Wednesday, June 28, 2017

政委吳政忠 台美生醫合作成果: 生技中心/ In Silico Medicine結盟

生技月明登場 AI神醫來了 2017-06-28 01:40 經濟日報 記者黃文奇/台北報導 生技月明(29)日開展,亞洲生技商機高峰論壇今天搶先登場暖身。主辦單位生物產業發展協會理事長李鍾熙表示,今年在技術上討論主題,聚焦在人工智慧(健康醫療)、基因編輯、微生物基因體學等亮點上。今天登場的亞洲生技商機高峰論壇(BBA),是生技月首個亮點,由行政院力推的台美生醫合作,將由生技中心、美國人工智慧生醫公司InSilico Medicine攜手結盟揭開合作序曲,顯示出日前行政院政務委員吳政忠赴美爭取的台美生醫合作已有初步成果。第二大亮點是基因編輯領域,邀請「波士頓最紅台灣創業家」、麻省理工學院(MIT)教授盧冠達主講,題目為「合成生物學(Synthetic Biology)的發展和應用。他是鈺創科技董事長盧超群的兒子,被《麻省理工科技評論》(MIT Tech Review)評選為35歲以下35位全球創新年輕科學家之一,是台灣唯一與Facebook創辦人馬克.祖克伯(Mark Zuckerberg)同獲此殊榮。盧冠達創辦過四家生技公司,近年將最新「基因編輯」技術應用到合成生物學的研究,陸續發表在權威科學雜誌Science等國際知名期刊。生技商機高峰論壇裡,還有美國EpiBiome公司創辦人尼克.康利(Nick Conley),他將分享微生物基因體學的創業機會和展望。智慧生醫是今年首度出現的議題,經濟部力推「智慧生醫」,生技中心將與藥技中心、台北醫學大學與美國人工智慧技術公司InSilico Medicine簽署協議,針對運用人工智慧技術進行藥物研發與疾病治療進行國際合作,這是國內以人工智慧跨入生醫領域的首例。今年「台灣生技月」邁入第15屆,使用1,310個攤位,將有來自美國、日本、新加坡、南韓、德國、澳洲、瑞士、中國大陸及東南亞等地廠商參與。李鍾熙說,今年也首度邀請南向市場的國家來台,討論醫療南向政策。

Baltimore's InSilico Medicine raises $10M  Feb 23, 2017, 9:28am EST  Hailey Waller  Maryland Business News Wire InSilico Medicine has raised $10 million from six investors, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. InSilico collects and analyzes genetic codes to make drug discoveries for aging and age-related diseases. The bioinformatics company has reported revenue of less than $1 million. The company is located at the Emerging Technology Centers at the Johns Hopkins University Eastern campus in Baltimore. The date of the first sale occurred on Dec. 10, and each investor contributed at least $25,000. InSilico pursues internal drug programs in cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and sarcopenia (loss of muscle tissue due to aging) and provides services to pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies. On Feb. 3 the company announced that it started a research project with one of the world's largest research and medical networks, South Korea-based Gachon University and Gil Medical Center. The intent of the long-term collaboration is to develop artificially intelligent markers of aging and health status as well as interventions intended to slow down or even reverse the processes leading to the age-related loss of function. Aging research is a controversial area because of failed claims and promises made by companies in the business of anti-aging. The company is led by CEO Alex Zhavoronkov.


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