸最重要的文化產業要素市場。數位內容產業的主要發展領域,是數位新媒體,重點培育大型傳媒企業,以及數位內容關鍵技術服務商。文化旅遊產業,依託國子監、雍和宮、鐘鼓樓、地壇等歷史文化遺跡,同時大力引導民俗文化旅遊、休閒文化旅遊等多種旅遊活動的開展。石景山園是中關村「一區十園」中的文化創意產業特色園。園區地處北京市石景山區中部,緊鄰長安街延長線、五環路、阜石路,毗鄰八大處和法海寺公園。按照石景山區建設首都文化娛樂休閒區發展定位,園區重點發展文化創意、高新技術產業及科技服務等符合區域發展定位的新興高端產業。石景山園作為中關村文化創意特色園和數位娛樂示範園,國家數位媒體技術產業化基地、國家網路遊戲動漫產業發展基地、中國電子競技運動發展中心、國家動畫產業基地等已相繼落戶。通州園包括兩個產業基地,分別是通州園光機電一體化產業基地,和通州園金橋科技產業基地,重點發展代表國際一流、大陸領先水準的光機電一體化、環保和新能源、高端裝備製造產業,包括發展微電子、光電子、汽車電子、航空電子、先進裝備製造業、智慧型儀器器儀錶、雷射技術、數控機床、印刷機械、醫療設備、半導體材料、環保設備、汽車零部件等產業。大興生物醫藥產業基地,是北京國家生物產業基地三個核心區之一,打造集研發、製造、銷售、服務為一體、具有全球影響力的特色產業園區,建設大陸首屈一指的生物醫藥產業園。【2012/10/19 聯合晚報】
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