Monday, July 11, 2011
中國房地產如何與醫藥結合--中國奧園地產集團 !
New, safer breast cancer screening device introduced 2011/07/11 The prototype of the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research's newest PET breast cancer screening equipment is demonstrated at a press conference in Taipei yesterday. The new machine is expected to hit the market in four to five years. The institute said the first locally developed PET instrument solely dedicated to breast cancer screening possessed the advantages of accuracy, comfort and lower cost compared with current screening tools. The device can be used to screen for preliminary breast cancer as well as to track following treatment for breast cancer. Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of death globally and the leading cause of death among Taiwanese women. The incidence of breast cancer in Taiwan is the second-highest in Asia, said Jan Meei-ling (詹美齡), a researcher at the institute.
CURRENT PROCESSES Mammography is the currently recognized procedure for screening breast cancer in Taiwan, using low-energy X-rays to examine the breasts, said Tzen Kai-Yuan (曾凱元), director at National Taiwan University Hospital's Department of Nuclear Medicine. If suspected masses are found, a cell or tissue sample is then taken for a biopsy, he said.However, Asian women tend to have less fat in their breasts and higher breast density, making it more difficult to effectively screen breast cancer through mammography, which often leads to erroneous diagnoses, Jan said, adding that several women complained about the pain caused by mammography screening and feared having a biopsy.
SAFETY, AFFORDABILITY Although the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique or a conventional whole-body PET are sometimes used for improving diagnoses for breast cancer during second-phase screening, the cost of an MRI and the radiation dosage of traditional PETs are still relatively high compared with the newly developed breast PET, Jan said. Both tools also have lower accuracy, she said. The institute said the new PET screening instrument would cost only one-fourth to one-sixth of an MRI and could reduce up to 70 percent of the radiation dose used in a conventional whole-body PET. Moreover, a research study on breast PET in the US last year showed it could increase screening accuracy by 26 percent. The institute estimated that more than 30,000 women in Taiwan would benefit from the new technology and avoid an unnecessary biopsy. Thorough evaluations by the Department of Health and hospitals will be required before the device is employed in hospitals for regular use, Tzen said, adding that he estimated four or five years would be needed before it is adopted. The institute said it was optimistic about the development of the new instrument, saying that all the components were made by local manufacturers and could have a positive impact on technological development.
台灣也有進口Navelbine注射劑 (溫諾平注射液: 友華代理)
Navelbine注射劑回收2011-07-12 【明報專訊】衛生署昨宣布,藥商友華股份有限公司自願回收一款名為Navelbine的注射劑(註冊編號:HK-44009)3個批次的藥劑產品,該藥品由法國生產商Pierre Fabre Medicament製造,早前測試後發現某些批次的產品含有的降解物有超標的傾向。3個在本港須回收的批號為1P109、P507及P508,衛生署至今沒有接獲有關使用該產品後產生不良反應的報告。批發商已設立熱線電話2578 7080,由星期一至五上午9時至下午6時接受查詢。
批發商回收3批次Navelbine注射劑 星島日報 –衞生署同意持牌藥物批發商友華股份有限公司,自願回收一款名為「Navelbine」注射劑的三個批次,因該藥品的法國生產商Pierre Fabre Medicament,早前發現某些批次產品含有的降解物S/D6有超標的傾向,因此宣布進行全球回收受影響的批次。「Navelbine」注射劑是處方藥,用作治療肺癌及乳癌。三個需回收的批次為10mg/1ml(批號:1P109)、50mg/5ml(批號:P507)及50mg/5ml(批號:P508)。這些產品已分發至公立醫院、私家醫院及私家醫生,衞生署至今並沒有收到有關使用該產品後產生不良反應的報告。根據急性毒性研究,S/D6的潛在毒性與「Navelbine」注射劑的有效成分一樣,然而,即或S/D6出現有可能超標的傾向,產品經再次測試後其S/D6水平仍屬產品規格之內。批發商已設立熱線電話2578 7080,由星期一至五上午九時至下午六時解答市民查詢。
香港回收Pierre Fabre Medicament製造 友華代理Navelbine注射劑 !!
回收治肺癌乳癌注射劑2011-07-11 明報 用作治療肺癌及乳癌的「Navelbine」注射劑品質出現問題,批發商決定回收。衛生署今日稱,同意持牌藥物批發商友華股份有限公司自願回收「Navelbine」注射劑(註冊編號:HK-44009)三個批次的藥劑產品,該藥品的法國生產商Pierre Fabre Medicament早前檢視恆常穩定性測試數據,發現某些批次的產品含有的降解物S/D6(即epoxyvinorelbine或vinorelbine-3,6-ether)有超標的傾向,因此宣布進行全球回收受影響的批次。S/D6為藥物主要降解物。根據法國生產商的調查結果,S/D6出現超標的傾向是源自生產該藥物一批的原料「酒石酸」,因為該些「酒石酸」含鐵量較高。在香港,有三個批次的藥物曾使用該批「酒石酸」生產,因此需作回收。根據急性毒性研究,S/D6的潛在毒性與「Navelbine」注射劑的有效成分一樣,然而,即或S/D6出現有可能超標的傾向,產品經再次測試後其S/D6水平仍屬產品規格之內。在香港,「Navelbine」注射劑是處方藥,在本港銷售的產品有兩款包裝,即為10mg/1ml及50mg/5ml。三個在本港須回收的批次為: 1)Navelbine注射劑10mg/1ml(批號:1P109)2)Navelbine注射劑50mg/5ml(批號:P507)3)Navelbine注射劑50mg/5ml(批號:P508)該些產品已分發至公立醫院、私家醫院及私家醫生。衛生署至今並沒有接獲有關使用該產品後產生不良反應的報告。批發商已設立熱線電話2578 7080,由星期一至五上午九時至下午六時解答市民查詢。醫護人員及零售商應停止向病人供應有關批次的產品。曾使用該產品的市民如有疑問或感不適,應請教醫護人員。
Gov't urged to set plasticizer TDI standards
The China Post June 14, 2011 The Department of Health (DOH) announced yesterday that the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of plasticizers will be set in accordance with European Union standards. The announcement was made as experts urged the DOH to define also the TDI for various foods, starting with fatty foods and animal organs. The decision was taken at a DOH-organized meeting of experts on June 11, said director of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Kang Chao-chau (康照洲). The meeting decided on the TDI for the five kinds of plasticizers prevalently used on a daily basis, Kang said He added that the public should self-monitor its plasticizer intake until the official announcement regarding TDI standards is made. Lin Chieh-liang (林杰樑), head of the Clinical Toxicology Division of the Linkou Branch Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, suggested that the government should define standard TDI values for all food products. He said that in this way, the public could easily monitor its daily plasticizer intake. Kang agreed but said that there is no quick solution, adding that such standards could only be defined after the national dietary habits and environmental background values have been examined. He used water and beverages as examples, saying that if the plasticizer environmental background value for such products was measured to be 1 part per million (ppm), when a sample of a product is found to contain 2 or 3 ppm of plasticizer, investigation should focus on figuring out and dealing with the process that caused the product to be contaminated by the extra ppm. Lin spoke of the difficulties the government could face setting plasticizers' TDI standard. He said contamination involves not only the pollution level of the environment but also handling of the product. He said that the suggested plasticizer TDI for a product could easily change once the product is placed in a plastic container or is microwaved. Lin suggested that the government start by announcing TDI reference values for various foods. Hong Kong has done similarly, Lin said, adding that certain ramen noodles had been taken off shelves when they were found to have 53 times more plasticizers than the TDI standard. The government should start setting the TDI with greasy foods, such as animal organs, a favorite among Taiwanese, Lin said, noting that plasticizers are lipid-soluble. Lee Ching-chang (李俊璋), a professor at the National Cheng Kung University Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Medical College, suggested that the government also publish a booklet that features tutorials regarding how to lower exposure to plasticizers, including avoiding microwaving plastic containers.
若訂食物含塑限量標準 台灣將獨步全球 2011/6/21全國食品安全會議今天(21日)召開。衛生署食品藥物管理局局長康照洲在會議中指出,台灣若訂定「食物含塑化劑的限量標準」,將會以嬰兒食品和包裝飲用水為優先。康照洲表示,若實施限量措施,台灣將是全球第一個對食品含塑化劑訂定限量標準的國家。塑化劑風暴讓政府總動員。衛生署21日召開全國食品安全會議,會中討論未來食品安全的政策方向。衛生署食品藥物管理局局長康照洲在會議中指出,政府將在1年內完成「食物含塑化劑的限量標準」背景值調查,並著手訂定標準,嬰幼兒食品與包裝飲用水將是優先項目。康照洲表示,台灣如果訂定食品含塑化劑的限量標準,將是全球第一個訂標準的國家。康照洲說:『(原音)現在世界各國沒有人有訂這個標準,我們會找這個包裝飲料跟嬰兒食品先來看看。我們第一個當然會做它的那個製造過程的一個了解;第二個就是來做一些背景值的調查,先會訂一個暫行的標準,然後看看大家有什麼意見。』康照洲進一步指出,相較其他食物,包裝飲用水很容易一次大量食用,可能造成較大危害;嬰幼兒則是受環境賀爾蒙影響的高危險群,因此這2項有先行的必要。康照洲強調,每種食物的製作過程不同,因此包裝飲料、麵包、膠囊不可能訂定同一個標準,政府會在聽取專家意見、召開公聽會之後訂定適當的規範。
楊志良獸醫風暴 下台階在哪?!
楊志良獸醫風暴 引發加重誹謗罪或登報道歉&下架修改!
獸醫告楊志良 求償一元 2011-7-12 自由電子報 前衛生署長楊志良出版新書,將沒醫德的惡醫師比喻成「獸醫」,引發獸醫界不滿。中華民國獸醫師公會全聯會理事長郭丑哲昨天上午代表十六位獸醫師,至台北地院訴請楊賠償每人各一元,並在自由時報等四報道歉,且將新書下架,修改不當字眼後再出版。
再不道歉 24個獸醫公會都將提告 台北市獸醫師公會理事長楊靜宇等人也在台北地院前高喊「捍衛獸醫師權益,楊志良道歉!」郭丑哲指出,楊志良的論點,對獸醫師是很大的傷害,若楊志良再不道歉,全國獸醫界不排除採取更激烈的行動。郭丑哲說,楊志良的「獸醫」說法,嚴重汙衊獸醫師尊嚴;楊靜宇則表示,楊志良的言論對於就讀獸醫系的學生、培育獸醫師的老師也是極大侮辱。台中市獸醫師公會、台南市獸醫師公會昨也北上聲援,並將另在台中及台南提告。郭丑哲說,若楊志良再不道歉,預計全國二十四個獸醫師公會,都會對楊志良提告。郭丑哲指出,全聯會原在七月五日的記者會中請楊志良三天內回應及道歉,但未獲善意回應;如今期限已到,決定提民事告訴。另譚大倫、林政毅、翁伯源三名獸醫師七月八日已向士林地檢署控告楊志良涉嫌刑事加重誹謗罪。
楊志良無意見 仍未表達歉意 對於獸醫師提告,楊志良昨僅簡短表示「沒有意見」,但還是沒有表達歉意。
幹細胞人造器官 開啟世界首頁!!
"幹細胞造"人工氣管移植首獲成功 2011年07月11日 10來源: 新華國際 用生物反應器制造器官———這一直是科學家和醫生們多年來的夢想。雖然我們這裏捐獻器官的人越來越多,但每年仍有數千位病人在等待合適的捐獻器官。人工培育的組織可以成為他們的希望———由病人自己的細胞培育,這樣就可以避免免疫係統發生可怕的排斥反應。實驗室的人工組織培育工程發展迅速。這個專業名叫組織工程:6月9日,醫生們在斯德哥爾摩首次為一位患者成功移植了量身定做的人工氣管。氣管的組織支架是人造的,組織本身則是由病人的幹細胞培養的。卡羅琳醫學院國際外科醫生團隊負責人保羅‧馬基亞裏尼周五宣布,這名36歲的病人正在康復之中。手術一個月後可以出院。卡羅琳醫學院稱,這一手術的成功在醫學史上尚屬首次。倫敦大學學院的醫生們制造了人工氣管支架,它由特殊納米復合材料組成。醫生們在支架上放置了主要取自病人骨髓的幹細胞。為了讓細胞在人工氣管中生長,必須使用波士頓一家公司研制的特殊生物反應器。該反應器模倣了自然的血液循環情況。馬基亞裏尼過去也為其他病人做過氣管移植手術。但那時的情況有所不同:使用的是死亡捐獻者的器官。現在,科學家們希望開辟新的治療前景。卡羅琳醫學院強調,組織工程尤其對兒童患者來說具有很大優勢,因為幾乎沒有捐獻的氣管可供兒童患者使用。
原料藥廠神隆 上市後能維持30倍本益比嗎?! (旭富 台耀 盯著看!!)
生技類股過去3年7月多上漲 【2011/07/11 經濟日報】永豐投顧指出,觀察過去三年上市及上櫃生技類股各月股價表現,7月多以上漲居多,主要是反映台灣一年一度生技展題材效應,今年生技展將於7/21~7/24 登場,此次展覽主題包括美容醫學、生技保健、設備及儀器,預計將對相關廠商股價帶來激勵,另原料藥龍頭廠神隆亦將於第三季底掛牌上市,其目前興櫃本益比逾30倍,高於上市櫃原料藥廠20~25倍,預期神隆的掛牌將有助提升上市櫃原料藥廠商的評價,首選2012年成長動能佳之中化生(1762)及台耀(4746), 目標價分別為106元及165元。
Boost Taiwan and Germany technology cooperation
Taiwan invites German researchers to cooperate on science2011/07/11 16:27:48 Berlin, July 10 (CNA) A delegation, composed of Taiwan's National Science Council (NSC) officials, has visited technology research centers and academic organizations in Germany in recent days, with the aim of promoting further technology cooperation between Taiwan and Germany. The delegation, led by NSC Minister Lee Lou-chuan, first visited the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) at Heidelberg. The center's Professor Harald zur Hausen was the 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine. He also won the 2011 Dr. Tu Tsung-ming Outstanding Research Award, the highest prize Taiwan's government bestows to foreign scholars. Lee invited Prof. Hausen to attend the award ceremony scheduled for next year. The NSC signed a cooperation with Germany's Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) to establish the Dr. Tu Tsung-ming award in 2007 with the aim of increasing bilateral cooperation in the sciences. The group also paid a visit to Achim Bachem, chairman of the Jich Research Center. The center is one of the largest interdisciplinary research centers in Europe, and has closely cooperated with Taiwan. The research center will assemble a delegation to visit Taiwan this September. During a visit to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which has signed many agreements with the NSC, Lee met with DAAD's Secretary General Dorothea Lueland. Lee expressed his hope that Taiwanese research groups can conduct exchange programs with Germany's top universities in the future. Lee also visited the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He thanked Johann-Dietrich Wooerner, chairman of DLR, for his institution's aid to Taiwan to help the island develop satellites. He also pointed out that Taiwan's satellites have provided obervations about weather and natural disasters to research centers around the world, and he will be happy to see more cooperation with Germany.
另類醫學結合現代科技 讓證據說話!
國際生物能學術高峰會 七月登場 2011/07/11 【台北訊】2011年國際生物能學術高峰會暨博覽會7月16、17日在台北市政府地下一樓舉行,邀請觀光醫療和休閒保健領域專家,進行30場講座及12場演講。籌備會主席林雄曾於三軍總醫院服務21年,深感主流醫學的不足,於是開始研究各種療法,對氣功、武術、能量醫學、量子醫學均有涉獵。今年3月,林雄邀集國內外生物能學者,舉行台灣第一場匯集各類自然醫學的高峰論壇,包括能量醫學、中醫藥、整復推拿、氣功、營養學、武術、遠紅外線溫熱療法、觀光醫療、休閒保健、風水、命理、祝由、宗教、量子儀器、能量儀器、未來醫學、再生醫學等領域,由各界專家發表論文,並開放討論,希望達到「異業為師,創新交流」。林雄認為,生物能醫學可補西醫之不足,是未來的顯學。舉辦高峰會是希望「各取所長」,師法西醫的實證精神,用儀器幫助中醫、民俗療法和整復醫學等,將不易感知的「氣」和「靈」,顯現成看得到的色澤和數據。高峰會安排古琴演奏、原住民舞蹈、梅門和太極門表演,林雄說:「現代武術不僅可強身,結合音樂、舞蹈後,別具一格的美感,更將武術提升到『文化』的境界。」
交大開發高階醫材: 人工電子視網膜晶片
生技展21日登場 485廠商參展2011-07-12 中國時報 台灣生技大展將於本月21日至24日在世貿一館展出,約有485個廠商參加,展出攤位歷年新高950個,規模為亞太之最,其中,23日登場的大中華兩岸生技商機對接論壇,邀請大陸69家企業與會,有一半以上都是大陸掛牌公司,這次參展的有,美吾華(1731)、懷特(4108)、中天(4128)、杏輝(1734)、東洋(4105)、濟生(4114)、景岳(3164)等國內廠商均參展,國外參展廠商約10個,來自澳洲、荷蘭、加拿大等國家。 23日參加兩岸對接論壇的69家大陸業者,包括知名的中郵醫藥、山東東阿阿膠、西安藻露堂藥業集團、百色市吉豐藥業連鎖、山東康源大藥房連鎖、山東燕喜堂醫藥連鎖、山東聯眾醫藥連鎖等廠商。另外,今年生技展大會之星,是交通大學智慧型仿生系統研究中心「人工電子視網膜晶片」,在視網膜下植入晶片,未來可應用於醫學界,使患者揮別黑暗重見光明,目前已成功進行初步動物實驗,預2-3年進入人體試驗。