Thursday, May 7, 2015

台大 林至芃/符文美: 癌症疼痛嗎啡抗藥與spinal CXCL1 (GROα) 關係!!!

止痛藥越來越沒效 台大醫學院找到關鍵因子 台大醫學院團隊發現CXCL1這個關鍵因子與鴉片類止痛藥物效力的關係,研究成果刊登在麻醉學門第一名的《麻醉學(Anesthesiology)》期刊。左為台大醫學院藥理學研究所教授符文美,右為台大醫院麻醉部疼痛科主任林至芃。 (記者湯佳玲攝) 2015-05-0616:51 〔記者湯佳玲/台北報導〕鴉片類止痛藥嗎啡為什麼越用越沒效?原來是中樞神經系統內的CXCL1細胞激素作祟,阻斷它就能延長藥物效力。台大醫學院團隊發現CXCL1這個關鍵因子,研究成果刊登在麻醉學門第一名的《麻醉學(Anesthesiology)》期刊。 台大醫院麻醉部疼痛科主任林至芃指出,癌症末期有七成病患會遭受嚴重的腫瘤疼痛,比女性生小孩還痛;如果將疼痛感分為10級,普拿疼止痛藥只能用在最輕微的一級疼痛,而腫瘤疼痛則為56級以上,而且越高級的疼痛,只能以嗎啡治療。不過,嗎啡的副作用不少,輕者會嘔吐、噁心、昏沈、嗜睡,重者會抑制呼吸甚至致命,而且長期服用一定會便秘,也影響到肝與腎功能。 在科技部經費支持下,台大醫學院藥理學研究所教授符文美與台大醫院麻醉科合作,經台大醫院研究倫理委員會審查通過後,於2010年至2013年進行三年的臨床個案收集,一共計收集了30名因肝癌、肺癌、乳癌等各式癌末疼痛而接受高劑量嗎啡止痛的病患當作研究組,及十名健康受試者的腦脊髓液作為對照組。 結果發現,研究組中樞神經系統內的「CXCL1」細胞激素明顯增加達四倍,而且嗎啡劑量越多,CXCL1的表現量也更高。研究團隊進一步在小鼠身上驗證,結果小鼠經過48小時脊椎管內給予嗎啡後,也表現出大量的CXCL1當給小鼠施打嗎啡抗體中和,原本一天後只剩下40%的藥效,變成可以延長到三天;若額外施加CXCL1,則原本可維持五天效力的嗎啡,變成幾乎只維持一天就沒效了。研究團隊另外再給小鼠施打CXCL1受體以阻斷CXCL1活化,若以達到相同藥效來看,阻斷後的可以多延長一天多效力。 符文美表示,這是科學界首次發現CXCL1關鍵因子與鴉片藥物效力的關連,CXCL1可以是新藥標靶,發展成抑制劑,以延長鴉片類止痛藥的藥性,希望有機會與藥廠合作;最好是發展成小分子藥物,可直接服用,以免「龍骨」需開刀、從脊椎內給藥,較不受台灣人歡迎。她並說,預計半年內還會找到其他標的,希望未來能以雞尾酒療法止痛。 科技部次長錢宗良說,該篇論文被美國麻醉醫學會總部選為當期最重要的科學研究,獲美國麻醉醫學會撰文推薦 ,甚至被財經新聞如富比士財經新聞的網頁刊登,就是看中其治療癌末重度疼痛的商機,以提升患者生活品質。

Role of spinal CXCL1 (GROα) in opioid tolerance: a human-to-rodent translational study.  Anesthesiology. 2015 Mar;122(3):666-76

BACKGROUND: The pivotal role of glial activation and up-regulated inflammatory mediators in the opioid tolerance has been confirmed in rodents but not yet in humans. Here, the authors investigated the intraspinal cytokine and chemokine profiles of opioid-tolerant cancer patients; and to determine if up-regulated chemokines could modify opioid tolerance in rats.

METHODS: Cerebrospinal fluid samples from opioid-tolerant cancer patients and opioid-naive subjects were compared. The cerebrospinal fluid levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, CXCL1, CXCL10, CCL2, and CX3CL1 were assayed. The rat tail flick test was utilized to assess the effects of intrathecal CXCL1 on morphine-induced acute antinociception and analgesic tolerance.

RESULTS: CXCL1 level in cerebrospinal fluid was significantly up-regulated in the opioid-tolerant group (n = 30, 18.8 pg/ml vs. 13.2 pg/ml, P = 0.02) and was positively correlated (r = 0.49, P < 0.01) with opioid dosage. In rat experiment, after induction of tolerance by morphine infusion, the spinal cord CXCL1 messenger RNA was up-regulated to 32.5 ± 11.9-fold. Although CXCL1 infusion alone did not affect baseline tail-flick latency, the analgesic efficacy of a single intraperitoneal injection of morphine dropped significantly on day 1 to day 3 after intrathecal infusion of CXCL1. After establishing tolerance by intrathecal continuous infusion of morphine, its development was accelerated by coadministration of CXCL1 and attenuated by coadministration of CXCL1-neutralizing antibody or CXCR2 antagonist.

CONCLUSIONS: CXCL1 is up-regulated in both opioid-tolerant patients and rodents. The onset and extent of opioid tolerance was affected by antagonizing intrathecal CXCL1/CXCR2 signaling. Therefore, the CXCL1/CXCR2 signal pathway may be a novel target for the treatment of opioid tolerance.

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