Thursday, September 29, 2011
中研院小鼠實驗發現/纖維化蛋白質 可讓抑癌藥物增效 〔記者陳怡靜/台北報導〕2011/9/29中研院農業生物科技研究中心昨發表「抑制癌症轉移的藥物開發」,抑癌細胞生長 已獲十項專利 中研院農業生物科技研究中心使用創新的純化技術,將一系列球狀蛋白質轉為纖維狀蛋白質,卻在癌症小鼠實驗中發現,纖維化蛋白質「中研一號」可讓抑癌藥物「增效」、抑制癌細胞生長及轉移,目前已獲得十項專利,未來有機會應用在癌症治療上。
希望促成產、學、研三方合作 中研院昨天舉辦「生物科技成果發表會」,發表農業、醫藥、疫苗與藥物等領域研究成果,盼促成產、學、研三方合作。農業生物科技研究中心研究團隊發現纖維化後的蛋白質有助抑制癌症轉移,昨發表部分成果。農業生物科技研究中心研究員楊淑美和團隊在做疫苗研究時,為了將不溶於水的蛋白質變得可溶於水,嘗試將特定蛋白質纖維化,但卻意外發現,纖維化後的特定蛋白質,卻可有效讓抑癌藥物「增效」。癌細胞轉移是癌症治療失敗最常見的原因,若能強化抑癌藥物,就代表抑癌有望,雖然僅是「小鼠實驗」結果,卻已讓研究團隊因此十分振奮。他們運用創新的純化技術,有效轉換一系列的球狀蛋白質為纖維狀蛋白質,發現被命名為「中研一號」的纖維化蛋白質可抑制卵巢癌、乳癌、前列腺癌等癌細胞生長。由於卵巢癌初期多無明顯症狀,發現時多已擴散、嚴重腹水,加上卵巢癌細胞抗藥性也高,導致卵巢癌致死率高居婦科癌症的首位。研究團隊因此以卵巢癌模型下手,他們以小鼠動物模式模擬人類第一期與第三期卵巢癌,將「中研一號」分別注入小鼠靜脈與腹腔,發現可抑癌。楊淑美說,進一步將「中研一號」搭配兩種抗癌藥物進行小鼠實驗,結果發現抑制小鼠癌細胞效果明顯增加,「以小鼠實驗為例,若以殺死五成的癌細胞為目標,用藥劑量僅需原本的十分之一到二十分之一,除了抑癌效果增加,也可減少抑癌藥物對健康細胞造成的副作用」。但她也補充,目前數據仍是小鼠實驗結果,無法推論對更複雜的人體癌細胞是否有相同功效,若資金等其他支援到位,最快一到兩年可申請臨床實驗,屆時才能評估實際應用在人體的效果。
中研院楊淑美中研一號: 抑制卵巢癌轉移
中研院 戮力生技轉移2011-09-29 工商時報中研院近來在生物科技研發展現優秀研究成果,對建立台灣產、學、研交流合作平台,甚具成效。中研院生技育成中心執行長梁啟銘昨(28)日表示,中研院將持續戮力投入科技移轉,為國內生技業提供重要發展策略與機制。 中央研究院昨日舉辦2011年生物科技研發成果聯合發表會,會中對多項藥物研究與開發展現亮眼的成果,尤其在治療神經退化疾病、抑制癌症轉移的藥物開發及協助細胞調控免疫反應方面,有學術性重大突破,為生技產業開啟新頁。 由於癌細胞轉移是導致治療失敗和死亡最常見原因,中研院發現纖維化蛋白質對抑制癌細胞轉移有正面效益,且製程簡單,能在低濃度產生抑制癌細胞轉移之效,研發的「中研一號」可抑制乳癌等多種癌細胞生長,預計1~2年申請臨床前試驗。
Academia Sinica conference showcases latest biotech research
NeuroVive and to-BBB awarded Eurostars grant for development of stroke therapy
Reuters Thu Sep 29, 2011 Lund, Sweden / Leiden, the Netherlands, 29 September 2011 NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) and to-BBB, the Dutch brain drug delivery company, have been awarded a grant of €1 million through the Eureka Eurostars program for the joint development of therapies for stroke and other acute neurological conditions. Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability in Europe, imposing a large economic burden on individuals and society. Currently, the development of safe and effective neuroprotective treatments represents the greatest unmet need in the management of stroke. The Eurostars program has awarded NeuroVive Pharmaceutical and to-BBB technologies, two highly innovative European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), a grant of approximately €500,000 each. This grant supports their joint preclinical development program on a potential new treatment for stroke patients. In this program NeuroVive's cyclosporin A for the treatment of neurological damage is combined with to-BBB's G-Technology® to enhance delivery of this drug across the blood-brain barrier. The strategic collaboration between the two companies commenced in October 2010 and the Eurostars grant solidifies and accelerates this partnership."NeuroVive's expertise in the area of acute neurological conditions and their leading clinical work with NeuroSTAT® in traumatic brain injuries, provides a strong base for this program." says Pieter Gaillard, CSO of to-BBB, "Since the blood-brain barrier limits drug penetration in stroke patients when they need it most, to-BBB's proprietary G-Technology® holds promise to enhance brain delivery of cyclosporin-based pharmaceuticals for this devastating disorder.""We are proud that our innovative partnership has been recognized by the Eurostars program. Our project received ranking position 20 out of 348 initiatives in a strong competitive environment. We look forward to accelerate the partnership of NeuroVive and to-BBB with the aim to generate therapies for the large stroke market and other acute neurological conditions", says Mikael Bronnegard, CEO of NeuroVive.
About Eurostars Eurostars aims to stimulate SMEs to lead international collaborative research and innovation projects by easing access to support and funding. It is fine-tuned to focus on the needs of SMEs, and specifically targets the development of new products, processes and services and the access to transnational and international markets.
About NeuroVive NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) is a Swedish drug development company. NeuroVive's primary mission is to develop drugs for the treatment of acute brain injury, reperfusion injury in myocardial infarction and other acute injuries where mitochondrial energy production is critical for clinical outcome. The company is currently sponsoring a phase III clinical trial with its cyclosporin-A lipid emulsion in heart attack patients, and is entering into a phase II-III clinical trial in traumatic brain injury. In addition to the cyclophilin-D program, NeuroVive is developing additional medications treating mitochondrial dysfunction (i.e., reduced or limited energy production), and disorders requiring an increased energy demand such as recovering from extensive surgery and intensive care, and as well conditions in which augmented energy expenditure (e.g. obesity) is important. NeuroVive Pharmaceutical AB (publ) shares are listed on the Swedish trading platform AktieTorget ( The AktieTorget market is focused on emerging, entrepreneurial businesses and offers an electronic trading system supplied by the OMX Nordic stock exchange in Stockholm, Sweden.
About to-BBB to-BBB is a clinical stage biotechnology company focusing on enhanced drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier. The Company is developing novel treatments for devastating brain disorders, such as brain cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and lysosomal storage diseases, by combining existing drugs with the G-Technology®, to-BBB's proprietary brain delivery platform. This technology combines the widely used drug delivery approach of pegylated liposomes with the endogenous tripeptide glutathione as targeting ligand in a novel and safe way. Together with several top tier pharma and biotech companies, to-BBB is investigating the versatility of the G-Technology® for drugs that are unable to reach the brain within a tolerable therapeutic window. to-BBB is applying the G-Technology® for the delivery of doxorubicin for the treatment of brain cancer as its internal lead product 2B3-101. to-BBB is headquartered in the Netherlands at the Leiden Bio Science Park and established a fully owned subsidiary, to-BBB Taiwan Ltd., in Taipei, Taiwan. Investors in to-BBB include Aescap Venture, Antea Participaties, Jonghoud International, the Industrial Bank of Taiwan Management Corporation (IBTM) and a consortium of informal investors.台灣神隆目標中國製劑廠
統一轉投資生技 神隆掛牌上市 民視 (2011-09-29 16:55) 統一集團轉投資的生技公司、神隆29日正式掛牌上市,被稱為生技股的台積電神隆今天轉上市股價慶祝行情只有3%。不過上市儀式出現了一段小插曲,原來神隆的總經理和證交所董事長薛琦居然是同班同學。證交所董事長薛琦帶領下,宣告國內原料藥龍頭的台灣神隆正式上市,這是統一旗下轉投資的生技公司,從1997年成立後,就備受業界關注,被稱為生技業的台積電。總經理馬海怡話說得保守,不過在公開上市會中卻發生一段有趣的插曲,總經理馬海怡和證交所董事長居然是大學同班同學,趁著上市儀式,老同學相聚話家常。是證交所董事長的同學,上市沒有優惠,轉上市第一天,神隆股價的慶祝行情只有3%左右,股價的表現相對穩健,不過對於最近受到歐美經濟衝擊,生技類股在短短45天跌幅近2成,神隆上市會不會帶動生技產業的股價跌深反彈?值得後續觀察。
神隆抗癌針劑原料藥 全球競爭對手約20家
大葉大學 本土雲芝醣肽量產技術
降血糖新藥成分新曙光 大葉大學新穎雲芝醣肽技術移轉 2011/09/29 【台北訊】大葉大學生物科技暨資源學院研發團隊所開發之的「台灣本土新穎雲芝醣肽 關鍵生產技術」,成功技術移轉給台灣醣? 科技公司,是政府科專計畫研發成果落實產業應用,29日舉辦技轉簽約發表會。大葉大學所開發之台灣新穎雲芝醣肽,具有免疫調節與降血糖的雙功能,亦發現其保濕、抗氧化與抗衰老之特性。此次是銓智知識服務公司透過「IPMall專利展示平台(」,在工業局的見證下,成功將大葉大學與輔仁大學所共同執行研發成果技術移轉給台灣醣肽,將以此技術跨足生技製藥產業,預計投資5億元將此產品開發為保健食品、化妝品與新藥的原料。
美白針效果好 要與醫師多溝通2011-09-29 中廣新聞 正值求職季節,社會新鮮人努力維持好氣色,要給面試官留下良好第一印象;上班族也積極對抗強烈的陽光曝曬及黑色素沉澱,希望贏取好臉色獲得客戶信賴。 醫美診所院長孫孝先說明,針對大眾醫美需求多元化之趨勢,醫美科技也隨之日新月異,但傳統「白即是美」的觀念仍深植民心,美白針可持續保持肌膚水嫩、白皙的功效,是醫美熱門項目。 醫美診所副院長劉思慧強調,美白針族群來自各種行業,年齡層也逐年下降,不但不再侷限於女性,男性人數也有逐漸上升之趨勢。美白針主要作用在抗老化與修復皮膚表層,增加血液循環,提升皮膚光澤感與透亮度。 孫孝先提醒美白針針對個人體質有不同注射劑量,一般醫師會在首次療程15分鐘內觀察是否有皮膚、腸胃、氣管等身體過敏反應,再決定合適之劑量,如果希望維持美白效果,也有持續療程。目前坊間有診所採用每小針50c.c.直接注射方式進行美白針療程,醫師表示這種方式注射速度過快,注射液濃度過高將可能傷害血管壁,並直接影響心臟,雖然效果快速,但可能造成嚴重傷害,民眾需多加注意。 醫師也提醒支氣管敏感或特殊過敏者需多加留意美白針施打,務必在事前與醫師作充分溝通,以確認其安全性。
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A cure for dementia from Chinese medicine? 2011-09-28 Researchers at Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University in Taiwan have announced a breakthrough in studies of gastrodia elata, commonly called tianma, a widely used Chinese traditional medicine found in Tibet, Russia, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Chen Yi-chuang of Academia Sinica notes that studies conducted by the Taiwanese institution have shown that tianma can be effective in curbing the effects of diseases ranging from dementia to spinocerebellar atrophy, Huntington's Disease and other ailments of the cerebral and nervous system. Research has shown that tianma can slow or reduce the effects of these diseases but so far it has not been established whether it can actually cure the diseases themselves. Chen notes that these types of diseases are generally progressively debilitating, with effects that set in over periods of three to five years, and that applications using an extract of tianma can be effective in slowing the progress of the disease, extending the development of symptoms to ten or even 20 years.
聚焦人才兩岸政策2011-09-29 工商時報 行政院科技顧問會議10月24、25日二天,將召開生技策略會議,其中將討論人才引進課題,未來希望檢討法規鬆綁,讓現行臨床醫師可以進入生技產業,以協助生技產業的蓬勃發展。此外,另一重點議題是討論兩岸政策,在兩岸醫療協議生效後,希望利用ECFA的產業合作平台,尋求兩岸可以合作項目,儘速協助台灣生技業打入大陸市場。不過,因為兩岸議題較敏感,將不在公開場合討論,另闢戰場再議。行政院政委朱敬一昨天針對10月下旬將召開的生技策略會議,召開會前會,據了解,這次生技策略會議將聚焦人才及兩岸政策兩大塊。台灣生技人才十分貧乏,希望能在博士後人才,及大學的碩士、學士人才培育,研究更積極做法。官員說,在策略會議的討論題目中,有一塊是要研議臨床醫師如何導入生技產業,目前醫院臨床醫師有的要教學,多數被健保制度綁死,需看診,沒有多餘人力可參與生技產業的研發,因此將討論有無法規需鬆綁,或作制度上的調整,將參考國外經驗,及視國內醫師是否足夠。 另生技策略會議也將討論成立種子基金,專責投入的最初期(early stage)階段,希望未來超級育成中心去運用可投入早期研發,發現有價值的成份可以進一步研究。但是從國發基金、業界科專計畫或國科會的研究計畫來規劃,尚未有定論。
腦膜癌疫苗新突破 化學四醣→十二醣 世界新聞網September 28, 2011腦膜炎疫苗開發有新突破。台灣中央研究院院長翁啟惠與基因體研究中心副研究員吳宗益領軍的研究團隊,成功開發新的化學合成方式,將現階段的化學四醣推升至十二醣,未來將可增加腦膜炎疫苗的純度與保護力。論文刊登在「化學期刊」(Angewdate Chemie)網路版上。 吳宗益表示,「a(2→9)唾液酸多醣」是C型腦膜炎鏈球菌外殼的主成分之一,也是鏈球菌攻擊人體免疫系統的武器。」可惜這種多醣體化學方程式極為複雜,不存在人體也合成不易,多年來全世界科學家都想取得純的唾液酸多醣分子。現階段的腦膜炎疫苗直接從病菌純化分離,但吳宗益說,純化後的「醣」長短不同,從兩個醣到100個醣都有,因此現在做疫苗僅能取「某個區塊」的醣來做,無法產生較好的保護力,也不容易產生有效抗體,對抵抗力較弱的嬰兒與老人,疫苗的保護不大,也容易產生副作用。中研院研究團隊成功開發新的化學合成方式,成功合成出固定的醣,早年科學家僅能合成四醣,現在可合成十二醣。由於需要超過八醣才具有活性,製作疫苗也才會產生保護力,中研院團隊開發出的合成方式,可讓科學家知道未來腦膜炎疫苗需要什麼醣,可以讓患者施打疫苗的量較少,品質也更佳、更純、保護力更好。