Friday, February 15, 2013

Chang Gung Biotechnology (長庚生技) 與Tonicology LLC 合作美國通路 !

Tonicology LLC Partners with Taiwan's CGB, Corp. to Offer Pure Extracts of Rare Herbal Supplements Tonicology LLC, an American distributor of rare herbal supplements, has partnered with Taiwan's premiere health organization, Chang Gung Biotechnology, Corp., to offer a line of Chinese Medicine's Herbal that provides specific trace elements and polysaccharides essential to healthy living.Tonicology LLC, an American distributor of rare herbal supplements, has partnered with Taiwan's premiere health organization, Chang Gung Biotechnology, Corp., to offer a line of Chinese Medicine's Herbal Supplements that provides specific trace elements and polysaccharides essential to healthy living. With authenticated strains of Cordyceps Sinensis, Antrodia Cinnamomea and Agaricus Blazei Murrill, Tonicology looks to help those with various kidney, lung and liver conditions, among others. "We are extremely excited and honored to be able to offer our clients the latest in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chang Gung Biotechnology has achieved combining Ancient Healing with Western Science by cultivating ingredients that have been used for thousands of years, but are rare in nature due to extreme growing conditions, pollution and environmental devastation. These pure extracts exceed 99.2% rDNA identification, are SGS inspected and are produced in cGMP certified facilities. Safe, clean and reliable products are our priority and that will never be compromised," said Tonicology's Sean Hsueh. Chang Gung is an organization whose history runs deep, with multiple hospitals, medical universities and nursing schools. Today, Chang Gung's hospitals treat over 35,000 patients daily. Their retail health division,Chang Gung Biotechnology, has over 90 retail health centers and has been named 1 of Taiwan's top 3 most recognizable health food brands (by Business Today Taiwan). Their facilities in the United States house state-of-the-art greenhouses and equipment for microorganism research. Taiwan's strict dietary supplement laws also govern the integrity of each offering. PURE EXTRACTS Cordyceps Sinensis Pure Extract, once called the "Elixir of Life", is found in the low temperature regions of the Himalayan mountains. It's been used for thousands of years as a kidney, lung and fertility tonic but illegal harvesting has caused the price of Cordyceps Sinensis to skyrocket over $2,000 a kg.* Antrodia Cinnamomea Pure Extract is a medicinal fungus found only in Taiwan. Researchers have deemed it as a possible holistic approach for liver deficiencies but its rarity makes it expensive and often unattainable.* Agaricus Blazei Murrill Pure Extract, also known as the Brazilian Mushroom, is saturated with beta-glucans and polysaccharides. Studies have shown potential benefits for the immune system and other chronic conditions.* These tonics are designed to provide the trace elements, minerals and nutrients the body needs to function optimally. Most of the food today lacks these important nutrients, especially trace elements, due to the way food has been planted and harvested for the past several hundred years. Chang Gung Biotechnology's nanoscience platform extracts elements in a size so small, they are at least one thousandth smaller in size than regular complexed elements. In this elemental form, they are soluble and are easily assimilated by life-forms, including plants and humans.* *Legal Dislaimer: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




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