搶先掀開新藥股底牌 看誰贏面大? 2013/08/29 17:42 【文/楊淑慧】 打牌沒掀底牌前,難斷勝負;新藥開發也一樣,沒拿到藥證前,人人都有機會築夢。目前台灣已有兩種新藥申請上市許可,而這一關,將考驗台灣生技股長期發展的「錢景」,是繼續飆漲?還是打回原形?432期《財訊雙週刊》 去年6月,美國那斯達克生技指數(NBI)率先創下十二年新高,爾後雖有回檔,但今年以來的漲幅仍然超過三成(至8月中旬),生技投資熱已是全球趨勢。然而,美國生技產業是成熟的,台灣資本市場對生技族群卻仍陌生,主要在於台灣過去沒有成功通過臨床試驗的經驗,所以很難讓投資人相信台灣能從頭(發現新成分)到尾(通過審核上市銷售)做出一顆「Made in Twain」的新藥,因此擔憂新藥公司只是黃粱一夢,夢醒後,恐怕財富盡失。這種隱憂或許即將改觀。目前台灣已經有兩種新藥先後送出NDA(新藥上市許可),分別是寶齡富錦的腎臟病新藥Nephoxil(拿百磷),以及太景的抗藥性細菌感染新藥奈諾沙星,這代表過去蓄積十餘年的研發能量陸續收成,也是台灣走上國際新藥舞台的重要里程碑,接下來就是等著「掀底牌」,不管誰搶下「頭香」,都會是台灣之光。推估其審查時程,慢則2015年、快則一四年,就會見真章。
寶齡「拿百磷」最被看好 太景新藥若過關兩岸通吃 寶齡的「拿百磷」主要是治療洗腎病患易引發死亡威脅的「高血磷症」,已陸續向台灣、日本、美國、歐洲等藥監機關送件申請藥證。業界人士分析,根據Keryx的三期臨床結果顯示,該款新藥不但能有效控制洗腎病患血液中的磷含量,甚至可降低腎性貧血的出現。若以美國FDA(食品藥物管理局)審核藥證重視「安全性」、「需求性」與「替代性」來看,拿百磷比目前使用的磷結合劑,對人體更為健康,且成本較低廉,可大幅降低政府每年支付洗腎透析相關的龐大醫療費用,故一般認為, 寶齡取得藥證的機率很高。不過,拿百磷使用的新藥成分「檸檬酸鐵」被國外媒體質疑不具有創新化合物地位(New Chemical Entity,簡稱NCE),倘若FDA認為它非NCE,就屬於老藥新用,那麼即使取得上市藥證,也不會再多給額外五年的市場獨占權,那麼這款藥將很快面臨學名藥的市場競爭;換句話,原本覬覦的龐大商機恐怕將打折扣。美國阿瑪林(Amarin)藥廠的降膽固醇新藥Vascepa,也曾遭遇NCE的認定爭議,最後FDA仍沒有給予其NCE地位。因此當Vascepa在去年第三季取得FDA上市許可後,阿瑪林的股價並沒有出現慶祝行情,反而從十五美元高點下滑至目前的6美元附近。當初Vascepa在三期臨床的結果不錯,被視為足可挑戰當時葛蘭素旗下的Lovaza(一年銷售逾九億美元),激勵Vascepa股價曾在一年內大漲九倍,從2美元漲到最高近二十美元,而在傳出NCE爭議後,股價表現已不復強勢。回頭來看,寶齡合作夥伴Keryx的股價表現,似乎尚未受到NCE地位存疑的影響,但8月8日向FDA送件申請當日,股價已是聞利多不動,後續應再持續追蹤觀察。(全文詳見432期《財訊雙週刊》)
Report on potential NCE threat for Keryx crimps big stock gain February 4, 2013 | By John Carroll Keryx is finding it hard to hang on to the huge gains its shares made last week after investors responded enthusiastically to positive data from a Phase III study of the phosphorous-clearing drug Zerenex. The biotech's shares ($KERX) had doubled on the late-stage results, but then went into a dive after an influential research firm concluded that Keryx might find it hard to secure New Chemical Entity status for the drug, the same problem that has dogged Amarin ($AMRN) for some time now. As Adam Feuerstein at TheStreet reports, NCE status is absolutely essential for Keryx if it wants to fully capitalize on its late-stage success with Zerenex. Without the designation Keryx would face early generic competition for the drug, eating into its potential earnings. But IPD Analytics frets that the active ingredient in Zerenex may not be distinct enough from Otsuka's Ferriseltz, approved more than 15 years ago."It is unclear whether Zerenex will qualify for New Chemical Entity (NCE) exclusivity or a Patent Term Extension on one patent that covers Zerenex," IPD reports, according to Feuerstein. "In October 1997, FDA approved Otsuka's NDA for Ferriseltz (ferric ammonium citrate). It is possible that ferric citrate (the active ingredient in Zerenex) may be a salt of ferric ammonium citrate (the active ingredient in Ferriseltz). If FDA determines that ferric citrate is a salt of ferric ammonium citrate, then FDA could determine that Zerenex is not eligible to receive NCE exclusivity or a Patent Term Extension." Zerenex is designed to rid kidney dialysis patients of a dangerous buildup of phosphorous. To make its pharmacoeconomic case to payers and help ease investors' concerns about the drug's commercial prospects, the company spotlighted secondary endpoint data which indicated a reduced need for IV iron and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, or ESAs.