Wednesday, June 1, 2016

(Nature communications) 中研院 解密跌倒基因: ASIC3

老人家易跌倒 中研院找到關鍵基因 2016-05-31 14:51:50 聯合晚報 記者嚴文廷/台北報導中研院生物醫學科學研究所與英國亞伯丁大學合作,以小鼠實驗發現負責偵測肢體細微或快速動作的關鍵ASIC3蛋白,人體老化、糖尿病或腦性麻痺等因為神經受損或退化造成容易跌倒,如果能找到藥物活化ASIC3蛋白,就能改善病症造成身體不協調問題。中研院生醫所副研究員陳志成指出,醫學界對生物偵測冷熱、氣味、痛感等具體外來刺激的神經傳導機制已經有所瞭解,但對生物體如何偵測肢體動作卻知道的很有限,六年前開始進行ASIC3蛋白研究,確定這個蛋白是帶動肢體動作的關鍵因素之一,研究登上國際專業期刊《自然通訊》(Nature communications)。舉例來說,人拿起一張紙或一顆保齡球,肌肉自然知道需要輸出多少力道,不需要人腦下指令,這種感測能力就是機械力,控制這種機械力的關鍵因素來自ASIC3蛋白。陳志成說明,研究中將剔除ASIC3蛋白與正常小鼠進行比較,發現剔除小鼠動作比較不靈活,甚至會在獨木橋上狀似摔倒,證實ASIC3蛋白是掌握肢體動作的關鍵。陳志成表示,正常人即使閉眼走路,依舊知道腳要跨多大步,但老年人或腦麻病患一旦閉眼,就非常有可能跌倒,這就是神經受損或退化,附著在神經細胞膜上的ASIC3蛋白扮演關鍵角色,找到這個開關之後,再來尋找能活化ASIC3蛋白的藥物,就很有機會能改善易跌倒的情況。除了改善容易跌倒的相關症狀外,找到帶動肢體動作的關鍵蛋白後,陳志成認為,也能進一步探索血壓與疼痛和此蛋白的關係;如果真的找出相關性,將可對其他疾病治療提供新的研究可能性。

Evidence for the involvement of ASIC3 in sensory mechanotransduction in proprioceptors/ Nature Communications 7, Article number: 11460 doi:10.1038/ ncomms11460 . Acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3) is involved in acid nociception, but its possible role in neurosensory mechanotransduction is disputed. We report here the generation of Asic3-knockout/eGFPf-knockin mice and subsequent characterization of heterogeneous expression of ASIC3 in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG). ASIC3 is expressed in parvalbumin (Pv+) proprioceptor axons innervating muscle spindles. We further generate a floxed allele of Asic3 (Asic3f/f) and probe the role of ASIC3 in mechanotransduction in neurite-bearing Pv+ DRG neurons through localized elastic matrix movements and electrophysiology. Targeted knockout of Asic3 disrupts spindle afferent sensitivity to dynamic stimuli and impairs mechanotransduction in Pv+ DRG neurons because of substrate deformation-induced neurite stretching, but not to direct neurite indentation. In behavioural tasks, global knockout (Asic3−/−) and Pv-Cre::Asic3f/f mice produce similar deficits in grid and balance beam walking tasks. We conclude that, at least in mouse, ASIC3 is a molecular determinant contributing to dynamic mechanosensitivity in proprioceptors.

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