葛蘭素史克總公司向中國人民的致歉聲明 2014-09-19 16:34:03來源:國際線上 編輯:付承堃 國際線上消息:長沙市中級人民法院19日依法對葛蘭素史克(中國)投資有限公司(簡稱GSKCI)和馬克銳等人對非國家工作人員行賄、非國家工作人員受賄案進行審理。GSKCI被判處罰金人民幣30億元,這是迄今為止中國開出的最大罰單。對此,葛蘭素史克總公司迅速發佈了致歉聲明,稱總公司完全認同中國司法機關依法認定的事實和證據,服從中國司法機關的依法判決,並向中國患者、醫生、醫院和中國政府、全體中國人民深刻道歉,對於由此造成的損害,葛蘭素史克總公司深感痛心和愧疚。對由於受到葛蘭素史克中國公司非法調查而受到傷害的有關人員,葛蘭素史克總公司也深表歉意。
以下為聲明全文: 葛蘭素史克總公司向中國人民的致歉聲明 中國司法機關經過全面深入調查,依法認定葛蘭素史克中國公司為謀取不正當利益,給予非國家工作人員財物,構成對非國家工作人員行賄罪。葛蘭素史克總公司完全認同中國司法機關依法認定的事實和證據,服從中國司法機關的依法判決,並向中國患者、醫生、醫院和中國政府、全體中國人民深刻道歉,對於由此造成的損害,葛蘭素史克總公司深感痛心和愧疚。對由於受到葛蘭素史克中國公司非法調查而受到傷害的有關人員,葛蘭素史克總公司也深表歉意。葛蘭素史克中國公司的違法行為同樣嚴重違背了葛蘭素史克總公司的規章制度,完全背離了總公司要求員工遵守的價值觀和行為準則。這些行為未能及時被發現並被制止,葛蘭素史克總公司深感遺憾。葛蘭素史克總公司已經深刻反省,並從中吸取教訓,採取了具體措施,全面整改葛蘭素史克中國公司運營中存在的問題,盡一切努力,重新贏得中國人民的信任。今天,葛蘭素史克總公司進一步向中國政府和人民承諾,葛蘭素史克中國公司將以實際行動在中國醫藥行業樹立改革的樣板:將堅持在中國持續投資,並一如既往地支援中國的科技發展;將針對流行于中國的疾病,進一步推進藥物和疫苗的研發。葛蘭素史克中國公司還將通過擴大生產、擴大藥品價格下浮空間,讓中國農村地區和城市一樣,提高對葛蘭素史克藥品的可及性。葛蘭素史克總公司將以踐行這一系列長遠的發展戰略,致力於促進中國人民的健康福祉,為中國經濟社會發展積極貢獻力量。
GSK plc Statement of Apology to the People of China Following a comprehensive investigation by the Chinese judicial authorities, GSK China Investment Co. Ltd (GSKCI) has been identified according to Chinese law to have offered money or property to non-government personnel in order to obtain improper commercial gains, and has been found guilty of bribing non-government personnel. GSK plc fully accepts the facts and evidence of the investigation, and the verdict of the Chinese judicial authorities. Furthermore, GSK plc sincerely apologises to the Chinese patients, doctors and hospitals, and to the Chinese Government and the Chinese people. GSK plc deeply regrets the damage caused. GSK plc also apologises for the harm caused to individuals who were illegally investigated by GSKCI. The illegal activities of GSKCI are a clear breach of GSK plc's governance and compliance procedures; and are wholly contrary to the values and standards we expect from our employees. It is deeply disappointing that these issues were not identified and addressed. GSK plc has reflected deeply and learned from its mistakes, has taken steps to comprehensively rectify the issues identified at the operations of GSKCI, and must work hard to regain the trust of the Chinese people. Today, GSK plc makes a further commitment to the Chinese government and people that GSKCI will take tangible actions to establish itself as a model for reform in China's healthcare industry: by continuing to invest in China and supporting China's scientific development; and by further development of innovative new medicines and vaccines for diseases prevalent in China. GSKCI will also increase access to its products in both city and rural areas of China through greater expansion of production and through price flexibility. This long-term development strategy of GSK plc will promote the future health and well-being of the Chinese people, and positively contribute to China's economic and social development.