Thursday, October 29, 2015

手機診測APP: Amblyopia (弱視,懶惰眼,Lazy eyes)/ GoCheck Kids

弱視就是要勤用眼看卡通能夠加速治療健康醫療網/實習記者朱姵慈報導-20151025日上午09:51(健康醫療網/實習記者朱姵慈報導)你的孩子有弱視嗎?在美國,每一百名就有23位的兒童會受到弱視的影響,比例極高。一項研究顯示,看動畫電影可能成為簡易、孩童也不太會拒絕的治療弱視方法。弱視又俗稱為懶惰眼Lazy eyes),成因是因為兒童在成長期間,視覺沒有正常的發展,在長期失去刺激的情況下,大腦最終會放棄了該部份的視力功能,視力減退,形成弱視。最常見的原因就是因為高度遠視或高度散光,或兩眼不等視等屈光不正所引起。其他如眼位不正,像內斜視或外斜視,或因先天性眼皮下垂,先天性白內障,也會造成弱視。時下治療弱勢最常見的方法是戴醫療眼罩,患者必須戴上眼罩數周到數月,它會迫使較弱的眼睛用眼,這種治療方式幫助大腦的相關視覺部分得以發展的更有效率,並穩定視力。然而,研究主持人德州大學達拉斯西南醫學中心的艾林博士(Eileen E. Birch)發現,目前的治療方法通常結合「知覺」學習任務,儘管有效,卻會讓孩子覺得厭倦,或是太複雜而容易放棄。如今,團隊研究了一個更有潛力且更生動有趣的治療方式-欣賞動畫電影。研究人員以八名410歲有弱視的孩童作為研究對象,要求孩子們需要連續兩週觀看3D電影,同時配戴3D眼鏡。兩週結束後,所有兒童的視力有顯著的改善。「僅僅觀看超過兩周6部的電影(9小時),孩子的視力已改善很多,視力檢查表能看清楚得多出14行。」原有療法在同樣時間只能改進1行左右,顯得有效的多。國內醫師也指出,弱視的孩童需要多從事耗眼力的工作,例如:打電動玩具,看電視,以持續加強刺激發育。總之,多用眼,治療效果才會更好更快。這和我們一般護眼觀念「多休息,少用眼」大相逕庭。

Amblyopia (from Greek αμβλυωπία, "blunt vision"), also called lazy eye.

Debut of World's First Comprehensive Vision Screening App Gobiquity showcases evolution of its flagship innovation, GoCheck Kids, to help prevent permanent vision loss in children October 23, 2015 10:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gobiquity™ Mobile Health, a global leader at the forefront of digital health solutions, today announced the expanded accessibility and utility of its mobile health application, GoCheck Kids™. The world's first and only comprehensive vision screening app will be available on iTunes and unveiled during the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference conference, on October 24th. GoCheck Kids offers a robust suite of mobile vision diagnostics, including mobile photoscreening, digital Visual Acuity screening, and personalized vision screening guidance, enabling clinically validated screenings from the palm of a physician's hand. "With this launch, we are expanding the utility and accelerating the distribution to allow more health professionals to utilize our reimbursable, HIPAA compliant vision screening system to improve care for all of their patients." The GoCheck Kids vision screening platform is now capable of effectively and efficiently identifying amblyopia risk factors for children 6 months to 6 years with mobile photoscreening, as well as obtaining a digital reading of a child's sharpness of vision or Visual Acuity (VA) for children ages 3 and older. Since its national launch earlier this year, GoCheck Kids™ mobile photoscreener has been used to complete over 36,000 pediatric vision screenings. "The new GoCheck Kids, now available on iOS, extends the ability of pediatricians and other primary care providers to effectively screen for amblyopia, the leading cause of vision loss in children," said Andrew Burns, CEO Gobiquity. "With this launch, we are expanding the utility and accelerating the distribution to allow more health professionals to utilize our reimbursable, HIPAA compliant vision screening system to improve care for all of their patients." With this release, physicians have access to a total vision solution, now including recommended screening protocols and validated VA measurements within a convenient and cost-effective mobile vision diagnostics suite. "We are excited to announce that the GoCheck Kids iOS application now offers threshold visual acuity assessments," said Pediatric Ophthalmologist and Cloudscaper co-founder James W. O'Neil, M.D., "GoCheck Kids incorporates the independently medically validated protocol developed by Cloudscaper, LLC. This clinically proven method has already assessed the vision of over 300,000 children via the desktop application, EyeSpy 20/20." In a study by Robert W. Arnold, MD, FAAP, featured in a 2014 edition of Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (JPOS), GoCheck Kids photoscreener was recognized for its "strong specificity, sensitivity and lower percentage inconclusive versus single-purpose devices." For pediatricians, GoCheck Kids has provided an effective, affordable and simple alternative for testing through photoscreening. With up to 25% of children at risk for developing visual disturbances that impair their ability to learn and lead healthy lives, yet fewer than 20% getting screened, there is a need for more comprehensive diagnostic tools. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) endorse photoscreening to detect amblyopia risk factors, which, if left untreated, can lead to permanent vision loss. GoCheck Kids addresses these issues, while affording additional vision diagnostic tools and resources to support early detection.

AAP Annual Meeting Onsite Activities Gobiquity will be exhibiting on the showroom floor at booth

827. As well, Gobiquity is showcasing two presentations with DM Alcorn, MD, FAAP, Pediatric Ophthalmologist, and Natasha Burgert, MD, Pediatrician.

Preventing Permanent Vision Loss in Children Saturday, October 24th, 2015 Product Theater C, Booth

1763 1:15-1:30 PM: Importance of detecting and treating amblyopia risk factors as early as possible – Perspective from a pediatric ophthalmologist 1:30-1:45 PM: Photoscreening and visual acuity made easy and affordable with mobile applications Members of the company and its Medical Advisory Board will be onsite to answer questions and provide information about GoCheck Kids.

About Gobiquity Mobile Health Gobiquity Mobile Health (Gobiquity™) provides innovative mobile applications that bring specialty diagnostics to primary care providers so they can diagnose sooner and facilitate more efficient clinical decision-making. Their flagship mobile application, GoCheck Kids™, is a comprehensive vision screening solution. Gobiquity is committed to expanding their portfolio of pediatric vision diagnostics, followed by adult primary care that reaches a broader audience of healthcare constituents - establishing Gobiquity as the defacto vision solution for healthcare. ( |

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