Sunday, April 19, 2015

(Journal of Thoracic Oncology) 運動可當作治療肺癌選項!!!

Exercise is Beneficial for Lung Cancer Patients by Ajai Raj POSTED: APRIL 14, 2015 Exercise should be considered a therapeutic option for lung cancer patients and survivors, according to a review published in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology (2015 Mar 30). The review found that exercise reduces symptoms, increases exercise tolerance, improves quality of life and potentially reduces length of hospital stay and post-surgical complications for lung cancer patients. Investigators from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) conducted a review of 42 studies that examined the effects of exercise on cancer outcomes, including 22 surgical studies, 11 medical studies and 9 reviews. All of the studies focused primarily on lung cancer, although one medical study focused on a variety of metastatic cancers, and another focused on lung and colon cancer. The investigators concluded that physical activity is beneficial at every stage of lung cancer, both reducing the risk of cancer development and reducing the symptom burden as the disease progresses. Moreover, the MUSC team found that exercise may have beneficial effects on quality of life, physical function, social function and fatigue, and that these benefits extend to lung cancer survivors, as well. The investigators also found that most lung cancer patients, regardless of stage, want physical activity advice directly from a physician at a cancer center before cancer treatment, and that exercise guidance may increase compliance with a dedicated program. While the ideal exercise programs for patients with different stages of lung cancer remains unclear, the authors concluded "clinicians should (at minimum) consider physical activity early, counsel against inactivity, and encourage physical activity in all stages of lung cancer patients and lung cancer survivors.""There are still large gaps in the published literature to be addressed and these could be filled with large definitive prospective trials that evaluate the benefit of exercise in lung cancer patients," they added.

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