Monday, September 30, 2013

王升陽 解密 溪頭芬多精 !!! Different Forests with Different phytoncides

芬多精有差別!溪頭助眠 奧萬大提神 TVBS-20130923 下午14:15森林芬多精對健康有益,但每座森林散發的成分不一樣,效果也不同,學者研究發現,溪頭和惠蓀林場的芬多精,有助眠的功效,但是奧萬大的芬多精剛好相反,是可以提振精神。 溪頭管理員:「抱歉!這樣會影響到其他人。」 這是每年夏天溪頭的特殊景象,登山客不分男女,通通席地而躺,睡大覺,有的睡在台階上,影響遊客進出,有的睡在草地上,還撐傘遮陽,溪頭真的有這麼好睡嗎?有學者發現,溪頭柳杉林散發的芬多精,可以幫助睡眠。 南投林管處秘書王怡靖:「芬多精是一種天然物質,除了對人體有很大功能之外,也可以去除疲勞、安定神經。」 不過可不是每座森林都有催眠效果,想睡覺的人,來到奧萬大會適得其反,因為奧萬大九成二以上的楓香林,散發出的芬多精,是能提振精神,來到瀑布區,散發的檸檬烯,也是讓精神變好的元素。 全台知名森林,惠蓀林場,到處是台灣山林,芬多精成分主要是雪松烷和依蘭油烯,讓你神清氣爽;溪頭,一大片柳杉林,松烯和檸檬烯,能夠安眠鎮定;奧萬大,楓香林,芳樟醇可以提振精神和賦予活力;阿里山,檜木林充滿異松油烯,舒緩緊張憂鬱和疲勞。 林管處影片:「遠山翠谷美景,盡收眼底。」 因為種的樹種不同,會有不同效果,不過,不管你想大睡一覺,還是想提振精神,要達到森林浴效果,起碼要待上11夜才有效。

森林系教授抓空氣 破解芬多精  2009-2-26 王升陽收集森林裡的空氣帶回研究室分析,找出芬多精讓人安定的成分。(記者蘇孟娟攝)〔記者蘇孟娟/台中報導〕斯斯有兩種,芬多精至少也有兩種! 民眾概略知道森林中富含芬多精,對人體有幫助,但芬多精究竟含有什麼成分,為什麼會讓人身心安定,卻沒有人說得清楚。中興大學森林系副教授王升陽突破採集難度「抓空氣進實驗室」分析,發現不同林相的森林芬多精還不盡相同,如針葉林是「檸檬烯」、闊葉林則是「芳樟醇」成分讓人安定。不同林相 成分有別  中興大學森林系副教授王升陽與獸醫病理學研究所副教授廖俊旺,費時四年進行芬多精研究,完成國內首度證實芬多精成分及功效的研究報告。芬多精是經由植物或林木的根、莖、葉所散發,能殺死微生物、病原菌的化合物總稱,由俄國學者發現。主要成分是?類化合物,對中樞神經系統有相當大的影響,具有安眠、抗焦慮及鎮痛的功效。王升陽說,他主攻天然物化學,在森林系任教,常聽到芬多精被提及,但有關芬多精的成分卻從未被科學分析透徹,他決定一探究竟。要把空氣帶回有實驗分析設備的實驗室難度很高,王升陽試過用最原始的塑膠袋、玻璃瓶裝空氣,但集氣效果不佳,分析不出什麼特別的。最後他想到,使用裝了會吸附化合物質的合成樹脂採集管,把森林中的空氣「抓回」實驗室,再用溶劑把合成樹脂吸到的化合物「洗出來」。王升陽說,跟一般市區中的空氣比對,來自森林內的空氣多了?類化合物。王升陽除了抓空氣,另從森林中帶回林葉,用「微固相萃取法」,把葉子釋放的成分分離出來,用氣相層析質譜儀分析,交叉驗證,找到了芬多精的成分。王升陽說,不同林相的森林芬多精還不盡相同,針葉林如杉樹的芬多精化合物,最多的成分是「檸檬烯」,而闊葉林如樟樹的芬多精化合物,則以「芳樟醇」為主。為了解功效,王升陽跟廖俊旺合作進行白老鼠實驗,讓小鼠接受「檸檬烯」,發現小鼠睡眠增加了,另把老鼠放到迷宮後,老鼠不急著跑出迷宮,焦慮程度也明顯降低,另也有鎮痛的功效。

Many people know that it is good for your health to walk in a forest and be exposed to the phytoncides they give off. However, most people have no knowledge of the constituents of these phytoncides. Associate Professor David Wang of the Department of Forestry and Associate Professor Jiunn-wang Liao of the Graduate Institute of Veterinary Pathology, National Chung Hsing University, have published Taiwan's first report on the constituents of phytoncides. The research confirms that the limonene phytoncide promotes sleep, and helps fight anxiety and ease pain. Due to the absence of an adequate collection technique, there has been no academic report on phytoncides in Taiwan and few research projects have been conducted overseas. Under the auspices of the Forestry Bureau, Prof. Wang spent four years shuttling between the university's Black Forest and the Hui-Sun Forest Station, Aowanda's Sweet Gum Forest, and Hsitou's Cryptomeria japonica Forest, collecting air samples using solid-phase microextraction, synthetic resin and portable pumps. After phytoncides are extracted from the air samples, they are isolated and analyzed using a gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometer (GC-MS). The researchers found that the constituents of phytoncides are similar to those of distilled Cryptomeria japonica essential oil. "Phyton" means "plant" in Latin, and "cide" is the natural substance (collectively referred to as a compound) that a plant gives off to kill microorganisms. In fact, phytoncides do not only exist in forests. They can be found in vegetables and fruit as well. After the constituents of phytoncides were identified, experiments were conducted on animals using Cryptomeria japonica essential oil. After being given Cryptomeria japonica essential oil, the rats were put to sleep through pharmaceutical means and it was found that Cryptomeria japonica essential oil improved their sleep quality. In addition, the researchers used an elevated plus maze to measure the impact phytoncide had on the rats. They discovered that a higher percentage of rats entered the open area and those that did stayed there for longer periods of time. Moreover, phytoncide was found to have a pain amelioration effect. Scientific data were utilized to prove that the Cryptomeria japonica essential oil in the phytoncides contains limonene, a key terpene constituent, that influences the central nervous system to a large extent, improves sleep quality, and helps fight anxiety and ease pain. The experiments also reveal that even given extremely high doses of Cryptomeria japonica essential oil, the rats demonstrated no toxic reaction, indicating that Cryptomeria japonica essential oil is safe to use. Prof. Wang notes that the phytoncide concentration in a Cryptomeria japonica forest varies as the temperature changes. The concentration peaks at a temperature of around 30 degrees Celsius, and it is higher in the summer than in the winter. Since Cryptomeria japonica essential oil and phytoncides share similar constituents, people who rarely visit Cryptomeria japonica forests may use Cryptomeria japonica essential oil in their bathrooms in place of phytoncides.


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