Wednesday, December 17, 2014

康聯+微邦 布局1150億美金藥械合一(Drug-device combination products) (呼吸用藥先行)

大戶條款調整 生技股資金回籠 2014-12-08 〔記者陳永吉/台北報導〕大選結束,不確定因素消失,生技股選前備受壓抑,選後強彈,其中上櫃生技指數一週大漲逾9%,上市生技指數也反彈近4%,原因無他,因為執政黨潰敗,所謂大戶條款可能修正,而生技股是許多主力大戶著墨甚多的個股,只要大戶回籠,生技股將持續有表現空間。 生技股選後大反彈,有人認為一方面是過去民進黨對生技產業較為友善,一方面新任台北市長柯文哲是醫生背景,也對生技業有加分效果,但這些都屬於過度聯想,生技業漲不漲跟市場資金動能息息相關,只要大戶回籠,生技股就不寂寞。 選後生技股的反彈主角,還是新藥股為主,尤其是跌深的新藥股,像是台微體(4152)、杏國(4192)、基亞(3176)、醣聯(4168)等,一週來漲幅都超過20%,且近期有題材的生技股,對利多的反應較為明顯,顯示資金的確有歸隊的現象。 而上週五F-康聯(4144)宣布與微邦(3184)攜手合作,利用雙方在微機電微霧化技術平台與醫藥開發及行銷的優勢,針對呼吸科藥械合一產品進行廣泛的開發與布局。康聯執行長李欣表示,藥械合一產品將是醫療市場的主流趨勢之一,預估2019年市場產值將有超過1150億美金的規模,其中呼吸霧化治療是藥械合一市場中相當重要的類別,在2012年的全球產值達200億美元。 李欣指出,新產品預計明年開發完成,合作的第一個藥屬於呼吸科用藥,目前專利藥為全球前三大慢性肺阻塞呼吸科用藥,康聯會在台灣、美國、中國申請藥證,由於屬於新劑型新藥,估計審批時間會快一點。至於康聯明年展望,李欣表示,今年醫材部分成長相對明顯,明年會繼續在牙材方面努力,將引進一些牙材到中國註冊,另外眼科、心臟科產品也會陸續在兩岸上市。 整體而言,生技股的資金逐漸回籠,可以觀察的指標仍以新藥股為主,上週漲幅以上櫃新藥股為主,而資金潮還未到蔓延到興櫃,像是中裕(4147)、浩鼎(4174)、藥華(6446)漲勢還相對落後,是短期資金可以注意的標的。

Dry powder inhalers in COPD, lung inflammation and pulmonary infections. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2014 Nov 12:1-16. The number of pulmonary diseases that are effectively treated by aerosolized medicine continues to grow. Areas covered: These diseases include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung inflammatory diseases (e.g., asthma) and pulmonary infections. Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) exhibit many unique advantages that have contributed to the incredible growth in the number of DPI pharmaceutical products. To improve the performance, there are a relatively large number of DPI devices available for different inhalable powder formulations. The relationship between formulation and inhaler device features on performance of the drug-device combination product is critical. Aerosol medicine products are drug-device combination products. Device design and compatibility with the formulation are key drug-device combination product aspects in delivering drugs to the lungs as inhaled powders. In addition to discussing pulmonary diseases, this review discusses DPI devices, respirable powder formulation and their interactions in the context of currently marketed DPI products used in the treatment of COPD, asthma and pulmonary infections. Expert opinion: There is a growing line of product options available for patients in choosing inhalers for treatment of respiratory diseases. Looking ahead, combining nanotechnology with optimized DPI formulation and enhancing device design presents a promising future for DPI development.

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