美研究发现碘西尼可使人"千杯不醉" 中国日报网2012-5-18 不管是应酬交际还是朋友聚会,饭局上往往都少不了酒。对于那些不善饮酒的朋友而言,喝酒成了相当大的负担。据美国哥伦比亚广播公司5月15日报道,美国耶鲁大学研究人员日前研制出一种药物,有望让服用者在酒局上"千杯不醉"。 科学家发现,这种名为碘西尼(iomazenil)的药物能够阻止酒精对人中枢神经产生的作用,在对其"防醉"效果进行测试时,发现在饮酒前服用碘西尼,确实能使人保持长时间的清醒。 研究人员希望用碘西尼研发出"解酒"药片,一是防止使用者酩酊大醉,二是减轻酒精对肝脏的损害。研究人员还期待了解还碘西尼是否能够使人们在酒后驾驶时也保持清醒。 耶鲁大学研究人员迪帕克-迪绍沙在接受采访时说:"酒精滥用非常常见,但却没有治疗酒精中毒的方法。碘西尼则是治疗酒精中毒和酗酒的独特药物。"(生物谷:Bioon.com) 延伸阅读: 酒精中毒在遗传学上的新发现 NIH:研究酒精中毒和毒品滥用的两家NIH研究所或合并 大米新品种"密阳263号" 可治疗酒精中毒
Never Get Drunk Again Yale Researchers Developing 'Stay-Sober' Pill By NEW HAVEN, Conn. (CBS Connecticut) May 14, 2012 12:49 PM An experimental drug could stop people from getting drunk off alcohol and thus helping heavy drinkers wean off alcohol. Yale University researchers are hypothesizing that the drug iomazenil, when taken before drinking, can weaken some of the effects of alcohol on the brain. According to a recent pilot study conducted by the researchers, the effects of alcohol on those people who took iomazenil caused people to stay sober for longer. The Daily Telegraph reports that the researchers hope to develop a "stay-sober" pill from iomazenil. The project is examining what the effect of the drug is on alcohol intoxication and how volunteer drunk drivers are affected while driving, if they ingest the pill before drinking. "A medication that has the potential to block alcohol actions in the central nervous system could act as a unique medication in the treatment of alcohol intoxication and alcoholism," Yale researcher Deepak D'Souza told the Daily Telegraph. "Alcohol is abused commonly but there is no remedy for alcohol intoxication." Researchers hope the drug will help reduce the amount of damage done to the liver from alcohol.
Never Get Drunk Again Yale Researchers Developing 'Stay-Sober' Pill By NEW HAVEN, Conn. (CBS Connecticut) May 14, 2012 12:49 PM An experimental drug could stop people from getting drunk off alcohol and thus helping heavy drinkers wean off alcohol. Yale University researchers are hypothesizing that the drug iomazenil, when taken before drinking, can weaken some of the effects of alcohol on the brain. According to a recent pilot study conducted by the researchers, the effects of alcohol on those people who took iomazenil caused people to stay sober for longer. The Daily Telegraph reports that the researchers hope to develop a "stay-sober" pill from iomazenil. The project is examining what the effect of the drug is on alcohol intoxication and how volunteer drunk drivers are affected while driving, if they ingest the pill before drinking. "A medication that has the potential to block alcohol actions in the central nervous system could act as a unique medication in the treatment of alcohol intoxication and alcoholism," Yale researcher Deepak D'Souza told the Daily Telegraph. "Alcohol is abused commonly but there is no remedy for alcohol intoxication." Researchers hope the drug will help reduce the amount of damage done to the liver from alcohol.
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