高階醫材躥紅 矽谷商登台覓金主 2014年06月23日 04:10 記者杜蕙蓉/台北報導 新藥展現蓬勃活力,高階醫材緊跟發光,美國矽谷知名醫療器材育成公司Shifamed來台募資,預計合計將募集6,600萬美元(合新台幣19.8億元)育成基金和Shifamed基金旗下二家心律不整電燒術高階醫材公司,由於之前Shifamed已有子公司被收購,18個月回報率20倍成功案例,吸引科技、金控、創投A咖爭相投資。 Shifamed創辦人、執行長Amr Salahieh表示,台灣已累積深厚的半導體與電子基礎,不排除在台灣投資,將Shifamed旗下育成的創新產品在台灣生產,讓台灣與矽谷經驗結合。 創立於2009年的Shifamed,是以開發創新高階醫材為主,標的選擇是以經過科學驗證的產品,該公司因成功育成子公司Maya Medical,開發治療惡性高血壓醫材,從公司成立到被Covidien以2億3千萬美元併購,僅18個月,且回報率高達20倍,而聲名大噪。 引薦Shifamed到台灣的浩鼎董事長張念慈表示,國內的新藥展現能量,但高階醫材的力道較為薄弱,Shifamed有成功開發產品上市經驗,且願意來台投資,將有助於台灣高階醫材的扎根。 Amr Salahieh表示,目前已規劃將募集5千萬美元Shifamed醫療器材育成基金,而Shifamed旗下也有二家公司,由於產品較成熟,也規劃合計募集1,600萬美元,推動產品上市。 其中,進度最快的Kalila Medical公司,開發的心律不整電燒術的血管鞘,已獲得歐盟CE、美國FDA認證,產品將於2個月後上市,目前預計要募資4百萬美元。 另外,Apama Medical公司,開發的下一代心律不整電燒術治療系統,預計明年啟動人體臨床,產品預計2017年在歐洲上市,已規劃募資1千2百萬美元,俾以順利完成產品開發與取得歐盟認證。 Amr Salahieh表示,將募集的5千萬美元的Shifamed醫療器材育成基金,是天使基金的模式,除了投資Kalila Medical和Apama Medical公司外,還有約4家公司規劃中。 不同於新藥開發長達10年的時程,醫材由於開發期短,且成功率高,加上國內有完整的電子產業供應鏈,未來有機會將Shifamed旗下產品導入台灣生產下,包括科技、金控、創投和財團也爭相入股,預期近期將有合作佳音。
Amr Salahieh is a seasoned medical device entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience. Amr is the founder, president, and CEO of Shifamed, LLC from which Apama Medical, Kalila Medical, Maya Medical and other stealth mode medical device companies have been formed. In April 2012, Maya Medical was acquired by Covidien for $230 million in cash and earn out payments. Amr was also the founding President and CEO of Sadra Medical, a percutaneous aortic valve replacement company that was sold to Boston Scientific for $450 million in January 2011. Previously, Amr and his team at Sobek Medical developed the FilterWire, which was sold to Boston Scientific/EPI and prior to that he was one of the first employees of Cardiothoracic Systems which was sold to Guidant Corporation. Amr is an inventor/co-inventor of 64 US issued patents and 104 pending patent applications. He holds a Bachelor of Science degrees in Biomedical and Electrical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University where he is an Adjunct Professor
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