Sunday, May 10, 2015

華美科技 (國發基金/ ITRI/ Battelle 360ip)

產學合作大車拚 20150510 04:10 記者謝璦竹/台北報導 面臨全球不景氣,兩岸都在強調創新、創業,希望能帶動經濟成長,打破不景氣。為了鼓勵創新創業,國發基金日前投資了由台灣最大的研發機構工研院、和全球最大的研發和產業化機構Battelle(巴特爾)合組的「華美科技創投基金」,瞄準機器人、奈米及先進材料、與物聯網等最火紅新興領域進行投資;國科會改制的科技部也積極協助產學合作,已找出超過100項的潛力產業化技術。種種努力,務使台灣不會在新一波全球產業革命中缺席。1929年創立的Battelle總部位於美國俄亥俄州哥倫布市,有超過2.3萬名研發人員、年營收超過67億美元、管理全球11個頂尖研發機構、擁有十幾萬個專利,曾成功協助影印機、光纖、光碟、立可白、抗血栓藥物等商品產業化,41年前工研院成立時,還曾派遣高階管理人員至Battelle學習。Battelle所屬360ip公司及工研院所屬的創新工業技術移轉公司(ITIC)合資的華美科技創業投資基金,專門投資台灣技術產業化,初期預計募資1.2億美元,其中,國發基金投資3600萬美元。

台灣是世界級科研機構首選Battelle公司高層主管指出,360ipBattelle國際創投及技術產業化的機構,該公司CEO Glenn想在亞洲設國際總部,先選新加坡,後來發現星國技術力不是那麼強,後來湖南中南大學也大力邀請,他也曾到南韓住過,最後選擇了將全球行政總部設在台灣。Battelle高度重視台灣,已與開發人工腦膜的台灣生醫材料公司合作,共同開拓歐美市場。該公司是在經濟部技術處的支持下,由工研院生醫所技術移轉進行開發「創新人工腦膜技術」的新創事業。值此全球科創時代,由國科會改制的科技部也積極協助產學合作,對部內支持的每年2萬件專案計畫進行盤點,透過工研院「運用法人鏈結產學合作試行計畫」辦公室進行加值後,供產業使用。科技部委託工研院執行的這項計畫,已找出超過100項的潛力案源,涵蓋智慧節能與智慧家庭技術、車聯網技術、醫療與健康照護、巨量資料、雲端與應用技術、無線通訊技術、先進顯示技術,以及電子通訊顯示技術等領域。目前,今年有望成功媒合10個產學合作以及2個專利示範案例。

Taiwan government to invest over $80M in four VC funds, including 500 Startups  Josh HorwitzJosh Horwitz  2:12 pm on Jan 26, 2015  On Friday, Taiwan's National Development Council announced plans to invest US$83 million in four different venture capital firms, in hopes of spurring growth for the island's startups. The NDC will invest US$15 million in 500 Startups. It will also give US$12 million or match 30 percent of LP contributions to AppWorks' upcoming fund, and US$20 million or match 30 percent of Translink Capital III's upcoming fund. In addition, the NDC will invest US$30 million in a joint venture fund run by the Battelle Memorial Institute's 360ip and Taiwan's Industrial Technology Investment Corporation. The NDC hasn't set any specific stipulations dictating what portion of these funds must go to Taiwan startups. 500 Startups and AppWorks both have a history investing in early-stage Taiwanese companies. Throughout 2013 and 2014, 500 Startups provided seed funding to a number of teams, most of which made global-facing consumer apps. The company also appointed an entrepreneur-in-residence in Taiwan to help source deals. AppWorks is best known as Taiwan's homegrown accelerator program, modeled after Y Combinator. It also managed a US$10 million fund for domestic startups. I's most high-profile investment to date is EZTable, a restaurant-booking app that recently disclosed it raised US$5.5 million from MediaTek and others. Translink Capital III, according to the NDC, is a fund jointly-managed by Translink Capital and UMC. Through its other two venture funds Translink has invested in well-known California startups including Soundhound, Peel, Quixey, and Kamcord. The announcement marks the latest development in the NDC's HeadStart Taiwan Project. Approved in August 2014, the plan aims to help bolster the island's startup ecosystem through deregulation, providing greater access to early-stage capital, and developing a startup cluster in Taipei Expo Park. Recently, Taiwan's Ministry of Labor amended labor laws per the NDC's suggestion that will allow foreigners in Taiwan to work for startups without first acquiring two years of related experience.


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