Wednesday, July 6, 2011

孫璐西懂為官之道 拒楊志良提副署長之邀!!

楊志良點名副署長 孫璐西:沒這根筋 2011-07-06 新聞速報 【台灣醒報】 前衛生署長楊志良昨天在出版的新書「拚公義,沒有好走的路」記者會中,點名曾邀請台大食品科技所孫璐西教授擔任副署長,負責監督食品安全業務卻遭拒,主因是孫璐西認為當官「沒尊嚴」。但孫璐西今天接受本報獨家專訪時笑說:「這不是我辭任的主因,主要還是我有自知之明:沒有當官那根筋。」前衛生署長楊志良昨天在出書記者會中說:「在現在的社會中,政務官根本沒有尊嚴」,他透露,曾邀請台大食品科技研究所教授孫璐西擔任衛生署副署長,卻被拒絕,除政務官錢少、事多、責任重外,「沒有尊嚴」是主要原因。不過孫璐西受訪時回想20098月,楊志良出任衛生署長時就曾邀她擔任副署長,共有兩度。其實她與楊前署長完全不認識,楊前署長應該是聽了前行政院副院長劉兆玄的介紹來找她的。   她說,楊前署長當初跟她說,衛生署缺少食品界的人,而且馬總統很重視食品安全,她是主要教食品安全的教授,非常適合接任。她笑說:「楊前署長不了解我,如果了解,他就不會來找我了!」作為前行政院長孫運璿女兒的孫璐西早知為官不易,她說:「我父親能犧牲奉獻,又有媽媽為後盾,讓他沒有後顧之憂。」她說,她很佩服做官的人,她個人沒有這麼偉大的熱誠,只能管好自己。   孫璐西坦言,並不是因為「沒尊嚴」才拒絕去衛生署,主要是她自覺沒「那根筋」,她說:「我是個太憨直的人,不適合當官。」另外一個主因,是她正在籌備一項國際食品界盛事:預計在今年11月舉辦的「2011食品保健因子大會」,將有一千多位來自各國的營養師與醫師參加。她說,台灣上次主辦這場盛會是1980年,她才剛進台大任教,睽違三十餘年後,才再度輪到台灣主辦,對兩年後將要退休的她而言,是她的「畢業演出」,她必須全力投入。另外,她手上有兩位博士生、四位碩士生要指導,她也無法撇下不管。  「我不記得我說過『沒尊嚴』的話。至少,那不是我拒絕楊前署長的主要原因,」孫璐西說。

中國外包服務市場營業額35.1億美金(year 2010)

尚華醫藥榮膺"中國十大服務外包領軍企業" 2011/06/17上海2011616 /美通社亞洲/ -- 植根中國、全球領先的生物醫藥研發外包服務企業 -- 尚華醫藥研發服務集團(紐交所上市代碼:SHP)(以下簡稱"尚華醫藥"),616宣布其榮列國家商務部評選出的"2011中國十大服務外包領軍企業"榜單。這一備受關注的榜單在20116910日于南京舉行的第四屆中國國際服務外包合作大會上正式揭曉。據商務部數據統計2010年中國服務外包市場營業額同比增長了14.3%,達35.1億美金﹔其中十強領軍企業的營業額占比超過50%,彰顯了對外包服務行業整體的強大支撐和引領作用。此次評選以企業2010年總營業額、離岸外包營業額、員工規模、員工人均營業額為核心衡量指標,十強企業所涉及外包服務領域主要集中在醫藥和保健、IT 和軟件開發、服務制造、政府、教育、金融六大領域。尚華醫藥是醫藥保健領域唯一兩家獲此殊榮的企業之一。"我們非常榮幸獲得商務部的認可,"尚華醫藥董事長兼首席執行官惠欣先生表示。"尚華醫藥創業發展近10年,一直致力于促成全球新藥研發產業趨勢與中國丰富的人才和不斷完善的創新資源之間優勢對接。我們很榮幸作為直接參與者,推動和見証了中國生物醫藥研發外包服務產業的興起和快速發展。尚華醫藥及我們的業內同仁正為著同一個愿景不懈努力,那就是在醫藥保健領域,中國完全能夠打造成自己的、世界級的知識和創新密集型的服務企業和品牌。我們十分感謝商務部、上海各級商務部門對尚華醫藥,乃至整個外包行業的鼎力支持。在政府和社會各界未來持續支持下,我們將繼續努力提升專業服務能力,優化人才團隊和企業運營,以更好地服務于全球客戶為本,并為中國的醫藥產業和經濟貢獻更大力量。"


全球生物標記市場達198.6億美金(year 2015)

The Biomarkers Market Generated $14.18bn In 2010 LONDON, June 28, 2011 /PRNewswire/ London. UK. 28 June 2011. A new report by visiongain, a London-based business information provider, predicts that the global biomarkers market will be worth $19.86bn in 2015. The market generated $14.18bn in 2010, according to Biomarkers: Technological and Commercial Outlook 2011-2021, published in June 2011. A biomarker can be defined as a factor that can be measured with precision and that reflects a normal biological process or a therapeutic response. Biomarkers have great utility in the pharmaceutical industry as they can be used to deduce the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships of therapies as well as help in the determination of drug efficacy. This market has significant potential for growth because the utility of biomarkers spans all therapeutic areas and their use directly affects our ability to diagnose and monitor disease progression. The report analyst says: "Accurate non-invasive methods for monitoring and quantifying the concentrations of biomarkers are vital for the early diagnosis of disease. At present, there is significant research activity in the discovery of novel biomarkers for a range of diseases. Over the course of the decade, the emphasis will gradually shift from biomarker discovery to biomarker validation. A key market driver will be patient stratification, especially for therapeutic areas such as oncology, where the disease is highly heterogeneous." Visiongain's research suggests that the world biomarkers market will benefit from the manufacture of non-invasive methods for imaging biomarkers. The fields of genomics and proteomics will lead to new insights about disease mechanisms and facilitate the discovery of biomarkers. Visiongain predicts that this market will grow steadily to 2021. The future of the biomarkers market looks promising. As the field of biomarker research matures, patient stratification will become routine. This new report complements visiongain's wide range of analytical reports in healthcare and other industries.


重慶博騰制藥投1.3 入駐水土"藥谷" 20110614 07:24華龍網-重慶晨報 两江新区的水土高新园区将打造中国的"药谷"。昨日,"药谷"又多了一名新成员,重庆博腾制药科技股份公司投资1.3 亿元,在水土建新药服务外包基地。位于水土的新药服务外包基地规划在5年内完成。其中投资1.3亿的一期项目为"研发中心",总建筑面积约2.5万平方 米,建设工期2年,集工艺开发、分析检测、生物催化、工艺放大等功能于一体。此次博腾的进入,将吸引更多全球跨国制药公司将新药的研发与生产投放到重庆,对重庆医药产业的快速发展将起到积极的推动作用。


布局生物科技 博腾制药全球新药服务外包基地开建  20110613  新华网重庆频道613电(彭博)今日上午,全球知名医药定制研发生产服务提供商--重庆博腾制药研发项目在水土高新园开工。项目建成后,将吸引越来越多跨国制药公司将其新药的研发与生产投放至重庆。   据介绍,博腾制药作为国内领先的医药定制研发生产企业,其服务领域遍布全球--世界前15大制药公司中,有11家选择其作为医药定制研发生产服务的提供商。  这次在渝兴建的博腾新药服务外包基地规划在五年内完成,其中开工的一期项目为"研发中心建设项目",总建筑面积约2.5万平方米,建设工期2年,着力构筑国内领先、国际一流的创新药物及医药中间体工艺开发平台--将集工艺开发、分析检测、生物摧化、工艺放大等功能于一体。该平台的建设也旨在吸引更多全球跨国制药公司将新药的研发与生产投放至重庆。  目前,两江新区在投资额达50亿元的北大方正产业园基础上引进了复星集团、博腾制药等一批生物医药、医疗器械及制剂外包生产研发企业,意在加速生物制药从制造到研发的全流程整合,使该产业成为该区战略高新技术产业布局的又一枚有力棋子。下一步,两江新区计划通过引进国际生物医药项目、国际医药品牌,打造500亿年产值之国际化生物医药制造基地。

ShangPharma Corporation Named a Top Ten Chinese Outsourcing Enterprise

SHANGHAI, June 16, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- ShangPharma Corporation /quotes/zigman/625014/quotes/nls/shp SHP -0.74% ("ShangPharma" or the "Company"), a leading China-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology research and development outsourcing company, today announced that it has been recognized by China's Ministry of Commerce as one of the Top Ten Leading Outsourcing Enterprises in China. The names of the top ten companies were announced at the Fourth Annual China International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference, held in Nanjing on June 9 and 10, 2011. According to the Ministry of Commerce, revenue generated by Chinese outsourcing companies in 2010 rose 14.3% year-over-year to $3.51 billion. The top ten companies generated more than one half of that revenue, showing their strong leadership in the outsourcing services industry. They are mostly in the healthcare, IT, software & services, manufacturing, government, education and finance sectors. The top-10 ranking is based on gross revenue, offshore business revenue, number of employees and average revenue per employee. ShangPharma was one of the only two companies in healthcare sector. "We are honored to receive this recognition by the Ministry of Commerce," said Mr. Michael Hui, Chairman and CEO of ShangPharma Corporation. "For nearly a decade, ShangPharma has provided a great platform in bridging pioneering global drug research and development trends with China's rich talent and innovative resources. We are proud to be a major player in the fast growing CRO industry in China, and we believe that we are rapidly growing into a world-class company in the pharmaceutical & healthcare industry. We are grateful to the Ministry of Commerce, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, and local commerce authorities for their generous support of ShangPharma and the outsourcing industry in general. With continued support, we plan to strengthen our service capabilities, develop talent, and build our operations. We are looking forward to further growth as we continue to serve our loyal base of customers globally."

About ShangPharma Corporation ShangPharma Corporation is a leading China-based contract research organization providing high-quality and cost-effective services for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. It offers a broad range of high-quality, integrated services across the drug discovery and development process to help international and Chinese pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies discover and develop novel drug candidates efficiently. ShangPharma's services consist of discovery chemistry, discovery biology and preclinical development, pharmaceutical development and biologics services. For more information, please visit .


楊志良出書 期許年輕人行公義  2011/7/6 【記者張雅雯台北報導】前衛生署長楊志良出書,暢談從公衛學者眼中看到的醫界亂象,也分享重懲惡醫、健保改革、新流感事件的施政心得,如同書名《拚公義,沒有好走的路》,他自認有這個心講真話,希望讓社會愈來愈好,也期許年輕人即使追求做自己,也應建立在充足的學識及做人有公義的前提。楊志良昨天舉行新書發表會,他表示常被外界形容過於左派思想,這與困苦的童年有關,因此特別注意到生活困難者的身影,後來接觸到公共衛生,追求的是全民健康,要達到這個目標,必須由社會集體力量來承擔,這正是他眼中的社會公義。他也不客氣點出醫院管理亂象、重懲濫切器官的惡醫與主動調查署醫弊案的過程,他指出的確有部分醫師認為他在傷害醫界,但他強調都是為了維護醫界尊嚴,「自家人清理門戶比較好吧!」否則明知弊端而不處理,反而讓民眾對大部分好的醫界產生質疑。楊志良特別分享一個書中沒有的小故事,當食品藥物管理局成立時,他發現衛生署缺乏食品方面的專家,原本力邀台大食品科技系的教授擔任副署長,但對方婉拒,他笑稱自己也被立法院侮辱了一年半,感嘆台灣的環境過於民粹、擔任政務官沒有尊嚴,所以有能力做事的人不願投入公部門。目前回到大學任教,楊志良觀察現在年輕人很常講「做自己」,他認為做自己其實非常難,但並非想做什麼就做什麼的任性,應具備充足的學識、才不會人云亦云,也要懂做人的道理,那就是站在公義那邊。然而,楊志良描述把病人不當人來醫,會從人醫淪為「獸醫」或「惡醫」,引來獸醫師公會不滿,要求立即道歉、更正內容,否則提告。不過楊志良重申,人醫與獸醫本來就是不同的執業方式,他不認為有講錯,對於提告,他表達遺憾、但不會道歉。


台製面膜大翻身 陸客也瘋狂 2011-07-07 台灣醒報  不只台灣人愛敷面膜,來台旅遊的大陸客也很瘋面膜,除了買鳳梨酥、太陽餅等伴手禮,台灣製的面膜也很受歡迎。包括連鎖藥妝店、便利商店和美妝網站,近日都推出Made in Taiwan的平價面膜,搶攻陸客商機。  陸客來台最愛搶購台灣商品,除了吃的,用的方面最受歡迎竟是台製面膜。據了解,六合夜市、西門町、信義區等陸客愛逛的藥妝門市與專櫃,貨架上的面膜經常被陸客一掃而空,甚至是整箱整箱的搬。高雄六合夜市的「康是美」,也常見陸客擠在櫃台前等候結帳,買的幾乎都是台製面膜。  台製面膜大翻身,主要是因為價格實惠、品質也不遜色。其實,台製面膜原本就有許多台灣消費者愛戴。像台灣本地的維納斯生技公司熱銷的煥采柔膚面膜,就曾榮獲「國家品質保證頂級金牌獎」和「中華民國消費者協會第一品牌」雙重肯定。  該產品強調使用獨特的抗氧化配方艾地苯(IDB)、胜?撫紋因子、綠茶萃取精華等高科技成份,標榜可以有效提升肌膚活力、延緩肌膚老化,不論價格或成份都很吸引人,受到團購面膜族的青睞,現在更推出了免費送貨到飯店的服務來搶食陸客的商機。  而看準陸客商機,連鎖藥妝店屈臣氏將於觀光門市設置「瘋台灣.美麗寶島推薦專區」,主打的就是陸客最愛買的面膜、醫美商品。根據屈臣氏的銷售顯示, Dr.WuDr.Satin、蒂芬妮亞、天天美麗、廣源良等,經常都是陸客來店指定購買的品牌。  康是美方面,陸客來店掃貨最多的也是面膜,包括:我的美麗日記、寵愛之名等momo藥妝也將針對陸客,推出憑護照同享會員9.5折優惠及各項產品優惠。

全球健康照護產業產值5970億美元(Year 2015)

資策會7/29開辦「物聯網與遠距醫療照護導入實務班」 2011-07-07

7/21前報名即享工業局補助40% Forrester Research預測,2020年前全球物聯網產值將是網際網路的30倍;物聯網也已成為各國政府積極研究與推展的產業,包括美國、歐盟、日本、韓國、中國大陸等均決定投入巨資來鼓勵發展;根據賽迪調查機構預估,2015年物聯網產值將達7500億元人民幣。若未來達到物聯網物物相聯的情形,即須整合雲端運算(Cloud Computing)平台,處理來自大量感測器蒐集的資料。雲端運算是分散式運算(Distributed Computing)的新運用,透過網際網路將龐大的運算處理程序,自動分拆成無數個較小的子程序,再交由多部伺服器所組成的龐大系統,透過搜尋與運算分析之後,再將處理結果回傳給使用者端,所以分散式運算就是將大型工作區分成小塊後,分別交由眾多電腦各自進行運算再彙整結果。據美國退休人士協會的研究顯示,當中高齡族群面臨醫療照護需求時,約有八成的人都偏好尋求在家接受醫療照護服務,顯示居家醫療照護已經成為全球的重要趨勢。資策會MIC的調查指出,預估至2015年,全球健康照護產業的產值將達5970億美元,而台灣的健康照護產業的產值也可達180億美元的規模。遠距醫療居家照護市場是醫療產業中少數出現成長的領域,預計至2025年的年成長率可達20%以上。 我國政府亦將「遠距居家照護服務」列為我國2008年新興服務產業的發展計畫之一,成為國家發展重點計畫中名列的新興服務產業。有鑑於目前國內市場逐漸起步,相關技術有待整合、未來人才需求殷切,資策會特開辦「物聯網與遠距醫療照護導入實務班」,透過無線網路及網際網路技術應用於遠距病患生理監視,提供e化、M化等新型態的遠距居家健康與照護服務應用,循序導引學員掌握居家健康照護新模式之觀念,協助有志於從事此產業之相關業者及醫療產業在實務應用之建議與成功關鍵因素探討。該課程將於729開辦,請電(02)6631-6534課程經理 黃小姐,或參閱網頁: 

Phalanx Biotech (OneArray(R)): whole genome gene and microRNA profiling

Phalanx Biotech Group Launches Rice Genome OneArray® By Phalanx Biotech Group  Jul. 6, 2011 BELMONT, Calif., July 6, 2011 -/PRNewswire/ -- Phalanx Biotech Group, a global provider of genomic analysis services, announces the newest member to its expression microarray family – the Rice Genome OneArray®. The Rice OneArray® contains 22,003 long-oligonucleotide probes engineered to meet specific isothermal requirements for superb hybridization performance.  The microarray features data reproducibility with CV<6% and demonstrates high correlation with qPCR. As opposed to competitor products from Affymetrix and Agilent Technologies, the Rice OneArray® was specifically designed from RGAP 6.1 and BGI v2008 databases for Oryza sativa Japonica and Indica varieties. This design provides comprehensive coverage against well annotated Gene Ontology categories including cell growth and maintenance, protein biosynthesis, defense response, transcription and metabolism. "As the world's major food staple, rice has been one of the most studied plant genomes. Genomic tools for gene expression profiling and sequence analysis will enable researchers to develop rice strains with improved crop yield as well as tolerance against various environmental stresses," said Shengwan Lee, President and CEO.  "As a strong proponent of agricultural research to improve global food supplies, we plan to develop expression microarrays for additional crops to allow researchers around the globe to benefit from affordable genomics screening assays." The OneArray® product line consists of microarrays for whole genome gene and microRNA expression profiling. As a complement to the Rice OneArray®, the Plant microRNA OneArray® incorporates major crops including rice, wheat, corn, sorghum, and grape. All arrays conform to the strictest quality control standards and are manufactured using proprietary PhalanxJet spotting technology, specialized coating chemistry, and a fully automated assembly system. Phalanx Biotech's unparalleled expertise in microarray technologies forms the basis for an exceptional OneArray® Service Team dedicated to offering genomic research solutions from sample preparation to data analysis.

About Phalanx Biotech Group  Phalanx Biotech Group, with operations in California and Taiwan, provides genomics research products and services worldwide to academic, pharmaceutical and biotech communities. Built on world-class, integrated-chip foundry technology, Phalanx Biotech has developed the OneArray® line of high-quality and affordable microarrays for expression profiling of whole genomes, microRNA, and custom targets.  Our highly-trained service specialists provide a comprehensive offering of gene expression and microRNA profiling services for biomarker discovery including sample preparation, expression analysis, and qPCR validation. For more information about our products and services, please visit our website at

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