生醫業者陸續出走 台股警訊 2018-01-18 經濟日報 記者黃文奇/台北報導 生醫股「人在台灣心在美」,生醫公司陸續出走,除了健永、喜康-
Friday, January 19, 2018
(台微體/ 亞獅康) 台灣生醫股 發行ADR
(金可集團 蔡國洲) 創業&併購: 東方光學鏡架/美Hydron/永勝隱形眼鏡/雙美生技/海昌生化/善德生技
金可集團董事長蔡國洲 垂直整合光學產業鏈 2018年1月15日 工商時報【劉朱松】以「企業家奧林匹克」之名享譽全球的《
5大事業群 版圖橫跨歐亞 金可集團的事業群,涵蓋品牌眼鏡、隱形眼鏡、醫藥生化、
投入生技產業 10年有成 集團不只在眼鏡事業布局,早在2006年已投入生化科技產業。
(Nature Communications)中研院 郭紘志 副研究員 解密circular RNAs (circBIRC6)於幹細胞功能 !!!
中研院發現環形RNA 控制多功能幹細胞 耗費4年證實 幹細胞中環形RNA非錯誤 降低遺傳變異腫瘤形成 助癌症藥物發展 2018-1-3 醫藥新聞 可以幫助器官再生的多功能幹細胞,在過去的研究中,
The circular RNA circBIRC6 participates in the molecular circuitry controlling human pluripotency Nature Communications 8, Article number: 1149 (2017) Accumulating evidence indicates that circular RNAs (circRNAs) are abundant in the human transcriptome. However, their involvement in biological processes, including pluripotency, remains mostly undescribed. We identified a subset of circRNAs that are enriched in undifferentiated human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and demonstrated that two, circBIRC6 and circCORO1C, are functionally associated with the pluripotent state. Mechanistically, we found that circBIRC6 is enriched in the AGO2 complex and directly interacts with microRNAs, miR-34a, and miR-145, which are known to modulate target genes that maintain pluripotency. Correspondingly, circBIRC6 attenuates the downregulation of these target genes and suppresses hESC differentiation. We further identified hESC-enriched splicing factors (SFs) and demonstrated that circBIRC6 biogenesis in hESCs is promoted by the SF ESRP1, whose expression is controlled by the core pluripotency-associated factors, OCT4 and NANOG. Collectively, our data suggest that circRNA serves as a microRNA "sponge" to regulate the molecular circuitry, which modulates human pluripotency and differentiation.
Introduction Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are closed RNA transcripts, generated by back-splicing of a single pre-mRNA. In this process, the 5 terminus is covalently linked to the 3′terminus, resulting in a scrambled exon order. The first circRNA was identified in the early 1990s1, however, in the subsequent two decades, only a few additional circRNAs were reported1,2,3. These circular transcripts were originally considered errors or byproducts of splicing, but with the emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS), circRNAs are now known to be abundant and conserved among various biological systems. Moreover, the expression of circRNAs has recently been shown to be tissue specific and regulated in different biological processes, such as epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) and brain development4,5,6. The biogenesis of individual circRNAs must be tightly controlled to produce these expression profiles, and studies on circRNA generation indicate that both cis-elements and trans-acting factors are involved in regulating biogenesis. Cis-elements, such as canonical splicing sites, GU-AG, are necessary for circRNA biogenesis7, and complementary base-pair sequences in the flanking introns (e.g., Alu elements) also contribute to promoting circRNA formation by bringing two distal introns together8, 9. Trans-factors, such as SFs (e.g., Muscleblind and Quaking), interact with the flanking introns of circRNAs to regulate circRNA synthesis5, 10. Thus, it has become clear that the biogenesis of circRNAs is tightly regulated in different biological processes to allow them to fulfill their regulatory roles. However, these regulatory roles are still largely unknown. The biological functioning of circRNAs was first described by Memczak et al.6 and Hansen et al.11, who demonstrated that circRNAs can act as microRNA "sponges" to regulate gene expression. Since then, various functional roles have been reported for circRNAs in controlling biological processes12,13,14, suggesting that circRNAs may have important roles in widespread cellular functions. Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), which are derived from the pluripotent inner cell mass of preimplantation blastocysts, have the capacity for unlimited self-renewal and pluripotency, giving rise to many cell types in the human body15. A functional analysis of the core pluripotency-associated transcription factors (PATFs), NANOG, OCT4, and SOX2, has revealed that they are indispensable for the maintenance of pluripotency in hESCs16. In addition to transcription factors, non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which have little or no protein-coding potential, have also been shown to have important roles in pluripotency maintenance. For example, small ncRNAs (less than 200 nucleotides), such as the microRNAs (miRNAs), miR-302/367, and miR-372 clusters, repress the expression of differentiation-related genes in hESCs17. Conversely, miR-34a and miR-145 are known to repress pluripotency-associated genes to promote in vitro differentiation of hESCs18, 19. In addition, long ncRNAs (lncRNAs; more than 200 nucleotides), such as lncRNA-ES1 and lncRNA-ROR, repress hESC differentiation by recruiting the polycomb repressive complex, PRC2, and inhibiting miRNA activity, respectively20, 21. Furthermore, the trans-spliced lncRNA, tsRMST, has recently been demonstrated to promote the undifferentiated status of hESCs by repressing early lineage-associated transcription factors22 and WNT signaling23 through the PRC2 complex. These studies clearly establish the importance of ncRNAs in pluripotency maintenance; however, a functional role for circRNAs in pluripotency status has not been previously reported. To explore the functional roles of circRNAs in regulating human pluripotency, we identified and validated a subset of hESC-enriched circRNAs. Through gain-of-function and loss-of-function experiments, we further demonstrated that two circRNAs, circBIRC6 and circCORO1C, are functionally associated with pluripotency maintenance and reprogramming. Furthermore, we showed that circBIRC6 is enriched in the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), containing the catalytic subunit AGO2, and promotes the pluripotent state by inhibiting miR-34a-mediated and miR-145-mediated suppression of NANOG, OCT4, and SOX2 expression. Studies on circBIRC6 biogenesis showed that the pluripotency-associated genes NANOG and OCT4 regulate expression of the SF ESRP1 (epithelial-splicing regulatory protein 1), which is responsible for the generation of circBIRC6 in hESCs. Collectively, our results demonstrate that circRNAs participate in the molecular circuitry that controls human pluripotency.
泰福 趙宇天: bio-similar產品價格 不是 生物相似藥市場 唯一考量 (已建銷售團隊)
泰福化療藥 明年商品化 經濟日報 2018-01-18 泰福-KY(6541)昨(17)日召開法說會,
台微體 擬 引大型投資方 加碼發行ADR !!!
生醫業首例 台微體赴美發ADR 聯合新聞網2018-01-18台微體此次發行是第三類ADR,
Globo H抗體(OBI-888) 抑制腫瘤生長 (IND核準執行) 補強 OBI-822癌症疫苗 !!
《生醫股》浩鼎OBI-888 1期臨床試驗申請獲FDA核准 聯合新聞網 2018-01-18 浩鼎生技(4174)開發的單株抗體新藥OBI-888第一期臨
(神隆) 2018策略聯盟收入 成長趨勢
美時 台灣總經理: 辜頌惟 上台 拚 學名藥 銷售 !!
美時與艾威群全面整合 啟動新人事案 中央社 2018年1月16日 上午9:33 (中央社記者韓婷婷台北16日電)
(製藥公會) 專利連結推動 / 政府不信任PICS GMP
平價又有效 製藥公會呼籲支持國產製藥Ghini Shen 2018-01-17台灣製藥產業17日舉辦「
國產藥提供健保總量65% 給付費用不到20% 台灣用藥需求持續增加,為減少政府醫藥費用支出,
製藥公會提五大議題 呼籲政府重視 製藥公會建議政府應重視五大議題:(一)
國產學名藥廠展實力,力抗藥品專利連結制度 匯流新聞網 2018/01/17匯流新聞網記者胡照鑫/
(中央大學 徐沺 院長)科技部 創新轉譯 主軸計畫: 單細胞層級 腎巨噬細胞族群分析(腎臟發炎及癌症標靶之探索) 3年: 1000萬/年_質譜細胞分析儀
非大聯盟生醫團隊 中大腎癌標靶計畫預防醫學新亮光 2018-01-17 11:53聯合報 記者馮靖惠╱即時報導 科技部推動大型「創新轉譯研究主軸推動計畫」,去年全國僅6件計
精準醫學前哨 掌握單一免疫細胞之特性 中央大學表示,徐沺所組的團隊,整合中央研究院、台大醫院、
掌握動物模式 步步為營的科學驗證 該團隊另一研究利基就是掌握「動物模式」,將老鼠的基因改變,
另闢蹊徑 在非傳統生醫學系中脫穎而出 中央大學表示,根據美國腎臟登錄系統(USRDS)2016年報
重大消息 因實務而異 !!
實務適用爭議頗多 本案中首應注意者,乃何種消息屬於《證交法》第157條之1所謂
多不確定法律概念 電影《寒戰》中,
(台灣生技股) 金管會 多元上市櫃掛牌 市值or淨值ok 即可申請上市櫃
金穎慧智 1月22日新兵報到 準櫃買生技新兵2018年01月18日 04:09 工商時報 劉家熙/台北報導 金管會為推動多元上市櫃掛牌,凡「市值」或「淨值」
新光醫院 洪子仁副院長: 醫療法修法 (量身訂做) 對自我管理良好 醫療財團法人 不公允 !!
長庚條款醫療法將闖關 除台塑集團受影響 還有3家上 鉅亨網2018/01/16 俗稱「長庚條款」的醫療法修正案今(2018)年將闖關,將牽動
(黃勝堅 院長) 醫療偏鄉: 台北市老公寓二樓以上住戶
陽大論壇:有病早揪出 訪視老人在地衛教 2018-01-18 00:06聯合報 記者陳雨鑫╱即時報導 根據內政部去年統計,宜蘭縣人口平均年齡為七十九歲,
台北市BOT案 (南港生技產業聚落): 世正南港生技園區聯盟
南港生技產業聚落甄審、議約完成 預計4月簽約、今年動工 2018/01/17 20:45台北市政府配合中央規劃國家級生技產業廊帶,
張念慈 研發新藥 必背的十字架 ! 現在灰心還太早了~~
專訪張念慈:解盲只是一個小挫敗,新藥研 鉅亨網2018/01/16 21:22 解盲風暴後,睽違將近兩年,浩鼎 (4174-TW) 董事長張念慈首次接受媒體訪問。官司風暴的這段時間,
張念慈:我對台灣生技有信心! 其次就是我們自己的競爭力,張念慈表示,他之前也不只一次提過,
藥華 台中廠 獲 歐洲GMP (EMA: INS-482689-0001-001/原料藥Ropeginterferon alfa-2b)
藥華醫藥 發言日期107/01/17 發言時間18:04:10 發言人黃正谷 發言人職稱總經理 發言人電話02-26557688主旨 公告本公司台中廠已獲歐洲藥物管理局 (EMA) 及台灣衛生福利部認定通過優良製造規範 (GMP) 證書 符合條款 第51款 事實發生日107/01/17 說明1.事實發生日:107/01/17 2.公司名稱:藥華醫藥股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):本公司4.相互持股比
慕康生醫 執行長(黃旭仁) 公開說明: 華豐爆炒股疑雲
慕康生醫 發言日期107/01/17 發言時間20:37:40 發言人黃旭仁(執行長) 發言人職稱 執行長 發言人電話2641-5398 主旨 有關107年01月17日鉅亨網新聞中心報導而予以說明 符合條款 第51款 事實發生日107/01/17 說明1.事實發生日:107/01/17 2.公司名稱:慕康生技醫藥股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):本公司4.相互持股比
交大張懋中 校長: 研究型大學 目標 學產落差 (引領產業) !!!
交大校長:只看論文、小鍋小灶 無法追求格局 2018-01-17 14:27聯合晚報 記者馮靖惠/台北報導交通大學校長張懋中表示,
健保署&中華電信 (鄭優 董事長): 佈建基層診所HIS醫療資訊系統升級 (2萬家)
中華電強攻智慧醫療 2018-01-18 00:10經濟日報 記者黃晶琳/台北報導 電信龍頭中華電信(2412)積極搶進智慧醫療,
元旦起醫院檢驗檢查報告上雲端 跨院看病免燒光碟 2018/01/17跨院看病,不必再燒光碟!
尖端醫&醣聯 合作 CAR-T抗醣抗體
尖端醫 發言日期107/01/18 發言時間15:43:10 發言人蘇文龍 發言人職稱董事長 發言人電話(02)2692-6222 主旨 公告本公司與台灣醣聯生技醫藥股份有限公司簽訂共同開發協議 符合條款 第8款 事實發生日107/01/18 說明1.事實發生日:107/01/18 2.契約或承諾相對人:台灣醣聯生技醫藥股份有限公司 3.與公司關係:法人董事 4.契約或承諾起迄日期(或解除日期):107/01/18 5.主要內容(解除者不適用):結合台灣醣聯特殊抗醣抗體及尖端
針灸 改善 認知障礙 (失智症): 百會穴/四神聰/神庭穴/氣海穴/足三里
中醫針藥可延緩失智病程 好醫師新聞網 2018/01/18 台北報導 隨著老年人口的快速增加,失智症(Dementia)已成為日益
健保署 境外核退下修: 門診920元/ 急診2681元/ 住院5721元
國外看病健保核退今年起縮水 門診最多退920元 2018/01/17在國外自墊醫療費,
衛生局: 淡水 陽光康復之家 將由新 機構接手 照顧
精神病友康復之家評鑑未過 抗議稱黑箱作業 2018-01-18 17:13 〔記者陳心瑜/新北報導〕新北市淡水區服務慢性精神病友的陽光康
私校法 窒礙難行: 萬年董事長/ 萬年董事/ 萬年董事會 !!
高醫大校長遴選黑箱 陳永興:私校董事像北韓王朝 民報 程士華/台北報導 2018年1月18日 高雄醫學大學日前進行校長遴選,過程幾乎僅由董事會主導,
營餘存起來? 校董主動限縮教育經費 藍傳盛也指出,不只是校長遴選,