Tuesday, January 29, 2019

(美時) Alvogen Korea取得Evista(Raloxifene: 停經後骨鬆) 亞洲七國藥證權利: 不高於~2200萬美金

美時製藥 發言日期 108/01/28 發言時間 17:55:28 發言人 沈燁 發言人職稱 副總經理 發言人電話 02-27005908 主旨 公告董事會決議通過100%持有之子公司Alvogen Korea Holdings Ltd.自武田製藥取得Evista亞洲七國之產品權利 符合條款 20 事實發生日 108/01/28 說明 1.標的物之名稱及性質(屬特別股者,並應標明特別股約定發行條件,如股息率等): Evista亞洲七國產品權利 2.事實發生日:108/1/28~108/1/28 3.交易數量、每單位價格及交易總金額: (1)交易單位數量:不適用。(2)每單位價格:不適用。(3)交易總金額:不高於美金2200 4.交易相對人及其與公司之關係(交易相對人如屬自然人,且非公司之關係人者,得免揭露其姓名): Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 5.交易相對人為關係人者,並應公告選定關係人為交易對象之原因及前次移 轉之所有人、前次移轉之所有人與公司及交易相對人間相互之關係、前次 移轉日期及移轉金額不適用 6.交易標的最近五年內所有權人曾為公司之關係人者,尚應公告關係人之取 得及處分日期、價格及交易當時與公司之關係:不適用 7.本次係處分債權之相關事項(含處分之債權附隨擔保品種類、處分債權如有屬對關係人債權者尚需公告關係人名稱及本次處分該關係人之債權 帳面金額不適用 8.處分利益(或損失)(取得有價證券者不適用)(原遞延者應列表說明 認列情形):不適用9.交付或付款條件(含付款期間及金額)、契約限制條款及其他重要約定 事項:依合約條件付款 10.本次交易之決定方式、價格決定之參考依據及決策單位:董事會決議 11.取得或處分有價證券標的公司每股淨值:不適用 12.迄目前為止,累積持有本交易證券(含本次交易)之數量、金額、持股 比例及權利受限情形(如質押情形)不適用 13.迄目前為止,依「公開發行公司取得或處分資產處理準則」第三條所列 之有價證券投資(含本次交易)占公司最近期財務報表中總資產及歸屬 於母公司業主之權益之比例暨最近期財務報表中營運資金數額(註二):不適用 14.經紀人及經紀費用:不適用 15.取得或處分之具體目的或用途提升營運效率 16.本次交易表示異議董事之意見 17.本次交易為關係人交易: 18.董事會通過日期不適用19.監察人承認或審計委員會同意日期:不適用 20.本次交易會計師出具非合理性意見:不適用 21.會計師事務所名稱不適用 22.會計師姓名不適用 23.會計師開業證書字號不適用 24.其他敘明事項依合約條件,本公司將自今年四月起接手武田製藥Evista之亞洲產品權利,並於藥證轉移等法規程序完成後正式成交。

Raloxifene is approved for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. It is in a class of drugs called estrogen agonists/antagonists that have been developed to provide the beneficial effects of estrogens without all of the potential disadvantages. It is neither an estrogen nor a hormone. Raloxifene is sometimes called a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). Raloxifene reduces the risk of spine fractures. There are no data showing that raloxifene reduces the risk of hip and other non-spine fractures. For both prevention and treatment, raloxifene is taken daily as a 60 mg tablet, with or without meals. Raloxifene appears to decrease the risk of estrogen-dependent breast cancer by 65 percent over eight years. It is FDA-approved to decrease the risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and even in women without osteoporosis who are at high risk of breast cancer. Raloxifene does not reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Side Effects Side effects include hot flashes, leg cramps and an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (blood clots). Other side effects include swelling and temporary flu-like symptoms. Raloxifene is not associated with diseases of the uterus or ovaries and does not affect cognitive (mental) function. Raloxifene should not be taken by women at increased risk for stroke. This includes women who have had previous strokes, transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), atrial fibrillation (a type of serious irregular heart beat) or uncontrolled hypertension (high blood pressure).

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