Friday, August 1, 2014

GSK洩密調查 反扎傷 (Project Scorpio)

GSK中國"蝎子計劃"曝光:誰在高管住宅偷放攝像頭 北京新浪網 (2014-07-05 08:02)GSK中國"蝎子計劃"曝光 執行者近期面臨庭審本報記者 陳時俊 上海報導隨著一起案件庭審的臨近,隱藏於GSK(葛蘭素史克)中國內部兩年之久、充滿陰謀論氣息的跨國盡職調查"蝎子計劃",近日突然浮出水面。這一計劃還將GSK中國前高管內部舉報,及前中國區主管馬克銳(Mark Reilly)的桃色錄像事件一併推至公眾面前。多家外媒近日爆料稱,GSK中國過去一年裡的商業賄賂事件,緣起內部人員舉報。該匿名舉報人還在材料中附上偷拍的馬克銳與女友的不雅錄影片段,以此對當時的這位中國區老大進行逼宮施壓。儘管多個來自GSK中國內部的聲音都曾把爆料人指向現已離職的GSK中國前政府事務總監施文,但遲遲缺乏核心證據。此事隨後不斷發酵,某種程度上促成了日後震動中國醫葯行業的"GSK事件"。據悉,當時涉及高管個人隱私的爆料內容震動了整個GSK中國公司。公司除了在內部開展銷售合規複查之外,也同時啟動了對潛在爆料人的第三方徹查這一"揪內鬼"的行動在內部被稱為"蝎子計劃"。而執行"蝎子計劃"的正是業內頗有聲譽、擅長商業盡職調查的私人偵探韓飛龍(Peter Humphrey)及其妻子於英曾(Yu Yingzeng音譯)。二人曾聯合創立香港風險咨詢公司中慧(ChinaWhys),韓飛龍本人還曾經是路透社駐華記者和普華永道中國調查主管。絕大多數歐美企業都因各國《海外反腐敗法案》等法律而面臨合規壓力,中慧的主營業務便是協助大型跨國公司消除在華舞弊行為,他們會搜集員工和伙伴的背景信息,並核對審計結果。在中慧的眾多客戶中,既有製造業、酒店業及房地產業的公司,也有英國製藥業大佬GSK這樣的巨頭。針對突如其來的內部舉報,韓飛龍夫婦的新任務就是徹查施文的個人背景,並加緊調查究竟是誰在高管住宅內偷放攝像頭。這一案情動向也直接關係著GSK中國內部舉報案的定性。但一年前,中國公安部披露了GSK中國區商業賄賂和受賄案。GSK被指自2007年來,向超過700家旅行社及咨詢公司轉移了高達30億元人民幣的資金,公司副總裁梁宏等人也隨即遭到了逮捕,GSK中國銷售業績因受此打擊而劇烈波動。中國區負責人馬克銳雖未被定罪,但在配合中方進行調查期間亦被限制離開中國。隨著商業賄賂事件的東窗事發,"蝎子計劃"的執行遭遇麻煩。去年8月,韓飛龍夫婦還因涉嫌"非法購買個人信息"觸犯中國法律而面對刑事指控。外媒報導稱,對他們的另一項指控(經營非法業務)則已被撤銷。74日,21世紀經濟報導記者獲得一則未經證實的業內消息稱,韓飛龍、於英原被安排於729日在上海接受庭審,現已被推遲至87日。隨著庭審的不斷臨近,舉報案的走向或將趨於明朗。

Sex, bribes and videotape: Clandestine video of GSK exec adds to China scandal June 30, 2014 | By Tracy Staton Last year, as the GlaxoSmithKline ($GSK) bribery probe was heating up, a British P.I. and his wife appeared on Chinese television, wearing handcuffs and prison orange. Word was, their sleuthing firm, ChinaWhys, had been working for pharma companies. Their alleged crime: collecting private information on Chinese citizens. Now, one ChinaWhys connection to GSK is clear. And it wasn't about collecting private information on locals. It was about finding the person who secretly made a sex video starring GSK's country chief, Mark Reilly, and his Chinese girlfriend--and emailed that video to top Glaxo officials, including CEO Andrew Witty. The salacious behind-the-scenes details give new dimension to the corruption scandal that erupted in China last summer. Chinese authorities rounded up Glaxo employees and accused the company of running a $489 million bribery scheme to promote its products to doctors and hospital officials. The company's image took an obvious blow, but so did its sales, which immediately sank by 30% and have yet to fully recover. Reilly is now facing Chinese prison time for his role in the alleged bribery scheme. And Glaxo's image is growing more tarnished, with allegations of corruption in 9 other countries and an official bribery probe by British officials. When the sex video arrived in Witty's inbox last March, it came along with accusations that the company was paying kickbacks to doctors and hospitals for using Glaxo products. GSK saw the video as a "serious security breach," the Financial Times reports, and brought in ChinaWhys owners Peter Humphrey and his wife, Yu Yingzeng, to investigate. Code-named 'Project Scorpio', according to the Daily Mail, it focused on a former GSK employee, Vivien Shi, whose family is well-connected in China. That was in April 2013. Humphrey and his wife were arrested by Chinese police in July, and Humphrey confessed on TV the next month. Meanwhile, some 43 Glaxo employees had been detained, and the company was deep into damage control--replacing Reilly as country chief, apologizing for probable "breaches" of the law and promising price cuts on its products. Sunday, after The Times of London reported the sex-tape news, GSK released its latest statement on the bribery probe. "[T]he issues relating to our China business are very difficult and complicated," the statement said (as quoted by the FT).The company says it's still "deeply" concerned about the bribery accusations and reiterated its "zero tolerance" for corruption. The company continues "to make fundamental changes" to its China business, it says."We have committed significant resources to find out what happened in China, including an independent legal review," the statement says, going on to add, "We are learning lessons from this situation and we are determined to take all actions necessary as a result."Glaxo isn't the only drugmaker under investigation in China as the country cracks down on alleged corruption. State authorities have "visited" a host of multinational drugmakers. And this in a country drugmakers have been counting on for growth as mature markets stagnate. The Chinese government has also instituted new price controls on foreign brands. Some China-watchers figure officials are using the corruption crackdown to gain further price concessions.




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