Wednesday, March 6, 2013

打肺癌疫苗CimaVax EGF 只能去古巴 !

古巴研制出第二种肺癌疫苗 发布时间:2013-3-4 来源:药品资讯网信息中心古巴研制出第二种肺癌疫苗 古巴分子免疫中心研制并注册了一种新的治疗肺癌的疫苗RACOTUMOMAB,这是该中心继CIMAvaxEGF之后研制出的第二种肺癌疫苗,也是该中心2012年最大的科研成果。 古巴分子免疫中心主任阿古斯丁拉赫说,新疫苗RACOTUMOMAB使用方便,在临床试验中显示出"激动人心"的效果,并在欧洲肿瘤内科学会大会上获得广泛认可,其研究论文随后发表于《柳叶刀肿瘤学》杂志上。 拉赫表示,这一新疫苗RACOTUMOMAB今年将开始批量生产,这将使更多的古巴肺癌患者获得及时的干预和治疗,它在海外的注册也已进入日程。 RACOTUMOMAB的研发使古巴继续在世界范围内的肺癌治疗领域保持领先地位。古巴是目前世界上唯一一个研究开发出两种肺癌疫苗的国家。 用于治疗非小细胞肺癌的CIMAvaxEGF疫苗在古巴已进行临床试验,并已获中国国家食品药品管理局的批准在中国医学科学院进行临床试验。 CIMAvaxEGF肺癌疫苗是世界上唯一注册的此类药品。

Can you tell me about the CimaVax lung cancer vaccine? This page tells you about CimaVax, which is a new vaccine being developed for lung cancer.

What CimaVax is CimaVax EGF is a new vaccine treatment being developed in Cuba for non small cell lung cancer. The vaccine targets a particular protein called epidermal growth factor (EGF). EGF occurs naturally in the body and signals to cells to grow and divide. It does this by attaching to a receptor on the cell surface. Some cancers make the body produce too much EGF so that the cells grow and divide uncontrollably. The CimaVax vaccine is made up of two proteins, one of which is EGF. The vaccine works by stimulating the body's immune response. It encourages the body to make antibodies that recognise and bind to EGF. This stops the EGF attaching to the receptors on cancer cells. So there is no signal telling the cancer cells to grow and divide. This slows the growth of the cancer.

Research into CimaVax The results of a phase 2 trial for people with advanced non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were published in early 2008. The trial involved 80 people with stage 3b and stage 4 NSCLC. Everyone in the trial had chemotherapy. After chemotherapy was complete, half of the people had the vaccine. The aims of the trial were to find out

If the vaccine could help people live longer What side effects people have  The immune response people had to it. The results showed that people who had the vaccine lived slightly longer – on average about 4 to 6 months. It also improved people's quality of life by reducing symptoms such as coughing and breathlessness. The trial results also showed that people younger than 60 did better than those who were over 60. There were 12 people under 60 who had a good immune response and their improvement in survival was greatest – they lived on average for just over 15 months compared to 7.4 months for people who didn't have the vaccine. Do remember that this is a small group – 12 is really too small a number to draw any firm conclusions. The side effects of the vaccine were mild. The most common effects were chills, fever and feeling sick. The researchers tested whether people produced antibodies to EGF (an immune response) with a blood test. People who showed an immune response on the test did better than people who did not produce antibodies. This research is promising but this is a small trial and we will need more trial results before we know exactly how well the vaccine works for people with lung cancer. A phase 3 trial is currently in progress in Cuba. There aren't any trials in the UK at the moment.

CimaVax in the UK CimaVax isn't available at the moment in the UK. It has been approved in Cuba and is used in hospitals there. Trials are planned for other countries including America. We need positive results from these trials before CimaVax can become more widely available.


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