【時報記者郭鴻慧台北報導】 根據全球市場研究機構TrendForce最新研究報告「201
Friday, February 2, 2018
國際醫材 併購策略: 技術/產品/專利/通路/市場 (Philips 2017年併購10家公司)
禁止出口驢子供中國使用 (驢皮/阿膠): 烏干達/坦桑尼亞/博茨瓦納/尼日爾/布基納法索/馬里/塞內加爾
不顧全球驢子數量減少 中共降低驢皮進口稅 2018年01月02日 【記者秦雨霏/編譯】儘管人們擔憂全球驢子數量減少,
友華 靠” 仿生眼”布局 眼科 並增加 產品 引進 !!
友華去年獲利有拚高實力;今年營收維持個位數穩增 MoneyDJ新聞 2018-02-01 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 營養保健品與西藥事業群貢獻穩定獲利,法人預期,友華(
台欣生物 新任 總經理: Andrew Yi Chen(Andy Chen,上海智格網訊息科技)
台欣生物 發言日期 107/02/01 發言時間 09:02:49 發言人 沈秉中 發言人職稱 行銷執行副總 發言人電話 02-77201070#121 主旨 公告本公司總經理到任 符合條款 第6款 事實發生日 106/10/27 說明1.董事會決議日期或發生變動日期:106/10/27 2.舊任者姓名及簡歷: 王秀珍 台欣生物科技研發股份有限公司 董事長 3.新任者姓名及簡歷: Andrew Yi Chen(Andy Chen) 智格網訊息科技(上海)股份有限公司 總經理 4.異動情形(請輸入「辭職」、「職務調整」、「資遣」、「
台康 生物製程 再次獲獎 !
台康獲亞洲最佳委託研製造CMO獎 2018年02月01日 時報資訊 【時報記者郭鴻慧台北報導】台康生技(6589)再拿下國際大獎
(類紅蘿蔔素/鈷/多糖/果膠) 日本:冬天吃南瓜 防中風/ 南瓜忌與 羊肉 同吃!!
醫食同源在日本 南瓜 天賜的免疫增強劑文/白玉熙 2018年02月01日南瓜如此強大的生命力和如此大的恩德,
南瓜冬季防中風 平時防三高 據說在日本江戶時代,有冬至吃南瓜可以預防中風、
南瓜有強大的生命力建救荒之功 日本人相信它的功效,
天賜的免疫增強劑 防癌的良藥 免疫增強劑是一個新的藥物類別,
保護肝臟和視力 南瓜含有豐富的類紅蘿蔔素。類紅蘿蔔素在機體內可轉化成維他命A
防治糖尿病和胃腸病 南瓜除了能調控胰島素,其含有的果膠還能使糖類吸收減慢,
台灣華陀酒業+大葉大學= 紫紅色米酒
黑米養生米酒問世 銅板就可買到 2018年02月01日【記者謝五男/彰化報導】
禾生技 現增1億 (15元/股)
禾生技 發言日期 107/02/01 發言時間 18:55:16發言人 楊晴華 發言人職稱 營運管理處副總經理 發言人電話 0287975966主旨 公告本公司董事會決議辦理現金增資發行新股 符合條款 第9款 事實發生日107/01/31 說明 1.董事會決議日期:107/01/31 2.增資資金來源:現金增資 3.發行股數(如屬盈餘轉增資,則不含配發給員工部份):7,
喜康( 林穗虹 ) 每股62.48 元 退出台灣資本市場: 台灣籌資不易 !!! NASDAQ溫暖 尋~
喜康-KY 發言日期 107/02/01 發言時間 19:18:45 發言人 喬石瑞 發言人職稱 總經理 發言人電話 03-6583899 主旨 公告本公司向財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心申請終止 興櫃股票櫃檯買賣 符合條款 第43款 事實發生日 107/02/01 說明 1.事實發生日:107/02/01 2.公司名稱:喜康(開曼)控股股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或聯屬公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例(若前項為本公司,請填不適用):不適用 5.發生緣由:本公司依財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心證券商
喜康下興櫃 擬赴美上市 2018-02-02 00:01經濟日報 記者黃文奇/台北報導 喜康(6540)昨(1)日召開臨時股東會決議通過,終止興櫃買賣及撤銷股票公開發行案,將向櫃買中心申請興櫃股票終止櫃檯買賣及向證期局」,提出申請撤銷股票公開發行。喜康去年12月8日宣布該公司將撤銷興櫃,規劃轉向他國市場上市籌資,第一首選是美國那斯達克(NASDAQ)。喜康最近期經會計師簽證或核閱合併財務報告之每股淨值為18.54元,最近一季自結數之每股淨值為15.64 元,去年12月8日董事會決議日前30個營業日股票成交均價之簡單算術平均數為每股48.73 元,今年2 月1日股東會決議日前30個營業日股票成交均價之簡單算術平均數為每股62.48 元。對於出走台灣、轉向美國,喜康生技總經理林穗虹坦承,生技資本市場市況不佳,在台灣籌資不易,而生技產業、開發藥品必須有大資本,此次選擇從台灣出走實不得已,不過林穗虹也承諾,喜康會把在國際上募到的資金一部分帶回台灣發展,在台開發產品。林穗虹指出,喜康目前有九大產品線,未來幾年內,每一個產品都可能要花費1億美元以上的研發經費,雖然兩到三年內公司開始賺錢可以因應研發支出,但短期內在台灣市場拿不到這麼多錢,卻是事實,因此公司在慎重考慮後,才決定轉往美國募資。
文化大學 校長 李天任 將堅守崗位: 不計個人榮辱
文大董事長卡新校長上任 教部:10天內不報結果將開罰 2018/01/31中國文化大學校長李天任去年8月辭職,
高醫董事長陳建志: 遴選校長 外力介入 高醫大成第二個台大
高醫董事會控:「高醫大校長案是台大翻版」 潘文忠堅持「董事不重組,不核定校長」更新:2018年02月0
(Nature早期偵測阿茲海默症) (APP)669–711/amyloid-β (Aβ)1–42 and Aβ1–40/Aβ1–42 ratios
報告:驗血就可提早發現阿茲海默症 時間:2018-02-01 1路透社 撰稿編輯:黃啟霖 報告:驗血就可提早發現阿茲海默症 路透社今天(1日)報導,日本和澳洲的研究人員共同表示,
High performance plasma amyloid-β biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease / Nature Published online: 31 January 2018 To facilitate clinical trials of disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer's disease, which are expected to be most efficacious at the earliest and mildest stages of the disease1,2, supportive biomarker information is necessary. The only validated methods for identifying amyloid-β deposition in the brain—the earliest pathological signature of Alzheimer's disease—are amyloid-β positron-emission tomography (PET) imaging or measurement of amyloid-β in cerebrospinal fluid. Therefore, a minimally invasive, cost-effective blood-based biomarker is desirable3,4. Despite much effort3,4,5,6,7, to our knowledge, no study has validated the clinical utility of blood-based amyloid-β markers. Here we demonstrate the measurement of high-performance plasma amyloid-β biomarkers by immunoprecipitation coupled with mass spectrometry. The ability of amyloid-β precursor protein (APP)669–711/amyloid-β (Aβ)1–42 and Aβ1–40/Aβ1–42 ratios, and their composites, to predict individual brain amyloid-β-positive or -negative status was determined by amyloid-β-PET imaging and tested using two independent data sets: a discovery data set (Japan, n = 121) and a validation data set (Australia, n = 252 including 111 individuals diagnosed using 11C-labelled Pittsburgh compound-B (PIB)-PET and 141 using other ligands). Both data sets included cognitively normal individuals, individuals with mild cognitive impairment and individuals with Alzheimer's disease. All test biomarkers showed high performance when predicting brain amyloid-β burden. In particular, the composite biomarker showed very high areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) in both data sets (discovery, 96.7%, n = 121 and validation, 94.1%, n = 111) with an accuracy approximately equal to 90% when using PIB-PET as a standard of truth. Furthermore, test biomarkers were correlated with amyloid-β-PET burden and levels of Aβ1–42 in cerebrospinal fluid. These results demonstrate the potential clinical utility of plasma biomarkers in predicting brain amyloid-β burden at an individual level. These plasma biomarkers also have cost–benefit and scalability advantages over current techniques, potentially enabling broader clinical access and efficient population screening.
Minimally invasive blood test for Alzheimer's disease February 1, 2018, Florey Institute of Neuroscience & Mental Health Scientists from Japan and Australia have teamed up to develop and validate a blood test for Alzheimer's disease, with the potential to massively ramp up the pace of Alzheimer's disease drug trials. The blood test measures a specific peptide in the blood to inform scientists, with 90 percent accuracy, if a patient has the very earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease. Blood samples from patients in a large study from the Japanese National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG) were initially analysed to identify the relevant peptides. Those indicating brain beta-amyloid burden were then tested against patient samples from the Australian Imaging, Biomarker and Lifestyle Study of Aging (AIBL), to validate the results. Professor Katsuhiko Yanagisawa, Director-general of Research Institute at NCGG, says: "Our study demonstrates the high accuracy, reliability and reproducibility of this blood test, as it was successfully validated in two independent large datasets from Japan and Australia." Dr. Koichi Tanaka at Shimadzu Corporation was instrumental in developing the initial blood testing procedure. Professor Tanaka won the Nobel prize in Chemistry in 2002 for the technique. "From a tiny blood sample, our method can measure several amyloid-related proteins, even though their concentration is extremely low. We found that the ratio of these proteins was an accurate surrogate for brain amyloid burden." One of the essential hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease is buildup of abnormal peptide in the brain, called beta-amyloid. The process starts silently about 30 years before outward signs of dementia, like memory loss or cognitive decline, have begun. Current tests for beta-amyloid include brain scans with costly radioactive tracers, or analysing spinal fluid taken via a lumbar puncture. These are expensive and invasive, and generally only available in a research setting. A diagnosis is usually made without these tools, by assessing a patient's range of symptoms. Laureate Professor Colin Masters of the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, and The University of Melbourne, has been at the forefront of Alzheimer's research since the 1980s. Professor Masters, who co-led the research published in the latest issue of Nature, says, "This new test has the potential to eventually disrupt the expensive and invasive scanning and spinal fluid technologies. In the first instance, however, it will be an invaluable tool in increasing the speed of screening potential patients for new drug trials." Progress in developing new therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer's disease has been disappointingly slow. None of the three drugs currently on the market treat the underlying disease. New drugs are urgently required, and the only way to do that is to speed up the whole process. That requires trials with rigorous and economical patient selection, to avoid recruiting patients who may not even have Alzheimer's disease. Due to the long timespans involved, pharmaceutical companies require accurate predictions of who is most at risk." 20-40 percent of the general elderly population over 70 years old have beta-amyloid buildup in their brain, and are considered to be "at risk" of developing Alzheimer's disease at some future point. Dementia is the second leading cause of death of Australians contributing to 5.4 percent of all deaths in males and 10.6 percent of all deaths in females each year In 2016 dementia became the leading cause of death among Australian females, surpassing heart disease which has been the leading cause of death for both males and females since the early 20th century. Females account for 64.4 percent of all dementia related deaths. Without a medical breakthrough, the number of people with dementia is expected to increase to 536,164 by 2025 and almost 1,100,890 by 2056 In 2018, dementia is estimated to cost Australia more than $15 billion. By 2025, the total cost of dementia is predicted to increase to more than $18.7 billion in today's dollars, and by 2056, to more than $36.8 billion The total estimated worldwide costs of dementia were US$818 billion in 2015
泉盛IL-6抗體新藥 進入(FDA) IND phase I 試驗
泉盛 發言日期 107/02/01 發言時間 18:07:35 發言人 陳念宜 發言人職稱 副總經理 發言人電話 02-2655-8687主旨 公告本公司自主研發新藥FB704A (抗IL-6全人單株抗體新藥) 通過美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)IND 30天審核期,將進行人體第 一期臨床試驗 符合條款 第8款 事實發生日 107/02/01 說明 1.產品內容:FB704A(抗IL-6全人單株抗體新藥) 2.產品量產日期:NA 3.對公司財務、業務之影響:FB704A(抗IL-6全人單株
羅馬耶穌聖嬰兒童醫院CAR-T 療法
(類過敏性紫斑) 成大陳志安醫師: 易復發! 少數 腸套疊/腸胃道出血/中樞神經影響/肺出血
男童腹痛、下肢長紅疹 竟是類過敏紫斑症惹禍2018-01-30健康醫療網/
男童確診類過敏性紫斑 類固醇治療已好轉 這名小弟弟經抽血檢查,並無凝血功能異常或血小板低下情況,
誘發類過敏紫斑 恐和自體免疫反應有關 陳志安醫師進一步說明,臨床上,
類過敏紫斑易復發 應密切觀察 少數類過敏性紫斑症患者會出現腸套疊、腸胃道出血,
(貳等衛生福利專業獎章) 普林斯頓大學 鄭宗美 任赫德故教授: 台灣健保制度 建置&國際能見度 貢獻