Sunday, October 11, 2015

缺錢如何把科研作好!! (科技部”盡力”幫忙??!!)

產學鏈結成果斐然 技轉金創新高 2015-10-01 16:59:30 中央社 台北1日電  科技部統計,截至目前為止,今年度技轉簽約金額逾新台幣2.7億元,創下合約授權金歷史新高,其中高醫大的單一生技研究成果技轉金就高達5億元,也創國內單筆技轉簽約金新高。2015台北國際發明暨技術交易展今天起至3日在台北世貿一館展出,科技部今年以「相乘的力量」為主題設置「科技館」,邀集30個學研機構參與,現場展出120件創新技術,展期三天共有25場發表活動。  科技部次長林一平表示,今年的科技館以「高齡化」、「城市化」、「工業化」及「氣候變遷」四大趨勢打造體驗區,科技部都會積極協助學研單位將成果移轉給業界,讓技術與發明能因應、解決當前台灣面臨的社會與環境問題。他更直接向出席開幕儀式的各學界代表喊話,把科研作好,「缺錢找科技部」,科技部會盡力幫忙。  林一平在開幕前先參觀中國科技大學展出的像「尿布偵測與預測系統」,透過建置無線感知與通訊模組,收集貼片上尿布溫度與溼度的變化,提供包括尿溼度偵測與提醒功能,目前已和4家機構合作使用。另外,還有「銀髮族日常活動監測系統」、「輔助起身及坐下之馬桶座裝置」等,能貼心地監測與照護長者的技術與發明等。在永續與環保議題,科技館今年展出獨步全球的領先技術「高安全性鋰離子電池(STOBA)」,其中,電動機車所使用的電池,不僅體積較傳統電池小1/4,且提升電池充放電速度達20%,在家就可以充電,一顆電池最長可跑50公里,相當於可從台北騎到中壢,今年已將技術導入與日本三井化學,並與鴻海與新能源集團等電池技術大廠洽談中。科技部表示,積極推動各項產學鏈結措施, 截至目前為止,今年度技轉簽約金額逾2.7億元,創下合約授權金歷史新高。  另外,今年高雄醫學大學展出的「一種可屏蔽抗體活性的閉鎖器」可提供全世界新藥主流抗體藥物能選擇性地針對患部進行治療,大大降低副作用的產生,其技轉簽約金高達55180萬元,分十期支付,技轉給國外廠商SEATTLE GENETICS,INC.,創國內單筆技轉簽約金新高,展現學研單位技術研發成果斐然,更是產學媒合的成功案例之一。

Leadership in antibody-drug conjugate development Seattle Genetics is leading the field in developing antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). ADCs are empowered antibodies designed to harness the targeting ability of monoclonal antibodies by linking them to cell-killing agents. For more than 20 years, engineered monoclonal antibodies have provided therapeutic benefit to people with cancer, autoimmune diseases and other serious medical conditions. Early antibody-based therapies revolutionized the treatment of cancer by targeting malignant cells and limiting damage to normal tissue. This resulted in therapies that were better tolerated and could be used in combination with chemotherapy to improve patient outcomes without significant increases in toxicities. While engineered antibodies have provided clinical benefit in several disease indications, many antibodies lack sufficient intrinsic antitumor activity to be used as therapeutics. Seattle Genetics has developed proprietary, industry-leading technology that is the next step in therapeutic antibody-based therapies. Our ADC technology combines the specificity of engineered antibodies with the potent cell-killing effects of chemotherapy.

First FDA-Approved CD30-Directed ADC Our lead program, ADCETRIS® (brentuximab vedotin), is an ADC that, in collaboration with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, is approved in more than 55 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Japan and members of the European Union. ADCETRIS comprises an anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody attached by a protease-cleavable linker to a microtubule disrupting agent, monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), utilizing our proprietary technology. The ADC employs a linker system that is designed to be stable in the bloodstream but to release MMAE upon internalization into CD30-expressing tumor cells.

Driving the Field of ADCs We are conducting significant research activities to continue advancing our ADC technology and are committed to staying the leader in ADC development. There are currently more than 20 ADCs in clinical development using our proprietary technology, including our internal and co-development programs, as well as multiple collaborator programs. In addition to ADCETRIS, our internal pipeline includes SGN-CD19A, an ADC targeting CD19, SGN-CD33A, an ADC targeting CD33, SGN-LIV1A, an ADC targeting LIV-1, SGN-CD70A, an ADC targeting CD70, as well as ASG-22ME and ASG-15ME, ADCs that we are co-developing with Agensys. In addition to our auristatin-based ADC technology, which is employed in ADCETRIS and several internal and collaborator programs, we are evaluating another ADC technology using a highly potent cytotoxic agent called a pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) dimer that kills cells by a different mechanism than auristatins. The agent, currently employed by SGN-CD33A and SGN-CD70A, is stably linked to an antibody with our site-specific engineered cysteines, resulting in uniform drug-loading of two PBD dimers per antibody. We call this engineered antibody an EC-mAb. Our proprietary PBD and EC-mAb technologies illustrate our efforts to continue driving the field of ADCs.


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