Wednesday, June 11, 2014

1億美金合作案(質子治療) : ProBeam(R) proton therapy system (Varian Medical Systems; 瓦里安)

合作抗癌 郭董捐質子治療移給台大 鉅亨網新聞中心(來源:中廣新聞網)2014-05-2808:28永齡健康基金會創辦人、鴻海董座郭台銘前往台灣大學,和國外放射治療設備公司瓦里安,共同召開採購簽約與技術合作記者會,未來三方將進行產、學、研合作,永齡將捐贈質子治療設備,提供台大癌醫中心治療使用。並把放射治療高科技產品研發技術引進台灣,帶動台灣生命科學產業。(陳映竹報導)2007年鴻海捐贈台大150億,設立華人世界第一流的癌症醫學中心,鴻海董事長郭台銘以永齡健康基金會創辦人的身分,和世界放射治療設備翹楚公司瓦里安以及台大,共同簽署合作備忘錄,包括採購設備,捐贈給台大癌醫中心使用。 郭台銘致詞時表示,希望台大癌症醫院很快蓋好,提供患者更好的治療技術。台大校長楊泮池指出,許多腫瘤型態可能是不規則,質子治療設備可像繡花針一樣,準確把腫瘤範圍涵蓋,得到最好治療效果。台大的150億捐助包括了興建永齡生醫工程館,近期就會開幕,台大癌症醫院預計在2017年如期完工。

鴻海3強抗癌!質子治療儀治肺癌2014-05-27肺癌是國內十大癌症發生人數排名前3名的癌症,每年都新增逾11千人,對於不適合傳統開刀的肺癌患者來說,未來將可望透過先進的質子治療儀器,提供腫瘤放射治療技術取代傳統開刀。永齡健康基金會捐贈造價數十億的質子治療儀給台大癌醫中心醫院,並引進放射治癌新技術,未來先針對國人好發的肺癌著手,料將創下治癌新紀元。十大癌症發生人數排名前3名的癌症是肺癌,每年都新增逾11千人。 三個世界第一!開啟華人治癌新紀元 鴻海集團董事長郭台銘透過旗下永齡基金會,與世界放射治療設備翹楚公司瓦里安(Varian Medical System),以及肺癌研究世界第一的台大楊泮池校長率領的台大癌醫中心醫院,進行產、學、研三方合作,並共同簽署備忘錄,聯手抗癌。永齡健康基金會繼2007年捐贈150億給台灣大學成立癌症專科醫院,這次再捐贈造價數十億的質子治療儀,引進放射治癌新技術。 質子治療儀放射治療高科技引進台灣 台大癌醫中心醫院預計2018年加入癌症臨床服務,並將與永齡健康基金會展開全面性產學研合作,結合國際頂尖醫療設備大廠瓦里安,合作項目包括提供亞太地區放射治療臨床學術研究,共同研發次世代光子及質子治療設備,並擴及放射治療周邊設備開發等。在光子技術研發上,將有效節能並減少病人的等待時間,並且讓病人負擔經費減少50%;在質子治療部分,將放射治療高科技產品研發技術引進台灣。永齡基金會,與世界放射治療設備翹楚公司瓦里安,以及台大癌醫中心醫院,共同簽署備忘錄,聯手抗癌。 質子放射治療對正常細胞傷害小 台大校長、肺癌權威楊泮池表示,肺癌是亞洲人好發的癌症之一,有的患者不適合傳統開刀,目前已經有質子治療癌症的先進技術,為了造福更多病患,永齡健康基金會正式捐贈第一套瓦里安質子治療設備,供台大癌醫中心未來進行臨床放射治療。質子放射治療為目前全世界最先進的腫瘤放射治療技術,質子放射治療對病灶區週邊正常細胞的傷害小很多,相對副作用也較少。

Varian Medical Systems To Equip New Proton Treatment Center at the National Taiwan University in Taipei  PALO ALTO, Calif., May 27, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR) today announced that it has signed an agreement with YongLin Healthcare Foundation by which Varian will provide its ProBeam(R) proton therapy system for deployment at the National Taiwan University in Taipei. The YongLin Healthcare Foundation will donate the system to the University. Under the purchase agreement, Varian will provide the technology to equip three treatment rooms, two with gantries that rotate around the patient and one as a fixed-beam room. In addition to the ProBeam system, Varian will provide its ARIA(R) information management and Eclipse(TM) treatment planning software products. The expected total value of the agreement is estimated to be about $100M, including long-term operations and maintenance services. Varian expects to book the equipment portion of this order during fiscal year 2014. Equipment installation is expected to take place in mid-2017, with patient treatments expected to begin in the second half of 2018. Proton therapy makes it possible to treat certain types of cancer more precisely and with potentially fewer side effects than is possible with conventional radiation therapy. With proton therapy, the risk of damage to healthy tissues is reduced. The method can be applied for many of the most common types of cancer and offers advantages when treating tumors close to radiosensitive tissues. In pediatric patients the risk of developing a new, radiation-induced cancer later in life can be reduced. Varian's ProBeam system enables intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) by modulating dose levels on a spot-by-spot basis throughout the treatment area. Scanning beam technology makes it possible to combine irradiations from multiple angles in an optimal manner to improve control of dose distributions.

Varian's ProBeam technology has been installed at the Scripps Proton Therapy Center in San Diego, California. Varian proton therapy technology is also in place at the Rinecker Proton Therapy Center in Munich, Germany and the Paul Scherer Institute in Switzerland. Varian has contracts to install ProBeam systems at six additional centers, at the University of Maryland in Baltimore; Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia; Cincinnati Children's Hospital in Ohio; University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas, KFMC-King Fahd Medical City in Saudi Arabia, and the PTC St. Petersburg in Russia. Varian Medical Systems, Inc., of Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer clinics, radiotherapy centers and medical oncology practices. Varian is a premier supplier of tubes, digital detectors, and image processing software and workstations for X-ray imaging in medical, scientific, and industrial applications and also supplies high-energy X-ray devices for cargo screening and non-destructive testing. Varian Medical Systems employs approximately 6,500 people who are located at manufacturing sites in North America, Europe, and China and approximately 70 sales and support offices around the world. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:/Spencer Sias (650) 424-5782/ Varian Medical Systems


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