Sunday, June 10, 2012

創意 ? 從刷牙開始 !

Rinser toothbrush doubles as a mouth-rinsing fountain   By Ben Coxworth  16:20 June 8, 2012 The Rinser is a toothbrush that uses your tap to create a fountain for rinsing the toothpaste foam out of your mouth  Tired of having to hold back your hair when you stick your mouth under the tap to rinse the toothpaste foam out of your mouth? Don’t like using that water-spotty, rarely-washed glass? Well, perhaps the Rinser toothbrush is what you need.  Designed by New York-based Amron Experimental (which also brought us the Keybrid carabiner key), the Rinser simply has a water scoop and connected spout built into its handle. When streaming tap water falls into that scoop, it shoots up and out of the spout, creating a fountain that the user can gulp from.  It also features a replaceable head, so users won’t have to rebuy that fancy handle every time the bristles get worn out.The Rinser is currently available for preorder, for US$22 – the retail price will be $34.99. If you have a small kingdom to support and really want to save money, you can preorder 900 of the things for $9,500. If money is no object, on the other hand, you can buy the original prototype for $3,800 ... and, if you just like the idea of turning your tap into a fountain, you also might want to check out the Tapi.

韓國 Celltrion...世界第一學名藥抗體(Infliximab, CT-P13) 將於國際市場上市!!

Celltrion’s first biosimilar antibody is about to reach the market    JUNE 8, 2012 8:36 AM  Celltrion announced the results of its Remicade biosimilar, CT-P13 at the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) in Berlin, Germany.The Phase I trial was to compare the pharmacokinetic profile of CT-P13 with that of infliximab at steady state in terms of area under the concentration-time curve over a dosing interval and observed maximum serum concentration, and evaluate the efficacy and overall safety of both treatments in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS).  Two hundred fifty patients with active AS were randomized 1:1 to receive either CT-P13 or infliximab (5 mg/kg, 2-hour IV infusion per dose) at weeks 0, 2, and 6 (dose-loading phase) and at weeks 14, 22, and 30  (maintenance phase). Ratios of geometric means of primary PK parameters from the 2 treatment arms between weeks 22 and 30 were subjected to ANCOVA analysis at 90% confidence intervals. Efficacy measures (including ASAS20 and ASAS40), and safety parameters (including the incidence of adverse events) were also evaluated.  The mean (% CV) AUCT was 34855.45 (34.3%) µg-h/mL and 34688.71 (45.4%) µg-h/mL in the CT-P13 and infliximab arms, respectively. The mean (% CV) Cmax,ss was 153.52 (27.6%) µg/mL and 150.39 (26.9%) µg/mL in the CT-P13 and infliximab arms, respectively. The ratio (%) between the geometric means of the AUCT and Cmax,ss values in the CT-P13 and infliximab arms were 104.1% and 101.5%, respectively, between weeks 22 and 30, indicating PK equivalence in terms of AUCT and Cmax,ss.  Secondary parameters at week 30 were also comparable, including ASAS20 and ASAS40 response rates (70.5% for CT-P13 vs 72.4% for infliximab and 51.8% vs 47.4%, respectively). Adverse events considered by the investigators to be related to study treatment were reported in 57 (44.5%) patients and 58 (47.5%) patients in the CT-P13 and infliximab arms, respectively. Related adverse events due to infection were reported for 24/128 (18.8%) patients and 22/122 (18.0%) patients in the CT-P13 and infliximab treatment groups, respectively. Adverse events due to infusion reactions considered related to study drug were reported in 5 patients in the CT-P13 arm, and 6 patients in the infliximab arm. Tuberculosis was reported in 2 patients in the CT-P13 arm and in 1 patient in the infliximab arm.  As a result, Celltrion’s CT-P13 and the reference product, infliximab are found to be equivalent in terms of AUCT and Cmax,ss in patients with AS. In addition, CT-P13 was well tolerated, with an efficacy and safety profile comparable to that of infliximab up to week 30.  Celltrion also carried out a Phase III clinical trial with CT-P13 for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 606 patients with active RA despite previous treatment with DMARDs including methotrexate were randomized 1:1 to receive either CT-P13 or infliximab (3 mg/kg, 2-hour IV infusion per dose) plus methotrexate and folic acid. The treatment period consisted of a dose-loading phase (weeks 0, 2, and 6) and a maintenance phase (weeks 14, 22, and 30).  The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients achieving 20% improvement in ACR20 at week 30. The exact binomial test with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for ACR20 within a margin of ±15 % was used to define equivalence between the 2 treatments. Secondary efficacy and safety endpoints (including ACR50/70; frequency of adverse events) were also evaluated.  At week 30, ACR20 response rates were 60.9% for CT-P13 vs 58.6% for infliximab (2% difference; 95% CI) in the intent-to-treat population, and 73.4% vs 69.7% (4% difference; 95% CI) in the per-protocol population. Outcomes for the secondary efficacy and safety endpoints were also comparable as follows:  ACR50 rates in the per-protocol population were 42.3% vs 40.6% (2% difference; 95% CI), and ACR70 rates were 20.2% vs 17.9% (2% difference; 95% CI) in the CT-P13 and infliximab arms, respectively, all indicating equivalence in clinical efficacy at week 30.  AEs considered by the investigators to be related to study treatment were reported for 106 (35.2%) patients and 108 (35.9%) patients in the CT-P13 and infliximab arms, respectively. Related AEs due to infection were reported in 46 (15.3%) patients and 51 (16.9%) patients in the CT-P13 and infliximab arms, respectively. 15 (5%) CT-P13-treated and 17 (6%) infliximab-treated patients experienced at least 1 infusion reaction. Tuberculosis was reported in 3 patients in the CT-P13 arm and in 1 patient in the infliximab arm.  These successful results will most probably help Celltrion to be the company which developed world’s first biosimilar antibody that will be launched in regulated markets. As well-known Dr.Reddy’s Labs’ Reditux which was registered in India, was world’s first biosimilar antibody but could not gain any approvals in regulated markets yet.  Abstracts of both clinical trials are not be subject to embargo and can be accessed from EULAR 2012 abstract searches.  The regulatory application of CT-P13 to European Medicines Agency was submitted on March 2. Meanwhile, Celltrion also made the application in its homeland, Korea in February this year.  Celltrion has several monoclonal antibody biosimilar candidates in its portfolio and the upcoming target will be Roche/Genentech’s Herceptin. 
Source: Celltrion, Woori I&S Research Center

中国 金融创新 资助 幸福”产业: 幸福社区体验基地 !!

七大政策助推广东率先发展“幸福导向型”产业    2012-05-28 09:55:22 来源: 南方日报   率先发展幸福导向型产业,既要遵循市场经济的规律,更要发挥政府的推动力量。要围绕幸福导向型产业的内容和特点,结合国家、省有关发展战略性新兴产业的指导意见和扶持措施,着力从以下七大方面进行推动:

(楊育民)....化學新藥(NCE) 台灣仍有利基 !

 2012/06/10 七葉膽的網誌  今年年初,總統大選打的火熱,宇昌生技案成為藍綠對抗的焦點,也意外讓一位海外生技專家聲名大噪,他是楊育民,瑞士商羅氏藥廠的全球技術營運總裁。行政院科技顧問組(現已改成科技會報)每年召開「生技產業策略會議(BTC)」,這個已舉辦多年的會議,總會邀請國內外第一流生技產業專家返台,透過三天閉門會議為台灣生技把脈,結論並成為政府生技政策的重要主軸。參加這場會議,可以聽到不少國際級的群策建言,只可惜相關意見在國內通常要歷經數年才有辦法逐步落實。去年BTC邀請的一位專家我最好奇,他就是楊育民,全球各大跨國藥廠中,位階最高的台籍主管,不同於其他仍身津要職的台籍海外企業家,楊育民近年來經常返台,且總是不吝發表許多誠懇的建言。那次BTC會議將閉幕當天中午,我前往會場現場,閉幕會前20分鐘,一位灰髮先生已獨身默默的坐在第一排位置,看了看桌上名牌,我主動上前遞上名片,他是楊育民。楊育民說,他每半年回台,主要是探望87歲的媽媽,弟弟去年也在馬偕醫院當副院長。我對楊育民第一次的印象,是2007年蔡英文主導成立宇昌生技時,他曾協助將Genentech生技公司的抗愛滋病新藥授權給宇昌生技。那時楊育民是Genentech副總裁,這家公司是全美新興生技龍頭,20094月羅氏藥廠併購了Genentech後,他在新藥廠的地位再上一層樓而當上總裁。楊育民說,羅氏原本一年營業額260億美元,併了Genentech之後,營業額達到360億美元,其中來自化學藥品(小分子藥物)的業績有100億美元,來自於生技(蛋白質)藥品的業績則達到200億美元以上。羅氏併購Genentech的目的,和其他跨國大藥廠一樣,希望能從傳統的化學製藥集團提升為生技製藥集團。楊育民說,目前全球藥品市場,生物藥品的年銷售額成長幅度15%,主要成長動能來自主流的歐美市場;相較之下,化學藥品每年業績成長幅度僅有4.5%,且成長動能主要在新興市場,生物藥品成為製藥市場主流,已是不爭的事實。「但這並不代表化學藥品將來會從製藥市場消失」,楊育民特別強調,以癌症治療為例,許多生物藥品只能在癌細胞外圍作用,但癌細胞內部仍有許多分子可能影響癌細胞繁殖,必須透過化學藥品才能深入癌細胞內,達到攻擊的效果。一般人誤以為,化學藥品發展至今已經面臨瓶頸,事實上,美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)每年通過的新成分新藥(NCE)二、三十項,其中仍以化學藥品占多數,就市場銷售量來看,化學藥品的規模仍勝於生物藥品。因此,楊育民認為,台灣發展新藥,仍應以化學藥品為主,這也是台灣的強項,台灣化學人才相當多,若考慮進軍大陸在內的新興市場,化學藥品機會仍高於生物藥品。台灣生技業發展相當多元,為此楊育民主張,政府仍應集中發展新藥才是正軌,研發新藥才能讓台灣更專注在高門檻的項目。他認為,台灣的生技資本市場太膨脹,很多保健食品及低階醫材股價被吹捧過高,有泡沫化的危機,一旦泡沫破滅,會讓很多投資人對生技徹底失望,而事實上造成泡沫的公司都非西方生技的主流項目,只有回歸到新藥的長期發展,才能突顯這項產業的價值。今年總統大選後,楊育民有感台灣選舉的悪質,發表聲明強調,不再返台向政府提供建言。我和楊育民的訪談相當簡短,仍紀錄下他對全球生技製藥的分析與對台灣的建議。XB: 羅氏藥廠楊育民:台灣生技應集中發展化學新藥 - 七葉膽

15個國家新藥研發大平台 !!

武汉首个综合新药研发平台通过验收   发布时间:2012/6/8 16:11:00 来源:药品资讯网信息中心65,武汉首个综合性新药研发大平台在东湖开发区通过验收。据悉,这一平台位列国家重大新药创制专项,代表着武汉恶性肿瘤、心脑血管等方面新药研发水平领跑中部。重大新药创制专项,是国家中长期发展规划中的16个重大专项之一。目前国内有15个国家综合性新药研发大平台在建。武汉综合性新药研发大平台于2009年由华中科技大学、武汉大学等联合申报,重点研发恶性肿瘤、心脑血管、神经等方面的新药。
山東國家綜合性新藥研發大平台通過驗收  20120605 來源︰ 科技日報 作者︰ 楊樹平 王延斌  本報訊 (通訊員楊樹平 記者王延斌)12個省委、省政府文件,8項關于資金支持的文件……這些都為一個平台的建設“保駕護航”。61,山東國家綜合性新藥研究開發技術大平台在濟南通過國家鑒定。據了解,該平台是在建的15個國家綜合性新藥研發技術大平台之一。到目前,山東省共爭取專項經費3.57億元,省財政配套2億元,濟南高新區配套12.4億元,構築了14個單元技術平台,形成了“舉全省之力,建設大平台”的山東特色。據介紹,“國家新藥研發大平台”是國家藥物創新體系的重要支撐平台。山東省醫藥產值連續八年全國第一,但是新藥自主創新能力較低、缺乏新藥大品種和高端創新團隊。為此,山東省科技廳組織了山東大學等6家單位進行整合,組建了山東省重大新藥創制中心。其建設目標是︰以“一個中心區、六類研發孵化基地、三十個創新團隊、五十個示範企業和三個新藥產業密集區”為重點,構築山東省重大新藥創制體系和重大新藥成果轉化體系。(科技日報)

FDA藥證無望!! 中化生 幫 默克 代工 Ridaforolimus ...

默克新藥無法上市,中化生:占營收1%影響不大 2012-06-08 【時報記者何美如台北報導】中化生(1762)總經理張祥漢今(8)日表示,日前已接獲客戶Merck(默克)通知,雙方合作的骨癌新藥雷帕霉素(Ridaforolimus)的藥證確定無法拿到,但強調,原料藥 RAPA(Rapamycin)去年營收占比僅1.7%,出給Merck的營收占比更僅1%,對業績影響不大。張祥漢表示,Merck向美國FDA申請骨癌的骨癌新藥藥證確定無法拿到,但Merck持續在歐洲申請乳癌、非小細胞肺癌、攝護腺癌、乳癌等臨床試驗。去年RAP營收占比僅1.7%,出給Merck的營收占比更僅1%發言人黃重信補充說明,去年出貨給 MerckRAPA5公斤,今年未再出貨給Merck,但有出貨給另一家藥廠,用於非癌領域的新藥三期臨床,預估下半年還會出貨56公斤,該產品首季營收比重為7.98%  

中国制造~中国创造~中国服务 !

我国培育国际合作竞争新优势   来源:中国化工报  | 日期:2012-6-8  国务院办公厅日前转发国家发改委等8部门《关于加快培育国际合作和竞争新优势指导意见的通知》。《通知》指出,当前全球围绕市场、资源、人才、技术、标准等方面的竞争日趋激烈,我国迫切需要加快培育国际合作和竞争新优势。《通知》提出要优化对外贸易结构,促进由"中国制造""中国创造""中国服务"跨越;提升利用外资水平;加快实施"走出去"战略,鼓励冶金、建材、化工等行业到境外建立生产基地;完善区域开放格局;构建开放型创新体系,提高产业国际竞争力 


和碩「孵小雞」戰術 衝規模  【經濟日報記者曾仁凱/台北報導】 2012.06.04 2010年底,和碩成功搶下蘋果的iPhone代工訂單,打破鴻海獨家代工地位,視為和碩分家獨立後的重要代表作,讓鴻海董事長郭台銘氣得牙癢癢。  和碩的布局深度涵括模具、精密塑膠和金屬機構件等;產品廣度不只橫跨電腦、通訊和消費性電子等3C產業,甚至還跨足豆漿機、機器人吸塵器等家電領域。紮實的深度與廣度,和碩因此經常被比擬為「小鴻海」  不過,和碩董事長童子賢卻多次表示,「自己不是郭台銘」,看到公司營業額後面多掛一個零,是身為企業領導人的責任,但不會讓自己感到太多快感,反而是看到好的產品、好的人才在組織裡誕生,那種飄飄然的感覺,就像是吸了嗎啡一樣。  童子賢說,我有一個心願,不是代工業務能做到多大規模,而是能孵出5 10隻小雞,小的每個月營收12億元,大的能做到1020億元。希望這群小雞未來能貢獻和碩集團三分之一至四分之一的營收,多角化布局以分散風險。  幾年來,童子賢悉心養出不少金雞母,像是和碩旗下經營主機板自有品牌的華擎、IC基板廠景碩、網通廠海華獲利出色。和碩甚至還殺進光學領域,與景碩合資成立晶碩光學,瞄準熱門的隱形眼鏡市場。  在童子賢心中,和碩擁有紮實的3C技術,加上在模具、精密機械、精密塑膠等零件材料方面研究透徹,希望以此為基礎,朝多角化應用方向發展,成為「科技業的3M」。童子賢對科技著迷,1989年從宏碁出走、自立門戶,找來徐世昌、廖敏雄和謝偉琦等幾個好朋友,在台北市長春路租了一間公寓,一頭栽入電腦主機板研發。憑著一股熱情,他們初開發出的主機板就技驚全球晶片龍頭英特爾,一砲而紅,造就後來的華碩。  一位和碩的資深員工形容,童子賢對科技的熱情不是為了生意,而是真正的興趣。像iPhoneiPad等任何科技新玩意一推出,他會馬上自掏腰包買來23台,找研發人員一起拆解,研究裡頭到底藏著什麼新技術、新功能。【2012/06/04 經濟日報】  

J&J fraudulent tactics to sell Risperdal...

強生公司將計入6億美元訴訟相關支出   2012 06 09 10:31  強生公司(Johnson & Johnson ,JNJ)稱﹐計劃在第二財政季度計入約6億美元特殊支出以應對可能的訴訟和解。目前﹐該公司面臨一系列有關行賄和不當藥物營銷活動的訴訟。該公司稱﹐上述支出可能用於一系列民事訴訟案和解費用﹐其中包括與其藥品RisperdalInvegaNatrecor相關的案件﹐以及與Omnicare Inc. (OCR)相關的訴訟案。

J&J plans $600 mln charge related to Risperdal sales  Fri, Jun 8 2012  Thu, May 31 2012  By Ransdell Pierson Fri Jun 8, 2012 7:12pm EDT (Reuters) - Johnson & Johnson said on Friday it expects to take a special charge of about $600 million in the second quarter to bolster reserves for a potential settlement of civil lawsuits related to how it marketed schizophrenia treatment Risperdal and other drugs. The hefty charge would also fund potential settlements for litigation involving marketing of Invega, another J&J schizophrenia treatment, as well as Natrecor, a medicine for congestive heart failure. The money being set aside would also help cover potential settlements involving Omnicare Inc, a pharmacy operator that provides medicines to patients in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. Federal investigators have alleged J&J made illegal payments to Omnicare to purchase and recommend Risperdal for its patients. J&J is facing a number of lawsuits from states that allege it improperly marketed Risperdal for patients and conditions for which it was not approved by U.S. regulators - including elderly residents of nursing homes. The diversified healthcare company declined to provide further comment about the planned charge, the latest in big set-asides for Risperdal litigation. J&J in January took a fourth-quarter charge of $3.3 billion, which it said was largely related to ongoing Risperdal lawsuits and investigations. The U.S. Department of Justice for years has been investigating allegations that J&J marketed the one-time blockbuster medicine for unapproved uses. Federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., earlier this year nixed a tentative $1 billion settlement with J&J, holding out for a bigger settlement with the drugmaker, according to published reports. An Arkansas state judge in April ordered J&J to pay a $1.1 billion penalty after a jury found the company guilty of using fraudulent tactics to sell Risperdal. Arkansas alleges J&J deceived thousands of doctors in the state by touting the drug as better and safer than rival therapies and marketing it for unapproved uses in children and the elderly. In January, J&J agreed to pay $158 million to settle a Texas lawsuit that alleged improper marketing of Risperdal to state residents on the Medicaid health program for the poor, including children and adolescents.

優盛 解除葉禾庠及劉志平 競業禁止 (禾果醫學) !

  發言時間 101/06/0610:29:29  發言人 陳禮賢 發言人職稱 副總 發言人電話 26597888主旨 : 公告股東會通過解除董事競業禁止之限制  符合條款第21款  事實發生日101/06/06  說明1.股東會決議日:101/06/06  2.許可從事競業行為之董事姓名及職稱:  董事長(兼任總經理)葉禾庠及連鎖通路事業群總經理劉志平。  3.許可從事競業行為之項目:  一、本公司董事葉禾庠先生、劉志平先生分別擔任百分百轉投資孫公司 禾果醫學   科技股份有限公司董事長、董事。  4.許可從事競業行為之期間:於本公司任職期間。  5.決議情形(請依公司法第209條說明表決結果):全體出席股東無異議照案通過。  6.所許可之競業行為如屬大陸地區事業之營業者,董事姓名及職稱(非屬大陸地區事業之  營業者,以下請輸〝不適用〞):不適用  7.所擔任該大陸地區事業之公司名稱及職務:不適用  8.所擔任該大陸地區事業地址:不適用  9.所擔任該大陸地區事業營業項目:不適用  10.對本公司財務業務之影響程度:無  11.董事如有對該大陸地區事業從事投資者,其投資金額及持股比例:不適用  12.其他應敘明事項:無  以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責.  

Toronto human iPS Workshop

Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (HiPSC) Workshop    by ALEXEY BERSENEV on JUNE 7, 2012 ·This is a guest post by Stacey Johnson Toronto's Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) is offering a practical course in how to produce and maintain iPSCs. Participants will also learn about standardized validation and characterization methods to ensure the quality of the stem cell lines. 
Workshop Key Learning Objectives:  Theory of iPSC production and underlying technical methodologies applied to achieve reprogramming. Hands-on basic cell culture for human ESCs, iPSCs and primary fibroblast lines, including media preparation, colony picking and expansion, cryopreservation and revival. Hands-on induction of fibroblasts and blood cells using various transgene delivery methods. Hands-on identification of emergent iPSC colonies and their isolation. Characterization of established iPSCs via immunostaining and quantitative PCR, as well as high-throughput methods using flow cytometry. Differentiation of iPSCs along desired embryonic lineages. Please register by July 13, 2012 as space is limited. The workshop takes place August 13-15 in Toronto. More details can be found here.  

Prediabetes Linked to Stroke Risk

 Lifestyle Changes May Help Prevent Stroke Among People With Prediabetes By Denise Mann WebMD Health News Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD  June 8, 2012 -- People with prediabetes may be at greater risk for stroke, a new study suggests.  Prediabetes refers to blood sugar levels that are higher than normal but not high enough to be defined as having diabetes. This condition places a person at greater risk for full-blown diabetes. Many people with prediabetes also have other risk factors for stroke. These include being overweight or obese, having high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.  Researchers from the University of California at San Diego analyzed 15 studies of nearly 761,000 people to get a handle on whether or not prediabetes increases stroke risk.  And it does -- sometimes. Stroke risk varies based on the definition of prediabetes. Not all studies in the new analysis defined prediabetes in the same way.  Prediabetes is typically defined as a fasting (not eating for 12 hours) glucose level between 100 to 125 mg/dl. Seventy to 100 mg/dl is normal.  Studies with people whose blood sugar levels were in the 110 to 125 mg/dl range showed a 21% greater likelihood of stroke. This risk held even after the research team took into account other factors that are known to increase risk for stroke.  This range was how the American Diabetes Association defined prediabetes in 1997. They changed the definition to 100mg/dl to 125mg/dl in 2003. 

Studies that used the less-restrictive range did show a higher risk for stroke.  Future stroke risk begins to rise at or above a fasting glucose level of 110 mg/dL, the study authors suggest. Their findings appear in the British Medical Journal.  If you fall into this category, "the best thing you can do is alter your lifestyle," says researcher Bruce Ovbiagele, MD. He is a neuroscientist at University of California at San Diego. "Maintain a normal weight and try to exercise at least three times a week."  There is no medicine that treats prediabetes, but "lifestyle modifications can prevent more than 50% of people from going from prediabetes to frank diabetes, which is a major risk factor for stroke," he says. 

The best part is that these lifestyle changes are side-effect free.  "There is a growing epidemic of prediabetes, and more people should check whether or not they have it, regardless of the difference in definitions," Ovbiagele tells WebMD.  Lifestyle Changes Can Prevent Full-Blown Diabetes  Minisha Sood, MD, agrees. She says prediabetes can be an important warning sign for future health problems, including stroke. Sood is an endocrinologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.  The question becomes: What can you do about it? "If someone has impaired fasting glucose, I suggest lifestyle modifications endorsing 5% to 10% weight loss if they are overweight or obese, 150 minutes of exercise per week, and counseling about how to accomplish this."  "Many people don't take complications of their disease to heart, and they don't put a lot of weight on lifestyle changes," she says. "The onus is on the patient, but physicians can't be lackadaisical about prediabetes either. ... Know your numbers so you can get a head start on reducing your cardiovascular risk factors."


微整型「雙重減痛」時代來臨! 新興注射工具搭配添加麻醉劑全新舒適劑型

 2012/06/09    王慰祖/撰稿微整形當道,各類微針注射產品,如最受歡迎的玻尿酸,讓愛美人士趨之若騖,但是「既期待又怕受傷害」,多數消費者仍因害怕玻尿酸注射時的疼痛感,或擔心療程後的瘀青腫脹問題而裹足不前,尤其對於第一次嘗試玻尿酸微整形療程的消費者,如何克服其對於疼痛的恐懼,並縮短術後恢復期,就成為臨床首要挑戰。  紐約整形外科診所院長呂旭彥表示,玻尿酸微整形之所以受到歡迎,在於它具備痛感低、恢復短、效果快等訴求。但是想要滿足消費者的期望值,不僅考驗專業臨床技術,更仰賴產品劑型與注射工具的精進與突破,克服疼痛以及術後腫脹瘀青就是最大的訴求。  呂旭彥強調,若僅利用一般常用的尖針注射,一方面入針孔數較多,再者較難避免尖銳針頭造成的出血與瘀青狀況。而新上市的鑽石級微型鈍針(pix'L),則採用子彈型的圓鈍側開口設計,能有效避免傷及血管組織,降低瘀青腫脹等術後徵狀。在材質選用上,則以頂級不鏽鋼材鑄造,媲美瑞士頂級名表,號稱微型鈍針界的精品鑽石。  利欣麗思醫美集團總院長廖苑利醫師表示,鑽石級微型鈍針的獨特優勢,在於它具備高度靈活彈性,可以隨肌膚組織狀況適時調整施作方向,改善注射時的機械阻力,注射流暢之餘,更容易掌握玻尿酸注射的位置與劑量。

GSK stretches $2.6B offer for HGS

 June 8, 2012 | By Ryan McBride GlaxoSmithKline ($GSK) hasn't budged on its $2.6 billion offer for Human Genome Sciences ($HGSI). The London-based drug giant lengthened its offer to HGS shareholder at the same $13-per-share price tag, holding less than 1% of the shares when the previous offer period expired Thursday, Reuters' Ben Hirschler reported.The biotech yanks have shunned GSK's hostile bid, maintaining that the offer undervalues the company, while the British pharma notes that the sum is an 81% premium on the price of the stock before the buyout plan was announced in April. While the extended offer from GSK lasts through June 29, sources tell Reuters that the company plans to outflank HGS by replacing the entire board of the Rockville, MD-based biotech via a "consent solicitation."  Meantime, HGS has advanced a poison pill strategy to stymie GSK's advance and buy time to attract competing buyout bids. As Hirschler reported, HGS has been in talks with other companies but no other bids have surfaced. Why? Glaxo already controls half of the commercial value of HGS's lupus drug Benlysta as well as most of the potential bounty from sales of key drugs in the biotech's pipeline. That could make HGS less attractive to a buyer which would have to share revenue from those products with GSK.  


  2012/06/09      台大醫院內科部主治醫師黃聖懿(左)、癌症希望基金會執行長蘇連瓔,呼籲民眾正視淋巴癌的疾病嚴重性 王慰祖/撰稿淋巴癌是少數可以完全治癒的癌症,例如美國職棒紅襪隊強投Lester,就是戰勝淋巴癌,重返大聯盟拿下19勝的最佳寫照。在國內,5年存活率在傳統治療下,仍低於國外。主要在於患者輕忽症狀、不識類別,而延誤就醫。  癌症希望基金會發行「淋巴癌衛教書籤套卡」,呼籲民眾熟記「打擊淋巴癌五步驟」,即: 記口訣、辨身分、遵醫囑、不中斷、樂抗癌,以及掌握「燒、腫、癢、汗、咳、瘦」六大症狀,才不會錯失治療的黃金治療期。  台大醫院內科部主治醫師黃聖懿表示,淋巴癌分為何杰金氏淋巴癌及非何杰金氏淋巴癌,在台灣非何杰金氏淋巴瘤的發生率遠高於何杰金氏,約為9:1,國外則以何杰金氏為主,治癒率也較高。  而非何杰金氏淋巴癌又分為B細胞及T細胞兩大範圍,以及高度惡性、中度惡性及低度惡性三種惡性度,國內以B細胞占80%左右,確定淋巴癌類別,並且了解癌細胞可能的侵犯範圍,選擇合適的治療方式,長期追蹤、積極治療。  黃聖懿說,國外研究發現非何杰金淋巴癌患者的五年存活率接近七成,而台灣患者只有五成多,原因可能是疾病警覺性低、未能早期發現、沒有做完全程治療、信偏方等因素。  研究結果顯示,非何杰金氏B細胞侵襲性中高惡性度的淋巴癌,在化療及標靶治療的完整治療下,近6成的病友可以存活超過五年。而追蹤至十年,對治療有完全反應的病患中,也有超過6成的病患疾病沒有復發。此外,針對低惡性度淋巴癌,以誘導療法加上維持療法,病患有高達7成可達到三年無惡化存活率。所以,無論淋巴癌惡性程度為何,都必須接受完整全程的治療,才能有較佳的治療成效。  一位57位的婦人,咳嗽三個月一直沒有好,到最後嚴重的胸痛,胸骨竟向外突出,送醫檢查才發現頸部淋巴結腫大,經過胸腔電腦斷層掃描,發現一個12公分大的腫瘤緊緊包住她的主氣管,醫師確診為惡性淋巴瘤,瀰漫性大B細胞、極高惡性度、表面CD20抗原陽性。全身掃描顯示淋巴腫瘤早已到處蔓延,是第四期淋巴瘤。  黃聖懿說,因為氣管被腫瘤壓住無法呼吸,先採用氣管支架讓呼吸道暢通,接著投予化療,但是反應不理想,就再加上專門對抗B細胞淋巴瘤合併有CD20抗原陽性的標靶抗體加入治療陣容,配合化療使用,六個療程後,終於讓腫瘤縮小一半。  之後再予以高劑量放射治療,患者從嘴巴到胸口這一大段的皮膚都嚴重燒焦,原本希望以外科手術方式切除腫瘤,但是評估認為不適合,最後再加上100倍的高劑量化療,並搭配幹細胞移植,經過近七個月的奮戰,醫療團隊將所有「武器」全都搬出來,終於將這位第四期淋巴瘤患者從鬼門關前搶回來。  黃聖懿強調,淋巴癌的種類雖然繁多,但是只要擁有正確知識、積極治療,定期追蹤,淋巴癌是可以有很好的控制效果。

Mobile Site or Mobile App: Which Should You Build First?

[INFOGRAPHIC] Astute Internet observers know by now that the future of the web is mobile. More and more consumers will access data and information via smartphones, tablets and other portable devices. So businesses need to prepare by beefing up their presences on the mobile web.  But is it better to get started by creating a mobile-optimized website or by building a standalone mobile app?  A mobile app is faster, more interactive and can integrate with all kinds of other phone features. But the app must be installed to be of any use at all, while a good mobile site can simply be navigated to on a user's whim. It's also typically cheaper to build a mobile site, and you don't have to deal with any pesky approval hassles.  Mobile apps are becoming more and more popular with Internet users, however. Two years ago, users spent an average of about 20 or more minutes per day on browser-based sites than mobile apps. By last December, that relationship had flipped, and mobile apps were outpacing browser-based sites by more than 20 minutes per day. 

全球人口結構老化 醫療電子產業前景看好

2012/06/08-DIGITIMES企劃 IPC產業已跳離原本狹隘的工業自動化與環境控制範疇,朝向更為寬廣的服務、影像監控、網路通訊等產業領域發展,醫療電子市場也很自然地成為眾多IPC業者所著重的選項之一。  雖然根據ETP調查資料顯示,醫療電子市場目前佔IPC產品應用的比例仍然不高,僅有11.9%,落後於通訊市場、工業自動化市場甚多,但隨著全球各先進國家人口結構逐漸老化——以台灣為例,行政院經濟建設委員會預估民國115年時,青壯人口與老年人口比例尚有3.2:1,但是到了民國145年後,兩者之間比例將惡化到接近於1:1——人們對於居家照顧及遠距醫療服務的需求量也將會隨之大增。  全球醫療電子產業(包含健身與健康器材產品)之產品結構。資料來源:Databeans(2009);工研院IEK(2009/07) 由於上述兩種服務都需要透過相關儀器的設置,以建構完整醫療照護網路體系後才能成形,因此顯見醫療電子中各項可用於生理監控、健康科技電子及醫療視訊診斷方面的設備,其未來的市場成長前景是相當被看好。

醫療電子產業市場概況  依據Databean與工研院IEK對於醫療電子產業趨勢發展的研究報告指出,2009年全球醫療電子產業市場(包含健身與健康器材產品)的產值大約為1,248億美元,到了2014年時預估還將會繼續成長至2,080億美元的規模,其年複合成長率可高達10.8%,都再再顯示「醫電整合應用」將成為新一波產業發展的重點方向。  而依照使用地點不同,此類產器還可細分為居家用醫療電子產品(Home Medical Electronics)、影像類醫電產品(Imaging Medical Electronics)與臨床醫電產品(Clinical Medical Electronics)等三大類型。以一般的狀況來說,居家用醫療電子產品會以血糖儀、數位體溫計、數位血壓計、心律監測器等消費性商品為主體;影像類醫電產品則包括超音波、正子造影(PET)、核磁共振(MRI)與電腦斷層模擬攝影等相關診斷器材;至於其他像是心電圖計、遠距照顧產品、助聽器/心跳節律器等這類無法歸屬於以上兩大類型的醫療電子產品,即總歸於臨床醫電這個分類。

以病患需求為核心 進行產品的研發設計  由於居家醫療電子產品類型設計的主要目的,就是要提供眾多消費者在無需醫護人員從旁協助下,即可自行完成該設備的使用,因此其產品的成本與價格、使用過程是否方便,以及操作界面是否符合人性等因素,便是此一市場區隔產品的主要競爭力來源。  工業技術研究院生醫所生醫電子與影像技術組副組長施明認為,這類的儀器產品應該要具備非接觸式、微型化、容易使用、高性價比及外觀採流行方式設計等特性,才有可能為人們所接受。  舉長庚養生村為例子,該村在設計建造之時,即直接將各式無線感測器直接內嵌於踏板、燈具、坐墊等傢俱之中,以便蒐集每位長者在進行一般日常生活時的行動參數資料,再結合無線網路機制傳送到後端醫護中心,做為醫師們遠距診斷及人們自我健康管理時使用。「如此才能確保人們即便在其居家環境中,依然可享有無所不在的醫療照護服務。」  至於在影像類醫電產品方面,其原理都是欲透過能量穿透、反射與化學物質排放出人體/特定部位的測量與記錄,並再藉由儀器的協助將其具像化,交由醫師進行解讀,以確實掌握人們體內狀況,提高診斷的正確性,增加治療成功機率。因此本類型產品發展方向,主要會是集中於磁共振、超音波、螢光血管顯影術、光聲成像、熱影像、正子發射電腦斷層掃描(PET/CT)、單一光子發射電腦斷層掃描(SPET/CT)或療程整合….等新技術的開發與引進,使診斷工具所能提供的資訊更加準確且有效。  中原大學生物醫學工程系教授蘇振隆表示,業者可先透過技術成像模式背後本身的運作原理,或是由取像/成像的技術角度,來進行產品品質的改良。「不過在投入開發之前,業者也必須要先思考:以該方式所取得的影像目標為何?醫師想看到的資訊是否很容易從中進行判斷?要取得需付出何種的代價?而非一昧地追求技術進步。   而其他無法歸類的醫療電子產品市場中,根據工研院所做的《2010年醫療電子產業趨勢》一文顯示,是以遠距監測產品與植入式器材這兩大類的市場成長率最高。由於這類產品經常需要人們隨身攜帶,甚至於直接植入人體之中,以便即時讓醫療單位掌握其生理資訊,因此如何使治療器材達到安全、微小化與低耗能,就成為業者設計發展的主要軸心。  「一些需要進行設定的裝置,還會額外再要求功能整合及人性化操作的特性。」長庚大學資訊工程學系副教授林仲志認為,業者在設計新一代的產品時,應先針對人體經過良好的工學與外形設計,讓人們樂於習慣使用與穿戴,不會因為排斥或不舒服的緣故,從而影響儀器的監測效果。如新一代非接觸式ECG電極片,大小及厚度各僅約1個與35元銅板,而Kai Sensor公司所開發的KMS 200,則使用MIMO微波杜普勒雷達技術,可量測人體胸部起伏變化,並在數百英呎外同時量測數個目標對象的心跳與呼吸狀況。

微小化、 方便性及可攜式是研發趨勢  綜合上述的看法,我們可以了解未來全球醫療電子產品的創新研究趨勢,都終將會以病患需求為核心,朝向微小化、方便性及可攜式等方向發展,除了欲藉此提高病患使用設備意願的方式,提高其獨立生活的能力,從而解決醫療支出高漲的問題之外,再配合各項病患保護的相關技術,更可以確保病患與護理人員的人身及健康安全,防止褥瘡、服藥錯誤或接觸式感染等事件發生。  從歐美日各先進國家的經驗觀察,若能透過居家照護行為,延緩老年人口進入重症階段,並縮短住院照護時間,可省下的支出相當可觀。由於現在絕大部份的人多還是選擇「在地老化」或「在宅老化」,因此有不少業者對於遠距照護的市場前景非常看好,但過去也正是由於相關業者在設計照護器材的使用與運作方式不符合上述要求,導致台灣此一市場長期以來一直難以獲得健全發展。  因此台灣IPC業者所要做的,應該是要藉由與醫療服務業者共同合作的方式,設法從各種現有的醫療電子產品中找出可能的市場機會,以業者能夠發揮的優勢切入市場,進行相關的加值,讓原本看起來是平淡無奇的產品更具有市場的吸引力。「業者應放棄單打獨鬥、技術本位的想法,將自己轉型成加值角色」而這樣發展方式,業者既不必投入太多的成本,風險亦可降至最低,研發費用很快就可以獲得回收。  不過由於兩者通常各有其專業技術領域,因此有興趣投入醫療電子產業的IPC業者在選擇負責主導雙邊合作研發計畫的專案經理時,應該要首重其是否具備高度溝通技術的能力。「這個人必須要同時了解IT與醫療服務業者兩邊術語與思考邏輯,如此才能將醫療服務業者所提出的想法及需求,轉化成技術人員實際可行的明確開發規格。」

宜蘭厝...宜蘭買地 送建照 !

樂活築夢 起造宜蘭厝 2012/06/08 05:22 報導 】新聞專題「樂活築夢 起造宜蘭厝」(黃麗鳳報導) 樂活風潮帶動下,國人愈發嚮往宜人適住的生活環境。 在宜蘭, 宜蘭縣政府正以地方政府的力量,帶頭促推新一波造屋運動;融合綠建築理念、在地建材與宜蘭人文特色,在都市地區打造「宜蘭厝」,形塑城市美學。 宜蘭縣長林聰賢說,過去,宜蘭農舍如雨後春筍般興起,但建築設計雜亂,整體欠缺城市美感,縣府決定從頭城烏石港起步,結合地主、開發商、建築師、社區居民凝聚共識,在打造新建物時,就能以呈現周邊優質環境氛圍和人文特色的建築風格為主,逐步縕釀地景風貌,讓宜蘭成為宜居城市。「宜蘭厝」的建築理念,源起自宜蘭縣老縣長游錫(方方土)在縣長任內的民居改善計劃。1994年,一群關心宜蘭土地和生活的人,以「宜蘭厝」為名,開始一個「尋找理想的家」的行動,並帶起持續不斷對於優質生活環境的熱烈討論與實踐行動。游錫(方方土)表示,「宜蘭厝」的最初發想,希望形塑一個可以回應宜蘭在地歷史文化、風土環境與生活機能的建築型式,透過點、線、面的推動後,成功促成宜蘭公共建築藝術化,近年來,更吸引許多建築師、社區民眾和關心建築的人到蘭陽平原耕耘夢土,發揮創意。最新一波的「宜蘭厝」基地位於烏石港開發區,鄰近蘭陽博物館。宜蘭縣政府建設處長李兆峰表示,有別於先前「宜蘭厝」的建物多半位在鄉村,甚至變成農舍,這次的計畫回歸都市,也導入建設公司,透過容積、獎金等獎勵誘因,鼓勵民眾個人及建築開發商,投資興建。迎接民眾在宜蘭起厝圓夢,宜蘭縣政府同時推出「烏石港買地就送建照及宜蘭厝專業設計圖」,鼓勵嚮往樂活人生的民眾入住烏石港,移居築夢在宜蘭。

Physicists discover mechanisms of wrinkle and crumple formation

 June 8, 2012 In recent experiments, Davidovitch and colleagues confirmed their earlier theoretical predictions using an ultra-thin film, just tens of nanometers thick. They say the wrinkle-to-crumple transition reflects a dramatic change called "symmetry breaking" in the distribution of stresses in the sheet. Credit: UMass Amherst Smooth wrinkles and sharply crumpled regions are familiar motifs in biological and synthetic sheets, such as plant leaves and crushed foils, say physicists Benny Davidovitch, Narayanan Menon and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, but how a featureless sheet develops a complex shape has long remained elusive. Now, in a cover story of the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the physicists report that they have identified a fundamental mechanism by which such complex patterns emerge spontaneously. Davidovitch says they were inspired and moved toward a solution by thinking about how a familiar birthday balloon, made of two circular mylar foils, wrinkles and crumples (two separate processes). The two foils start flat, but when glued together around their edges and injected with helium gas to create higher-than-atmospheric pressure inside, they spontaneously changes shape to accommodate the gas. "This simple process leads to a fascinating pattern of wrinkles and crumples that emerge spontaneously near the perimeter of each foil," Davidovitch points out. "What we discovered is an unusual sequence of transitions that underlie this and possibly other types of morphological complexity." In the laboratory, rather than balloons, the researchers including doctoral student Hunter King, who conducted many of the experiments, and postdoctoral researcher Robert Schroll, who carried out theoretical calculations, used microscopically thin films and a drop of water to model the effects they wished to study. They cut a circle of ultra-thin film from a sheet 10,000 times thinner than a piece of paper, only tens of nanometers thick, and place it flat on the water drop nestled in a circular collar, where surface tension holds it in place. "We then very, very gently inject more and more water into the bubble, very gradually, so it becomes more and more curved without spilling over," says Davidovitch. "When the radius of the drop gets small enough, the thin film starts to develop fine radial wrinkles near its outer perimeter as the water pressure increases If you keep adding pressure, decreasing the radius further, a second transition takes place and the film starts to crumple and to look more like a table cloth, draping with sharp creases over the edge of a flattened top," he adds. Watching this process through incremental steps, the researchers were able to observe and describe through mathematical formulas how the drop imposes confinement on circles of latitude of the sheet. "The degree of this confinement increases as the drop's radius decreases, and an unusual sequence of transitions can then be observed," says Davidovitch. With this work the investigators, who had earlier proposed quantitative predictions of wrinkle patterns in ultra-thin sheets by following the principle that such sheets must be free of compression, confirm their theoretical predictions. The current experiments also suggest that the wrinkle-to-crumple transition reflects a dramatic change called "symmetry breaking" in the distribution of stresses in the sheet, rather than just a further disruption of its symmetric shape, Davidovitch points out. The researchers are now working on new puzzles regarding the formation of crumpled features posed by the experiment. Journal reference: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Un minuscule FOIE humain, recréé à partir de cellules souches

 Actualité publiée il y a 2 jours  Un mini-foie -qui fonctionnerait selon les différents échos de l'AFP et du journal japonais Yomiuri Shimbun. Ces scientifiques japonais de l'Université de Yokohama seraient parvenus à créer ce foie à partir de cellules souches humaines. Si ces résultats devaient être confirmés, ils représenteraient une avancée exceptionnelle dans la fabrication d'organes artificiels nécessaires aux transplantations. La recherche devrait être présentée lors du 10è Congrès annuel de l'International Society for Stem Cells Research qui a lieu prochainement au Japon.  Le professeur Hideki Taniguchi, directeur de la recherche, aurait transplanté avec succès des souches pluripotentes induites (iPS) dans la tête d'une souris pour bénéficier du flux sanguin particulier vers le cerveau. Ces cellules se seraient ensuite développées en un minuscule foie humain, de 5 mm, mais…fonctionnel. C'est un premier pas important, mais l'exploitation de cette recherche en pratique clinique est encore loin.Du côté de la thérapie cellulaire : Une autre recherche japonaise, publiée le 4 juin, dans la revue Cell Transplantation, montre que la thérapie cellulaire, une alternative à la transplantation hépatique (et à la reconstitution d'un foie) pour traiter une maladie hépatique, montre aussi des résultats prometteurs. Elle indique a contrario, que les cellules hépatiques matures seraient plus adaptées que cellules souches. Après avoir comparé l'efficacité de repeuplement de cellules souches progénitrices et d'hépatocytes matures transplantés dans le foie lésé de rats,  cette équipe de Sapporo, conclut que si la croissance des cellules souches a été plus rapide que les hépatocytes matures, après deux semaines la plupart des cellules souches n'ont pas survécu et que la plupart ont disparu dans les deux mois. En revanche, les hépatocytes matures sont parvenus à repeupler peu à peu les foies des rats et ont survécu au-delà d'un an. De nombreux facteurs permettant la survie et la croissance continue des cellules souches pour les améliorations futures en thérapie cellulaire sont toujours en cours d'étude.

Sources: AFP et autres medias et Cell Transplantation 21(1):11-22; 2012 « T. Growth ability and repopulation efficiency of transplanted hepatic stem cells, progenitor cells, and mature hepatocytes in retrorsine-treated rat livers"  

Linda Avey (Curiosity Inc.) ! ..the more you know, the healthier you gain !!

The Co-Founder Of 23andme On The Future Of Personal Data Tracking   The rise of personal analytics is going to bring us much greater clarity on our health decisions. Linda Avey's new company, Curiosity Inc., hopes to help quantify that data and tell us how to lead healthier lives. Linda Avey, the cofounder of genetic testing service 23andme, wasn't content with starting a company that brought genome-sharing from the sci-fi realm into reality. She had to do more. Avey's most recent mission: creating a personal data sharing and analytics platform through her new startup Curious, Inc. We spoke to Avey about the future of personal genomics, health data tracking, and how Curious will empower patients.  The premise of Curious, Inc.: We're really hoping to tap into general human curiosity. It's in our tagline: "We've got questions." The premise of our company is that people have a lot of questions, particularly about their heath, and aren't finding the right answers and solutions because they're just not out there. This is a platform for people to come together and start to ask questions of their own data, or if they want to find others who share their questions, have this ability to pose their questions and go on missions to discover answers. So if people who have migraine headaches come together and they all think it's because of the weather, and others say "No, it's because I eat too much salt" … we can look for correlations we think are there but aren't sure.  How the platform can tell patients whether their herbal supplements will really work: It's one thing to say this random person thinks this one supplement they got at Whole Foods made [a difference]. The more you can make it quantitative, the more I think people will start to trust it. We can track what it was supposed to be impacting, see if [people] slept better, had more energy.  Using Curious on caffeinated engineers: It doesn't have to be just health-related. Almost all the [software]engineers I've ever worked with drink a lot of caffeine, and I'd love to have them start tracking how many drinks they have a day and however they want to measure their productivity in their coding to see if there is a correlation and whether it drops off after a certain saturation level with caffeine.  Personal genomics and data tracking as a way to encourage wellness: Catching things early and being able to get the information and act on it sooner rather than later can put us much more into a prevention model. Seeing data that says you don't necessarily have something but you have a risk for something is where we need to move the whole wellness industry. Now that I've stepped out of it for a couple years, I see that it's just one piece of the puzzle and there will be all other kinds of ways for people to access their data. Personal genomics was a good place to start because it's a concrete thing.  On the proliferation of data-tracking devices: That's something that we'll be keeping a close eye on. I feel like a geek when I go running. I have my Nike FuelBand, my Endomondo, and my Garmin [Forerunner] 110. I'm looking forward to things coming to market like the Basis Watch, which measures heart rate, temperature, and other biodata points.  The potential for data-tracking health devices to truly hit the mainstream: It will hit the mainstream especially when it's commoditized and it's clear what the tracking will bring you. There's an opportunity for startups like Curious to not only provide data in one place but to start to learn from it and take actionable steps based on the data that will hopefully improve overall wellness.

Twitter Can Track Disease — Can It Predict Outbreaks?

 After analyzing 17 million mentions of illness in Facebook posts and tweets (separating "Bieber fever" from actual fever) and plotting genuine ailment mentions on a map, founder of Sickweather, Graham Dodge, has noticed trends in how disease spreads throughout the United States.  For one thing, disease spreads most quickly between Hartford, Conn. and Washington D.C., an area he has dubbed "contagion alley."  And it is impacted by big events like the Super Bowl. When the New York Giants played the New England Patriots in Indianapolis this February, Twitter mentions of illness in Indianapolis spiked, more than doubling those in demographically similar city Dayton, Ohio.  Several studies have already suggested that social media can accurately track disease. But observations like these, Dodge thinks, can eventually be used to anticipate outbreaks faster than ever before.  His company, Sickweather, is the first consumer-facing product to take a serious stab at tracking disease through social media chatter.  Its technology scans social networks for mentions of 24 different symptoms. Through semantic analysis, it decides which mentions actually refer to illness, and plots them at the location where they originate. The result is an interactive map searchable by location and illness. Users can also add their ailments directly to the map.Sickweather shows social media mentions of disease symptoms on a map Tracking disease through online activity has been done before. Researchers from Google and Yahoo found that search terms were good indicators of flu activity in 2008 and 2009. In 2010 Google launched Google Flu Trends, which provides public estimations for flu activity.  Social media, however, is an improved digital disease indicator.  "It inherently provides more context to the individual's situation for natural language processing to better qualify what the person means, e.g. a tweet of 'I have the flu' versus a search of the word 'flu,'" Dodge explains.  There are a variety of indicators that help track disease, including emergency room visits and over-the-counter medication purchases, but, says Mark Dredze — who has co-authored a study about Twitter's applicability to public health research — "social media is one of the fastest."  While it might take weeks for the CDC to report disease trends, social media is rife with real-time data that can help public health officials more quickly anticipate demand for medication and health services.  Therefore, it's not a surprise that the Department of Health and Human Services is interested in the approach. It recently launched a contest calling for apps that not only track how disease trends have developed in the past, but that also use social media as an advance signal of a public health emergency.  "When we looked back at the H1N1 pandemic, we saw that, in some cases, social media trends provided the first clues to flu outbreaks," said Dr. Nicole Lurie, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response, when the contest launched in March. Sickweather is among the entrants vying for the contest's $21,000 prize.  Here's where it differs from the methods that have been proven before: Dodge believes that adding data from travel patterns, event schedules, weather patterns or environmental roadside data into the mix could allow Sickweather to anticipate outbreaks even faster than social data alone.  "Think of it like the early days of weather forecasting," says Dodge. "We're basically transitioning from the Farmers' Almanac to Doppler radar." 


  【聯合報記者劉明岩/即時報導】 2012.06.08 10:10 pm成立4週年的秀傳亞洲微創手術訓練中心,已有40個國家的外科醫師近3000人前來研習,今天並在彰濱秀傳醫院國際會議廳舉辦一場「2012先進微創手術暨資訊科技國際論壇」,秀傳醫療體系總裁黃明和說,此次論壇邀請國際醫療生技界頂尖專家共同探討目前微創手術與資訊科技的結合,發展影像導航系統,便可遠距幫偏遠地區患者做手術,嘉惠民眾。  2012/06/08 聯合報】  

微創手術進化 相關產業亟待升級發展

 鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:華人健康網) 2012-06-08 16:01:49    華人健康網 記者駱慧雯/彰化報導  隨著醫療科技的進步,微創手術儼然成為全球醫療的趨勢,彰化今8日有一場「先進微創手術暨資訊科技國際論壇」,與會的國際醫療和生技專家表示,微創手術結合研究、科技的創新研發和技術轉移,對民眾健康和醫療產業升級有相當大的助益。國內醫療業者則希望可整合產、官、學、醫界資源,帶動微創產業發展。 彰濱秀傳醫院今8日舉辦「先進微創手術暨資訊科技國際論壇」,廣邀國際專家分享微創產業的成功經驗。(圖片提供/彰濱秀傳醫院)  秀傳醫療體系總裁黃明和表示,此次論壇邀請國際醫療生技界頂尖專家共同探討目前微創手術與資訊科技的結合,發展影像導航系統,便可遠距幫偏遠地區患者做手術,嘉惠民眾,另一方面也希望借鏡法國微創產業經驗,促進國內相關產業發展。  曾於2001年率先進行跨洋遠距醫療的法國微創手術訓練中心總部總裁馬赫斯克教授(Jacques Marescaux)表示,教育和研究要和產業結合,醫療科技才有好的發展。他也肯定巴黎市工業物理和化學學院院士樂威尼教授(Jacques Lewiner)的發明,其2D3D的影像軟體、自動計算細胞數的電腦程式、血壓計及體重計數值自動上傳雲端軟體等專利對醫療的貢獻很大。  法國技術移轉辦公室主席卡布尼(Carboni)則強調合作研究、技術轉移和創新,已成為開發國家和新興國家的競爭力和經濟成長的重要來源。他表示,科學家不應躲在象牙塔,而是要將發明的東西變成產品,有效利用團隊的研究成果,這是展現國家與地區能力的成功關鍵。  隨著微創手術的興起,所需器械和資訊系統將是龐大商機。黃明和表示,國內有優秀的醫療和研發人才,以及一流的精密和資訊工業,若能結合政府展醫療生技產業的決心,整合國內產、官、學、醫界,將研究發明成果變成產品,則可增加產值,帶動就業市場的蓬勃發展,提升台灣在國際的競爭力。

微創手術論壇 催生彰濱生醫園區

 2012-06-09 01:33 中國時報 【鐘武達/彰化報導】微創將為台灣創造下一波經濟奇蹟!「二一二先進微創手術暨資訊科技國際論壇」八日在秀傳亞洲微創訓練中心舉行,法國前總統薩科齊的首席健康顧問馬尼克等國際頂尖專家應邀演講,並與國內學員交流,秀傳總裁黃明和對微創產業寄予厚望,也積極為彰濱生醫園區催生。 秀傳亞洲微創訓練中心為提升國內微創手術水準,舉辦這場國際論壇,出席專家大有來頭,除了馬克尼,還有法國微創手術訓練中心總部總裁馬赫斯克、法國技術移轉辦公室主席卡布尼與巴黎市工業物理和化學學院院士樂威尼等,都是醫學生技領域頂尖人物。 馬赫斯克曾在二○○一年率先進行跨洋的遠距醫療,在紐約幫法國的病人做微創手術;樂威尼是物理學家,也是有一千多個專利產品的大發明家。 黃明和表示,論壇邀請國際醫療生技界專家,探討目前微創手術與資訊科技的結合,發展影像導航系統,便可遠距幫偏遠地區患者手術。除了微創手術提升的效益,更希望借鏡法國技術轉移模式,催生融合微創手術發展的彰濱生醫園區,將研究發明成果變成產品,可增加產值,帶動就業,提升台灣在國際的競爭力。 他強調,微創手術是世界潮流的醫療趨勢,隨著微創手術興起,相關的器械、資訊系統將是龐大的商機,國內有優秀的醫療和研發人才,以及一流的精密和資訊工業,若能結合政府發展醫療生技產業的決心,台灣應可繼IT產業之後,再創一個經濟奇蹟。 秀傳亞洲微創訓練中心成立四周年,共有全世界四十多個國家、三千多名外科醫師到此受訓,昨天的論壇,不少校友都專程出席與專家交流。

台灣外科人才荒! 亞洲微創訓練中心?!

黃明和:生醫是下一波明星產業   2012-06-09 【時報-台北電】彰濱秀傳醫院昨(8)日舉行「2012年先進微創手術暨資訊科技國際論壇」,與會的秀傳醫療體系總裁黃明和表示,台灣資訊科技(IT)已創造台灣的經濟奇蹟,而包括微創手術技術的生技醫療產業,將是台灣下一波明星產業。目前集團除了有彰濱秀傳醫院及亞洲微創手術訓練中心外,也提出面積10公頃彰濱生醫園區計畫,希望由政府主導推動,引進廠商共同進駐研發。已成立4周年的秀傳亞洲微創手術訓練中心,迄今已有40個國家近3,000位的外科醫師,來中心研習。為擴大國際交流,該論壇昨由秀傳醫療體系總裁黃明和、秀傳亞洲微創手術訓練中心院長吳鴻昇主持。黃明和說,此次論壇邀請國際醫療生技界頂尖專家,共同探討目前微創手術與資訊科技的結合,發展影像導航系統,便可以遠距醫療的方式,幫偏遠地區患者做手術,以嘉惠民眾。與會的專家學者,包括法國微創手術訓練中心總部總裁馬赫斯克(Jacques Marescaux)、前法國總統薩科齊的醫學研究與首席健康顧問馬尼克(Arnold MUNNICH)、法國技術移轉辦公室主席卡布尼(Nicolas Carboni)、巴黎市工業物理和化學學院院士樂威尼(Jacques Lewiner)等大師級的專家,都在會中做專題演講。  馬赫斯克是世界頂尖的外科醫師,在2001年率先進行跨洋的遠距醫療,在紐約幫法國的病人做微創手術,2007年又帶領團隊,發表經自然孔道的內視鏡手術,將外科無疤痕手術,帶入新的紀元。馬赫斯克表示,教育和研究要和產業結合,醫療科技才有好的發展。物理學家的樂威尼,也是大發明家,他發明1,000多個專利的產品,如將2D轉成3D的影像軟體、自動計算細胞數的電腦程式、血壓計,及體重計數值自動上傳雲端軟體等,其專利對醫療的貢獻很大。與會的卡布尼強調,合作研究、技術轉移和創新,已成為開發國家,和新興國家的競爭力和經濟成長的重要來源。(新聞來源:工商時報記者劉朱松/台中報導



我市举办生物技术产业发展研讨会来自中国科学院、华南理工大学的专家学者,上海、重庆、东莞的生物医药企业代表等参加了研讨会。会上,专家们各抒己见,剖析了当前国内外生物技术产业的发展状况以及东莞的发展机遇,并为我市生物技术产业发展的定位及发展提出了意见和建议。中国科学院院士 钟世镇:"作为一个科技高新区应该比较集中力量,搞好生物技术、医药卫生、有关的人才培养、企业的发展,现在我们为什么竞争不过外国人,因为我们国家很有实力的,国际上闻名的有几个药厂、有几个器械厂,没有。所以这个就需要由政府给政策,但是运作要按市场经济来运作,不然的话也搞不好。"中国科学院院士 曾毅:"人才非常重要,你们应该要有生物技术方面要发展,应该有个智囊团来帮助你们,不单单是政府,应该要从真正的科技发展的趋势来帮助政府。"

我市筹建莞台生物技术基地近年来,我市把生物医药产业作为重点突破的产业方向之一,列入东莞"十二五"规划,目前已聚集了一批生物技术研发、生产、销售企业,生物技术产业初步规模,特别是松山湖已经引进了东阳光药业、广东瀚森药业等50多家生物技术企业,以及东莞广州中医药数理工程研究院、广东医学院等研发机构和高等院校,与南方医科大学合作建成实验基地,初步形成了从教育、科研、中试到生产、销售较为完整的产业链。接下来,我市还将大力建设莞台合作生物技术产业基地,以松山湖为核心,以莞台合作为切入点,以打造产业链为方式,集中资源取得生物技术产业的快速突破口。市政府顾问 宋涛:"我们从莞台合作的方式去切入,等于把台湾作为桥梁,我们跟欧美能够进行快速对接,吸引一些欧美企业、研究团队到东莞来。

人體取幹細胞再造肝臟 日醫學大突破

 2012/6/8 21:22 〔本報訊〕根據日本媒體今(8)日報導,日本研究人員成功以幹細胞培育人工肝臟,且可以正常發揮功能。成為人工器官移植領域的重大突破。《讀賣新聞》報導指出,橫濱市立大學教授谷口英樹(Hideki Tanigucui)團隊,將誘導性多功能幹細胞(iPS)移植到實驗小白鼠體內,成功培育出人類的肝臟。人工肝臟雖然體積小,只有5公厘大,但是據了解可以正常運作,製造人類蛋白質,且能進行分解藥物的任務。且這項技術的突破性,在於傳統研究是從胚胎取出幹細胞,但是誘導性多功能幹細胞可取自成人體內,因此道德上的問題相對較少。《讀賣新聞》指出,這項技術可能是臨床醫學一項重大突破,未來將需要更多研究與醫學界資源投入,跨出移植醫學領域的重要門檻。

科學家培養腦細胞 治療腦疾病曙光

 2012-06-08 17:47 新聞速報 【台灣醒報/劉運】  老人癡呆症、帕金森氏症的治療可望有新突破。科學家找到新方法可將一般皮膚細胞發展為腦神經細胞,而且培養出的腦細胞在植入腦部後,不會產生任何如腫瘤生長的副作用。這個新方法將有助於科學家測試不同的腦部藥物。研究人員發現,只要將一個基因略為調整,即可將皮膚細胞轉變為腦細胞。在實驗室裡,科學家把名為Sox2的單一基因,轉化為老鼠及人類的皮膚細胞,過幾天後,細胞會轉化為腦部幹細胞,並自動發展成熟,最後變為神經細胞元,能夠傳達訊息。在不到一個月的時間,它們會發展為神經網絡,在植入老鼠腦部後,可以正常運作,且不會有副作用如腫瘤的生長。領導研究的美國舊金山格萊史東機構(Gladstone Institutes in San FranciscoYadong Huang博士指出,許多治療神經退化性疾病藥物在臨床測試失敗,是因為現在的技術還無法精確的預測藥物在人類腦部的影響。由皮膚細胞發展出的神經元細胞,可以協助評估藥物的效用及安全,因此降低臨床測試的相關風險。因為Huang博士發展出的幹細胞只會發展為神經細胞元,沒有能力發展成其它不同的型態,因此避開了發展成癌細胞的風險。共同研究的加州大學舊金山分校研究員Karen Ring指出,新發展出的神經細胞元再植入老鼠腦部後,與老鼠腦內的細胞結合,沒有一點腫瘤長出。此研究成果在知名期刊《細胞幹細胞》(Cell Stem Cell)裡發表,Huang博士表示,未來將可在培養皿裡培養腦細胞,在植入人腦後有助臨床測試藥物,對老人癡呆症、帕金森氏症、及其它腦部疾病的藥物治療,可望有新突破。

产业转化孵化器 经济发展催化剂

生物医药园区: 发布时间:2012/6/8 16:10:00 来源:药品资讯网信息中心



台灣茶、醫美等產業 成都出擊

  【聯合報特派記者林庭瑤/成都報導】 2012.06.08 04:58 am台灣名品博覽會昨天在成都登場,四川省長蔣巨峰參加開幕式,參觀台灣高科技精品館時感到很新奇。展館中畫分為文創產業區、台灣名茶區、地方產業特色區和運動休閒區等,其中地方產業特色區,是為今年成都市民赴台自由行提前暖身。  「二一二四川(成都)台灣名品博覽會」昨天在成都開幕,展會將持續至六月十日。外貿協會董事長王志剛致詞表示,四川今年第一季經濟成長率達百分之十五,比大陸整體平均高出五個百分點,相信這次到四川辦展會有不錯商機。  王志剛特別介紹這次名品展中的醫療美容區,他強調,台灣美容比韓國還進步,每五個韓國美容醫生就有一個到台灣受訓,他還透露,先前在上海展出後,許多當地女性即登記要在台灣美容。  由於四川「十二五」重點項目是節能減排新能源,王志剛提到,希望四川省、成都市未來能換裝台灣高品質的LED路燈。他並與四川省長蔣巨峰同進展區參觀。  2012/06/08 聯合報】


「死守四行倉庫」  點評:有種置之死地而後生的感覺! 2012068 00:49生活中心/綜合報導  台大創傷醫學部主任柯文哲5日在臉書po文指出,已開9年的「基礎外科重症醫學」今年僅有3人選修,慘遭停課的命運,他無奈自嘲,乾脆明年改開外科醫美課程;但經過2天的思考後,7日晚間他於臉書表示自己還是會開課,結論就是仍要「死守四行倉庫,等待援軍。」 醫界向來將內科、外科、婦產科以及小兒科稱為「四大科」,柯文哲5日的po文先是說到,「四大皆空」早已不是新聞,但他一直到「基礎外科重症醫學」今年只有3人選修,被系辦建議停課,才感受到所謂『四大皆空』已經發生在自己身邊了;他還自嘲,「我研究一下明年開新課程『外科醫美』。」  其實外科醫生人人避之唯恐不及,在台灣早就是個公開的秘密。日前台大醫院外科醫師洪浩雲決定7月轉投醫美整形市場;新北市立醫院板橋院區則傳出外科醫生幾乎全離職,沒人開刀的情況;本月6日,馬偕醫院心臟內科主治醫師彭明正又因為08年的一場緊急手術,未告知病患及家屬當時沒有可使用的緊急開刀房,而被以業務過失致死起訴。  總而言之,外科醫生的工時和薪水嚴重不成比例,以及「犯罪率」太高,就是造成外科醫生短缺的主因。11年底就曾有媒體報導,從20001月起到20086月為止,台灣地方法院一共有312名醫師被告,當中高達80人最後被判有罪,「有罪率」高達4分之1,甚至平均每38.8天就有1名醫師會遭入罪,「犯罪率」高居全球第一。  不過在想了2天後,柯文哲在臉書表示,雖然現在什麼事都要檢討績效跟計算本益比,但他只能安慰自己,人生本來就不是每件事都合成本,加上自己曾經說過「悲觀進取」,那就還是開課吧!他更笑稱,自己讀新竹高中時,美術學期成績最高只有65分,要是這樣子去做醫美,到時應該會被告到死。他的結論就是,「死守四行倉庫,等待援軍。」  

微整形風潮襲台 變美簡單化主因

  2012/06/08 台灣醒報】微整形越益熱門!據統計,台灣地區高達1/4的消費者曾接觸微整形療程,包括:施打玻尿酸、肉毒桿菌、脈衝光、果酸換膚等。醫學美容診所負責人就表示,微整形讓民眾不必動刀就可變美,像使用保養品一樣簡單,是流行的主因。更因尋職不易,民眾更在乎外表的競爭力。  10年前一位高雄整形名醫曾說:「現在化妝是禮貌,未來整形才是禮貌。」如今醫學美容當道,微整形的風潮已漸漸滲入台灣社會。  「愛美是人的天性!」台中環球佳麗醫美中心負責人楊容容受訪說,現代人的生活品質提升,加上國際潮流趨勢,使台灣人對整形的態度更開放,也更有國際觀,促使美容醫療盛行。  楊容容進一步說,微整形就像使用保養品一樣簡單,不像以前的整形手術,需要動刀才能完成,現在只要短短的幾十分鐘,過程簡單是造就微整形流行的主因。  另外,她提到,接受微整形的年齡也有下降趨勢,有近8成消費者是家長帶孩子到美容中心諮詢,因高度競爭力的社會下,家長們不再侷限充實孩子的內在,也開始在乎外在條件,要讓孩子更具競爭力。  不過也有學者不認同人人都需要「變美」,認為只有像藝人和政治人物等公眾人物才需要,以免給人不佳觀感;一般人其實沒必要花費這種冤枉錢,畢竟「自然就是美」。  此外,104人力銀行受訪時指出,外表與工作其實沒有直接關係,畢竟個人技能與職場經驗才是公司選擇人才的主要因素,至於哪些工作比較重視外貌,該公司不作評論。  對於微整形手術的術後保養,長庚醫院皮膚科醫師張學倫表示,一般微整形分為兩種,一種是會造成皮膚表面有小傷口的療程,如除痘、去斑等;另一種是注射玻尿酸、肉毒桿菌等美容方式。  他提醒,民眾進行除痘、去斑後,可以使用含有抗生素的美容產品,降低術後傷口反黑,外出時最好攜帶遮洋傘或戴帽子,避免陽光照射。若施打玻尿酸、肉毒桿菌則需注意皮膚保濕,一方面加速復原,另一方面可以延長藥效。

Report: Consumers Ready for mHealth, Doctors Less So

 By Andrew BergThursday, June 7, 2012  A new study conducted for PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Healthcare by the Economist Intelligence Unit predicts that consumers will adopt the use of mobile technology in healthcare at a faster rate than at which providers will be able to adapt.The study found that consumers have high expectations for mHealth, particularly in developing economies as mobile cellular subscriptions there become ubiquitous. In emerging markets, consumers perceive mHealth as a way to increase access to healthcare while patients in developed markets see it as a way to improve the convenience, cost and quality of healthcare.  The consumer survey found that roughly one half of respondent think that within the next three years, mHealth will improve the convenience (46 percent), cost (52 percent) and quality (48 percent) of their healthcare.  Among consumers who already are using mHealth services, fully 59 percent said they have replaced some visits to doctors or nurses.  And yet consumers are not so sure their doctors are up to speed on the technology side of things. Sixty percent of consumers said they believe doctors are not as interested in mHealth as patients and technology companies are.The study found that physicians and payers are more cautious than consumers in their outlook for mHealth. Specifically, nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of doctors and payers said that mHealth offers exciting possibilities but there are too few proven business models. In addition, the effectiveness of mHealth changing patient behavior is evolving. For example, more than two-thirds of consumer respondents who have used mHealth wellness or fitness applications with manual data entry discontinued it after the first six months.  Only 27 percent of physicians surveyed are actually encouraging their patients to use mHealth applications to become more active in managing their health, and 13 percent of physicians actually discourage it. Forty-two percent of doctors surveyed worry that mHealth will make patients too independent.  "In developed markets, mHealth is perceived as disrupting the status quo, whereas in emerging countries it is seen as creating a new market, full of opportunity and growth potential," said Christopher Wasden, global healthcare innovation leader for PwC. "In younger, developing economies, healthcare is less constrained by healthcare infrastructure and entrenched interests. Consumers are more likely to use mobile devices and mHealth applications, and more payers are willing to cover the cost of mHealth services."  The study comes in the wake yesterday's mHealth Summit hosted by the FCC, which convened senior executives and leaders from the health care technology industry, academia, and government to discuss the opportunities and challenges of mobile and wireless health products.FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced a plan to cut red tape and increase spectrum flexibility for testing new wireless health innovations, which he said will speed new wireless health technologies to market.  In a report, the FCC cites data from the Boston Consulting Group and Telenor Group that shows mHealth applications are popular among consumers. According to the research, almost 17 million Americans accessed health information on mobile devices in 2011 and about 30 percent of smartphone users are likely to use wellness apps by 2015.The FCC contends that mHealth has the potential to improve the patient care, while lowering costs through remote monitoring of chronic conditions. According to a 2010 study by Continua Health Alliance, remote monitoring of patients with chronic conditions has resulted in up to a 56 percent reduction in mortality, a 47 percent reduction in risk of hospitalization, and a 65 percent reduction in office visits.  

Harnessing Mobile Technology to Improve Children's Health

 Posted: 06/07/2012 7:00 am Every year, more than 3 million newborns die during their first month of life. This year alone, more than 7 million children around the world won't make it to the age of five. While these numbers are sobering, there is hope: Most of these deaths are preventable, and we already have the tools to help stop them.  One of the most promising tools fits in your pocket and is used by billions of people worldwide: a mobile phone. Access to medical information is a critical element in keeping children healthy. While many communities in low-income countries lack state-of-the-art health care facilities and trained professionals, they do have access to mobile technology.  For example, community health workers in Bangladesh are so busy that they are only able to visit their clients once a month. A mobile messaging program from the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) provides weekly reminders to new mothers and their families about their newborn's health and development. "I was shocked when I visited a family receiving these messages," one community health worker said. "When I told them their baby needed vaccines, they told me they'd already received them because the messaging service told them to!"  Mobile technology can help revolutionize health care in underserved communities by providing families with health information and tips, delivering reminders to take medicine or attend an appointment, assisting health care workers with clinical decisions and diagnostics and much more. The application of mobile technology to improve health outcomes is known as mobile health, or mHealth.  Next week, leaders from government, industry and civil society will gather in Washington, D.C. for the "Child Survival Call to Action" forum to focus on how to end preventable child deaths. This is an opportunity to shine a light on mobile health and the vital role it can -- and must -- play in helping save lives around the world.  To realize the full potential of mHealth, we need to develop programs and business models that are replicable, scalable and sustainable. Mobile health is ripe for the innovation that is needed to save lives.  That's why the United Nations Foundation co-founded the mHealth Alliance, which brings together a diverse group of stakeholders to foster innovation and collaboration in mobile health. The Alliance, which includes members from the technology community, the health care community, the development community and many other sectors, serves as a forum to exchange ideas, build connections, and share tools, knowledge and lessons learned. Together, we are working to harness the power of mobile technology to improve health care for people who often don't have access to the services that they need.  As part of this effort, the mHealth Alliance helped create MAMA -- the same mobile messaging program that reminded the family in Bangladesh that their newborn was ready for vaccines. The initiative, a public-private partnership that was launched last year by the United States Agency for International Development, Johnson & Johnson, the UN Foundation, mHealth Alliance, and BabyCenter, provides critical health care information through mobile phones to pregnant and new mothers living in poor and remote communities. Currently, MAMA is building programs in Bangladesh, South Africa and India -- countries with high maternal and infant death rates and high rates of mobile phone use. In addition to providing vital medical information to women in these countries, MAMA is focused on developing programs that can be expanded or replicated to help even more mothers.  Improving children's health is critical to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the international standards set by the United Nations for enhancing the lives of people around the world. It's also a key priority for the UN Foundation because healthy children lead to healthier communities, which is good for everyone -- no matter where you live.  Mobile health can make a positive difference in the lives of countless children and families. Thankfully, as leaders in development and health gather next week, mHealth will be a prime focus as they build solutions toward child survival.  

鑫品生醫 減資!!

鑫品生醫(4170) 董事會決議辦理減資彌補虧損案  發言時間 101/06/0718:36:36  發言人 潘俊佑 發言人職稱 總經理 發言人電話 02-2785-0908主旨 : 董事會決議辦理減資彌補虧損案  符合條款第9  事實發生日101/06/07  說明1.事實發生日:101/06/07  2.發生緣由:改善財務結構彌補虧損  3.因應措施:不適用  4.其他應敘明事項:  (1)預定股東常會日期:101816  (2)減資金額:新台幣26,855,990  (3)消除股份:2,685,599  (4)減資比率:19.9999999%  (5)減資後實收資本額:107,423,970  (6)本次減少之股份,按減資基準日股東名簿記載之股東持股比例銷除股份,減資後不足  壹股之畸零股,按面額折付現金至元為止,其股份授權董事長洽特定人按面額承購。  (7)本案俟提請股東常會通過及主管機關核准後,授權董事長訂定減資基準日及辦理減資  相關事宜。  以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責

泉盛 新任董事: 王坤松

泉盛(4159) 公告本公司法人董事代表人異動 發言時間 101/06/0715:46:27  發言人 林衛理 發言人職稱 董事長 發言人電話 02-2655-8687主旨 : 公告本公司法人董事代表人異動  符合條款第6  事實發生日101/06/07  說明1.發生變動日期:101/06/07  2.法人名稱:中天生物科技()公司  3.舊任者姓名及簡歷:程九如;合裕管理顧問()公司策略長  4.新任者姓名及簡歷:王坤松;經濟部國際貿易局  5.異動原因:法人董事改派代表人  6.原任期(例xx/xx/xx ~ xx/xx/xx:100/02/10~103/02/09  7.新任生效日期:101/06/07  8.其他應敘明事項:  以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責.  \


 2012/06/08 11:33 精實新聞 2012-06-08 11:32:52 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 三項主力產品熱銷,原料藥廠旭富(4119)5月營收5.61億元,年增率近三成,群益證估計,該公司今年營收上看12.58億元,年增二成以上,稅後盈餘1.9億元,創上櫃來新高,每股稅後盈餘3.85元以上。  旭富前5月營收5.61億元,年增率近三成,創下近年來最大成長。該公司分析,今年營收成長主力來自抗癲癇用藥VA、帕金森氏症中間體PGA及類風溼性關節炎用藥Hydroxchloroquine等。在VA部分,因有一歐洲客戶去年庫存調整後今年恢復下單,使得該產品取代DIVA、重回營收貢獻最大的產品。法人則估計,該公司今年VA出貨將達190噸,年增三成以上。而帕金森氏症中間體部分,主要交貨給國際大廠Roche,今年前4月營收貢獻年增2,700萬元,出貨約20噸,年增六成以上;另外,用於類風濕性關節炎的Hydroxchloroquine今年同一瑞士客戶訂單是去年同期的3倍。  其他成長還有憂鬱症用藥營收貢獻年增500萬元、客戶二期臨床骨癌新藥原料也較去年同期增加1千萬元。都帶動今年前5月營收成長優於預期。  不過,旭富也坦言,整體VA系列來看,雖VA受惠歐洲客戶回流,重回最大產品線,但DIVA去年首季有一客戶大量下單,第二季後轉趨平緩,今年整體DIVA出貨不容易超過去年,因此整體VA系列預期營收貢獻將與去年同期相當。  群益證則估計,旭富今年營收將超過12.5億元,年增二成以上,全年毛利率將維持三成以上,稅後盈餘1.9億元,年增逾倍,也創下上櫃以來新高,以目前股本估算,每股稅後盈餘3.86元。

Downside to Biologics (anti-TNFs): Lower Immunity, Increased Risk of Shingles but lower heart attack !!

 By Kathleen Doheny WebMD Health News Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD  June 8, 2012 -- Rheumatoid arthritis patients who take medications known as anti-TNFs may be treating more than their disease. According to new research presented at a European meeting, these patients may be less likely to have a heart attack and are more likely to live longer than those with RA who are not taking the drugs.  In one study, the longer the patients take the anti-TNF drugs, the more protected they are from heart attacks.  "The unique feature of this study is, we have tied the time on the drugs with the reduction of heart attacks and other problems," says researcher Michael Nurmohamed, MD, PhD, of the VU University Medical Centre and Jan van Breemen Research Institute in Reade, Netherlands.  "After one year on anti-TNFs, we saw a 24% reduction, after two years, 42%, and after three years, 56%, compared to those not on the drugs," he tells WebMD.  He presented the findings this week at EULAR 2012, the Annual Congress of the European League Against Rheumatism. The study was funded by Abbott, which makes the anti-TNF drug Humira.  At the same meeting, other researchers also reported those on biologic treatments (such as anti-TNFs) have a reduced risk of death compared with those treated with traditional RA drugs.  Other researchers found earlier control and resolution of disease activity reduced the risk of death.  Not all of the research was positive, though. In a fourth study, researchers reported an increased risk of getting shingles while on the anti-TNF drugs. The often painful condition is caused by the herpes zoster virus in adults.About 1.3 million Americans have RA, in which inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissue can cause pain and stiffness.  Drugs known as disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), such as methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall), are typically prescribed first.  If they don't give enough relief, other drugs, including anti-TNFs, are often added. Among them: Cimzia (certolizumab), Enbrel (etanercept), Humira (adalimumab), Remicade (infliximab), and Simponi (golimumab).  Anti-TNF drugs belong to a class known as biologics, which are designed to inhibit parts of the immune system that cause inflammation.  DMARDs cost about $45 to $120 a month. Anti-TNF drugs, given intravenously or injected, cost about $1,700 a month or more, according to the American College of Rheumatology. 
Anti-TNFs & Heart Attacks Study  In his study, Nurmohamed evaluated nearly 110,000 patients with RA on various types of RA drugs.  He then calculated risk reduction with the anti-TNF drugs.  The reduced risk for heart attacks, he says, is tied to suppressing inflammation.  "We know now that inflammation is important for atherosclerosis," so suppressing it is good not only for the RA but for heart attack risk reduction, he says.  "The take-home message is that disease activity should be reduced a much as possible, first by DMARDS. If that is not enough, biologics should be considered from a cardiovascular point of view."  Nurmohamed reports speaker's fees and consultant work for Abbott and other pharmaceutical companies.RA, Biologics & Life Expectancy Study  In another study of nearly 9,000 RA patients, German researchers found those on the anti-TNF drugs had about half the risk of death as those on DMARDs during the follow-up period of about 3.5 years.  Nearly the same benefit was found for those on rituximab (Rituxan), another type of biologic treatment that suppresses the immune system inflammatory response and is often used with anti-TNFs when anti-TNFs don't work well enough 
The study was sponsored by Abbott and other drug companies.  A third study found that early control and resolution of disease activity, when achieved with RA medicines, is linked with better overall survival in those with RA affecting more than four joints.  Researchers evaluated more than 2,700 RA patients and followed them up for about nine years. Those who were in remission a year after the first assessment had the biggest reduction in death risk, about 25% or more. 
RA, Biologics, & Shingles Risk  For the shingles study, Helene Che of the Lapeyronie Hospital in Montpellier re-evaluated 22 published studies and 28 abstracts.  Patients were on DMARDs and biologics.  Those on anti-TNFs had a 75% higher risk of getting shingles than those on DMARDs. 
Perspectives on Biologics for RA  The studies about heart attack prevention and better survival are confirming previous research, says Patience White, MD, vice president for public health at the Arthritis Foundation. She reviewed the findings for WebMD.  The research is also ''confirming that remission, which we can do with these new biologics, is really important, not only in improving joint pain and disability but now for death risk," she says.  Vivian Bykerk, MD, a rheumatologist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, also reviewed the findings. She put the shingles risk in perspective.  While 75% may sound like a large increase, Bykerk says it "would still be less than double a small number."  Patients considering the shingles vaccine should get it before they start the anti-TNFs, she says.  Bykerk has consulted for companies that make biologics.  These findings were presented at a medical conference. They should be considered preliminary as they have not yet undergone the "peer review" process, in which outside experts scrutinize the data prior to publication in a medical journal.  
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