Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Facebook前財務長 David Ebersman 成立CT 影像智慧分析公司(HeartFlow)

健康醫療科技新創公司 運用網路數據 幫助分析診斷 鉅亨網編譯 蔡騰輝 綜合外電2015-06-0820:30 由於網路雲端運算的整合、人工智慧的發明、精密資料的分析,使得新一波資訊密集的健康科技產業開始萌芽。 臉書 (Facebook)(FB-US) 前財務長 David Ebersman 上週成立一家新公司,此公司主要運用關鍵資訊進行分析,藉以辨別與治療憂鬱症與焦慮症等疾病。Ebersman 說,從智慧型手機上收集的資訊,加上使用者在臉書等社群網站的社交活動資料,有朝一日,在有效運用分析下,將能進行精神疾病的診療。Ebersman 招募社群網站 LinkedIn前資訊工程分析師 Daniel Tunkelang 到他的新公司 Lyra Health。谷歌 (Google)(GOOG-US) 前資訊分析長 Phil Mui 宣布擔任矽谷新創公司 HeartFlow 的科技部門主管。這家公司利用精密的 3D 電腦模型,省去昂貴的侵入性測試,藉由電腦斷層掃描,診斷心臟疾病。Mui  Acxiom(ACXM-US) 公司工作結束後加入 HeartFlowAcxiom 這家公司主要運用大數據科技進行廣告業務。而利用大數據來拓展廣告業務,也是近幾年來網路科技的新趨勢之一。像是 HeartFlow  Lyra Health 等公司,期望使用網路世界中既有的資料與數據,讓數位健康產業有全面性的變化與發展。近期通過美國食品藥品監督管理局許可的 HeartFlow 正朝著產值約 250 億到 300 億美元的科技健康產業前進。其宣稱可將傳統 5000 美元的心臟疾病診療費用減低至 2000 美元。同時增加診斷的正確性。但健康科技的推行過程當中,必須面臨一些轉型的陣痛與障礙。比方說,習慣傳統診療方式與科技的醫療人員,要重頭學習和習慣新的健康診斷技術。另外要如何在既有的體制下,鼓勵醫療人員使用新的診療科技,也是必須面對的問題。HeartFlow 執行長 John Stevens 說,「我喜歡使用 Uber,但是有很多人不喜歡。」「如果我們 5 年前開始這項科技,我們不會成功。因為過去的科技尚未成熟,但是現在技術基礎已與以往不同。」投資健康科技領域的投資人表示,「歐巴馬健保」等美國重要健康醫療體系的法案,都將有助於未來健康科技的發展。資助 Lyra Health  Venrock 公司合夥人 Bryan Roberts 表示,成功利用資訊分析,幫助其它領域發展。這樣的成就讓科技公司都清楚瞭解,科技對於健康醫療體系支出的節省與發展,幫助有多大。

Non-invasive cardiovascular diagnostics HeartFlow is focused on the non-invasive diagnosis of coronary artery disease. HeartFlow provides a patient-specific analysis of coronary blood flow utilizing coronary CT scans and proprietary computer algorithms based on computational fluid dynamics. HeartFlow provides physicians with a non-invasive test which provides functional and anatomic data to assist in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. FFRCT presents physicians with additional data to identify specific coronary lesions that may cause myocardial ischemia. The fusion of anatomy from cCTA and FFRCT helps physicians determine which patients may require further invasive testing and/or treatment.

Physiologic and Anatomic Assessment of Disease HeartFlow's technology is based on many years of scientific research led by the company's founders, Dr. Charles Taylor, PhD and Dr. Christopher Zarins, MD. The technology computes Fractional Flow Reserve (FFRCT) from coronary CT scans and combines both physiologic and anatomic data into a non-invasive test that can be used to aid physicians in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Multi-center clinical studies have shown that FFRCT can accurately identify functionally significant coronary lesions and differentiate them from coronary lesions that do not obstruct blood flow. HeartFlow is the first company to provide a combined anatomic and physiologic assessment of coronary artery disease in a non-invasive test. In 2011, FFRCT received the EuroPCR Innovation Award for the new technology that demonstrates the greatest potential to disrupt the way cardiovascular disease is managed.

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