Monday, March 23, 2015

久裕Priligy(必利勁, 美納里尼醫藥)TFDA解限 業績將衝高?!

久裕配息 0.81 2015-03-05 04:39:44 經濟日報 記者黃文奇/台北報導 藥品物流公司久裕(4173)昨(4)日公告將配發現金股利0.81293328元;法人指出,久裕去年營運落底,未來兩年將倒吃甘蔗。久裕去年因主力產品威而鋼學名藥搶市占瓜分獲利,今年營運恐暫仍低迷,但未來旗下義大利男性新藥「必利勁」(Priligy)在衛福部解除限量禁令後,營運可望回溫。久裕昨日收33.85元,漲0.65元,現金股息殖利率約2.4% 久裕去年前三季稅後純益約2,900萬元,較前年同期3,900萬元衰退25.6%,每股純益3.11元。法人分析,今年維持穩定格局。 久裕去年獲義大利最大藥廠Menarini旗下「抗男性早洩」新藥必利勁台灣總代理、銷售權,並於去年2月上市,率先切入國內醫院通路,原先預料該產品將貢獻公司營運,但因衛福部對該產品有管制措施,最快今年底前才可能解禁,產品動能未釋放。 此外,久裕本為全球男性用藥威而鋼在台灣總代理,但因威而鋼替代性產品陸續問世,學名藥競價下,銷售也較過去衰退,影響久裕代理效益。展望今年,法人分析,久裕因為舊產品利潤漸減、新產品仍受限,導致營運無法大展身手,年底前若必利勁的管制措施解除,則明年起銷售將漸增溫。

Dapoxetine, marketed as Priligy (among and other brands), is the first compound developed specially for the treatment of premature ejaculation (PE) in men 18–64 years old. Dapoxetine works by inhibiting the serotonin transporter, increasing serotonin's action at the post synaptic cleft, and as a consequence promoting ejaculatory delay. As a member of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) family, dapoxetine was initially created as an antidepressant. However, unlike other SSRIs, dapoxetine is absorbed and eliminated rapidly in the body. Its fast acting property makes it suitable for the treatment of PE but not as an antidepressant.

Originally created by Eli Lilly pharmaceutical company, dapoxetine was sold to Johnson & Johnson in 2003 and submitted as a New Drug Application to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of PE in 2004. Dapoxetine has been sold in several European and Asian countries, and lately in Mexico. In the US, dapoxetine is in phase III development and expected to be marketed soon. In 2012, Menarini acquired the rights to commercialise Priligy in Europe, most of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. From: wikipedia

TFDA: Priligy用於治療年齡18-64歲且符合下列所有條件的早發性射精男性:1.陰道內射精潛伏時間短於2分鐘。2.難以控制射精,在性行為插入之前、當時或不久後經過輕微刺激,發生持續或復發性射精。3.因為早發性射精而導致病人明顯沮喪。

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