Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nature Materials: 中科大短肽RE-1 !!

Tuning the autophagy-inducing activity of lanthanide-based nanocrystals through specific surface-coating peptides. Nat Mater. 2012 Aug;11(9):817-26. doi: 10.1038/nmat3363. Epub 2012 Jul 15.  The induction of autophagy on exposure of cells to a variety of nanoparticles represents both a safety concern and an application niche for engineered nanomaterials. Here, we show that a short synthetic peptide, RE-1, identified by means of phage display, binds to lanthanide (LN) oxide and upconversion nanocrystals (UCN), forms a stable coating layer on the nanoparticles' surface, and effectively abrogates their autophagy-inducing activity. Furthermore, RE-1 peptide variants exhibit a differentially reduced binding capability, and correspondingly, a varied ability to reduce the autophagic response. We also show that the addition of an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) motif to RE-1 enhances autophagy for LN UCN through the interaction with integrins. RE-1 and its variants provide a versatile tool for tuning material-cell interactions to achieve the desired level of autophagy, and may prove useful for the various diagnostic and therapeutic applications of LN-based nanomaterials and nanodevices.
我国发现一种利于纳米抗癌的短肽物 发布时间:2012-9-17 来源:药品资讯网信息中心 中国科学技术大学温龙平教授研究组与新加坡国立大学科研人员合作,近期发现一种能够降低纳米材料抗癌毒副作用的短肽物,并能提高对肿瘤细胞的杀伤效果,为纳米技术抗癌开辟出新的思路。 将纳米技术用于癌症的预防与控制,是近年来国内外抗癌研究发展的方向之一。但以往研究表明,以诊疗为目的进入人体内的许多种纳米颗粒,可引发具有"双面效应"的细胞自噬并导致细胞死亡。这种细胞自噬一方面会在正常细胞中引发毒性,需要加以规避;另一方面,在特定细胞中可用于帮助增强癌症的放化疗和免疫治疗效果,治疗如帕金森症等神经退行性疾病。 中科大温龙平教授研究组与国外研究人员合作,利用"噬菌体展示"技术发现了一种短肽RE-1,它能够与稀土金属氧化物和稀土转换发光纳米材料结合,并在其表面形成稳定的肽涂层。小鼠实验表明,该短肽能够抑制纳米颗粒与细胞的相互作用以降低细胞自噬水平,从而屏蔽细胞毒性和组织损伤,提高纳米材料的生物安全性。另一方面,该短肽与能够通过与肿瘤细胞外的整合素相互作用,提高稀土纳米材料对肿瘤细胞的自噬及杀伤效应。 近日,国际权威学术期刊《自然-材料》发表了该研究成果。认为其有望同时实现在正常细胞中屏蔽自噬和在肿瘤细胞中提高自噬,通过增进化疗效果为纳米技术抗癌提供新的思路和方法。

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