Tuesday, September 15, 2015

環瑞醫 新執行長 韋志聖 (VP, 伽瑪刀(R) Elekta) /李典忠 轉 策略長

【公告】環瑞醫執行長人事異動 2015/09/09 16:20 中央社 日期:20150909日公司名稱:環瑞醫 (4198)主旨:本公司執行長人事異動發言人:李典忠說明:1.董事會決議日期或發生變動日期:104/09/092.舊任者姓名及簡歷:李典忠/本公司董事兼執行長。3.新任者姓名及簡歷:韋志聖/Elekta Limited Executive Vice President APAC4.異動情形(請輸入「辭職」、「職務調整」、「資遣」、「退休」、「死亡」或「新任」):職務調整5.異動原因:配合公司組織管理及營運發展所需,李典忠先生轉任本公司策略長。6.新任生效日期:104/09/157.其他應敘明事項:無。

Elekta to Host Cancer Survivorship Event at Company's Learning and Innovation Center (LINC) in Atlanta  ATLANTA, September 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --Elekta, a global cancer management company, will host an educational event on cancer survivorship on September 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Elekta's North American headquarters in Atlanta. "Elekta's Ultimate Ride to Survivorship" will feature Professional BMX athlete, Josh Perry, who will recount his 2012 treatment of a brain tumor with Leksell Gamma Knife®, Elekta's radiosurgery system for treating brain disorders. "An estimated 48,070 new cancer cases will be diagnosed in Georgia in 2015 and there are more than 350,000 survivors living in the state," notes Bill Yaeger, Executive Vice President, Elekta North America. "Each year, thousands of patients and survivors search for credible information on the internet to help them make informed decisions for themselves or their loved ones. Because cancer care is very complex and there are so many treatment alternatives, Elekta considers the education of the public on cancer a vital mission. The 'Ultimate Ride' event is designed to increase awareness of the disease and its treatment and to honor cancer survivors." At the event, Elekta will also announce the launch of an internet resource for individuals with brain cancer or other brain disorders - and will lead tours of the LINC, the company's facility for training employees, customers and other cancer care professionals on its advanced cancer planning and treatment systems. The website will be an interactive, informational and educational portal on Leksell Gamma Knife and the indications it can be used to treat. The site will provide patient and physician accounts of their Gamma Knife experience and how their lives were impacted by the treatment. The site also will provide information necessary to help patients and caregivers make educated decisions about treatment options. BMX biker Josh Perry received Gamma Knife radiosurgery to treat a post-surgical recurrence of a benign tumor called a meningioma that was threatening his vision. His physician recommended Gamma Knife because the treatment would offer the precision to avoid an artery near the lesion. Josh's experience inspired him to become a lifestyle coach for individuals who are undergoing cancer treatment. "I was thankfully given a second chance at life," Josh says. "With that chance, I wanted to live the life I dreamed of while helping others to do the same and to become as healthy as possible. I also wanted to show others I'm no different than them - in the sense that we all possess the power to overcome adversity in our lives. I am living proof that anyone can achieve their goals when they put their minds to it, nourish their body, and think positively."

伽瑪刀® (Elekta) 一個完整的立體定向放射治療系統,提供高度準確性的治療腫瘤的劑量....伽瑪刀®手術有時被稱為立體定位放射治療(SRS),是一種非侵入性的腦部疾病治療方法。它提供一個單一的,高劑量完整照射位於頭顱中的小且嚴重需治療的腫瘤體積。極高的精確度,有效率和安全的治療是當今治療腦部腫瘤方式的首選。今天,伽瑪刀手術在全世界有數以百計的醫院和診所執行該項手術。每年約 5萬患者接受伽瑪刀手術的治療,這個獨特的治療過程已經有科學追踪的記錄與數以千計的研究論文報告的文章。這個領域中沒有其他的非侵入性治療方法比它有更多的臨床接受度。查看最近全球的伽瑪刀手術的統計數字。

承業生醫企業集團 成立於公元1977年;目前,旗下包含國內外共計15家子公司共同運營,已於20121024日在台灣地區證劵交易所成功上市。承業生醫投資控股股份有限公司負責管理及監督集團內各子公司,透過集團平台進行資源整合及分享,從而提升管理及業務執行績效,並專門負責投資人關係的維護及相關籌資事宜。公司總部位於台北市中山區,並於台中和高雄等地設有分公司;以便為各大醫療機構提供更為及時有效的技術支持及售後服務。久和(中國)醫療科技有限公司和廣州市久和醫療器械有限公司作為承業生醫企業集團在中國大陸的全資子公司,全面負責中國大陸、香港和澳門地區的市場開發和業務拓展。集團內各子公司的產業及業務覆蓋了放射腫瘤、神經科學、醫學影像、眼科、外科/手術及醫院整體學科​​建設等多個領域。經由為客戶提供先進的醫療設備及技術支持,進而保證病患最佳的醫療服務品質

About Elekta  Elekta is a human care company pioneering significant innovations and clinical solutions for treating cancer and brain disorders. The company develops sophisticated, state-of-the-art tools and treatment planning systems for radiation therapy, radiosurgery and brachytherapy, as well as workflow enhancing software systems across the spectrum of cancer care. Stretching the boundaries of science and technology, providing intelligent and resource-efficient solutions that offer confidence to both health care providers and patients, Elekta aims to improve, prolong and even save patient lives. Today, Elekta solutions in oncology and neurosurgery are used in over 6,000 hospitals worldwide. Elekta employs around 3,800 employees globally. The corporate headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the company is listed on the Nordic Exchange under the ticker STO:EKTAB. Website: http://www.elekta.com.

医科达中国 医科达公司由伽玛刀创始人,瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究所已故的神经外科教授Lars Leksell1972年创建成立,总部设在瑞典斯德哥尔摩。现已发展成为一家跨国的医疗技术集团,在癌症和脑部病变治疗领域以及肿瘤治疗信息管理方面提供最为先进的临床治疗方案。针对放射治疗和放射外科,医科达致力于开发尖端水平的医疗设备和治疗计划系统,同时为整个癌症治疗领域开发优化工作流程的软件系统。医科达在肿瘤学、神经外科以及肿瘤信息管理软件方面的解决方案已应用于全球6,000多家医院,每天为超过10万名患者提供诊断和治疗服务。医科达中国秉承关爱人类生命的使命,不断将具有最高国际标准的临床解决方案和专业服务引入中国,并投入大量研发力量,研制出让更多中国患者负担得起的放疗设备,和让医务人员操作更加简便的中文软件界面,以期更好地满足国内医疗市场的需求。医科达中国在北京、上海、广州设立了分支机构,共有500多名员工。其中研发人员约150人,生产人员近100人,并有超过100名员工向客户提供销售、培训、安装、维修等直接服务,以确保为客户提供高品质的支持与服务。

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