Tuesday, January 22, 2013

英國NICE準則推薦 百略WatchBP Home A 偵測atrial fibrillation (心房顫動)

百略醫學(4103) 英國官方機構推薦醫師使用百略醫學血壓計發言時間 102/01/2218:17:46發言人 許盛信 發言人職稱 副董事長 發言人電話 (02)8797-1288 主旨 : 英國官方機構推薦醫師使用百略醫學血壓計符合條款第51款事實發生日102/01/22說明 1.事實發生日:102/01/222.公司名稱:百略醫學科技股份有限公司3.與公司關係[請輸入本公司或聯屬公司]:本公司4.相互持股比例:不適用5.發生緣由:英國官方機構--英國國家健康暨臨床卓越研究所(National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence; NICE)2013116正式發佈臨床治療指引並推薦:當病人可能有高血壓或是任何人到門診檢查是否有高血壓的時候,都應該考慮使用WatchBP Home A進行血壓量測。此臨床治療指引發表佈後,英國媒體:英國廣播公司(BBC),Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Nursing News紛紛大幅以專文報導此一突破性進展。英國國家健康暨臨床卓越研究所(NICE)發佈的臨床治療指引提到:「開業醫生可以用WatchBP Home A血壓計在一般門診中更精準地找出更多有心房顫動(Afib)的患者。心房顫動通常心跳又快又亂,是常見的心律不整的疾病,心房顫動與高血壓是引起中風的二個最主要危險因子,在英國就有80萬人受到心房顫動疾病的影響。根據BBC新聞報導,若65歲以上民眾使用心房顫動血壓計進行篩檢並加以預防,可大幅降低因中風等腦心血管疾病造成的醫療支出。英國國家健康暨臨床卓越研究所(NICE) 的卡羅爾朗森(Carole Longson)教授說:"這個準則不僅為了做心房顫動的篩選,而是提供對懷疑有高血壓的人或已被診斷有高血壓的患者進行心房顫動的篩檢,都可透過使用這台血壓計在量血壓的過程中同時篩檢是否患有心房顫動。6.因應措施:7.其他應敘明事項:背後隱藏的意義英國國家健康暨臨床卓越研究所(NICE)表示,當開業醫師認為當病人可能有高血壓或是任何人到門診檢查是否有高血壓的時候,都應該考慮使用WatchBP Home A進行血壓量測。心房顫動與高血壓是引起中風最主要的危險因子。如此就能有更多仍不知道具有心房顫動(AF)的人,透過這種方式被發現、確診及治療,最終可拯救生命。英國國家健康暨臨床卓越研究所(NICE)發表,65歲以上的人以WatchBP Home A進行檢查,在英國可以為英國國民保健服務(NHS)每年節省約2600萬英鎊、幫助到約40萬人。NICE:英國國家健康暨臨床卓越研究所英國國家健康暨臨床卓越研究所(National Institute for Health andClinical Excellence; NICE)成立於1990, 提供臨床醫師暨護理人員具臨床實證(evidence-based)治療指引, 現已成為全球制定醫療準則的領導者。以上資料均由各公司依發言當時所屬市場別之規定申報後,由本系統對外公佈,資料如有虛偽不實,均由該公司負責.

NICE backs new BP devise to detect atrial fibrillation 16 January, 2013 | By The Press Association Nursing Times LearninNew medical technologies guidance published by the watchdog backs the practice of nurses using WatchBP Home A to check whether someone has asymptomatic atrial fibrillation while their blood pressure is being measured for something else. NICE claims the device could mean primary care professionals are able to diagnose more people with atrial fibrillation, which would allow patients to be given treatment to reduce the risk of them suffering from a stroke as a result of their condition. And the guidance says an electrocardiogram should be given to patients who do show signs of an irregular and unusually fast heartbeat. The body also recommends that nurses and doctors seeing patients they suspect may be suffering from hypertension use WatchBP Home A, which can also diagnose high blood pressure. Patients with atrial fibrillation can suffer from dizzy spells, shortness of breath and palpitations. But for many people there are no symptoms and so they may only discover they have the condition from this type of opportunistic testing using the WatchBP Home A, which automatically detects any irregularities in pulse. Professor Carole Longson, director of the NICE centre for health technology evaluation, said: "We are delighted to publish this new guidance supporting the use of Watch BP Home A for picking up atrial fibrillation whilst blood pressure is being measured in some people."The evidence considered by the independent Medical Technologies Advisory Committee indicates that the device can offer advantages in detecting atrial fibrillation opportunistically whilst measuring blood pressure, and that using the device in primary care could increase the detection rate of atrial fibrillation compared with taking the pulse by hand. This would allow preventative treatment to be considered to reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation-related stroke. The guidance is not about screening for atrial fibrillation, but about the benefits that the device offers in helping to pick up atrial fibrillation by chance in people with suspected high blood pressure or those being screened for high blood pressure, in primary care."Using WatchBP Home A is associated with estimated overall cost savings per person screened of between £2.98 and £4.26 for people aged 65 or over, depending on their age."This guidance will give the NHS confidence in deciding whether to introduce the WatchBP Home A device to help detect atrial fibrillation in specified groups of people who are having their blood pressure taken."


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