Tuesday, February 8, 2011

台灣神隆幫Clinical Data代工生產抗憂鬱原料藥 (Viibryd: a serotonin reuptake inhibitor)

統一旗下 神隆「藥」攻10億美元商機

2011/02/09 經濟日報】統一(1216)集團轉投資台灣神隆昨(8)日宣布,由該公司代工生產及研發的抗憂鬱症新藥維拉佐酮(Viibryd),已通過美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)批准,可搶攻每年10億美元市場商機。台灣神隆是國內最大原料藥廠,實收資本額61億元,統一集團持股逾六成,該公司去年前三季營收27.72億元,前三季稅後純益7.6億元,年增率27.45%,神隆規畫今年下半年掛牌上市。除了神隆之外,另一家原料藥廠台耀化學(4746)更計畫在3月初掛牌上市,法人估計,累計到今年為止,國內已掛牌的上市櫃原料藥廠將達到七家。神隆表示,維拉佐酮是由美商Clinical Data生技公司所擁有的專利新藥,這項治療憂鬱症的藥品進入人體臨床第三期後,開始委託神隆代工生產及研發,直到今年元月正式通過FDA許可上市。根據市場分析師預測,隨著憂鬱症患者日漸增加,維拉佐酮在美國市場規模可達10億美元以上,並有助於台灣神隆代工生產規模。神隆表示,該公司代工生產及研發新藥的項目已超過60項,其中已有三項產品上市,另有四項產品已進入三期臨床試驗,有助於公司的業務成長。依據世界衛生組織預估,憂鬱症的盛行率是全球總人口數的3%,大約近2億人深受其苦,全球抗憂鬱藥物市場約120億美元。隨著環境及生活壓力增加,憂鬱、焦慮及失眠等疾病罹患率增加,維拉佐酮上市後,業績將逐年成長。神隆並表示,該公司新建位於江蘇常熟的工廠,將於今年第三季開始生產關鍵中間體,透過常熟廠的營運,更能提供國際藥廠委外生產及技術支援。市場預期,神隆透過台灣及常熟兩地的生產,可在五年內成為全球前五大原料藥廠。

台灣神隆代工研發新藥 通過美審查

2011/02/08 聯合報】台灣神隆輔助美國生技新藥公司Clinical Data生產技術所完成的新型中樞神經藥物維拉佐酮 (Viibryd),日前通過美國食品藥物管理局FDA審查批准,正式取得在美銷售資格。台灣神隆表示,維拉佐酮是Clinical Data公司的專利新型抗憂鬱藥物,由台灣神隆優化生產技術,提供臨床第三期實驗所需藥物。

FDA approves Clinical Data's Viibryd for major depressive disorder

24. January 2011 06:25 Clinical Data, Inc. (NASDAQ: CLDA), today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved vilazodone HCl tablets, to be marketed under the brand name Viibryd™, for the treatment of adults with major depressive disorder (MDD). Viibryd is a new molecular entity and the first and only selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and 5HT1A receptor partial agonist. Clinical Data plans to make Viibryd available in U.S. pharmacies in the second quarter of this year. "It is also the first drug that the Company has developed, and to have received marketing approval from the FDA on its first review is a significant milestone for Clinical Data.""When treating MDD, our goal is to offer treatment options that meet the individual needs of each patient," said Stephen M. Stahl, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego. "Viibryd is an important new treatment option with proven efficacy and a demonstrated safety profile." The mechanism of the antidepressant effect of Viibryd is not fully understood but is thought to be related to its enhancement of serotonergic activity in the central nervous system (CNS) through selective inhibition of serotonin reuptake. Viibryd is also a partial agonist at serotonergic 5HT1A receptors; however, the net result of this action on serotonergic transmission and its role in Viibryd's antidepressant effect are unknown.

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