Tuesday, September 1, 2015

澳優乳業 主席YAN Weibin (顏衛彬)…迎戰中國乳製品挑戰

澳優乳業股份有限公司2015中期毛利及毛利率分別增長約7.3%3.0個百分點 香港2015826日電 /美通社/ -- 業務摘要 (截至2015630自家品牌業務收入約人民幣531.6百萬元,按年增長約29.6%。該增長主要因集團改變策略,將業務重心由利潤率相對較低的私人商標及合約製造業務,轉移至利潤率較高的自家品牌業務 作為自家品牌業務之一的牛奶製品收入增長約10.1%至約人民幣291.5百萬元,羊奶製品佳貝艾特系列產品收入增長約73.7%至約人民幣235.9百萬元 毛利約為人民幣290.1百萬元,增長約7.3% 毛利率約為31.8%,增長約3.0個百分點 集團與 Dutch Dairy Investments B.V. 訂立股份購買協議,以收購 Ausnutria Hyproca B.V. (「澳優海普諾凱」)餘下49.0%股權,代價約470.3百萬港元 集團與晟德大藥廠股份有限公司(「晟德大藥廠」)及其他八間機構完成強制性全面現金要約,晟德大藥廠成為公司單一最大股東 澳優乳業股份有限公司 (「澳優」或「公司」,聯同其轄下附屬公司,統稱「集團」;股份編號:1717.HK),一間生產設備主要設於中國及荷蘭的嬰幼兒配方奶粉公司,今日公佈截至2015630日止六個月(「回顧期內」未經審計的中期業績。 回顧期內,集團收入約為人民幣912.3百萬元,減少約2.6%。收入減少的部分原因是因為集團改變策略,將業務重心由利潤率相對較低的私人商標及合約製造業務,轉移至利潤率較高的自家品牌業務。而自家品牌業務的收入增長了29.6%至約人民幣531.6百萬元。 集團毛利約為人民幣290.1百萬元,增長約7.3%。毛利率則約為31.8%,增長約3.0個百分點。隨着集團在中國銷售自家品牌產品(主要為銷售佳貝艾特系列產品)之比重持續上升,使集團得享自家品牌產品毛利率較其他產品線為高之優勢,推動了毛利及毛利率增長。 因為集團為應對日趨激烈的市場競爭,以及配合集團長遠的發展策略,於其他海外市場推出及推廣佳貝艾特系列產品,令銷售及營銷費用有所增加。然而隨着投放的額外銷售及分銷開支的到位,佳貝艾特系列產品在中國的銷售額增長了71.9%,並已成為集團增長最快的品牌之一。 集團主席顏衛彬先生表示:「過去幾年,中國政府推出了一系列新政策,在這些新政策的推動下,本集團旗下所有品牌已獲授相關進口批准,本集團的所有海外廠房亦已成功登記,成為受認可的海外乳製品生產商。我們認為,中國的乳業市場,也是本集團最主要的市場,於未來幾年將是充滿挑戰。為了應對即將到來的挑戰,同時也為了滿足嬰幼兒營養品的長期增長及需求,我們採取了一系列措施,以確保集團長期穩定的可持續發展。」 20155月,晟德大藥廠連同其他八間機構與集團一前任股東訂立了買賣協議,以收購澳優合共197,368,600股股份。該買賣協議引發了強制性要約,並已於201586日完成,晟德大藥廠現為集團單一最大股東。集團相信,晟德大藥廠的支持將有利於集團日後發展,而憑藉晟德大藥廠的管理專長,集團將為股東締造長遠價值。 同時,集團於回顧期內繼續加強整合上游及產品的多元化,進一步加強嬰幼兒配方牛奶粉的發展,並專注於嬰幼兒配方羊奶粉。其中,集團收購澳優海普諾凱餘下49.0%股權已獲股東決議,並計劃於月底完成。澳優海普諾凱具備自荷蘭牧場收集新鮮羊奶到供應成品羊奶的完整產業鏈,是世界領先的羊奶製品生產商之一。截至2015630日,澳優海普諾凱擁有三間廠房及一間在建廠房,均設於荷蘭。除此之外,為進一步增加澳優海普諾凱在中國以及全球嬰幼兒配方羊奶粉市場的份額,澳優海普諾凱繼續在營銷及宣傳佳貝艾特系列產品上分配更多資源,以增強市場知名度 產品研發一直是集團的發展重點。除集團自身於增強研發實力方面的不懈努力,集團還與北京大學醫學院繼續合作,共同研發母嬰奶粉,履行與其訂立的10年戰略合作協議。 與此同時,集團亦意識到客戶關係的重要性,並為加強運營和客戶關係管理,大力開發信息技術系統,推出了多項手機應用程式,並以綫下店及公司客服中心相結合的方式,著力發展顧客及會員服務。 展望未來,顏先生表示:「我們相信,作為集團的主要市場,中國乳業市場於來年依然面臨重重挑戰。但集團加強了產業鏈、客戶服務能力以及銷售網絡等方面的建設。我們對集團業務於中國市場的增長特別是與客戶間關係的提升而感到高興。同時。集團將繼續整合上游資源,豐富產品多元化,增加荷蘭產能,致力於建立世界領先的嬰幼兒配方羊奶粉生產商地位。同時繼續投資研發,增強內部研發實力,並與其他行業參與者及研究中心建立戰略合作關係,並加強 IT 系統。憑藉我們建立的良好基礎,包括堅實的荷蘭生產基地,以及中國及海外的龐大分銷網絡以及自身的顧客服務能力,尤其是荷蘭廠房升級改造完成後,我們相信集團將實現進一步的業績增長,為集團股東創造最大價值。」 關於澳優乳業股份有限公司 澳優乳業股份有限公司是一間生產設備主要設於中國和荷蘭,從事研發、奶源收集、加工、生產及包裝乳製品等活動,並於中國、歐洲、北美、中東、俄羅斯及獨聯體及其他海外市場從事營銷及銷售活動的嬰幼兒配方奶粉公司。澳優於中國內地的廠房為內地第一批成功取得生產許可證換證的廠房;於新政策下,荷蘭子公司的下屬工廠亦為首批成功獲發海外產品進口許可證的海外嬰幼兒配方奶粉製造商之一。

Ausnutria Hyproca in Europe The Netherlands is our home base; our factories and head office are located here. We supply our Dutch and international clients with private label baby formula from the head office in Heerenveen. We are also active in many European countries, with the sale of our CBM goat milk ingredients. The global CBM market is also supplied from the Netherlands, as are the majority of the European markets for our Kabrita goat milk products. The sale of our Kabrita goat milk infant formula in Russia and other CIS countries takes place via a joint venture in Moscow.

Rich history in the dairy industry  The Ausnutria Hyproca history spans more than 100 years. The modern-day Ausnutria Hyproca is a company with great experience in the production of infant formula and other types of dairy products, in Ommen, Leeuwarden and Kampen.

Hyproca Dairy l Ommen The history of the factory in Ommen dates back to 1897, when it was founded by Mr. Kramer. It was named the "De Vechtstreek", a name still proudly born by the company premises. In 1910 a group of farmers decided to create a co-operative and bought the factory. It was the first factory with complete and continuously operating butter making facilities. As milk production grew in the Netherlands, the factory was expanded and extra activities added. Milk powder has been produced in Ommen since 1928. In 1996, the factory was sold to the Hyproca Dairy Group, which is now Ausnutria Hyproca, and continued under the name Hyproca Dairy. Nowadays, Hyproca Dairy is a professional dairy factory which not only produces own brand products but also supplies various large international companies with top-quality dairy ingredients.

Lypack and Lyempf l Leeuwarden and Kampen The origins of the factories in Leeuwarden and Kampen lie in 1912, when Lijempf (Leeuwarden Ice and Milk products Factory) was founded . The development of formula for baby and toddler nutrition was started back in 1938. In 1973, Lijempf was taken over by Royal Wessanen, and from that point on concentrated on the export of infant formula under the Bebelac brand name. As the number of international contacts increased, the factory name was changed to Lyempf. In 1993 Lyempf was taken over by Nutricia. Six years later, the Hyproca Dairy Group, currently known as Ausnutria Hyproca, purchased the factory in Leeuwarden, which now has been named Lypack. In 2011, the takeover of the Kampen factory reunited the Leeuwarden and Kampen factories. Nowadays, the production of infant formula is the core activity of the two factories, both under the own brand name and based on private label and contract manufacturing.

Mr. YAN Weibin ("Mr. Yan"),顏衛彬 aged 49, was appointed as the executive Director on 8 June 2009 and was elected Chairman of the Board on 7 June 2013. Mr. Yan is a shareholder and director of Brave Leader Limited and Ausnutria Holding Co Ltd, the substantial shareholders of the Company, and also a director of a number of the Company's subsidiaries, including Ausnutria China and Ausnutria Hyproca. He joined the Group since the establishment of Ausnutria China in September 2003. Mr. Yan is responsible for leading the Board and making sure it works effectively and discharges its responsibilities and that all key and appropriate issues are discussed by the Board in a timely manner. Mr. Yan is also primarily responsible for the overall corporate strategy, planning and business development of the Group. Mr. Yan graduated from Hunan University with a degree in bachelor of engineering and MBA. Mr. Yan has been a director of Yuan Longping High-tech Agriculture Co., Ltd*(袁隆平農業高科技股份有限公司) ("Longping High-tech"), a company whose shares are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, from 2004. He was Longping High-tech's chief officer from 2004 to April 2010, the vice chairman and the chief financial officer from April 2010 to December 2011, the chief executive officer and chief financial officer from December 2011 to June 2012 and has become the vice chairman since June 2012. Mr. Yan resigned as the chief executive officer and the chief financial officer (remains as the vice chairman) of Longping High-tech in June 2012.

Mr. LIN Jung-chin ("Mr. Lin"), aged 60, was appointed as the executive Director on 12 December 2014. Mr. Lin is a shareholder and director of Center Laboratories, Inc. and Bioengine Capital Inc., both being the substantial shareholders of the Company. Mr. Lin is mainly responsible for the overall corporate strategy, planning and business development of the Group. Mr. Lin graduated with a bachelor degree in pharmacy from Taipei Medical University and was rewarded an honorary doctor in medical by Taipei Medical University in 2010. Mr. Lin also serves the chairmanship of several companies listed on the Emerging Stock Market in Taiwan, namely Center Lab, Medeon Biodesign, Inc., Mycenax Biotech Inc. and TPG Biologics, Inc. He also holds the directorship or as a member of the senior management of over ten companies. Mr. Lin has extensive experience in directing the reorganisation and restructuring of enterprises. He is actively engaged in the investment planning and integration of the biotechnology industry.

Mr. Bartle VAN DER MEER ("Mr. van der Meer"), aged 69, was appointed as the executive Director and Chief Executive Officer on 7 June 2013. Mr. van der Meer is one of the founders of Ausnutria Hyproca. He indirectly held 49% equity interests in Ausnutria Hyproca through the shareholding in Dutch Dairy Investments B.V. and has been involved in the strategic management since the establishment of Ausnutria Hyproca in 1994. He has also been a member of the board of directors and chief executive officer of Ausnutria Hyproca since 2012. Mr. van der Meer is primarily responsible for managing and executing the Group's overall business directions and corporate operation decisions. He graduated with a business administration degree in the Netherlands with a major in banking in 1966. He worked for Rabobank, a multinational banking and financial services group in the Netherlands for more than 25 years. He is serving as the executive director of PMH Investments B.V., a private equity which owned 46.55% equity interests in DDI, and Vegelin Group B.V. since 1994. Mr. van der Meer has been the chairman of supervisory board of sc Heerenveen NV (a soccer club which plays in the premier division in the Netherlands) since 1998 to 2012, and a member of Foundation Accell Group (a company listed on Euronext Amsterdam (formerly known as Amsterdam Stock Exchange) since 1998.

Ms. NG Siu Hung ("Ms. Ng"), aged 46, was appointed as the executive Director on 19 September 2009. Ms. Ng is primarily responsible for the Group's investor relations. She studied applied english language at Changsha University and graduated at The University of Westminster, the United Kingdom with a master of arts degree in human resource management. She was the representative of a computer network company and then, a manager of a trading company for about 2 years. Ms. Ng has been a director of Hunan Yukai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd*(湖南宇凱房地產有限公司)since 2004. She is the officer of Public Relations of Hunan XinDaXin Co., Ltd*(湖南新大新股份有限公司).

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