Monday, December 5, 2016

溫士頓 申請 事後避孕丸(Levonorgestrel妊止膜衣錠) 轉OTC指示用藥

藥局就能買到事後避孕丸? 衛福部擬放寬門檻 聯合新聞網 2016/12/05事後避孕藥在台灣為處方用藥,經醫師開立才能取得。生產「妊止膜衣錠」的溫士頓藥廠向衛福部食藥署申請放寬藥物取得門檻,擬將「妊止膜衣錠」轉為指示用藥,一旦通過,藥局就能買到事後避孕丸。台灣事後避孕藥品項至少810種,根據規定,藥品在十大先進國家使用,且已有3國從處方藥轉為指示用藥一年以上,藥廠就可檢附資料申請轉類。據了解,針對藥廠申請事後避孕藥轉類,由專家、醫師與食藥署組成的審查小組已初步通過,但不知為何延宕許久尚未核發轉類執照。藥界人士表示,若首開先例,勢必引起其他藥廠跟進。溫士頓藥廠則表示,申請案尚在審查中,不便對此表達意見。台灣女人連線自9月中透過臉書發放「你贊成事後避孕藥取得門檻降低嗎?」問卷,引發熱議,問卷呈述醫界和國內外看法,由民眾選擇是否贊成事後避孕藥直接開放為至藥局向藥師購買的指示用藥,經過2個半月,蒐集379名填答者資料,近7成贊成、3反對。贊成民眾表示,青少女怕被貼標籤羞於看診、各種避孕法也有不小心懷孕的風險,若無法及時取得事後避孕藥,效果大打折扣。但有民眾認為,雖然可開放藥局購買,但學校、藥局需要提供充分衛教。台灣婦產科醫學會秘書長、馬偕醫院婦產部主治醫師黃閔照表示,若放寬事後避孕藥為指示用藥,最怕「濫用」過分依賴事後避孕藥將使經期紊亂、不正常出血,也影響性病防治,變相鼓勵男性不戴套。台灣女人連線常務理事黃淑英則說,事後避孕藥為指示用藥,在美、法、英等國行之有年,但國外民眾從小性教育開放、知道藥物風險且就醫便利度低,若要取得處方,易被拖延,但台灣婦產科門診、診所普及率高。

事後避孕藥轉指示用藥正反意見兩極 贊成意見:1.未成年發生性行為依法需通報,恐使其不願就醫、懷孕後墮胎。2.雖贊成但需加強校園性教育、藥師把關告知副作用及評估。3.性交時保險套恐破損或女性被迫發生性行為,及時服藥可適時預防懷孕4.贊成開放,但應有年齡購買規範


Humanists call for OTC morning-after pill ; Wednesday, October 12, 2016, 11:12 The Malta Humanist Association has joined calls for the emergency contraceptive pill to be made available over the counter, without a prescription, to women who need it."Although Malta has come a long way in improving gender equality, some unfortunate attitudes still exist, such as the idea that a woman should have to justify her decision not to get pregnant, or discuss her sexual activity with a third party before the latter decides whether she should be allowed to avoid pregnancy or not.

"Rejecting the woman's request effectively means that the doctor has the authority to potentially impose pregnancy on her if he or she disagrees with her," the association said. It argued that if a woman decided to buy the emergency contraceptive pill, the only legitimate questions were medical, such as those related to allergies or contraindications. As trained medical professionals, pharmacists were quite capable of performing this task."Requiring a woman to be seen by a doctor introduces an unnecessary delay, when the idea of an emergency contraceptive is that it must be taken as soon as possible after copulation to ensure maximum effectiveness."That delay could mean that fertilisation takes place - in which case the ECP is rendered useless. Objectors to this pill should take the time to consider what an unwanted pregnancy can mean to a woman or a girl," it said. Earlier this week, Civil Liberties Minister Helena Dalli said that she backed calls for the morning-after pill to be made available over the counter. Activists are expected to gather in Valletta this Sunday to protest a parliamentary committee's recommendation that the pill only be made available to women with a doctor's prescription.

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