Sunday, April 1, 2012
承業(廣州久和醫療) 與日商Yoshida 搶中國牙科市場
賺超過2個資本額: 精華
原料藥廠 稅後盈餘PK!!
台大與哈佛合作 “腦神經三維網格”研究 登Science!!
台大開發” 腦神經三維網格”資料庫
Research breakthrough achieved in brain fiber
注射玻尿酸處 避免電波拉皮!!
懷特暈寶BA試驗完成: Phencynonate Hydrochloride!!
兩岸題材撐腰 生技觀光聚焦
Migraines likelier in men with impotence
Sinovac's EV71 Vaccine Phase I Clinical Data for the Prevention of Epidemic Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease Published in Vaccine
BEIJING, March 29, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (Nasdaq: SVA), a leading provider of biopharmaceutical products in China, announced today that the positive Phase I clinical data for its proprietary inactivated Enterovirus 71 (EV71) vaccine against hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) was accepted for publication by the peer-reviewed journal Vaccine on March 4, 2012, and the uncorrected proof is available online as of March 14, 2012. The article, entitled "Safety and immunogenicity of a novel human Enterovirus 71 (EV71) vaccine: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, Phase I clinical trial," provides an in-depth look at the safety observation with preliminary immunogenicity data from the study, in which all three age groups (adult, children and infant) showed good safety and tolerance profiles. In the Phase I clinical trial, the vaccine candidates were given to the adults first, starting from the lowest dosage to higher dosages. After the two inoculations were administered to the adults, a safety observation was conducted, and the safety evaluation report was reviewed by clinical experts as well as the Data Safety and Monitoring Committee (DSMC). Once safety was confirmed, inoculations were administered to the children, and the same procedure was followed before the infants were inoculated. This trial protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee. The Phase I clinical trial showed that Sinovac's novel inactivated human EV71 vaccine was well tolerated in healthy volunteers, and the testing results on neutralizing antibody indicated good immunogenicity. Sinovac confirmed these data in the Phase II trial, which demonstrated that the EV71 vaccine demonstrated a good immunogenicity and a favorable safety profile with no vaccine-related serious adverse events. Li Yan-Ping of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and the principle investigator, stated, "The novel human EV71 inactivated vaccine was well tolerated in the healthy volunteers. For immune response, we observed that the seropositive rates of neutralizing antibody increased to 100% for all dosage groups after the second vaccination. With more than 90% of the reported HFMD cases occurring in children under five years old, an urgent need exists for a novel vaccine that is effective against human EV71 outbreaks. These results bring us one step closer to realizing that goal." Dr. Weidong Yin, Chairman, President and CEO, also commented, "The HFMD epidemic situation is still serious in China. However, there is no EV71 specific prevention method to help control the spread of HFMD. Both the Chinese government and the public have great expectations regarding vaccine development. We are pleased to have our Phase I clinical data published in the prestigious journal Vaccine. HFMD represents a significant unmet medical need as no pharmacological intervention has been proven to prevent or control this disease. Vaccination is expected to be the most effective measure to control the spread of the virus and to reduce associated morbidity and mortality." Yin continued: "We are advancing our EV71 vaccine as planned. In January 2012, we commenced our Phase III clinical trials before the HFMD outbreak season. Through the end of March 2012, approximately 10,000 healthy volunteers have been enrolled, and the two-shot inoculation schedule, at 0 and 28 days, and the blood collection on the 56th day after the first inoculation have been completed in these volunteers. We began the observation and data collection phase since March 14, 2012, to assess the HFMD epidemic situation and to evaluate the efficacy of our novel vaccine. Currently, the Phase III trial is progressing on schedule and is on track to be completed in the first half of 2013. Meanwhile, the construction of the EV71 vaccine production plant is progressing well. The purpose of building the facility in parallel with the Phase III clinical research is to make sure that the vaccine can be provided to protect those at risk as soon as it's approved."
About EV71 Enterovirus 71, or EV71, causes Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (or HFMD). More than 90% of the reported cases occur in children under five years old. HFMD is a common and usually mild childhood disease. However, there has been an increase in severe HFMD cases reported associated with neurological symptoms caused by EV71. A number of outbreaks of EV71 HFMD in the Asia-Pacific region have been reported since 1997. Outbreaks have been reported in Malaysia (1997), Taiwan (1998, 2000 & 2001), mainland China (1998-2008), Australia (1999) and Singapore (2000) among other areas in the region. No specific treatment for this enterovirus infection and no vaccine are currently available. In China, HFMD has become a very serious problem, especially in children, given that no vaccine and specific treatment is currently available to protect against this disease. A growing number of HFMD cases have been recently reported in parts of Asia, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. According to available data, from the Chinese Ministry of Health, for the period of January 1 to November 30, 2010, the disease caused 876 deaths in China and over 1.73 million HFMD infection cases. This is compared to 353 fatalities in China and over 1.15 million reported HFMD infectious cases for the entire year in 2009. HFMD is most common among infants and children under five years of age.
About Sinovac Sinovac Biotech Ltd. is a China-based biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the research, development, manufacturing and commercialization of vaccines that protect against human infectious diseases including hepatitis A and B, seasonal influenza, H5N1 pandemic influenza (avian flu) and H1N1 influenza (swine flu) as well as animal rabies vaccine for canines. In 2009, Sinovac was the first company worldwide to receive approval for its H1N1 influenza vaccine, Panflu.1, and has manufactured for the Chinese Central Government pursuant to the government-stockpiling program. The Company is also the only supplier of the H5N1 pandemic influenza vaccine to the government-stockpiling program. Sinovac has been developing a number of new pipeline vaccines including vaccines for enterovirus 71 (against hand, foot & mouth disease), pneumococcal conjugate, pneumococcal polysaccharides, mumps and rubella, etc. Sinovac sells its vaccines mainly in China and is exporting selected vaccines to Mongolia, Nepal, and the Philippines.Vivo創投孔繁建
中國微創抗衰老學術交流 !!
首屆全國微創抗衰老學術會謝幕 2012-04-01華龍網4月1日11時訊(記者 張小華)4月1日,由中國醫師協會美容與整形醫師分會主辦、重慶當代整形美容醫院獨家承辦的首屆全國微創抗衰老學術交流會圓滿落幕。來自全國各地的三百余位整形美容業界泰斗、彙集不同國家從5000篇稿件中脫穎而出的20餘篇微創抗衰領域的優秀論文或發言稿亮相大會,源自重慶當代整形美容醫院2項新技術的論文闡述及手術演示環節相繼驚豔業界。與會期間,中國醫師協會美容與整形醫師分會攜手當代整形在"安全整形責任塑美"的新聞發佈會上發出行業倡議,並授予當代整形醫院"感謝狀"。感謝該院在微創抗衰老領域,對推動"安全整形責任塑美"所做出的貢獻。據悉,3天的會期裏,各參會專家代表通過論文研討、行業倡議、技術推介、手術觀摩等形式從不同角度、不同層面提出並展現微創抗衰老領域的新思路、新材料、新技術和新進展,共同翻開了中國整形美容行業發展的全新一頁。
數百權威專家 點亮中國美業星光大道 作為由中國醫協美容與整形醫師分會所主辦微創抗衰老領域的高規格專業會議,本次學術交流會受到國內整形美容界的高度關注。吸引了包括李世榮、徐軍、宋建星、江華、楊東運、牙祖蒙、李庸國(韓國)、金振娛(韓國)等國內外泰斗級整形美容大師的如數到場。據統計,整個會議的受邀代表超過300人,另加以個人名義自行前來參加的廠商代表、醫學院學生以及相關人士,其總人數接近600人。而就在會議報導日的前一天,仍不時有包括整形業的海歸博士、國外留學生以及其他人士致電組委會,要求提交論文或來現場報名。在為期三天的會議中,眾多脫穎而出來自各國微創抗衰老領域的頂尖專家就各自所涉及的研究項目進行了發言和闡述。記者在現場看到,不管是涉及自然抗衰,還是面部"微雕",抑或是美膚保養,其論文或發言稿中新穎的立意、獨到的技術、時尚的構思都堪稱近年來同類會議所提交學術文獻中的經典。 "雖然有些觀點並不能取得每個人的一致認同,甚至還有爭論,但至少可以說明我們都在為微創抗衰技術的發展而努,在這種共同的追求下,中國的微創抗衰一定會發展得更加絢麗多彩。"會後,我國著名微整形專家、上海長海醫院整形科宋建星教授將這次會議稱為中國微創抗衰老界的"世紀星光盛典"。他說,雖是點點星光,但如果每顆星都亮了,就會匯成璀璨的銀河。
安全與責任 構築完美蝶變堅固基石 "完美的蝶變不能單純地以價格和所用產品作為評判的標準,安全意識與責任意識是蝶變的重要基石,而這塊基石需由醫生和求美者共同構築……"3月31日,本次學術交流會新聞發佈會上,大會執行副主席、重慶當代整形美容醫院院長牙祖蒙將"安全與責任"提上議程,宣導廣大同行樹立,並引導求美者樹立整形手術中的安全意識,共同築就完美蝶變的堅固基石。 作為整形界一次高規格學術會議的新聞發佈會,自然吸引了來自本阜以及行業內眾多媒體的關注。在新聞發佈會上,業內多位專家結合從業經歷、網路事件、新聞報導等方面深入分析了安全性對於整形手術的重要性和必要性。同時,主辦方發出對消費者、對整形美容機構的倡議,包括呼籲雙方均不使用未經批准的整形產品、定期開展微創整形安全知識的宣傳與普及,向求美者宣導健康理性消費理念,提供科學消費觀念,並且努力提高企業管理水準,不斷完善微創整形安全保障能力等。 重慶當代整形美容醫院作為西南地區唯一以國際化為辦院和經營理念的專業整形醫院,對於安全性的重視歷來為業界同行所稱道。介於對當代整形在技術、品牌上的優勢,以及對"安全整形、責任造美"理念的高度的認同和執行。經過本次會議主辦方——中國醫師協會美容與整形醫師分會,以及大會組委會的決議,特向重慶當代整形美容醫院頒發感謝狀以資鼓勵,充分肯定了其在微創領域做出的推動及努力。隨後,牙祖蒙再次代表當代整形向業界及公眾作出承諾,將安全與責任作為工作的第一準則,全方位地保障求美者獲得自然健康的蝶變效果。
當代兩項新技術 撼動中國美業進軍國際市場 在新聞發佈會的專家發言中,由重慶當代整形美容醫院牙祖蒙院長所作的"NPS非手術自然抗衰"和該院美容外科主任王旭明醫生所作"MIC青春啟動術"的專題講座更是豔驚全座。 據悉,牙祖蒙與王旭明分別作為"NPS非手術自然抗衰"和"MIC青春啟動術"的研發者,一直致力於微創抗衰領域技術的研究運用,而這兩項技術都是經過兩人多年潛心攻克、對數千例手術深入剖析,並查閱大量國內外文獻後,最終成型。當天,兩人就該兩項技術從設想、到立項、到實踐、到最終的"定型出爐"作了詳細的發言。發言中的每一句話、每一個詞都撥動著現場參會人士的興趣,大家紛紛表示希望能對兩項技術的應用進行現場觀摩。一位元來自南京的整形醫生告訴記者,在微整形日益發展的今天,重慶當代整形美容醫院兩位專家能研發出如此先進純正的技術,實屬讓人刮目相看,其中部分觀點的提出和技術的革新運用甚至超過了發達國家的水準。"如果能在現場一窺究竟,親眼見證大師級的妙手塑美,那肯定會讓所有人受益非淺。" 據悉,"NPS非手術自然抗衰"其特點在於將求美者面部輪廓和自身訴求相結合,為其制定出最完美的手術方案,通過嚴格確定注射點位、精確控制注射劑量,並配以醫生嫺熟的手法來達到"全臉自然抗衰"的完美效果;而"MIC青春啟動術"則通過納米級的注射微針和三維立體注射法將取自自體並經活化處理的脂肪回注到面部,以同步實現全臉靈動塑形和抗衰。 隨後,大會主席徐軍現場對"NPS非手術自然抗衰""MIC青春啟動術"的入圍發出祝賀,並倡議全體代表在適時之機通過各種管道將這兩項技術向全國,甚至國際市場進行推廣。
公眾熱捧 當代聚集萬人目光 在業界,專家們因會議的舉行而進行著一輪輪巔峰對話,而在坊間,則掀起了另一股求美熱潮。"當代整形的兩項新技術即全面推廣;國際權威整形專家將現場親診……"會議召開期間,廣大求美者想盡辦法尋找會議"亮點"並奔相走告。一時間,重慶當代整形美容醫院成為求美者集體矚目的焦點。 3月31日上午,記者在醫院現場看到,上百位求美者等候在醫院各科室門前,客服人員仍一刻不停地接待著陸續來院顧客。來自重慶市南岸區的求美者劉櫻(化名)正在等待分診,她告訴記者,她是重慶當代整形美容醫院的鐵杆"粉絲",自"NPS非手術自然抗衰"和"MIC青春啟動術"通過公眾媒體公佈於世以來,她就一直盼望著能親自體驗,但前時間由於工作原因未能實現,當天早上她通過當代整形的微博得知了相關資訊,於是立即趕了過來。"還不知道要排到第幾個呢!"醫院客服部一林姓主任稱,在本次學術交流會前期的預熱階段,就不斷有各地的求美者陸續前來諮詢預約,而今天(31日)所出現的高潮也有些出乎他們的意料。"不少人都是沖著我院研發的兩項新技術而來的,當然也有前來諮詢曲線塑美、美眼和美膚專案的。"林主任稱,他們肯定會做好對每一位顧客的接待預約工作,讓每個人都能尊享國際化的美麗服務。
手術演示顯奇跡 當代再領業界風騷 4月1日,重慶當代整形美容醫院資深合作夥伴、國際除皺聖品BOTOX和與會代表深入探討了當前微創技術及其發展趨勢,並為大家進行了技術應用培訓。而最讓人激動的時刻,則定格在了"NPS非手術自然抗衰"和"MIC青春啟動術"的手術演示環節。當日下午,在當代整形醫院千層層流淨化手術室裏,牙祖蒙和王旭明先後就各自研發的技術在兩位求美者身上分別進行了瘦臉與豐蘋果肌的手術演示。記者有幸得以進入現場,在整個過程中,兩位專家技術極為精湛,不管是進針出針或是劑量推進都運用得極為細膩,而受術者的術後效果也顯得自然靈動,仿若天生。當兩位塑美大師走出手術室後,迎接他們的是來自百余權威同行雷鳴般的掌聲。 隨著牙祖蒙與王旭明手術演示的結束,首屆全國微創抗衰老學術交流會也落下了帷幕。在本次大會上,代表們所提出的微創抗衰領域的新觀點、新設想、新技術等必將引發業界新一輪的碰撞,從而刺激並帶動中國美業的整體發展,並最終在國際社會中獨樹一幟,舉世矚目。神隆找生泰代工….
華人幹細胞登記 人數增7倍 記者邱冠銘多倫多報導 April 01, 2012 加華幹細胞協會與OneMatch幹細胞及骨髓網絡(One Match Stem Cell and Marrow Network)攜手在全加拿大主要華人社區聯合舉辦的「331全國華人幹細胞登記行動」,於31日在多倫多中區的龍城商場、密西沙加市的Catholic Crosscultural Services、士嘉堡地區的愛靜閣商場及錦繡中華商場、萬錦市的萬錦廣場等五處地點同時登場。 率領義工參與活動的「燃動青年Across U-hub」行政總監黃鳳玲表示,其實青年對於社會都懷報熱忱且樂於奉獻,只是欠缺一個發揮的機會與支持的平台。從參與幹細胞捐贈的行動中,除了享受幫助人的快樂,同時學習到組織活動與溝通協調的能力。因此在經過與幹細胞協會多次合作後,燃動青年組織成員報名參與的人數,一年比一年踴躍。 OneMatch器官移植聯絡專家MaryLynn Pride指出,相較於四年前首度舉辦幹細胞捐贈的宣導活動,現今華人登記捐贈的人數較以往上升七倍,而且在每次的宣導活動之後,總會出現新一批的登記捐贈潮。雖然從登記的情況看來女性比男性多,但可喜的是,在不斷的宣導之下,有許多的華人家長更會鼓勵家中的年輕子弟加入登記捐贈的行列,而這也可視為觀念上的進步。舉辦地點之一的錦繡中華商場,自上午11時即有市民前往做口腔幹細胞的收集登記,而主辦單位除安排主題創作新歌發表及心得分享的演說,同時還有青年義工邀請市民折紙並寫下祝福語句,在會後致贈給等待幹細胞移植的病患。整個活動共有數百位市民到場支持。