永信看好中日市場商機;昆山廠推動新三板IPO MoneyDJ新聞 2017-02-16 17:33:24 記者 蕭燕翔 報導 永信控(3705)16日召開法說,董事長李芳全表示,
Friday, February 17, 2017
永信 跨入CRO 併 鴻諭(台灣) 設 崇信(中國)/ 昆山永信 2017年IPO (中國新三板)
( 臺大 流病預醫所 金傳春 教授) 論文造假 感染源 仍持續存在 !!
【科學月刊】臺大「論文造假」流行後的省思 2017年02月16日(金傳春/
(一)科學研究者應勇於發揮知識分子的道德勇氣,杜絕「造假」 深信絕大多數的臺大與國內生醫研究者是兢兢業業做研究,然而此「
(二)教師應嚴以律己遵守倫理,才能正確教導學生與研究人員 最痛心是研究生夙夜匪懈獲得實驗結果後,指導教授卻以公關方式轉
(四)大學行政首長選才制度急需釜底抽薪改革 大學是教育單位,為何專業不足者仍可通過博士口試?
(五)大學的人文教育有待加強 臺大醫學院有得全國聯考生物醫學組最高分的秀異學子而教之的福氣
(六)近親繁殖難養成高品質的秀異人才 遺傳學警示近親繁殖小鼠(in-bredmice)
(正崴: 郭台強)崴強 : 肺結核檢測儀 2017年將取得CFDA中國認證
正崴集團跨入醫療 崴強開發肺結核檢測儀 2017-02-16 10:14經濟日報 記者詹惠珠╱即時報導 正崴集團跨入醫療,將交由崴強 (6298)主導,正崴董事長郭台強證實,崴強具有掃描、
明尼蘇達大學CIDRAP (傳染病研究與政策中心) 中國 H7N9 avian flu禽流感案例: 419 cases
H7N9禽流感席捲中國 民眾籲當局公開信息 2017年02月16日 【記者張婷/編譯】H7N9禽流感病毒席捲中國大陸,
中國大陸的高傳染紀錄 據路透社報導,中國大陸自從2013年3月首次報導了該病毒的人
H7N9 infections continue to climb in China Filed Under: H7N9 Avian Influenza; Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) CIDRAP - Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Academic Health Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Feb 16, 2017 Eric / Flickr cc A surge of H7N9 avian flu activity in China that began in December shows no sign of tailing off, with 61 new cases reported last week, pushing the mainland's total to at least 419 cases—100 more than the previous high reported during the second wave in 2013-14.
Recent cases in 10 provinces The latest numbers are from an update today from Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection (CHP) covering mainland cases reported from Feb 6 to Feb 12. The pace of cases reported for February so far puts the month on track to top the high number of cases seen in January. The CHP said the 61 newest cases were reported from 10 of China's provinces, about half of them reported from Hubei, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. Illness onsets range from Jan 6 to Feb 8. Patient ages range from 22 to 85 years, and investigations so far reveal that 25 patients had been exposed to poultry or live-poultry markets before they became ill. A spokesman for the CHP said in the statement that the number of cases in this wave are much higher than the same time last winter. "This shows that the situation is abnormal." The CHP said the big rise in H7N9 cases in the mainland has also resulted in imported cases detected in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. Yesterday Hong Kong officials met to discuss the global avian flu situation, including bird outbreaks involving the H5N6 and H5N8 strains, and plans to enhance precautions in Hong Kong. In a statement, the CHP said it will send letters to doctors urging them to be alert for avian flu illnesses in humans. Other steps include thermal imaging at boundary checkpoints to detect fevers in inbound travelers and the activation of an electronic portal to help with early identification, testing, and notification.
Poultry testing, market closures Chinese researchers have said that increased levels of H7N9 in poultry are likely driving the increase in human cases. Unlike other avian flu strains that cause disease in humans, H7N9 is a low-pathogenic strain in poultry, and infected birds don't usually show signs of illness. An update yesterday from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provided a glimpse of recent poultry test findings, as well as an update on poultry market closures—a tactic used to stem past outbreaks. The FAO said the Chinese agriculture ministry, as part of January surveillance, collected about 102,000 blood samples and about 55,000 virus swabs from birds at about 6,600 locations across 26 provinces. Twenty-six swabs tested positive for H7N9, most of them samples from market poultry in four provinces: Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan, and Jiangsu. Serum sampling yielded 33 H7-positives from Guangdong and Shandong provinces. Testing by provincial officials has also turned up positive tests that led to poultry market closures in cities in Guangdong and Hunan. After four human cases were detected in Sichuan province, authorities in one city shuttered 280 live-market stalls. On Feb 11, officials in Zhejiang province closed all poultry markets until further notice.
台康EG12014 (Herceptin乳癌相似藥) 全球將啟動BE phase III (patient size: 800)
台康生物藥 啟動全球授權 2017-02-16 14:38經濟日報 記者黃文奇╱即時報導 台康生技(6589)佳績頻傳,該公司今天宣布,旗下第一個生物
台康生 獲 亞洲製程大會BMA最高獎項殊榮 (生物製程技術) !!
台康生物藥 啟動全球授權 2017-02-16經濟日報 記者黃文奇╱即時報導 台康生技(6589)佳績頻傳,該公司今天宣布,
台康生技 發言日期 106/02/16 發言時間 16:11:12 發言人 劉理成 發言人職稱 總經理 發言人電話 (02)7708-0123 主旨 本公司獲得2017年亞洲生物製品製程最高榮譽獎座 符合條款 第43款 事實發生日 106/02/16 說明 1.事實發生日:106/02/16 2.公司名稱:台康生技股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或聯屬公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例(若前項為本公司,請填不適用):不適用 5.發生緣由: 台康生技先前已獲得亞洲生物製品製程大會 (Biologics Manufacturing Asia, BMA)最佳製程技術提名, 並在新加坡受邀參加頒獎典禮上, 得到台灣最佳生物製程技術最高獎項殊榮 (Grand Winner of Best Bioprocess Excellence in Taiwan), 同時開發創新抗體複合體技術及生產平台亦獲得優選獎項, 在生物製程技術上獲得國際肯定。 6.因應措施:不適用 7.其他應敘明事項:無
亞洲文獻首例 polysplenia(多脾症): 7顆脾臟
台灣首例 女會計擁7顆脾臟 2017年02月16日 13:35 呂素麗 一般人正常只有一顆脾臟,
韓國Samsung BioLogics營收計算基礎 惹疑 ?!
Samsung to suspend investment, business plans following arrest of chief Published : 2017-02-16 19:26 Samsung BioLogics, a contract manufacturer of biologic drugs under Samsung Group, has denied accusations that it engaged in fraudulent accounting practices to boost its market valuation in seeking a public listing on South Korea's main bourse Kospi. The move came after Rep. Sim Sang-jeung, chairwoman of the minor opposition Justice Party and local civic group People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy questioned accounting methods that led to a sudden rise in Samsung BioLogics' net profit in 2015. Samsung BioLogics, which has remained unprofitable since its foundation in 2011, suddenly reported a net profit of 1.9 trillion won ($1.66 billion) in 2015. The new influx of profit had been generated by a revaluation of its stake in its subsidiary Samsung Bioepis. BioLogics explained its stake ownership was calculated into its net profit as a one-time event after Bioepis' status changed from a subsidiary to an affiliate under the International Financial Reporting Standards adopted by Korea. A company is considered a subsidiary if the parent company possesses a majority stake in the firm, and an affiliate or associate if it holds a minority stake. Samsung Bioepis is a joint venture between Samsung BioLogics (91.2 percent) and US-based Biogen (8.8 percent). Under their joint venture agreement, Biogen can exercise a call option effective until the end of 2018 to expand its stake in Bioepis to up to 49.9 percent. Bioepis took on affiliate status after it underwent an audit to determine its market value and the costs that BioLogics would have to shoulder in case Biogen exercised its call option. The audit awarded Bioepis a valuation of 5.27 trillion won, based on an improved outlook for the firm's future profitability following the sales approval of its biosimilar drugs in Europe and Korea. The audit also concluded that the call option would cause a debt of 1.82 trillion won for BioLogics, which was reflected into the value of its stake in Bioepis which fell to 2.98 trillion won, BioLogics said. According to BioLogics, the rise in Bioepis' market value raised the weight and likelihood of Biogen's call option, which when exercised would weaken BioLogics' ownership over Bioepis. It was thereby under such circumstances that Bioepis took on affiliate status. Samsung BioLogics' net profit reported in 2015, hence, was calculated based on the change in its relationship to Samsung Bioepis, the company said. From 2016, Bioepis' performance is no longer included in BioLogics' accounting records. Rep. Sim and the PSPD took issue with this particular accounting method, saying it differs from that of Biogen which has not calculated its call option -- which it has yet to exercise -- when considering its stake in Bioepis. Samsung BioLogics credited this difference to varying accounting principles adopted by each company. While Biogen follows the US GAAP accounting standard adopted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, BioLogics follows IFRS regulations. The Justice Party chairwoman and the PSPD also suggested problems with the calculation used to arrive at a multitrillion won evaluation for Bioepis, questioning its profitability outlook over the next five years. The market values of unlisted companies such as Samsung Bioepis are set by accounting firms based on projections of their future profitability. According to the IFRS regulations, this projection would be based on a maximum five year time frame, unless there are "proper reasons" dictating otherwise. The accounting firms had reportedly based its valuation of Bioepis based on a longer projection time frame of around 20 years, in consideration of the slow pace of new drug development and the pharmaceutical industry."(Deloitte) Anjin determined Samsung Bioepis' valuation of 5.27 trillion won based on Samsung Bioepis' projections for the revenue and cash flow of its biosimilar drugs, their probability for success and the related risks," Samsung BioLogics said. Samsung BioLogics further argued that its "one-time" net profit generated by its stake in Bioepis "did not impact the valuation of Samsung BioLogics (ahead of its Kospi listing) in any way.""Samsung BioLogics had already met the listing standards of the US-based Nasdaq as well as Korea's Kosdaq even when it was in the red," the company said, adding that BioLogics' value was determined by its own production capacity and Bioepis' biosimilar development status in comparison to market competitors. Furthermore, Samsung BioLogics strongly denied recurring allegations that it received preferential treatment when seeking a public listing on the Kospi last year. In November 2015, Korea's Financial Service Commission revised its listing regulations to allow companies in the red to be listed on the country's main bourse. The revision allowed Samsung BioLogics, which had yet to generate any profit, to make a stock debut a year later. Samsung BioLogics stated it "did not receive any form of preferential treatment during the process of its Kospi listing or after its public listing."It reiterated its former stance that it had initially pushed for a public listing on the US-based Nasdaq, where many global biopharma companies are listed, but decided on a Kospi listing after repeated requests from the Korea Exchange to be listed on a local bourse. By Sohn Ji-young (jys@heraldcorp.com)
疾管署長 (羅一鈞) 支持 農委會 (室內飼養…不在此限)
農委會:明起全國家禽禁宰禁運7天 2017-02-1616:59 〔記者林彥彤/台北報導〕禽流感疫情延燒不斷,
新竹縣湖口400~500隻 死雞丟棄 家畜所 報告2天出爐 !
可惡!竹縣湖口郊區 遭人丟棄數百隻死雞 2017-02-1623:17 [記者廖雪茹/新竹報導]真是可惡!國內禽流感疫情擴散,
中國 農業產銷 新模式: 阿里巴巴農村淘寶+ 琉璃天奈米生技(生技肥料)
琉璃天奈米生技申請上海聯合產權交易所掛牌上市 大成報-2017年02月16日 (台北訊)琉璃天奈米生技有限公司董事長蕭智遠與國際知識暨產權
泉盛 美國抗體平台專利通過: 9,540,673
泉盛 發言日期 106/02/16 發言時間 17:32:45 發言人 陳念宜 發言人職稱 副總經理 發言人電話 02-2655-8687 主旨 本公司單醣抗體生產技術通過美國發明專利 符合條款 第43款 事實發生日 106/02/16 說明1.事實發生日:106/02/16 2.公司名稱:泉盛生物科技股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或聯屬公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例(若前項為本公司,請填不適用):不適用 5.發生緣由:本公司建立之單醣抗體生產技術平台,
(Lilly P4訴訟 )安成藥 TWi-014 (AXIRON學名藥: TESTOSTERONE/ TRANSDERMAL 30MG/1.5ML)
專利藥廠興訟,安成藥:為延遲學名藥上市時間 時報新聞 2017/02/16【時報-台北電】安成藥業(4180)於日
安成藥業 發言日期 106/02/16 發言時間 15:15:45 發言人 欒君儀 發言人職稱 投資人關係處長 發言人電話 02-2657-3350 主旨 本公司日前提出AXIRON學名藥證申請,並對橘皮書中的專利 提出Paragraph IV認證,專利所有人因此對本公司提出專利訴訟 符合條款 第51款 事實發生日 106/02/16 說明 1.事實發生日:106/02/16 2.公司名稱:安成國際藥業股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例:不適用。 5.發生緣由:本公司於日前向美國FDA提出Eli Lilly公司AXIRON的學名藥證申請,並對橘 皮書中的專利提出Paragraph IV認證。Eli Lily 及專利權人Acrux DDS PTY LTD因此對 本公司提出專利侵權訴訟。針對提出Paragraph IV的ANDA申請人,原廠藥商及專利權人 可在法定期間內提起專利訴訟,藉以延遲學名藥產品上市時間。
全球醫管 (林清薇): 衛福部 推出「到府抽血」服務
到府抽血 便利民眾 體現全球「主動關懷」的企業核心 2017年02月17日文/楊容甄 「我們希望讓民眾知道,只要一通電話,我們就服務到家,
企業核心:主動關懷 近年來,衛福部也開始推出「到府抽血」的服務,但過去一、
能力認證 目前,由於詐騙集團猖獗,民眾畏懼不法之徒偽冒到府抽血的人員,
蔡總統: 台灣有1萬多牙醫師 維護大團隊 !
推動長照 蔡總統盼牙醫參與 更新:2017年02月16日 【記者江禹嬋/台北報導】總統蔡英文16日接見牙醫師公會表示,
萬寶祿 (林淑惠): 發展 植物新藥一條龍 (原料/製藥/銷售)
萬寶祿生技 美麗的力量 引領社會正能量 yam蕃薯藤新聞/文.李泰宏 理財周刊提供-2017年02月16日 從國中老師轉行創立生技公司,關鍵是因為自己之前身體狀況不佳,
堅持所有原料出自本土農產品 林淑惠以親身經歷為例,因為自己曾經病痛纏身,不僅身心受創,
切入植物新藥 產製銷一條龍 林淑惠說,酵素產業是利人利己的事業,
計畫性農業生產 永續發展 除了安全、安心的酵素外,林淑惠指出,企業存在的價值,
食藥署: 禽肉產品選擇--屠檢標章 或CAS肉品
食品藥物管理署及衛生機關將持續進行禽肉產品來源稽查 資料來源:食品藥物管理署建檔日期:2017/02/16 更新時間:2017/02/16 食藥署於今(16)日通知各衛生機關持續針對市售禽肉來源及標示
(Lancet Psychiatry) 過動症 與 大腦(amygdala)結構差異有關
ADHD a 'brain disorder', not just bad behaviour: study February 16, 2017The largest analysis to date of the brains of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder found "structural differences" and evidence of delayed development compared with non-sufferers, researchers reported. "The results from our study confirm that people with ADHD have differences in their brain structure and therefore suggest that ADHD is a disorder of the brain," said the study's lead author, Martine Hoogman of Radboud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands. "We hope that this will help to reduce stigma that ADHD is 'just a label' for difficult children or caused by poor parenting," she said in a statement. The results of the study, which involved 1,713 people with ADHD and 1,529 people without the condition, were published in The Lancet Psychiatry. Most often diagnosed in children, ADHD is blamed for severe and repeated bouts of inattention, hyperactivity or that can cause problems at school or home. The causes remain in dispute, and some specialists say ADHD is nothing but an excuse for using drugs to subdue children with difficult personalities or bad parents. Drugs for treating ADHD, such as Ritalin, have been blamed for side effects including weight loss or gain, liver damage and suicidal thoughts. For the latest study, Hoogman and a team analysed the MRI scans of people aged four to 63, suffering from ADHD or not.
Emotional control They measured overall brain volume as well as the size of seven regions thought to be linked to the disorder. The volume overall was smaller in people diagnosed with ADHD, as were five of the brain regions, the team said. "These differences are very small—in the range of a few percent—so the unprecedented size of our study was crucial to help identify these," Hoogman said. "Similar differences in brain volume are also seen in other psychiatric disorders, especially major depressive disorder." The regions affected included the amygdala, which is involved in the regulation of emotion. Previous studies which associated changes in brain volume with ADHD had been too small to be conclusive, the team said. The differences observed in their study were most prominent in children, but also present in adults with the condition. The findings suggest that delays in the development of several brain regions were characteristic of ADHD, the researchers said. They found no difference between people who were taking or had taken ADHD drugs, and those who had never taken such medications—suggesting that the brain changes were not caused by psychostimulants. In a comment on the study, Jonathan Posner of Columbia University said it was an "important contribution" to the field of ADHD science. He said further research was needed to determine the effects of medication on the brains of people with ADHD, and how they develop as people get older. Explore further: ADHD or just immature? More information: Subcortical brain volume differences in participants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults: a cross-sectional mega-analysis, The Lancet Psychiatry, dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(