Monday, December 12, 2016

Actelion (肺動脈高血壓藥關鍵廠) 待價而沽 買主不斷 市值 > $27 billion (Amgen/ Johnson & Johnson/ Sanofi )

賽諾菲考慮向Actelion發出收購提議 與強生競爭 2016120609:08 新浪美股訊 北京時間6日彭博報導,據知情人士稱,賽諾菲正在考慮向瑞士生物科技公司Actelion Ltd.發出競爭性收購提議,進而可能挑戰美國醫療巨頭強生的收購行動。上述因談判未公開而要求匿名的知情人士透露,該法國製藥商正在諮詢顧問、權衡行動方案。還稱,賽諾菲已將收購意向非正式知會了Actelion,但未就是否發出收購提議做出最後決定。知情人士上週五曾表示,在提高了報價之後,強生收購Actelion的談判正在推進之中,這就加大了潛在競標人需要迅速採取行動的壓力。一位知情人士上週稱,該美國公司將報價上調至逾250美元/股,這就意味著對Actelion這家歐洲最大生物技術公司的估值超過了270億美元。除了賽諾菲以外,尋求與可能買家合作的顧問還接觸了羅氏和輝瑞等其他製藥商,以評估對Actelion的潛在競購意向。無法確定他們是否表現出了任何興趣。羅氏、輝瑞和總部位於巴黎的賽諾菲的代表均不發表評論。記者無法在非工作時段內聯繫上總部位於瑞士AllschwilActelion對此置評。


Alveice: 瑞士Actelion 攜手 大昌華嘉 戰略布局亞洲肺動脈高血壓(PAH)市場!


嬌生擬收購歐洲最大生技廠Actelion 擴大藥品陣容 2016-11-25 16:54經濟日報 記者易起宇╱即時報導 彭博資訊報導,知情人士表示,嬌生公司(Johnson & Johnson)為擴大旗下藥品陣容,已和歐洲最大生技公司Actelion接觸,表示有意收購該公司。消息來源透露,自嬌生首次提出收購意願後,目前相關洽談都仍在初期階段,Actelion仍在與顧問討論各種選項。Actelion總部位於瑞士,目前市值約170億美元,是歐洲最大生技公司,近年已多次被其他企業點名為潛在的收購對象,今年來股價已漲約13%。現年61歲的執行長兼共同創辦人克羅澤(Jean-Paul Clozel)日前才說,公司計劃維持獨立;他也是公司大股東之一。但其中一位消息來源表示,只要開價夠高,克羅澤現在可能會比較傾向出售公司。

安進想買Actelion 搶罕病新藥 2010.11.18 03:00 am【經濟日報╱編譯簡國帆/彭博資訊十七日電】知情人士透露,全球最大生技業者安進公司(Amgen正考慮提議收購瑞士生技公司Actelion以取得罕見疾病新藥。知情人士說,Actelion最近獲知安進可能提出收購提議,最快本周就可能上門接洽,不過安進尚未做出最終決定。他們還說,Actelion創辦人兼執行長克洛澤爾(Jean-Paul Clozel)已和羅氏、嬌生和必治妥施貴寶等藥廠商議,討論讓這些公司入股Actelion以抵禦安進可能發動的併購攻勢。Wyser-Pratte管理公司主管懷瑟裴瑞特指出,Actelion顯然正試圖和羅氏協商封殺這樁併購案。他預估,Actelion的收購價碼可能為每股70瑞士法郎。受收購傳聞激勵,Actelion股價17日早盤暴漲近11.5%55.8瑞郎;安進股價跌1.4%53.76美元。針對收購傳聞,安進發言人波克拒絕置評。Actelion則發表聲明說,定期和同業交換意見是常態。Actelion市值65億瑞郎(65億美元),是全球最大肺動脈高血壓藥品製造商。Helvea公司分析師齊里恩預期Actelion的喘可利(Tracleer)可望在2015年時為公司賺進21億美元,且兩款進入最後測試階段的新藥可望在未來帶入更多銷售。Cowen公司分析師施密特指出,安進已表明朝海外擴張的雄心,而Actelion的歐洲事業強,在特殊藥品市場也大有斬獲。安進研發部門執行副總裁裴穆特(Roger Perlmutter15日受訪時表示,可能藉併購擴張美國以外的市場版圖,取得癌症和免疫學領域以外的產品。齊里恩也說,安進關節炎藥品恩博(Enbrel)等暢銷產品面臨競爭壓力,拖累去年營收下滑,此時收購Actelion應能帶來穩定營收成長。他指出,收購Actelion好處之一,是肺動脈高血壓藥品市場會持續成長,因為遭診斷出此病症並接受治療的民眾仍屬少數,其專業銷售團隊對安進進軍肺疾藥品市場大有助益。

Sanofi to Explore Counterbid for Actelion Amid J&J  Talks by Aaron Kirchfeld , Dinesh Nair , and Ed Hammond December 5, 2016 — 4:07 PM EST  French drugmaker said to work with advisers to weigh options Actelion said to be valued at over $27 billion in J&J offer   Sanofi Said to Weigh Actelion Bid Challenging J&J Sanofi is considering a counterbid for Actelion Ltd., potentially challenging a move by U.S. health-care giant Johnson & Johnson to acquire Europe's largest biotechnology firm, people familiar with the matter said.  The French drugmaker is working with advisers as it weighs its options, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the deliberations are private. Sanofi, which has informally made its interest known to Switzerland's Actelion, hasn't made a final decision on whether to proceed with a bid, the people said.  J&J aims to reach a deal before Christmas as the two sides negotiate the price and structure of a potential deal, according to two people familiar with the matter. The talks are progressing after the U.S. drugmaker increased its offer, people familiar with the matter said on Friday, ratcheting up pressure on potential counterbidders to move quickly. J&J raised its bid above $250 a share, a person said last week, which would value Actelion at more than $27 billion.  In addition to Sanofi, advisers seeking work with prospective buyers have reached out to other drugmakers, including Roche Holding AG of Switzerland and Pfizer Inc., to gauge potential interest in bidding for Actelion, the people said. It couldn't be determined whether they showed any interest.  Sanofi shares fell 1.6 percent to 74.88 euros at 1:24 p.m. in Paris trading after earlier dropping as much as 2.4 percent, the biggest intraday decline since August. Actelion surged 2.2 percent to 207.20 Swiss francs in Zurich after earlier gaining as much as 5.6 percent.  Novartis AG CEO Joe Jimenez ruled out a counterbid for Actelion in an interview with SonntagsBlick newspaper published Sunday, saying the Swiss drugmaker is focused on acquisitions of less than $5 billion.  Representatives for Roche, Pfizer, Paris-based Sanofi and Allschwil, Switzerland-based Actelion declined to comment.   Any deal will hinge on winning over the company's chief executive officer and co-founder, Jean-Paul Clozel. Clozel, 61, is one of the company's largest shareholders and has previously said he wants Actelion to remain independent. Still, the company may be more open to entertaining a sale at a sufficient premium, a person familiar with the deliberations had said. There's no guarantee a deal will be reached and talks could still fall apart.  Sanofi lost out on a deal to buy Medivation Inc. earlier this year, giving rival Pfizer a blockbuster prostate-cancer treatment, Xtandi. Pfizer's offer valued Medivation at about $14 billion. Sanofi Chief Executive Officer Olivier Brandicourt said that while he was disappointed, the company would be ready to "act rather swiftly," if a new target arose.           

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