Thursday, June 21, 2018

腎不好 小心楊桃(Oxalic acid, Star fruit / Carambola)

最傷腎的食物 以後別吃了2018-06-19腎臟是人體內負責清除過多水分及代謝廢物的器官,我們每天吃入的食物會在體內分解而產生酸性及毒性物質,這些毒性物質及我們飲入的過多水分皆需經由腎臟排出體外,若是腎臟受到傷害導致排毒或排水功能不足,毒性物質及水分即會堆積在體內而產生問題,急性的症狀包括肺水腫及心律不整,慢性症狀則是因為毒性物質沉積在身體各器官而產生的各類不同症狀。腎臟是非常重要的臟器,在日常生活中,我們要時刻注意腎臟的健康,適當吃補腎食物,少吃損腎食物。到底哪些食物會損害腎臟健康呢?

吃什麼對腎不好?1、楊桃 有學者觀察到,原本腎功能正常的人在飢餓狀態下,或者大量出汗後(機體處於缺水狀態),於短時間內吃進大量的酸楊桃汁,血肌酐會突然升高,出現急性腎功能衰竭。腎病患者若食用楊桃過多,其所含的神經毒素會使部分腎病患者出現神志不清、四肢無力和手腳麻木等症狀,甚至昏迷。而腎功能衰竭患者即使吃一個楊桃,也會出現不同程度的毒性反應,重者會使病情迅速發展成尿毒症,甚至死亡。


3、豆腐 過多食豆腐促使腎功能衰退。人到老年,腎臟排泄廢物的能力下降,若大量食用豆腐,會使體內生成的含氮廢物增多,加重腎臟的負擔,使腎功能進一步衰退,不利於身體健康。

4、喝酒 如果已經患了腎臟方面的疾病,又無限制地大量喝啤酒,會使尿酸沉積導致腎小管阻塞,造成腎臟衰竭。

5、運動性飲料 這些飲料中富含鉀、鈉、鈣、鎂等電解質,中老年人飲用後,因運動量小,這些電解質只能通過腎代謝排出,會加重腎臟負擔,引起腎功能異常。

6、辣椒 辣椒素是通過腎臟排泄的,辣椒的特性會對腎臟有刺激,腎不好的人經常吃辣,就會加重腎臟負擔。

7、重口味 很多人的飲食習慣都是重口味,平時愛吃一些有味的食物,比如辣的、鹹的。尤其是鹹菜,鹹菜在醃製的過程中都會放很多鹽,長時間吃會促使血壓的升高,腎臟血液不能維持正常量,從而導致腎病。

8、濃茶 濃茶含有很高的氟,而腎臟又是氟的主要排泄器官,當飲用過量時,就會超出腎臟的排泄能力,導致氟在體內堆積,因此會給腎臟帶來損害。

9、藥物 濫吃藥物也會導損傷腎臟,尤其是喹諾酮類藥物、氨基糖苷類抗生素,嚴重的還會導致腎衰竭

Patients with Kidney Problems Should Avoid Eating this Fruit  Wednesday, 09 May 2018 JAKARTA, NNC - When you hear the word overdose, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably the image of a drug addict, mouth foaming, and a used syringe hanging limp from the arm. However, did you know that illegal drugs are not the only things you can overdose on? This is because your body has a special tolerance threshold for all the chemicals you use everyday, from coffee to toothpaste. And while this threshold is high enough for most household products, you can still get overdose on them if you consume them below your body's threshold. As reported by Boldsky, star fruit is also called Carambola, and originates from Southeast Asian countries such as Philippines, Indonesia, India, Nepal, and Mauritius. It is an acidic fruit with lots of dietary fiber and health benefits. But the reason why it is dangerous is because star fruit contains oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is toxic to your kidneys. Therefore, those with mild to severe kidney damage will experience severe and irreversible renal failure if they consume even the least of these fruits. But if you are a healthy adult with a perfectly functioning kidney, you need not worry. Your body can overcome this poison if you only consume this fruit or juice once in a while.

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