Thursday, June 16, 2011

亞諾法fiber optic-particle plasmon resonance (FO-PPR)測試數據發表

亞諾法、嘉原推新型光纖式感測儀,開放性平台年底完成2011-06-16 【時報】亞諾法(4133)與嘉原科技公司宣布,共同合作推出新型光纖式奈米生物感測儀(FO-PPR),初期先以新流感檢測做為建立感染性疾病體外檢驗醫療器材的模式系統,未來將藉著系統優勢將應用範圍擴大至其他傳染性疾病與癌症相關的生物標記檢驗上。今年7月將在美國臨床化學協會(AACC)會議上展出結FO-PPR技術的體外診斷醫療儀器,年底前將完成開發可應用於研究用市場的開放性平台,透過亞諾法的全球售管道行銷。總經理黃偉伯表示,初期先以新流感檢測做為建立感染性疾病體外檢驗醫療器材的模式系統,未來將藉著我們系統的優勢將應用範圍擴大至其他傳染性疾病與癌症相關的生物標記檢驗上。亞諾法已使用其開發出的新流感抗體與抗原試劑進行FO-PPR系統的性能表現測試,僅需用一個捕捉抗體即可偵測病毒的方便性代表這個系統可以更準確地監控季節性流感或是大規模流感容易突變的病毒蛋白。亞諾法也將針對研究用市場使用這套平台進行大規模的抗體驗證,讓客戶能直接於架上選購相關產品以提高使用的便利性。亞諾法與嘉原科技公司的合作目標是運用各自在試劑製造與儀器開發上的專長,以提供無標記蛋白質定量市場一個整合性的分析平台;目前已計畫將首度於今年七月份在美國亞特蘭大舉行的美國臨床化學協會(AACC)會議上展出結合FO-PPR技術可量測新流感病毒的定點照護檢驗的體外診斷醫療儀器;兩家公司亦將一同努力以通過台灣流感檢測相關的法規審查。另外,預計在今年年底前將完成開發可應用於研究用市場的開放性平台並透過亞諾法公司全球性的銷售管道行銷。FO-PPR為一種無標記的蛋白質偵測系統,不僅可應用在蛋白質定量上,也可偵測蛋白質彼此之間與蛋白質與小分子間的交互作用及動力學量測;最重要的是,FO-PPR系統僅需要一個捕捉抗體即可達到高靈敏度的蛋白質定量需求。相較於一般傳統的三明治酵素免疫連結吸附分析法除了需要抗體配對才能進行蛋白質定量外,也因其有限的偵測範圍與靈敏度不足的問題而無法有效偵測許多臨床上相關檢體中各式生物標記的含量。


Integration of fiber optic-particle plasmon resonance biosensor with microfluidic chip. Anal Chim Acta. 2011 Jul 4;697 (1-2):75-82  21641421 [My paper] Wei-Ting Hsu, Wen-Hsin Hsieh, Shu-Fang Cheng, Chung-Ping Jen, Chao-Ching Wu, Cheng-Han Li, Chia-Yu Lee, Wan-Yun Li, Lai-Kwan Chau, Chang-Yue Chiang, Shaw-Ruey Lyu

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi 62102, Taiwan.

This article reports the integration of the fiber optic-particle plasmon resonance (FO-PPR) biosensor with a microfluidic chip to reduce response time and improve detection limit. The microfluidic chip made of poly(methyl methacrylate) had a flow-channel of dimensions 4.0cm×900μm×900μm. A partially unclad optical fiber with gold or silver nanoparticles on the core surface was placed within the flow-channel, where the volume of the flow space was about 14μL. Results using sucrose solutions of various refractive indexes show that the refractive index resolution improves by 2.4-fold in the microfluidic system. The microfluidic chip is capable of delivering a precise amount of biological samples to the detection area without sample dilution. Several receptor/analyte pairs were chosen to examine the biosensing capability of the integrated platform: biotin/streptavidin, biotin/anti-biotin, DNP/anti-DNP, OVA/anti-OVA, and anti-MMP-3/MMP-3. Results show that the response time to achieve equilibrium can be shortened from several thousand seconds in a conventional liquid cell to several hundred seconds in a microfluidic flow-cell. In addition, the detection limit also improves by about one order of magnitude. Furthermore, the normalization by using the relative change of transmission response as the sensor output alleviate the demand on precise optical alignment, resulting in reasonably good chip-to-chip measurement reproducibility.


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