Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tai Chi 太極拳 回春(Progenitor CD34(+)) !!!

研究:打太極拳3 幹細胞明顯增加太極拳運動可以活化及提升幹細胞數量,進一步達到延年益壽的效果嗎?國際知名的神經外科專家林欣榮,帶領中國醫藥大學醫療團隊研究發現,太極拳運動持續三年以上,幹細胞的活化明顯增加。新發表的論文,獲選為2014年國際期刊「細胞移植」的封面故事。配合呼吸與調息,鬆柔中帶有剛強的太極拳招式,從頭到腳,從裡到外,都在運動。

太極八式 為了證實太極拳運動有助於延年益壽,神經外科專家林欣榮教授,帶領中國醫藥大學中西醫團隊,針對60名大學生受試者,分成練習太極拳、快走運動和不做運動3組,進行長達3年的研究,發現持續太極拳運動者,對人體功能和結構有重要作用的幹細胞CD34+,有明顯增加,有助細胞自我更新、分化和增殖造血幹細胞,活化數量多了35倍。

==中國醫藥大學神經外科教授 林欣榮== (練)太極拳三個月 一年 兩年 三年 還有用跑步 一樣同等運動量 還有不運動的來做比較 果真()太極拳超過一年以上 你身體裡面的幹細胞 就真的愈來愈多為什麼打太極拳能達到幹細胞活化效果呢?從研究中發現,太極拳促進身體循環、腦部活化,同時也刺激了骨髓的造血功能。骨髓裡面的血液循環增加 那再加上有這些力啊氣的存在 讓骨髓裡面的造血幹細胞 可以大量增生 周邊血幹細胞增多的話 那它在修補我們受傷的組織 比如說腦 心臟 腎臟 或是肌肉它能力就比較好太極拳目前已被國際間證實,對於帕金森氏症與免疫病情有明顯的改善效果,這次的研究結果,也刊登在2014年國際權威期刊「細胞移植 」的封面故事,受到國際的矚目。

Tai Chi Intervention Increases Progenitor CD34(+) Cells in Young Adults. Cell Transplant. 2014;23(4):613-20  Tai Chi has been shown to have many great health benefits. However, few research attempts have been made to explore the effects of practicing TCC on life span. This study provides direct evidence of Tai Chi's anti aging effects. We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study to compare the rejuvenating and anti aging effects among Tai Chi group (TCC) and brisk walking group (BW) and no exercise habit group (NEH). Thirty-two participants were selected out of a possible 60 based on a survey, and they were separated into three groups: the TCC group (practicing for more than 1 year), the BW group (practicing for more than 1 year), and the NEH group. The CD34(+) cell counts in peripheral blood of the participants was determined, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to evaluate and compare the antiaging effects of the three groups. Of the 32 participants in this study, the participants in the TCC group (N = 10) outperformed the NEH group (N = 12) with respect to the number of CD34(+) progenitor cells. No significant difference was found between the TCC group and the BW group. TCC practice sustained for more than 1 year may be an intervention against aging as effective as BW in terms of its benefits on the improvement of CD34(+) number.


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