Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New swine flu virus (H3N2v) infected human !!

New Swine-Origin Flu Cases Reported By Todd Neale, Senior Staff Writer, MedPage Today Published: December 27, 2011 Since the middle of August, the CDC has received 12 reports of human infections with a swine-origin influenza A (H3N2) virus, the agency announced. The cases come from five states -- Indiana (two), Iowa (three), Maine (two), Pennsylvania (three), and West Virginia (two), Douglas Jordan, MA, of the CDC's influenza division, and colleagues reported online in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. All but one of the affected individuals were younger than 18, and half had had no contact with pigs. Three were hospitalized, and all have fully recovered. Although there is still limited information available on how efficiently the virus is transmitted between pigs, between humans, or between species, evidence indicates at least minimal human-to-human transmission of the variant, which contains genes from avian, human, and swine flu strains. The report, which follows previous MMWR dispatches on two cases in Indiana and Pennsylvania and the three in Iowa, focused on the three most recent cases -- an adult male in Indiana and two children in West Virginia. The infecting strain was similar to the previous cases. It was a swine-origin influenza A (H3N2) virus with the matrix (M) gene from the pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus. To distinguish the virus from the circulating seasonal H3N2, health officials have dubbed it H3N2v. The man in Indiana, who had direct occupational contact with swine, was hospitalized for four days after developing fever, cough, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and body aches. After preliminary testing by state health officials revealed infection with an inconclusive influenza A virus, samples were sent to the CDC, which confirmed that it was the new variant. The two children in West Virginia, both younger than 5, attended the same daycare facility. One had been hospitalized for an unrelated condition two days before developing fever. The other developed fever, cough, diarrhea, and rhinorrhea and recovered fully without receiving any medical care. Neither of the children had traveled recently nor had exposure to swine. Even though they had been in contact with each other, the CDC said it was unlikely the virus was passed directly from one to the other because illness onset in the two cases was separated by more than 10 days."This represents a scenario of limited human-to-human transmission occurring in a daycare setting," the authors wrote. "Therefore, clinicians also should consider the possibility of influenza A (H3N2)v infections in patients who have not had exposure to swine, particularly young children in those states where ... cases have been reported."All of the variant viruses tested so far have been susceptible to oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), and resistant to amantadine and rimantadine. Young children likely have little preexisting immunity to the viruses, although older children and adults who have been exposed to other H3N2 viruses in the past might have limited immunity, according to the authors. The trivalent seasonal vaccine, which protects against an H3N2 strain, is not expected to provide significant protection against the variant.


國豬流感 首現人傳人  北京新浪網 (2011-12-28) 美國公共衛生官員日前發布西弗吉尼亞州一名兒童受到豬流感H3N2病毒感染的病例,也公布威斯康星州一個受新型H1N1豬流感感染的病例,該種病毒此前並未在人類身上出現過,是人類被這種病毒傳染的首例。報導稱,威斯康星州的病例看似孤立事件、僅此一例,沒有擴大傳播的跡象。不過,據美國疾病控制與預防中心23日發布的細節,西弗吉尼亞州的這名兒童是被人感染,而非受豬感染,而且在這名兒童住的未公布名稱的小區里,有某種程度人傳人的現象出現。

或有更多病例未報告 這起病例是美國在5個州里感染H3N2病毒的第12個病例。美國疾病控制與預防中心承認,可能還有更多病例未被美國的流感監測系統發現。美國疾病控制與預防中心流感部門的流感傳染病學小組主持人布瑞斯博士說:"我們不認為這些就是全部病例。"美國以外,迄今沒有別國通報人類受到H3N2豬流感病毒感染的案例。另一份報告透露威斯康星州病例的細節,這個病例涉及一種新的H1N1病毒,有來自禽流感、豬流感與人類流感病毒的基因。美國疾病控制與預防中心的報告表示,國際流感科學伙伴已同意以新名字稱呼這些病毒。

美國加強監控H3N2 美國疾病控制與預防中心發布報告,指該中心正加強監控豬流感的H3N2亞型病毒。美國廣播公司新聞網報導,全美各州的公共衛生實驗室,倘若發現疑似感染病例,應立即通報疾病管制與預防中心。自812起,全美已報告的12H3N2亞型病毒感染者分散在印第安那、衣阿華、緬因、賓夕法尼亞和西弗吉尼亞等五州。12名患者中有11名為孩童,曾有3人住院治療,半數感染者沒有接触豬衹。王裳

豬流感病毒變種多 H3N22009年年初傳染時,農業部門抗議公衛官員將這新型病毒稱為豬流感病毒。豬肉銷售驟減,豬肉產業擔心,隨著豬流感傳人的新病例報告發布,類似情況可能再度發生。世界衛生組織和聯合國糧農組織已同意把這些病毒命名為"H3N2變異體"2010年以來在豬衹間傳染的新病毒H1N1也以同樣原則叫做H1N1變異體。據稱,此一變種新型流感病毒結合了人類流感、禽流感(H5N1)及人豬共通流感(H1N1)的基因,可以在人與人之間傳播。


疫情通報-流感來勢洶洶 死亡添一例 2011-12-28 中國時報  流感病毒持續發威!疾病管制局公布新增一例流感併發症確定病例,為82歲有慢性病史、住桃園婦人,是今年第9例流感併發症死亡病例,疾管局預估即將進入流感流行期,民眾需多注意個人衛生。疾管局副局長周志浩表示,該名婦女未打過疫苗,有糖尿病史,12月上旬因身體虛弱至醫院就診,但醫院未發現異狀,出院後因肺炎、肺積水住院,18日不幸往生,同住家人之前曾出現過感冒症狀。上周新增35例感併發症確定病例,其中29例是B型流感。周志浩表示,流感流行期農曆年底將會達到高峰,提醒民眾應多注意個人衛生,身體不適立即就醫。

國鼎生技研發長黃三保 下溫武哲 上

國鼎生技:國鼎生技科技研發部主管異動 鉅亨網新聞中心  2011-12-27  第三十四條 第111.人員變動別(請輸入發言人、代理發言人、財務主管、會計主管、研發主管或內部稽核主管):研發主管 2.發生變動日期:100/12/27  3.舊任者姓名、級職及簡歷:黃三保(科技研發部總監)4.新任者姓名、級職及簡歷:溫武哲(研發部副總經理)5.異動情形(請輸入「辭職」、「職務調整」、「資遣」、「退休」、「死亡」或「新任」):職務調整6.異動原因:因內部管理需求 7.生效日期:100/12/27  8.新任者聯絡電話:   9.其他應敘明事項:

Taiwan`s Biotech Ind. to Grow Explosively Over Next 2 Years

 2011/12/27 Taipei, Dec. 27, 2011 (CENS)--Seven new drugs developed in Taiwan have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States for third-stage clinical trials, and some of them may be commercialized in 2012, said Wong Chi-huey, president of Taiwan's highest-level national research body Academia Sinica, at the 2011 Safety and Quality (SNQ) Award ceremony in Taipei, who added that over the next two to three years Taiwan`s biotechnology industry will grow explosively. Taiwan`s biotechnology line is globally recognized, and besides the said seven new drugs in third-stage trials, as many as 60 Taiwan-developed drugs now are in first- or second-stage trials, said Wong. In 2012, Wong stressed, several new drugs will be commercialized to mark a new milestone for Taiwan`s biotech industry as well as show the island`s strength to the whole world. According to Wong, biotech is an industry relevant to health, beauty and innovation, so players in the field have to be devoted for a long period to bear fruit. In the past 20 to 30 years or so, he added, the biotech industry in Taiwan has faced many challenges, including even misunderstanding due to politicking, but all adverse factors will be overcome.

大腸直腸癌免費篩檢: 糞便免疫潛血檢查(Stool occult Blood)

癌症防治-一線標靶治療大腸癌 有助延長整體存活期2011-12-28 中國時報 大腸直腸癌是今年頭號話題癌症,名人罹患與過世新聞引發討論,財團法人台灣癌症基金會執行長賴基銘醫師表示,大腸直腸癌為近五年來發生人數最多癌症,發生率分占男、女性第二名,連續10年排行癌症死因第3位,平均每天12.8人死於大腸直腸癌,防治是當務之急。國健局長期推動大腸直腸癌免費篩檢,針對5069歲民眾提供每兩年一次糞便免疫潛血檢查,去年透過篩檢,5%確診為大腸直腸癌且大多為早期癌症,如能提高篩檢意識,有更多腸癌病友得以及早治療。賴基銘說明,美國國家癌症資訊網(NCCN)權威性癌症治療指引,2004年起即建議轉移性大腸直腸癌病人應於第一線合併標靶藥物與化療,大大提高療效及增加開刀切除機會。大腸直腸癌治療過程如接力賽跑,第一線用藥臨床意義就像接力賽第一棒,槍響起跑後,第一棒如能發揮全力,就有超前優勢,對比賽結果影響甚鉅。今年國內腸癌治療有大幅進展,健保局6月起給付轉移性大腸直腸癌第一線標靶藥物,國外研究顯示,大腸癌病友第一線使用標靶藥物搭配化療,整體存活期自15.6個月延長至20.3個月,另有研究顯示Kras基因無突變者,整體存活期可延長至28個月。病友應與醫師充分配合溝通,讓第一棒藥物發揮最大效益,掌握延長存活期關鍵機會。 賴基銘指出,多年臨床與病友面對面,在基金會也看過許多病友的沮喪與恐懼,也見證許多成功抗癌案例,對腸癌病友來說,今年是幸運的一年,台灣能與國際接軌,健保給付第一線使用標靶藥物,有助減輕經濟負擔。賴基銘強調,大腸直腸癌患者治療過程應積極不間斷,最新研究指出,第一線標靶藥物若能持續使用,平均約910個月,有助降低疾病惡化風險。台灣癌症基金會將持續提供最新治療資訊,除加強身心靈整合輔導等病友服務,並宣導多吃蔬果(蔬果彩虹579)、減低高熱量食物攝取並勤於運動,期望藉由基金會努力、志工及癌友互相鼓勵,降低腸癌發生率與死亡率。


佳醫:補充公告:本公司董事會決議撤銷間接投資上海複升醫療器械有限公司  鉅亨網新聞中心  2011-12-26第二條 第201.事實發生日:2011/12/26  2.本次新增(減少)投資方式:本公司原於991229第九屆第九次董事會通過,透過佳醫健康事業(香港)股份有限公司投資中國醫療投資有限公司(BVI)(以下簡稱中國醫療公司)美金510萬元,由中國醫療公司投資上海複升醫療器械有限公司美金200萬元,因原投資資金現有其他業務用途,在權衡骨科與新業務兩者之發展下,撤銷原通過之骨科投資案3.交易數量、每單位價格及交易總金額:投資金額:美金200萬元(99/12/29日匯率30.367計約新臺幣60,734,000)4.本次新增投資大陸被投資公司之公司名稱:上海複升醫療器械有限公司。5.前開大陸被投資公司之實收資本額:美金180萬元。6.前開大陸被投資公司本次擬新增資本額:撤銷故不適用。7.前開大陸被投資公司主要營業項目:生產植入式人工關節、骨科器材用螺絲釘和接骨板、外科手術配套工具。

旭富等待Cymbalta (duloxetine hydrochloride; 千憂解) 原料專利過期

抗憂鬱藥應市 旭富新動能2011-12-28 01:24 工商時報 旭富製藥(411911月營收7,302萬元,創今年單月新低,導致單月稅前盈餘僅1,003萬元,每股稅前盈餘約0.2元,累計前11月稅前盈餘為1.76億元,每股稅前盈餘為3.58元。今年獲利微幅下滑,主要是新台幣匯率相較去年升值,影響毛利率表現,另外癲癇原料藥DIVA2季時應客戶要求降價,而帕金森藥的中間體PGA則是先前與客戶協議,訂單量到達一定後給予折扣,在兩大產品DIVAPGA的價格都在第2季降價約1成下,也稀釋毛利率。展望明年,法人認為,2011年至2015年間,有多項暢銷新藥的專利到期,將帶來超過千億元的廣大學名藥代工商機,而以各國政府為降低醫療保險費用支出,鼓勵使用學名藥,不僅大陸及美國的醫改都擴大學名藥使用版圖外,日本2012年目標則是把學名藥使用量由目前的19%提高到30%,都將激勵原料藥和製藥廠將有不錯的商機。另據了解,目前市場相當矚目的暢銷專利藥抗憂鬱CYMBALTA(千憂解),其專利將在20132014年到期,在旭富已開發完成抗憂鬱原料藥,並開始小量供應客戶下,預計明年將因專利藥將到期,激勵業者下單,啟動旭富另一個成長動能。
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